tencent cloud


Last updated: 2025-01-24 13:06:55
    Hadoop (2.7.2 or above) tool provides the capability to run computing tasks using Tencent Cloud COS as the underlying file storage system. The Hadoop cluster can be launched in three modes: stand-alone, pseudo-distributed, and fully-distributed. This document uses Hadoop-2.7.4 as an example to describe how to build a fully-distributed Hadoop environment and how to use wordcount to execute a simple test.


    Prepare several servers.
    Install and configure the system by downloading from the CentOS Official Website. This document uses CentOS 7.3.1611.
    Install the Java environment. For more information, see Installing and Configuring Java.
    Install the available Hadoop package: Apache Hadoop Releases Download.

    Network Configuration

    Use ifconfig -a to check the IP of each server, then use the ping command to check if they can ping each other, and record the IP of each server.

    Configuring CentOS

    Configure a Hostname

    Set the corresponding hostname for each machine, such as "master", "slave*", etc.
    hostnamectl set-hostname master

    Configure hosts

    vi /etc/hosts
    Edit the content:
    202.xxx.xxx.xxx master
    202.xxx.xxx.xxx slave1
    202.xxx.xxx.xxx slave2
    202.xxx.xxx.xxx slave3
    # Replace IPs with the real ones

    Turn off firewall

    systemctl status firewalld.service # Check firewall status
    systemctl stop firewalld.service # Turn off firewall
    systemctl disable firewalld.service # Disable firewall to start on boot

    Time synchronization

    yum install -y ntp # Install ntp service
    ntpdate cn.pool.ntp.org # Sync network time

    Install and configure JDK

    Upload JDK installer package (such as jdk-8u144-linux-x64.tar.gz) to the root directory.
    mkdir /usr/java
    tar -zxvf jdk-8u144-linux-x64.tar.gz -C /usr/java/
    rm -rf jdk-8u144-linux-x64.tar.gz

    Copy JDKs among hosts

    scp -r /usr/java slave1:/usr
    scp -r /usr/java slave2:/usr
    scp -r /usr/java slave3:/usr

    Configure environment variables for JDK of each host

    vi /etc/profile
    Edit the content:
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_144
    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
    export CLASSPATH=.:$JAVA_HOME/lib/dt.jar:$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar
    After saving the file, make /etc/profile take effect by executing the following command:
    source /etc/profile # Make the configuration file effective
    java -version # View java version

    Configuring Keyless Access via SSH

    Check the SSH service status on each host:
    systemctl status sshd.service # Check the SSH service status.
    yum install openssh-server openssh-clients # Install the SSH service. Ignore this step if it is already installed.
    systemctl start sshd.service # Enable the SSH service. Ignore this step if it is already enabled.
    Generate a key on each host:
    ssh-keygen -t rsa # Generate Keys
    On slave1:
    cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ~/.ssh/slave1.id_rsa.pub
    scp ~/.ssh/slave1.id_rsa.pub master:~/.ssh
    On slave2:
    cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ~/.ssh/slave2.id_rsa.pub
    scp ~/.ssh/slave2.id_rsa.pub master:~/.ssh
    And so on...
    On master:
    cd ~/.ssh
    cat id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys
    cat slave1.id_rsa.pub >>authorized_keys
    cat slave2.id_rsa.pub >>authorized_keys
    scp authorized_keys slave1:~/.ssh
    scp authorized_keys slave2:~/.ssh
    scp authorized_keys slave3:~/.ssh

    Installing and Configuring Hadoop

    Installing Hadoop

    Upload the Hadoop installer package (such as hadoop-2.7.4.tar.gz) to the root directory.
    tar -zxvf hadoop-2.7.4.tar.gz -C /usr
    rm -rf hadoop-2.7.4.tar.gz
    mkdir /usr/hadoop-2.7.4/tmp
    mkdir /usr/hadoop-2.7.4/logs
    mkdir /usr/hadoop-2.7.4/hdf
    mkdir /usr/hadoop-2.7.4/hdf/data
    mkdir /usr/hadoop-2.7.4/hdf/name
    Go to the hadoop-2.7.4/etc/hadoop directory and proceed to the next step.

    Configure Hadoop

    1. Add the following to the hadoop-env.sh file.
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_144
    If the SSH port is not 22 (default value), modify it in the hadoop-env.sh file:
    export HADOOP_SSH_OPTS="-p 1234"
    2. Modify yarn-env.sh
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_144
    3. Modify slaves
    Configure the content:
    4. Modify core-site.xml
    5. Modify hdfs-site.xml
    6. Copy mapred-site.xml.template and name it mapred-site.xml
    cp mapred-site.xml.template mapred-site.xml
    7. Modify mapred-site.xml
    8. Modify yarn-site.xml
    9. Copy Hadoop among hosts
    scp -r /usr/ hadoop-2.7.4 slave1:/usr
    scp -r /usr/ hadoop-2.7.4 slave2:/usr
    scp -r /usr/ hadoop-2.7.4 slave3:/usr
    10. Configure environment variables for Hadoop of each host
    Open the configuration file:
    vi /etc/profile
    Edit the content:
    export HADOOP_HOME=/usr/hadoop-2.7.4
    export PATH=$HADOOP_HOME/bin:$HADOOP_HOME/sbin:$PATH
    export HADOOP_LOG_DIR=/usr/hadoop-2.7.4/logs
    Implement the configuration file:
    source /etc/profile

    Start Hadoop

    1. Format namenode
    cd /usr/hadoop-2.7.4/sbin
    hdfs namenode -format
    2. Start
    cd /usr/hadoop-2.7.4/sbin
    3. Check processes
    If processes on master contain ResourceManager, SecondaryNameNode and NameNode, Hadoop starts successfully. For example:
    2212 ResourceManager
    2484 Jps
    1917 NameNode
    2078 SecondaryNameNode
    If processes on each slave contain DataNode and NodeManager, Hadoop starts successfully. For example:
    17153 DataNode
    17334 Jps
    17241 NodeManager

    Running wordcount

    The wordcount built in Hadoop can be called directly. After Hadoop starts, use the following command to work with files in HDFS:
    hadoop fs -mkdir input
    hadoop fs -put input.txt /input
    hadoop jar share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-2.7.4.jar wordcount /input /output/
    The above result shows that Hadoop is installed successfully.

    View output directory

    hadoop fs -ls /output

    View output result

    hadoop fs -cat /output/part-r-00000
    For more information on how to run Hadoop in stand-alone and pseudo-distributed modes, see Get Started with Hadoop on the official website.
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