Time Span | Monitoring Granularity | Adaptation Description | Retention Period |
(0h, 4h] | 5 seconds | The time span is below 4 hours, and the monitoring granularity is 5 seconds. | 1 day |
(4h, 2d] | 1 minute | The time span is above 4 hours but below 2 days, and the monitoring granularity is 1 minute. | 15 days |
(2d, 10d] | 5 minutes | The time span is above 2 days but below 10 days, and the monitoring granularity is 5 minutes. | 31 days |
(10d, 30d] | 1 hour | The time span is above 10 days but below 30 days, and the monitoring granularity is 1 hour. | 62 days |
(30d,180d] | 1 day | The time span is above 30 days but within 180 days, the monitoring granularity is adjusted to 1 day. | 180 days |
Metric Name | Parameter | Unit | Description |
Queries per Second | qps | Counts/second | Number of SQL statements (INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, and REPLACE) executed by the database per second. This metric mainly represents the actual processing capability of the TencentDB instance. |
Transactions per Second | tps | Counts/second | The number of transactions executed per second in the database |
Slow Queries | slow_queries | - | The number of queries that take more than long_query_time second(s) to be executed |
Full-Table Scans | select_scan | Counts/sec | The number of full-table scans executed per second |
SELECT Queries | select_count | Counts/sec | The number of queries executed per second |
UPDATE Queries | com_update | Counts/sec | The number of updates executed per second |
DELETE Queries | com_delete | Counts/sec | The number of deletions executed per second |
INSERT Queries | com_insert | Counts/sec | The number of insertions executed per second |
REPLACE Queries | com_replace | Counts/sec | The number of replacements executed per second |
Total Queries | queries | Counts/sec | All executed SQL statements such as SET and SHOW |
Open Connections | threads_connected | - | The number of currently open connections |
Connection Utilization | connection_use_rate | % | The number of open connections/the maximum number of connections |
Query Utilization | query_rate | % | Actual QPS/Recommended QPS |
Total Disk Usage | capacity | MB | This includes MySQL's data directories and logs such as binlog, relaylog, undolog, errorlog, and slowlog. |
Disk Space Used by Data | real_capacity | MB | This includes only MySQL's data directories. |
Disk Space Used by Logs | log_capacity | MB | This includes only MySQL's logs binlog, relaylog, undolog, errorlog, and slowlog. |
Disk Space Used by Log Files | disk_log_used | MB | This includes only MySQL's binlog, relaylog, and undolog. |
Disk Space Used by Temp Files | disk_tmp_used | MB | This includes only MySQL's temp files. |
Disk Utilization | volume_rate | % | Not added to allowlist: disk utilization = total disk usage space (data usage space + log usage space)/purchased instance space Add to allowlist: Disk utilization = (data usage space + log usage space)/purchased instance space Note: If you need to display Disk utilization = (data usage space + Log usage space)/purchased instance space, contact after-sales service to enable it. |
Private Outbound Traffic | bytes_sent | Byte/sec | The number of bytes sent per second |
Private Inbound Traffic | bytes_received | Byte/sec | The number of bytes received per second |
Query Cache Hit Rate | qcache_hit_rate | % | The query cache hit rate |
Query Cache Utilization | qcache_use_rate | % | The query cache utilization |
Table Locks Awaited | table_locks_waited | Counts/second | The number of times that a request for a table lock could not be granted immediately and a wait was needed |
Temp Tables | created_tmp_tables | Counts/second | The number of internal temporary tables created by the server while executing statements |
InnoDB Cache Hit Rate | innodb_cache_hit_rate | % | The InnoDB engine cache hit rate |
InnoDB Cache Utilization | innodb_cache_use_rate | % | The InnoDB engine cache utilization |
InnoDB Disk Reads | innodb_os_file_reads | Counts/sec | The total number of file reads performed by read threads within InnoDB |
InnoDB Disk Writes | innodb_os_file_writes | Counts/second | The total number of file writes performed by write threads within InnoDB |
InnoDB fsync() Calls | innodb_os_fsyncs | Counts/second | The number of calls of the fsync function by InnoDB per second |
Tables Opened by InnoDB | innodb_num_open_files | - | The number of tables InnoDB currently holds open |
MyISAM Cache Hit Rate | key_cache_hit_rate | % | The MyISAM engine cache hit rate |
MyISAM Cache Utilization | key_cache_use_rate | % | The MyISAM engine cache utilization |
CPU Utilization | cpu_use_rate | % | If overuse of idle resources is permitted, the CPU utilization may exceed 100% |
Memory Utilization | memory use rate | % | If overuse of idle resources is permitted, the memory utilization may exceed 100% |
Memory Usage | memory_use | MB | If overuse of idle resources is permitted, the used memory may exceed the purchased specification |
Temp Files | created_tmp_files | Counts/sec | The number of temp files created per second |
Opened Tables | opened_tables | - | The number of open tables |
COMMIT Statements | com_commit | Counts/sec | The number of COMMIT statements per second |
ROLLBACK Statements | com_rollback | Counts/sec | The number of ROLLBACK statements per second |
Created Threads | threads_created | - | The number of threads created to handle connections |
Running Threads | threads_running | - | The number of threads that are not sleeping |
Max Connections | max_connections | - | The maximum number of connections |
Temp Disk Tables | created_tmp_disk_tables | Counts/sec | The number of internal on-disk temporary tables created by the server while executing statements |
Requests to Read Next Row | handler_read_rnd_next | Counts/sec | The number of requests to read the next row in the data file |
Rollbacks Performed in Storage Engine | handler_rollback | Counts/sec | The number of requests for a storage engine to perform a rollback operation |
Internal COMMIT Statements | handler_commit | Counts/sec | The number of internal COMMIT statements per second |
InnoDB Free Pages | innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free | - | The number of free pages in the InnoDB buffer pool |
Total InnoDB Pages | innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total | - | The total size of the InnoDB buffer pool in pages |
InnoDB Logical Reads | innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests | Counts/sec | The number of logical read requests |
InnoDB Physical Reads | innodb_buffer_pool_reads | Counts/sec | The number of logical reads that InnoDB could not satisfy from the buffer pool, and had to read directly from disk |
Data Read in InnoDB | innodb_data_read | Byte/sec | The amount of data read per second |
Total InnoDB Reads | innodb_data_reads | Counts/sec | The total number of data reads per second |
Total InnoDB Writes | innodb_data_writes | Counts/sec | The total number of data writes per second |
Data Written in InnoDB | innodb_data_written | Byte/sec | The amount of data written per second |
InnoDB Rows Deleted | innodb_rows_deleted | Counts/sec | The number of rows deleted from InnoDB tables |
InnoDB Rows Inserted | innodb_rows_inserted | Counts/sec | The number of rows inserted into InnoDB tables |
InnoDB Rows Updated | innodb_rows_updated | Counts/sec | The number of rows updated in InnoDB tables |
InnoDB Rows Read | innodb_rows_read | Counts/sec | The number of rows read from InnoDB tables |
Avg. Time to Acquire an InnoDB Row Lock | innodb_row_lock_time_avg | ms | The average time to acquire a row lock for InnoDB tables |
InnoDB Row Lock Waits | innodb_row_lock_waits | Counts/sec | The number of times operations on InnoDB tables had to wait for a row lock |
Unused Blocks in Key Cache | key_blocks_unused | - | The number of key blocks unused by the MyISAM key cache |
Used Blocks in Key Cache | key_blocks_used | - | The number of key blocks used by the MyISAM key cache |
Blocks Read from Key Cache | key_read_requests | Counts/sec | The number of requests to read a key block from the MyISAM key cache |
Blocks Read from Disk | key_reads | Counts/sec | The number of requests to read a disk data block from the MyISAM key cache |
Blocks Written into Key Cache | key_write_requests | Counts/sec | The number of requests to write a key block to the MyISAM key cache |
Blocks Written into Disk | key_writes | Counts/sec | The number of requests to write a disk data block to the MyISAM key cache |
Source-Replica Delay (in MB) | master_slave_sync_distance | MB | The amount of data by which the replica has lagged behind the source |
Source-Replica Delay (in Seconds) | seconds_behind_master | Sec | The source-replica delay (in seconds) |
IO Thread Status | slave_io_running | Status values: 0: Yes; 1: No; 2: Connecting | The IO thread running status |
SQL Thread Status | slave_sql_running | Status value: 0: Yes; 1: No | The SQL thread running status |
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