Bandwidth information
Used by actions: DescribeDeliverBandwidthList.
Name | Type | Description |
Time | String | Format of return value: yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS The time accuracy matches with the query granularity. |
Bandwidth | Float | Bandwidth. |
Error information for domains that a batch domain operation API fails to operate.
Used by actions: ModifyLiveDomainCertBindings.
Name | Type | Description |
DomainName | String | The domain that the API failed to operate. |
Code | String | The API 3.0 error code. |
Message | String | The API 3.0 error message. |
Bandwidth and traffic information.
Used by actions: DescribeBillBandwidthAndFluxList.
Name | Type | Description |
Time | String | Time point in the format of yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS . |
Bandwidth | Float | Bandwidth in Mbps. |
Flux | Float | Traffic in MB. |
PeakTime | String | Time point of peak value in the format of yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS . As raw data is at a 5-minute granularity, if data at a 1-hour or 1-day granularity is queried, the time point of peak bandwidth value at the corresponding granularity will be returned. |
Rule information
Used by actions: DescribeLiveCallbackRules.
Name | Type | Description |
CreateTime | String | The rule creation time. Note: Beijing time (UTC+8) is used. |
UpdateTime | String | The rule update time. Note: Beijing time (UTC+8) is used. |
TemplateId | Integer | Template ID. |
DomainName | String | Push domain name. |
AppName | String | Push path. |
Callback template information.
Used by actions: DescribeLiveCallbackTemplate, DescribeLiveCallbackTemplates.
Name | Type | Description |
TemplateId | Integer | Template ID. |
TemplateName | String | Template name. |
Description | String | Description. |
StreamBeginNotifyUrl | String | Stream starting callback URL. |
StreamMixNotifyUrl | String | Stream mixing callback URL (disused) |
StreamEndNotifyUrl | String | Interruption callback URL. |
RecordNotifyUrl | String | Recording callback URL. |
SnapshotNotifyUrl | String | Screencapturing callback URL. |
PornCensorshipNotifyUrl | String | Porn detection callback URL. |
CallbackKey | String | Callback authentication key. |
PushExceptionNotifyUrl | String | The push error callback URL. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
AudioAuditNotifyUrl | String | The audio/video moderation callback URL. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Downstream playback statistical metrics
Used by actions: DescribeGroupProIspPlayInfoList.
Name | Type | Description |
Time | String | Time point in the format of yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS . |
Bandwidth | Float | Bandwidth in Mbps. |
Flux | Float | Traffic in MB. |
Request | Integer | Number of new requests. |
Online | Integer | Number of concurrent connections. |
Certificate information.
Used by actions: DescribeLiveCert, DescribeLiveCerts.
Name | Type | Description |
CertId | Integer | Certificate ID. |
CertName | String | Certificate name. |
Description | String | Description. |
CreateTime | String | The creation time in UTC format. Note: Beijing time (UTC+8) is used. |
HttpsCrt | String | Certificate content. |
CertType | Integer | Certificate type. 0: user-added certificate 1: Tencent Cloud-hosted certificate |
CertExpireTime | String | The certificate expiration time in UTC format. Note: Beijing time (UTC+8) is used. |
DomainList | Array of String | List of domain names that use this certificate. |
Aggregated playback information of client IP.
Used by actions: DescribeTopClientIpSumInfoList.
Name | Type | Description |
ClientIp | String | Client IP in dotted-decimal notation. |
Province | String | District where the client is located. |
TotalFlux | Float | Total traffic. |
TotalRequest | Integer | Total number of requests. |
TotalFailedRequest | Integer | Total number of failed requests. |
CountryArea | String | Country/region where the client is located. |
General stream mix control parameter
Used by actions: CreateCommonMixStream.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
UseMixCropCenter | Integer | No | Value range: [0,1]. If 1 is entered, when the layer resolution in the parameter is different from the actual video resolution, the video will be automatically cropped according to the resolution set by the layer. |
AllowCopy | Integer | No | Value range: [0,1]. If this parameter is set to 1, when both InputStreamList and OutputParams.OutputStreamType are set to 1, you can copy a stream instead of canceling it. |
PassInputSei | Integer | No | Valid values: 0, 1 If you set this parameter to 1, SEI (Supplemental Enhanced Information) of the input streams will be passed through. |
General stream mix input crop parameter.
Used by actions: CreateCommonMixStream.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
CropWidth | Float | No | Crop width. Value range: [0,2000]. |
CropHeight | Float | No | Crop height. Value range: [0,2000]. |
CropStartLocationX | Float | No | Starting crop X coordinate. Value range: [0,2000]. |
CropStartLocationY | Float | No | Starting crop Y coordinate. Value range: [0,2000]. |
General stream mix input parameter.
Used by actions: CreateCommonMixStream.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
InputStreamName | String | Yes | Input stream name, which can contain up to 80 bytes of letters, digits, and underscores. The value should be the name of an input stream for stream mix when LayoutParams.InputType is set to 0 (audio and video), 4 (pure audio), or 5 (pure video).The value can be a random name for identification, such as Canvas1 or Picture1 , when LayoutParams.InputType is set to 2 (image) or 3 (canvas). |
LayoutParams | CommonMixLayoutParams | Yes | Input stream layout parameter. |
CropParams | CommonMixCropParams | No | Input stream crop parameter. |
General stream mix layout parameter.
Used by actions: CreateCommonMixStream.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
ImageLayer | Integer | Yes | Input layer. Value range: [1,16] (1) For the background stream, i.e., the room owner’s image or the canvas, set this parameter to 1 .(2) This parameter is required for audio-only stream mixing as well. Note that two inputs cannot have the same ImageLayer value. |
InputType | Integer | No | Input type. Value range: [0,5]. If this parameter is left empty, 0 will be used by default. 0: the input stream is audio/video. 2: the input stream is image. 3: the input stream is canvas. 4: the input stream is audio. 5: the input stream is pure video. |
ImageHeight | Float | No | Output height of input video image. Value range: Pixel: [0,2000] Percentage: [0.01,0.99] If this parameter is left empty, the input stream height will be used by default. If percentage is used, the expected output is (percentage * background height). |
ImageWidth | Float | No | Output width of input video image. Value range: Pixel: [0,2000] Percentage: [0.01,0.99] If this parameter is left empty, the input stream width will be used by default. If percentage is used, the expected output is (percentage * background width). |
LocationX | Float | No | X-axis offset of input in output video image. Value range: Pixel: [0,2000] Percentage: [0.01,0.99] If this parameter is left empty, 0 will be used by default. Horizontal offset from the top-left corner of main host background video image. If percentage is used, the expected output is (percentage * background width). |
LocationY | Float | No | Y-axis offset of input in output video image. Value range: Pixel: [0,2000] Percentage: [0.01,0.99] If this parameter is left empty, 0 will be used by default. Vertical offset from the top-left corner of main host background video image. If percentage is used, the expected output is (percentage * background width) |
Color | String | No | When InputType is 3 (canvas), this value indicates the canvas color.Commonly used colors include: Red: 0xcc0033. Yellow: 0xcc9900. Green: 0xcccc33. Blue: 0x99CCFF. Black: 0x000000. White: 0xFFFFFF. Gray: 0x999999 |
WatermarkId | Integer | No | When InputType is 2 (image), this value is the watermark ID. |
General stream mix output parameter.
Used by actions: CreateCommonMixStream.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
OutputStreamName | String | Yes | Output stream name. |
OutputStreamType | Integer | No | Output stream type. Valid values: [0,1]. If this parameter is left empty, 0 will be used by default. If the output stream is a stream in the input stream list, enter 0. If you want the stream mix result to be a new stream, enter 1. If this value is 1, output_stream_id cannot appear in input_stram_list , and there cannot be a stream with the same ID on the LVB backend. |
OutputStreamBitRate | Integer | No | The output bitrate. Value range: 1-10000. If you do not specify this, the system will select a bitrate automatically. |
OutputStreamGop | Integer | No | Output stream GOP size. Value range: [1,10]. If this parameter is left empty, the system will automatically determine. |
OutputStreamFrameRate | Integer | No | Output stream frame rate. Value range: [1,60]. If this parameter is left empty, the system will automatically determine. |
OutputAudioBitRate | Integer | No | Output stream audio bitrate. Value range: [1,500] If this parameter is left empty, the system will automatically determine. |
OutputAudioSampleRate | Integer | No | Output stream audio sample rate. Valid values: [96000, 88200, 64000, 48000, 44100, 32000,24000, 22050, 16000, 12000, 11025, 8000]. If this parameter is left empty, the system will automatically determine. |
OutputAudioChannels | Integer | No | Output stream audio sound channel. Valid values: [1,2]. If this parameter is left empty, the system will automatically determine. |
MixSei | String | No | SEI information in output stream. If there are no special needs, leave it empty. |
Number of concurrent recording channels
Used by actions: DescribeConcurrentRecordStreamNum, DescribeUploadStreamNums.
Name | Type | Description |
Time | String | Time point. |
Num | Integer | Number of channels. |
Stream playback information
Used by actions: DescribeStreamPlayInfoList.
Name | Type | Description |
Time | String | Data point in time in the format of yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS . |
Bandwidth | Float | Bandwidth in Mbps. |
Flux | Float | Traffic in MB. |
Request | Integer | Number of requests. |
Online | Integer | Number of online viewers. |
Delayed playback information.
Used by actions: DescribeLiveDelayInfoList.
Name | Type | Description |
DomainName | String | Push domain name. |
AppName | String | Push path, which is the same as the AppName in push and playback addresses and is live by default. |
StreamName | String | Stream name. |
DelayInterval | Integer | Delay time in seconds. |
CreateTime | String | Creation time in UTC time. Note: the difference between UTC time and Beijing time is 8 hours. Example: 2019-06-18T12:00:00Z (i.e., June 18, 2019 20:00:00 Beijing time). |
ExpireTime | String | Expiration time in UTC time. Note: the difference between UTC time and Beijing time is 8 hours. Example: 2019-06-18T12:00:00Z (i.e., June 18, 2019 20:00:00 Beijing time). |
Status | Integer | Current status: -1: expired. 1: in effect. |
Domain name certificate information
Used by actions: DescribeLiveDomainCert.
Name | Type | Description |
CertId | Integer | Certificate ID. |
CertName | String | Certificate name. |
Description | String | Description. |
CreateTime | String | The creation time in UTC format. Note: Beijing time (UTC+8) is used. |
HttpsCrt | String | Certificate content. |
CertType | Integer | Certificate type. 0: user-added certificate 1: Tencent Cloud-hosted certificate. |
CertExpireTime | String | The certificate expiration time in UTC format. Note: Beijing time (UTC+8) is used. |
DomainName | String | Domain name that uses this certificate. |
Status | Integer | Certificate status. |
CertDomains | Array of String | List of domain names in the certificate. ["*"] for example. Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
CloudCertId | String | Tencent Cloud SSL certificate ID. Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
LVB domain name information
Used by actions: DescribeLiveDomain, DescribeLiveDomains.
Name | Type | Description |
Name | String | LVB domain name. |
Type | Integer | Domain name type: 0: push. 1: playback. |
Status | Integer | Domain name status: 0: deactivated. 1: activated. |
CreateTime | String | The time when the domain was added. Note: Beijing time (UTC+8) is used. |
BCName | Integer | Whether there is a CNAME record pointing to a fixed rule domain name: 0: no. 1: yes. |
TargetDomain | String | Domain name corresponding to CNAME record. |
PlayType | Integer | Playback region. This parameter is valid only if Type is 1.1: in Mainland China. 2: global. 3: outside Mainland China. |
IsDelayLive | Integer | Whether it is LCB: 0: LVB. 1: LCB. |
CurrentCName | String | Information of currently used CNAME record. |
RentTag | Integer | Disused parameter, which can be ignored. |
RentExpireTime | String | A disused parameter. Note: Beijing time (UTC+8) is used. |
IsMiniProgramLive | Integer | 0: LVB. 1: LVB on Mini Program. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Special FLV recording setting.
Used by actions: CreateLiveRecordTemplate, DescribeLiveRecordTemplate, DescribeLiveRecordTemplates, ModifyLiveRecordTemplate.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
UploadInRecording | Boolean | No | Whether to enable upload while recording. This parameter is only valid for FLV recording. |
List of forbidden streams
Used by actions: DescribeLiveForbidStreamList.
Name | Type | Description |
StreamName | String | Stream name. |
CreateTime | String | The creation time. Note: Beijing time (UTC+8) is used. |
ExpireTime | String | The end time. Note: Beijing time (UTC+8) is used. |
AppName | String | The push path. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
DomainName | String | The push domain name. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Bandwidth, traffic, number of requests, and number of concurrent connections of an ISP in a district.
Used by actions: DescribeGroupProIspPlayInfoList.
Name | Type | Description |
ProvinceName | String | District. |
IspName | String | ISP. |
DetailInfoList | Array of CdnPlayStatData | Detailed data at the minute level. |
HLS-specific recording parameter
Used by actions: CreateLiveRecordTemplate, DescribeLiveRecordTemplate, DescribeLiveRecordTemplates, ModifyLiveRecordTemplate.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
FlowContinueDuration | Integer | No | Timeout period for restarting an interrupted HLS push. Value range: [0, 1,800]. |
HTTP return code and statistics
Used by actions: DescribePlayErrorCodeDetailInfoList.
Name | Type | Description |
HttpCode | String | HTTP return code. Example: "2xx", "3xx", "4xx", "5xx". |
ValueList | Array of HttpCodeValue | Statistics. 0 will be added for points in time when there is no data. |
HTTP return code data
Used by actions: DescribePlayErrorCodeDetailInfoList.
Name | Type | Description |
Time | String | Time in the format of yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS . |
Numbers | Integer | Occurrences. |
Percentage | Float | Proportion. |
Playback error code information
Used by actions: DescribeHttpStatusInfoList.
Name | Type | Description |
Time | String | Data point in time, In the format of yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS . |
HttpStatusInfoList | Array of HttpStatusInfo | Playback status code details. |
Playback error code information
Used by actions: DescribeHttpStatusInfoList.
Name | Type | Description |
HttpStatus | String | Playback HTTP status code. |
Num | Integer | Quantity. |
The domains to bind to a certificate.
Used by actions: ModifyLiveDomainCertBindings.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
DomainName | String | Yes | The domain name. |
Status | Integer | Yes | Whether to enable HTTPS for the domain. 1: Enable 0: Disable -1: Keep the current configuration |
The domain and certificate information returned by DescribeLiveDomainCertBindings
and DescribeLiveDomainCertBindingsGray
Used by actions: DescribeLiveDomainCertBindings.
Name | Type | Description |
DomainName | String | The domain name. |
CertificateAlias | String | The remarks for the certificate. This parameter is the same as CertName . |
CertType | Integer | The certificate type. 0: Self-owned certificate 1: Tencent Cloud-hosted certificate |
Status | Integer | Whether HTTPS is enabled. 1: Enabled 0: Disabled |
CertExpireTime | Timestamp | The certificate expiration time. Note: Beijing time (UTC+8) is used. |
CertId | Integer | The certificate ID. |
CloudCertId | String | The SSL certificate ID assigned by Tencent Cloud. |
UpdateTime | Timestamp | The last updated time. Note: Beijing time (UTC+8) is used. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
The playback data.
Used by actions: DescribeAllStreamPlayInfoList.
Name | Type | Description |
PlayDomain | String | The playback domain. |
StreamName | String | The stream ID. |
Rate | Integer | The playback bitrate. 0 indicates the original bitrate. |
Protocol | String | The playback protocol. Valid values: Unknown , Flv , Hls , Rtmp , Huyap2p . |
Bandwidth | Float | The bandwidth (Mbps). |
Online | Integer | The number of online users, which is represented by the number of TCP connections (data collected every minute). |
Request | Integer | The number of requests. |
Playback authentication key information.
Used by actions: DescribeLivePlayAuthKey.
Name | Type | Description |
DomainName | String | Domain name. |
Enable | Integer | Whether to enable: 0: disable. 1: enable. |
AuthKey | String | Authentication key. |
AuthDelta | Integer | Validity period in seconds. |
AuthBackKey | String | Authentication BackKey . |
Total occurrences of each status code. Most HTTP return codes are supported.
Used by actions: DescribePlayErrorCodeSumInfoList.
Name | Type | Description |
Code | String | HTTP code. Valid values: 400, 403, 404, 500, 502, 503, 504. |
Num | Integer | Total occurrences. |
Playback information at the stream level.
Used by actions: DescribeStreamDayPlayInfoList.
Name | Type | Description |
StreamName | String | Stream name. |
TotalFlux | Float | Total traffic in MB. |
Queries the playback information by ISP and district.
Used by actions: DescribeProvinceIspPlayInfoList.
Name | Type | Description |
Time | String | Data point in time. |
Value | Float | Value of bandwidth/traffic/number of requests/number of concurrent connections/download speed. If there is no data returned, the value is 0. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Aggregated playback statistics.
Used by actions: DescribeVisitTopSumInfoList.
Name | Type | Description |
Name | String | Domain name or stream ID. |
AvgFluxPerSecond | Float | Average download speed, In MB/s. Calculation formula: average download speed per minute. |
TotalFlux | Float | Total traffic in MB. |
TotalRequest | Integer | Total number of requests. |
Playback error code information
Used by actions: DescribePlayErrorCodeSumInfoList.
Name | Type | Description |
CountryAreaName | String | Country or region. |
ProvinceName | String | District. |
IspName | String | ISP. |
Code2xx | Integer | Occurrences of 2xx error codes. |
Code3xx | Integer | Occurrences of 3xx error codes. |
Code4xx | Integer | Occurrences of 4xx error codes. |
Code5xx | Integer | Occurrences of 5xx error codes. |
Push time.
Used by actions: DescribeLiveStreamOnlineList.
Name | Type | Description |
PublishTime | String | Push time. In UTC format, such as 2018-06-29T19:00:00Z. |
The watermark configuration for a relay task.
Used by actions: CreateLivePullStreamTask, DescribeLivePullStreamTasks, ModifyLivePullStreamTask.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
PictureUrl | String | Yes | The watermark image URL. Characters not allowed: ;(){}$>`#"'| |
XPosition | Integer | Yes | The horizontal offset (%) of the watermark. The default value is 0. |
YPosition | Integer | Yes | The vertical offset (%) of the watermark. The default value is 0. |
Width | Integer | Yes | The watermark width as a percentage of the video width. To avoid distorted images, we recommend you specify only the width or height so that the other side can be scaled proportionally. By default, the original width of the watermark image is used. |
Height | Integer | Yes | The watermark height as a percentage of the video height. To avoid distorted images, we recommend you specify only the width or height so that the other side can be scaled proportionally. By default, the original height of the watermark image is used. |
Location | Integer | Yes | The origin. The default value is 0. 0: Top left corner 1: Top right corner 2: Bottom right corner 3: Bottom left corner |
The information of a stream pulling task.
Used by actions: DescribeLivePullStreamTasks.
Name | Type | Description |
TaskId | String | The task ID. |
SourceType | String | The source type. Valid values: PullLivePushLive: Live streaming PullVodPushLive: Video files PullPicPushLive: Images |
SourceUrls | Array of String | The source URL(s). If SourceType is PullLiveToLive , there can be only one source URL.If SourceType is PullVodToLive , there can be at most 10 source URLs. |
DomainName | String | The push domain name. The pulled stream is pushed to this domain. |
AppName | String | The application to push to. The pulled stream is pushed to this application. |
StreamName | String | The stream name. The pulled stream is pushed under this name. |
PushArgs | String | The push parameter. A custom push parameter. |
StartTime | String | The start time. It must be in UTC format. Example: 2019-01-08T10:00:00Z. Note: Beijing time is 8 hours ahead of UTC. The ISO 8601 format is used. |
EndTime | String | The end time. Notes: 1. The end time must be later than the start time. 2. The end time and start time must be later than the current time. 3. The end time and start time must be less than seven days apart. It must be in UTC format. Example: 2019-01-08T10:00:00Z. Note: Beijing time is 8 hours ahead of UTC. The ISO 8601 format is used. |
Region | String | The region where the task was created.ap-beijing : North China (Beijing)ap-shanghai : East China (Shanghai)ap-guangzhou : South China (Guangzhou)ap-mumbai : Indiaap-hongkong : Hong Kongeu-frankfurt : Germanyap-seoul : Koreaap-bangkok : Thailandap-singapore : Singaporena-siliconvalley : Western USna-ashburn : Eastern USap-tokyo : Japan |
VodLoopTimes | Integer | The number of times to loop video files. -1: Loop indefinitely 0: Do not loop > 0: The number of loop times. A task will end either when the videos are looped for the specified number of times or at the specified task end time, whichever is earlier. This parameter is valid only if the source is video files. |
VodRefreshType | String | The behavior after the source video files (SourceUrls ) are changed.ImmediateNewSource: Play the new videos immediately ContinueBreakPoint: Finish the current video first and then pull from the new source. This parameter is valid only if the source is video files. |
CreateTime | String | The task creation time. It must be in UTC format. Example: 2019-01-08T10:00:00Z. Note: Beijing time is 8 hours ahead of UTC. The ISO 8601 format is used. |
UpdateTime | String | The last updated time. It must be in UTC format. Example: 2019-01-08T10:00:00Z. Note: Beijing time is 8 hours ahead of UTC. The ISO 8601 format is used. |
CreateBy | String | The task creator. |
UpdateBy | String | The operator of the last update. |
CallbackUrl | String | The callback URL. |
CallbackEvents | Array of String | The events to listen for. TaskStart: Callback for starting a task TaskExit: Callback for ending a task VodSourceFileStart: Callback for starting to pull from video files VodSourceFileFinish: Callback for stopping pulling from video files ResetTaskConfig: Callback for modifying a task |
CallbackInfo | String | Note: This parameter is not returned currently. The information of the last callback. |
ErrorInfo | String | Note: This parameter is not returned currently. Error message. |
Status | String | The task status. enable: Enabled pause: Paused |
RecentPullInfo | RecentPullInfo | Note: This parameter is returned only if one task is queried. The latest pull information. The information includes the source URL, offset, and report time. |
Comment | String | The remarks for the task. |
BackupSourceType | String | The backup source type. Valid values: PullLivePushLive: Live streaming PullVodPushLive: Video files Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
BackupSourceUrl | String | The URL of the backup source. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
WatermarkList | Array of PullPushWatermarkInfo | The information of watermarks to add. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
VodLocalMode | Integer | Whether to use local mode when the source type is video files. The default is 0 .0: Do not use local mode 1: Use local mode Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
RecordTemplateId | String | Recording template ID. |
BackupToUrl | String | Newly added streaming address. Used for the scenario of pushing two streams with a single task. |
Push authentication key information.
Used by actions: DescribeLivePushAuthKey.
Name | Type | Description |
DomainName | String | Domain name. |
Enable | Integer | Whether to enable. 0: disabled; 1: enabled. |
MasterAuthKey | String | Master authentication key. |
BackupAuthKey | String | Standby authentication key. |
AuthDelta | Integer | Validity period in seconds. |
Push information
Used by actions: DescribeLiveStreamPushInfoList.
Name | Type | Description |
StreamName | String | Stream name. |
AppName | String | Push path. |
ClientIp | String | Push client IP. |
ServerIp | String | IP of the server that receives the stream. |
VideoFps | Integer | Pushed video frame rate in Hz. |
VideoSpeed | Integer | Video bitrate (bps) for publishing |
AudioFps | Integer | Pushed audio frame rate in Hz. |
AudioSpeed | Integer | Audio bitrate (bps) for publishing |
PushDomain | String | Push domain name. |
BeginPushTime | String | Push start time. |
Acodec | String | Audio codec, Example: AAC. |
Vcodec | String | Video codec, Example: H.264. |
Resolution | String | Resolution. |
AsampleRate | Integer | Sample rate. |
MetaAudioSpeed | Integer | Audio bitrate (bps) in metadata |
MetaVideoSpeed | Integer | Video bitrate (bps) in metadata |
MetaFps | Integer | Frame rate in metadata . |
The push data of a stream.
Used by actions: DescribeStreamPushInfoList.
Name | Type | Description |
Time | String | The time of the data in the format of “%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%ms” (accurate to the millisecond). |
PushDomain | String | The push domain. |
AppName | String | The push path. |
ClientIp | String | The IP address of the push client. |
BeginPushTime | String | The push start time in the format of “%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%ms” (accurate to the millisecond). |
Resolution | String | The resolution. |
VCodec | String | The video codec. |
ACodec | String | The audio codec. |
Sequence | String | The push sequence number, which uniquely identifies a push. |
VideoFps | Integer | The video frame rate. |
VideoRate | Integer | The video bitrate (bps). |
AudioFps | Integer | The audio frame rate. |
AudioRate | Integer | The audio bitrate (bps). |
LocalTs | Integer | The local elapsed time (milliseconds). The greater the difference between the local elapsed time and audio/video elapsed time, the poorer the push quality and the more severe the upstream lag. |
VideoTs | Integer | The video elapsed time (milliseconds). |
AudioTs | Integer | The audio elapsed time (milliseconds). |
MetaVideoRate | Integer | The video bitrate (Kbps) in the metadata. |
MetaAudioRate | Integer | The audio bitrate (Kbps) in the metadata. |
MateFps | Integer | The frame rate in the metadata. |
StreamParam | String | The push parameter. |
Bandwidth | Float | The bandwidth (Mbps). |
Flux | Float | The traffic (MB). |
ServerIp | String | The IP address of the push client. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
The latest pull information.
Used by actions: DescribeLivePullStreamTasks.
Name | Type | Description |
FileUrl | String | The URL of the file currently pulled. |
OffsetTime | Integer | The offset of the file currently pulled. |
ReportTime | String | The time when the offset is reported, in UTC format. Example: 2020-07-23T03:20:39Z Note: Beijing time is 8 hours ahead of UTC. |
LoopedTimes | Integer | The number of times looped. |
Recording template parameter.
Used by actions: CreateLiveRecordTemplate, DescribeLiveRecordTemplate, DescribeLiveRecordTemplates, ModifyLiveRecordTemplate.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
RecordInterval | Integer | No | Max recording time per file Default value: 1800 (seconds)Value range: 30-7200 This parameter is invalid for HLS. Only one HLS file will be generated from push start to push end. |
StorageTime | Integer | No | Storage duration of the recording file Value range: 0-129600000 seconds (0-1500 days) 0 : permanent |
Enable | Integer | No | Whether to enable recording in the current format. Default value: 0. 0: no, 1: yes. |
VodSubAppId | Integer | No | VOD subapplication ID. |
VodFileName | String | No | Recording filename. Supported special placeholders include: {StreamID}: stream ID {StartYear}: start time - year {StartMonth}: start time - month {StartDay}: start time - day {StartHour}: start time - hour {StartMinute}: start time - minute {StartSecond}: start time - second {StartMillisecond}: start time - millisecond {EndYear}: end time - year {EndMonth}: end time - month {EndDay}: end time - day {EndHour}: end time - hour {EndMinute}: end time - minute {EndSecond}: end time - second {EndMillisecond}: end time - millisecond If this parameter is not set, the recording filename will be {StreamID}_{StartYear}-{StartMonth}-{StartDay}-{StartHour}-{StartMinute}-{StartSecond}_{EndYear}-{EndMonth}-{EndDay}-{EndHour}-{EndMinute}-{EndSecond} by default |
Procedure | String | No | Task flow Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid value is obtained. |
StorageMode | String | No | Video storage class. Valid values:normal : STANDARDcold : STANDARD_IANote: this field may return null , indicating that no valid value is obtained. |
ClassId | Integer | No | VOD subapplication category Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid value is obtained. |
Recording task.
Used by actions: DescribeRecordTask.
Name | Type | Description |
TaskId | String | Recording task ID. |
DomainName | String | Push domain name. |
AppName | String | Push path. |
StreamName | String | Stream name. |
StartTime | Integer | The start time of the recording task in Unix timestamp. |
EndTime | Integer | The end time of the recording task in Unix timestamp. |
TemplateId | Integer | Recording template ID. |
Stopped | Integer | The StopRecordTask API call stops the task at the Unix timestamp. A value of 0 indicates that the API has not been called to stop the task. |
Recording template information
Used by actions: DescribeLiveRecordTemplate, DescribeLiveRecordTemplates.
Name | Type | Description |
TemplateId | Integer | Template ID. |
TemplateName | String | Template name. |
Description | String | Message description |
FlvParam | RecordParam | FLV recording parameter. |
HlsParam | RecordParam | HLS recording parameter. |
Mp4Param | RecordParam | MP4 recording parameter. |
AacParam | RecordParam | AAC recording parameter. |
IsDelayLive | Integer | 0: LVB, 1: LCB. |
HlsSpecialParam | HlsSpecialParam | A special parameter for HLS recording. |
Mp3Param | RecordParam | MP3 recording parameter. |
RemoveWatermark | Boolean | Whether the watermark is removed. Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
FlvSpecialParam | FlvSpecialParam | A special parameter for FLV recording. Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
Referer allowlist/blocklist configuration of a live streaming domain name
Used by actions: DescribeLiveDomainReferer.
Name | Type | Description |
DomainName | String | Domain name |
Enable | Integer | Whether to enable referer. Valid values: 0 (no), 1 (yes) |
Type | Integer | List type. Valid values: 0 (blocklist), 1 (allowlist) |
AllowEmpty | Integer | Whether to allow empty referer. Valid values: 0 (no), 1 (yes) |
Rules | String | Referer list. Separate items in it with semicolons (;). |
Rule information.
Used by actions: DescribeLiveRecordRules, DescribeLiveSnapshotRules, DescribeLiveTimeShiftRules, DescribeLiveTranscodeRules, DescribeLiveWatermarkRules.
Name | Type | Description |
CreateTime | String | The rule creation time. Note: Beijing time (UTC+8) is used. |
UpdateTime | String | The rule update time. Note: Beijing time (UTC+8) is used. |
TemplateId | Integer | Template ID. |
DomainName | String | Push domain name. |
AppName | String | Push path. |
StreamName | String | Stream name. |
Screencapturing template information.
Used by actions: DescribeLiveSnapshotTemplate, DescribeLiveSnapshotTemplates.
Name | Type | Description |
TemplateId | Integer | Template ID. |
TemplateName | String | Template name. |
SnapshotInterval | Integer | Screencapturing interval. Value range: 5-300s. |
Width | Integer | Screenshot width. Value range: 0-3000. 0: original width and fit to the original ratio. |
Height | Integer | Screenshot height. Value range: 0-2000. 0: original height and fit to the original ratio. |
PornFlag | Integer | Whether to enable porn detection. 0: no, 1: yes. |
CosAppId | Integer | COS application ID. |
CosBucket | String | COS bucket name. |
CosRegion | String | COS region. |
Description | String | Template description. |
CosPrefix | String | COS bucket folder prefix. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
CosFileName | String | COS filename. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Streaming event information.
Used by actions: DescribeLiveStreamEventList.
Name | Type | Description |
AppName | String | Application name. |
DomainName | String | Push domain name. |
StreamName | String | Stream name. |
StreamStartTime | String | Push start time. In UTC format, such as 2019-01-07T12:00:00Z. |
StreamEndTime | String | Push end time. In UTC format, such as 2019-01-07T15:00:00Z. |
StopReason | String | Stop reason. |
Duration | Integer | Push duration in seconds. |
ClientIp | String | The IP address of the host. If the stream is published from a private network, this parameter will be - . |
Resolution | String | Resolution. |
Stream name list.
Used by actions: DescribeLiveStreamPublishedList.
Name | Type | Description |
StreamName | String | Stream name. |
AppName | String | Application name. |
DomainName | String | Push domain name. |
StreamStartTime | String | Push start time. In UTC format, such as 2019-01-07T12:00:00Z. |
StreamEndTime | String | Push end time. In UTC format, such as 2019-01-07T15:00:00Z. |
StopReason | String | Stop reason. |
Duration | Integer | Push duration in seconds. |
ClientIp | String | Host IP. |
Resolution | String | Resolution. |
Queries active push information
Used by actions: DescribeLiveStreamOnlineList.
Name | Type | Description |
StreamName | String | Stream name. |
PublishTimeList | Array of PublishTime | Push time list |
AppName | String | Application name. |
DomainName | String | Push domain name. |
Transcoding template information.
Used by actions: DescribeLiveTranscodeTemplate, DescribeLiveTranscodeTemplates.
Name | Type | Description |
Vcodec | String | Codec: h264/h265/origin. Default value: h264. origin: keep the original codec. |
VideoBitrate | Integer | Video bitrate. Value range: 0–8,000 Kbps. If the value is 0, the original bitrate will be retained. Note: transcoding templates require a unique bitrate. The final saved bitrate may differ from the input bitrate. |
Acodec | String | Audio codec: aac. Default value: aac. Note: This parameter will not take effect for now and will be supported soon. |
AudioBitrate | Integer | Audio bitrate. Value range: 0–500 Kbps. 0 by default. |
Width | Integer | Width. Default value: 0. Value range: [0-3,000]. The value must be a multiple of 2. The original width is 0. |
Height | Integer | Height. Default value: 0. Value range: [0-3,000]. The value must be a multiple of 2. The original width is 0. |
Fps | Integer | Frame rate. Default value: 0. Range: 0-60 Fps. |
Gop | Integer | Keyframe interval, unit: second. Original interval by default Range: 2-6 |
Rotate | Integer | Rotation angle. Default value: 0. Value range: 0, 90, 180, 270 |
Profile | String | Encoding quality: baseline/main/high. Default value: baseline. |
BitrateToOrig | Integer | Whether to use the original bitrate when the set bitrate is larger than the original bitrate. 0: no, 1: yes Default value: 0. |
HeightToOrig | Integer | Whether to use the original height when the set height is higher than the original height. 0: no, 1: yes Default value: 0. |
FpsToOrig | Integer | Whether to use the original frame rate when the set frame rate is larger than the original frame rate. 0: no, 1: yes Default value: 0. |
NeedVideo | Integer | Whether to keep the video. 0: no; 1: yes. |
NeedAudio | Integer | Whether to keep the audio. 0: no; 1: yes. |
TemplateId | Integer | Template ID. |
TemplateName | String | Template name. |
Description | String | Template description. |
AiTransCode | Integer | Whether it is a top speed codec template. 0: no, 1: yes. Default value: 0. |
AdaptBitratePercent | Float | Bitrate compression ratio of top speed code video. Target bitrate of top speed code = VideoBitrate * (1-AdaptBitratePercent) Value range: 0.0-0.5. |
ShortEdgeAsHeight | Integer | Whether to take the shorter side as height. 0: no, 1: yes. Default value: 0. Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid value is obtained. |
DRMType | String | The DRM encryption type. Valid values: fairplay, normalaes, widevine. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
DRMTracks | String | The tracks to encrypt. Valid values: AUDIO, SD, HD, UHD1, UHD2. Separate multiple tracks with “|”. You can choose only one video track (SD, HD, UHD1, or UHD2). Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
The time shifting billing data.
Used by actions: DescribeLiveTimeShiftBillInfoList.
Name | Type | Description |
Domain | String | The push domain name. |
Duration | Float | The time-shift video length (minutes). |
StoragePeriod | Float | The time-shift days. |
Time | String | The time for the data returned. Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ. |
TotalDuration | Float | The total time-shift duration (minutes). |
A recorded time shifting session.
Used by actions: DescribeTimeShiftRecordDetail.
Name | Type | Description |
Sid | String | The session ID. |
StartTime | Integer | The recording start time, which is a Unix timestamp. |
EndTime | Integer | The recording end time, which is a Unix timestamp. |
The information of a time shifted stream.
Used by actions: DescribeTimeShiftStreamList.
Name | Type | Description |
DomainGroup | String | The group the push domain belongs to. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Domain | String | The push domain. |
AppName | String | The push path. |
StreamName | String | The stream name. |
StartTime | Integer | The stream start time, which is a Unix timestamp. |
EndTime | Integer | The stream end time (for streams that ended before the time of query), which is a Unix timestamp. |
TransCodeId | Integer | The transcoding template ID. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
StreamType | Integer | The stream type. 0 : The original stream; 1 : The watermarked stream; 2 : The transcoded stream. |
Duration | Integer | The storage duration (seconds) of the recording. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
The information of a time shifting template.
Used by actions: DescribeLiveTimeShiftTemplates.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
TemplateName | String | Yes | The template name. |
Duration | Integer | Yes | The time shifting duration. Unit: second |
ItemDuration | Integer | Yes | The segment size. Value range: 3-10. Unit: Second. Default value: 5 |
TemplateId | Integer | No | The template ID. |
Description | String | No | The template description. |
Area | String | No | The region. Valid values:Mainland : The Chinese mainland.Overseas : Outside the Chinese mainland.Default value: Mainland . |
RemoveWatermark | Boolean | No | Whether to remove watermarks. If you pass in true , the original stream will be recorded.Default value: false . |
TranscodeTemplateIds | Array of Integer | No | The transcoding template IDs. This API works only if RemoveWatermark is false . |
Metric value at a specified point in time.
Used by actions: DescribeScreenShotSheetNumList.
Name | Type | Description |
Time | String | UTC time in the format of yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SSZ . |
Num | Integer | Value. |
Transcoding details.
Used by actions: DescribeLiveTranscodeDetailInfo.
Name | Type | Description |
StreamName | String | Stream name. |
StartTime | String | Start time (Beijing time) in the format of yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM . |
EndTime | String | End time (Beijing time) in the format of yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM . |
Duration | Integer | Transcoding duration in minutes. Note: given the possible interruptions during push, duration here is the sum of actual duration of transcoding instead of the interval between the start time and end time. |
ModuleCodec | String | Codec with modules, Example: liveprocessor_H264: LVB transcoding - H264, liveprocessor_H265: LVB transcoding - H265, topspeed_H264: top speed codec - H264, topspeed_H265: top speed codec - H265. |
Bitrate | Integer | Bitrate. |
Type | String | The task type. Valid values: Transcode, MixStream, WaterMark, Webrtc. |
PushDomain | String | Push domain name. |
Resolution | String | Resolution. |
MainlandOrOversea | String | The region. Valid values:Mainland : Inside the Chinese mainland.Overseas : Outside the Chinese mainland. |
The number of tasks.
Used by actions: DescribeTranscodeTaskNum.
Name | Type | Description |
Time | String | The time of query. |
CodeRate | Integer | The bitrate. |
Num | Integer | The number of tasks. |
Total usage of the transcoding service
Used by actions: DescribeLiveTranscodeTotalInfo.
Name | Type | Description |
Time | String | Usage time (Beijing time) Example: 2019-03-01 00:00:00 |
Duration | Integer | Transcoding duration in minutes |
ModuleCodec | String | Codec, with modules Examples: liveprocessor_H264 : live transcoding-H264liveprocessor_H265 : live transcoding-H265topspeed_H264 : top speed codec-H264topspeed_H265 : top speed codec-H265 |
Resolution | String | Resolution Example: 540*480 |
Watermark information.
Used by actions: DescribeLiveWatermark, DescribeLiveWatermarks.
Name | Type | Description |
WatermarkId | Integer | Watermark ID. |
PictureUrl | String | Watermark image URL. |
XPosition | Integer | Display position: X-axis offset. |
YPosition | Integer | Display position: Y-axis offset. |
WatermarkName | String | Watermark name. |
Status | Integer | Current status. 0: not used. 1: in use. |
CreateTime | String | The time when the watermark was added. Note: Beijing time (UTC+8) is used. |
Width | Integer | Watermark width. |
Height | Integer | Watermark height. |