tencent cloud


High Availability (Multi-AZ)

Last updated: 2024-05-14 16:57:35
    Multi-AZ deployment protects your database against database instance failures and AZ outages. For more information on supported regions and AZs, see Regions and AZs. In TencentDB for MySQL, multiple AZs are combined to form a single multi-AZ architecture to ensure high availability and failover capability of database instances.
    Two-Node and Three-Node Instances:
    No matter whether the cluster instances are deployed in multiple AZs, each TencentDB for MySQL instance has a replica server that supports real-time hot backup to ensure the high availability of the database.
    In multi-AZ deployment, TencentDB for MySQL will automatically preset and maintain a synced replica in different AZs.
    The source database instance will be synchronously replicated across AZs to the replica to provide data redundancy, eliminate I/O freezes, and minimize latency peak during the system backup.
    Cluster Edition Instances:
    Supports read-only replica nodes, with a Cluster Edition instance supporting only one primary node (read-write node) and up to five replica nodes (read-only nodes).
    All read-only nodes within a Cluster Edition instance support the configuration of availability zones (in the same region as the read-write node).

    Supported regions

    Currently, the multi-AZ deployment of TencentDB for MySQL is supported in Guangzhou, Shenzhen Finance, Shanghai, Shanghai Finance, Nanjing, Beijing, Chengdu, Hong Kong (China), Singapore, Jakarta, Bangkok, Mumbai, Seoul, Tokyo, Virginia, and Frankfurt regions.

    Multi-AZ Deployment

    Dual-node and Triple-node Instance Operation Procedures
    Cluster Edition Instance Operation Steps
    1. Log in to the TencentDB for MySQL console and click Create in the Instance List to enter the purchase page.
    2. On the MySQL purchase page, select the corresponding support region and choose either the two-node or three-node architecture. Then, under the Replica AZ option, select the corresponding replica availability zone.
    Only certain AZs can be selected as a replica AZ. For more information, see the purchase page.
    3. Confirm the information you enter and click Buy Now. After the purchase is completed, you can return to the instance list to view the newly purchased multi-AZ instance.
    1. Log in to the TencentDB for MySQL console and click Create in the instance list to enter the purchase page.
    2. On the MySQL purchase page, select the corresponding support region and choose the Cluster Edition architecture. Then, you may choose the Availability Zone for Read-Write Nodes as well as the Availability Zone for Read-Only Nodes .
    3. Confirm the information you enter and click Buy Now . After the purchase is completed, you can return to the instance list to view the newly purchased multi-AZ instance.


    TencentDB for MySQL will handle failover automatically, so you can quickly restore the database operations without administrative intervention. If any of the following conditions occurs, the source database instance will automatically switch to the replica in the replica AZ.
    AZ outages.
    Source database instance failure.
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