tencent cloud


Enabling Transparent Data Encryption

Last updated: 2024-07-22 15:55:36


    TencentDB for MySQL comes with the transparent data encryption (TDE) feature. Transparent encryption means that the data encryption and decryption are transparent to users. TDE supports real-time I/O encryption and decryption of data files. It encrypts data before it is written to disk, and decrypts data when it is read into memory from disk, which meets the compliance requirements of static data encryption.


    The instance architecture must be two-node/three-node.
    The database version must be MySQL 5.7 or 8.0.
    You have activated Key Management Service (KMS). If not, you can enable it as instructed during the TDE activation process.
    You have granted KMS key permissions. If not, you can grant permissions as instructed during the TDE activation process.
    Your account needs the QcloudAccessForMySQLRole permission. To do so, you can follow the instructions provided during the TDE activation process.
    -The keys used for encryption are generated and managed by
    . TencentDB for MySQL does not provide keys or certificates required for encryption.
    TDE does not incur fees, but KMS may. For more information, see KMS Billing Overview.
    If your account has overdue payment, you can’t get keys from KMS, which may cause instance migration and upgrade tasks to fail. For more information, see Payment Overdue.

    Use Limits

    Once the authorization is revoked, MySQL databases will be inaccessible upon restart.
    TDE can’t be disabled once enabled.
    Once TDE is enabled, you need to decrypt data before you can restore it to a local database.
    TDE enhances the security of static data while compromising the read-write performance of encrypted databases. Therefore, use it based on your actual needs.
    If the source instance is associated with a read-only or disaster recovery instance, you only need to enable TDE for the source instance, which will then be automatically enabled for its associated instances.
    After TDE is enabled, if your account has overdue payment, you cannot get keys from KMS, which may cause migration, upgrade, and other tasks to fail.
    After TDE is enabled, more CPU resources will be consumed, and about 5% of the performance will be compromised.
    After TDE is enabled, authenticated applications and users can access the data transparently.


    Enabling TDE

    1. Log in to the TencentDB for MySQL console. In the instance list, click an instance ID or Manage in the Operation column to enter the instance management page.
    2. On the Data Security tab, toggle on Encryption Status.
    An instance with TDE enabled cannot be restored from a physical backup to a self-created database on another server.
    TDE can't be disabled once enabled.
    3. In the pop-up dialog box, activate the KMS, grant the KMS key permissions, select a key, and click Encrypt.
    If you select Use key auto-generated by Tencent Cloud, the key will be auto-generated by Tencent Cloud.
    If you select Use existing custom key, you can select a key created by yourself.
    If there are no custom keys, click go to create to create keys in the KMS console. For more information, see Creating a Key.

    Encrypting a table

    Once you enable TDE, you can encrypt a table of a MySQL instance by running the example DDL statements on the table.
    To encrypt a table upon creation, run the following statement:
    To encrypt an existing table, run the following statement:

    Decrypting a table

    Once you enable TDE, you can decrypt a table of a MySQL instance by running the example DDL statement on the table. To decrypt an encrypted table, run the following statement:
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