API | Operation | Description |
Uploading an object (creating a directory) | Uploads an object to a bucket. | |
Appending parts | Uploads an object by appending parts |
API | Operation | Description |
Querying multipart uploads | Queries in-progress multipart uploads. | |
Initializing a multipart upload | Initializes a multipart upload. | |
Uploading parts | Uploads a file in parts. | |
Querying uploaded parts | Queries the uploaded parts of a multipart upload. | |
Completing a multipart upload | Completes the multipart upload of a file. | |
Aborting a multipart upload | Aborts a multipart upload and deletes the uploaded parts. |
parameter. cos_status_t *cos_resumable_upload_file(cos_request_options_t *options,cos_string_t *bucket,cos_string_t *object,cos_string_t *filepath,cos_table_t *headers,cos_table_t *params,cos_resumable_clt_params_t *clt_params,cos_progress_callback progress_callback,cos_table_t **resp_headers,cos_list_t *resp_body)
Parameter | Description | Type |
options | COS request options | Struct |
bucket | Bucket name in the format: BucketName-APPID | String |
object | Object name | String |
filepath | The local file name of the object | String |
headers | Headers attached to the COS request | Struct |
params | Parameters for the COS request | Struct |
clt_params | Control parameters for the upload operation | Struct |
part_size | Part size in bytes. If you specify the part size to be below 1,048,576 (1 MB), the C SDK will divide your data based on the part size 1,048,576 (1 MB) by default. If the number of parts exceeds 10,000, the C SDK adjusts the part size according to the file size. | Int |
thread_num | Number of threads, that is, size of the thread pool. Default: 1 | Int |
enable_checkpoint | Indicates whether to enable checkpoint restart | Int |
checkpoint_path | Indicates the file path for which the upload progress is saved when checkpoint restart is enabled. Default: <filepath>.cp , where filepath is the local file name of the object | String |
progress_callback | Callback function for upload progress | Function |
resp_headers | Returns the HTTP response headers | Struct |
resp_body | Saves the data returned by the Complete Multipart Upload request | Struct |
Response Parameter | Description | Type |
code | Error code | Int |
error_code | Error code content | String |
error_msg | Error code description | String |
req_id | Request message ID | String |
#include "cos_http_io.h"#include "cos_api.h"#include "cos_log.h"// `endpoint` is the COS access domain name. For more information, see https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/6224.static char TEST_COS_ENDPOINT[] = "cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com";// A developer-owned secret ID/key used for the project. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.static char *TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID; // Your SecretIdstatic char *TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET; // Your SecretKey// A unique user-level resource identifier for COS access. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.static char TEST_APPID[] = "<APPID>"; // Your APPID// COS bucket name, in the format of [bucket]-[appid], for example `mybucket-1253666666`. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.static char TEST_BUCKET_NAME[] = "<bucketname-appid>";static char TEST_MULTIPART_FILE[] = "test.zip";static char TEST_MULTIPART_OBJECT4[] = "multipart4.dat";void log_status(cos_status_t *s){cos_warn_log("status->code: %d", s->code);if (s->error_code) cos_warn_log("status->error_code: %s", s->error_code);if (s->error_msg) cos_warn_log("status->error_msg: %s", s->error_msg);if (s->req_id) cos_warn_log("status->req_id: %s", s->req_id);}void init_test_config(cos_config_t *config, int is_cname){cos_str_set(&config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);cos_str_set(&config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);cos_str_set(&config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);cos_str_set(&config->appid, TEST_APPID);config->is_cname = is_cname;}void init_test_request_options(cos_request_options_t *options, int is_cname){options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);}void test_resumable_upload_with_multi_threads(){cos_pool_t *p = NULL;cos_string_t bucket;cos_string_t object;cos_string_t filename;cos_status_t *s = NULL;int is_cname = 0;cos_table_t *headers = NULL;cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;cos_resumable_clt_params_t *clt_params;cos_pool_create(&p, NULL);options = cos_request_options_create(p);init_test_request_options(options, is_cname);headers = cos_table_make(p, 0);cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);cos_str_set(&object, TEST_MULTIPART_OBJECT4);cos_str_set(&filename, TEST_MULTIPART_FILE);// uploadclt_params = cos_create_resumable_clt_params_content(p, 1024 * 1024, 8, COS_FALSE, NULL);s = cos_resumable_upload_file(options, &bucket, &object, &filename, headers, NULL,clt_params, NULL, &resp_headers, NULL);if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {printf("upload succeeded\\n");} else {printf("upload failed\\n");}cos_pool_destroy(p);}int main(int argc, char *argv[]){// Get SecretId and SecretKey from environment variablesTEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID = getenv("COS_SECRETID");TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET = getenv("COS_SECRETKEY");if (cos_http_io_initialize(NULL, 0) != COSE_OK) {exit(1);}// Set the log level. Default value: `COS_LOG_WARN`cos_log_set_level(COS_LOG_WARN);// Set log output. Default value: `stderr`cos_log_set_output(NULL);test_resumable_upload_with_multi_threads();cos_http_io_deinitialize();return 0;}
cos_status_t *cos_put_object_from_file(const cos_request_options_t *options,const cos_string_t *bucket,const cos_string_t *object,const cos_string_t *filename,cos_table_t *headers,cos_table_t **resp_headers);
Parameter | Description | Type |
options | COS request options | Struct |
bucket | Bucket name in the format: BucketName-APPID | String |
object | Object name | String |
filename | Filename of the local object before it is uploaded to COS | String |
headers | Additional headers of a COS request | Struct |
resp_headers | Returns the HTTP response headers | Struct |
Response Parameter | Description | Type |
code | Error code | Int |
error_code | Error code content | String |
error_msg | Error code description | String |
req_id | Request message ID | String |
#include "cos_http_io.h"#include "cos_api.h"#include "cos_log.h"// `endpoint` is the COS access domain name. For more information, see https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/6224.static char TEST_COS_ENDPOINT[] = "cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com";// A developer-owned secret ID/key used for the project. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.static char *TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID; // Your SecretIdstatic char *TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET; // Your SecretKey// A unique user-level resource identifier for COS access. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.static char TEST_APPID[] = "<APPID>"; // Your APPID// COS bucket name, in the format of [bucket]-[appid], for example `mybucket-1253666666`. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.static char TEST_BUCKET_NAME[] = "<bucketname-appid>";// A unique identifier of an object stored in COS. For more information about objects and object keys, please see https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/13324.static char TEST_OBJECT_NAME1[] = "1.txt";void log_status(cos_status_t *s){cos_warn_log("status->code: %d", s->code);if (s->error_code) cos_warn_log("status->error_code: %s", s->error_code);if (s->error_msg) cos_warn_log("status->error_msg: %s", s->error_msg);if (s->req_id) cos_warn_log("status->req_id: %s", s->req_id);}void init_test_config(cos_config_t *config, int is_cname){cos_str_set(&config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);cos_str_set(&config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);cos_str_set(&config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);cos_str_set(&config->appid, TEST_APPID);config->is_cname = is_cname;}void init_test_request_options(cos_request_options_t *options, int is_cname){options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);}void test_put_object_from_file(){cos_pool_t *p = NULL;int is_cname = 0;cos_status_t *s = NULL;cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;cos_string_t bucket;cos_string_t object;cos_table_t *resp_headers;cos_string_t file;int traffic_limit = 0;cos_pool_create(&p, NULL);options = cos_request_options_create(p);init_test_request_options(options, is_cname);cos_table_t *headers = NULL;if (traffic_limit) {// The speed range is 819200 to 838860800, that is 100 KB/s to 100 MB/s. If the value is not within this range, 400 will be returned.headers = cos_table_make(p, 1);cos_table_add_int(headers, "x-cos-traffic-limit", 819200);}cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);cos_str_set(&file, TEST_OBJECT_NAME1);cos_str_set(&object, TEST_OBJECT_NAME1);s = cos_put_object_from_file(options, &bucket, &object, &file, headers, &resp_headers);log_status(s);cos_pool_destroy(p);}int main(int argc, char *argv[]){// Get SecretId and SecretKey from environment variablesTEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID = getenv("COS_SECRETID");TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET = getenv("COS_SECRETKEY");if (cos_http_io_initialize(NULL, 0) != COSE_OK) {exit(1);}// Set the log level. Default value: `COS_LOG_WARN`cos_log_set_level(COS_LOG_WARN);// Set log output. Default value: `stderr`cos_log_set_output(NULL);test_put_object_from_file();cos_http_io_deinitialize();return 0;}
#include "cos_http_io.h"#include "cos_api.h"#include "cos_log.h"// `endpoint` is the COS access domain name. For more information, see https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/6224.static char TEST_COS_ENDPOINT[] = "cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com";// A developer-owned secret ID/key used for the project. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.static char *TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID; // Your SecretIdstatic char *TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET; // Your SecretKey// A unique user-level resource identifier for COS access. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.static char TEST_APPID[] = "<APPID>"; // Your APPID// COS bucket name, in the format of [bucket]-[appid], for example `mybucket-1253666666`. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.static char TEST_BUCKET_NAME[] = "<bucketname-appid>";void log_status(cos_status_t *s){cos_warn_log("status->code: %d", s->code);if (s->error_code) cos_warn_log("status->error_code: %s", s->error_code);if (s->error_msg) cos_warn_log("status->error_msg: %s", s->error_msg);if (s->req_id) cos_warn_log("status->req_id: %s", s->req_id);}void init_test_config(cos_config_t *config, int is_cname){cos_str_set(&config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);cos_str_set(&config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);cos_str_set(&config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);cos_str_set(&config->appid, TEST_APPID);config->is_cname = is_cname;}void init_test_request_options(cos_request_options_t *options, int is_cname){options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);}void test_create_dir(){cos_pool_t *p = NULL;int is_cname = 0;cos_status_t *s = NULL;cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;cos_string_t bucket;cos_string_t object;cos_table_t *resp_headers;cos_table_t *headers = NULL;cos_list_t buffer;cos_pool_create(&p, NULL);options = cos_request_options_create(p);init_test_request_options(options, is_cname);cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);cos_str_set(&object, "folder/");// Upload a foldercos_list_init(&buffer);s = cos_put_object_from_buffer(options, &bucket, &object,&buffer, headers, &resp_headers);if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {printf("put object succeeded\\n");} else {printf("put object failed\\n");}cos_pool_destroy(p);}int main(int argc, char *argv[]){// Get SecretId and SecretKey from environment variablesTEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID = getenv("COS_SECRETID");TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET = getenv("COS_SECRETKEY");if (cos_http_io_initialize(NULL, 0) != COSE_OK) {exit(1);}// Set the log level. Default value: `COS_LOG_WARN`cos_log_set_level(COS_LOG_WARN);// Set log output. Default value: `stderr`cos_log_set_output(NULL);test_create_dir();cos_http_io_deinitialize();return 0;}
#include "cos_http_io.h"#include "cos_api.h"#include "cos_log.h"// `endpoint` is the COS access domain name. For more information, see https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/6224.static char TEST_COS_ENDPOINT[] = "cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com";// A developer-owned secret ID/key used for the project. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.static char *TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID; // Your SecretIdstatic char *TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET; // Your SecretKey// A unique user-level resource identifier for COS access. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.static char TEST_APPID[] = "<APPID>"; // Your APPID// COS bucket name, in the format of [bucket]-[appid], for example `mybucket-1253666666`. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.static char TEST_BUCKET_NAME[] = "<bucketname-appid>";void log_status(cos_status_t *s){cos_warn_log("status->code: %d", s->code);if (s->error_code) cos_warn_log("status->error_code: %s", s->error_code);if (s->error_msg) cos_warn_log("status->error_msg: %s", s->error_msg);if (s->req_id) cos_warn_log("status->req_id: %s", s->req_id);}void init_test_config(cos_config_t *config, int is_cname){cos_str_set(&config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);cos_str_set(&config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);cos_str_set(&config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);cos_str_set(&config->appid, TEST_APPID);config->is_cname = is_cname;}void init_test_request_options(cos_request_options_t *options, int is_cname){options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);}void test_upload_file_to_dir(){cos_pool_t *p = NULL;int is_cname = 0;cos_status_t *s = NULL;cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;cos_string_t bucket;cos_string_t object;cos_string_t file;cos_table_t *resp_headers;cos_pool_create(&p, NULL);options = cos_request_options_create(p);init_test_request_options(options, is_cname);cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);cos_str_set(&file, "examplefile");cos_str_set(&object, "folder/exampleobject");s = cos_put_object_from_file(options, &bucket, &object, &file, NULL, &resp_headers);if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {printf("put object succeeded\\n");} else {printf("put object failed\\n");}cos_pool_destroy(p);}int main(int argc, char *argv[]){// Get SecretId and SecretKey from environment variablesTEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID = getenv("COS_SECRETID");TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET = getenv("COS_SECRETKEY");if (cos_http_io_initialize(NULL, 0) != COSE_OK) {exit(1);}// Set the log level. Default value: `COS_LOG_WARN`cos_log_set_level(COS_LOG_WARN);// Set log output. Default value: `stderr`cos_log_set_output(NULL);test_upload_file_to_dir();cos_http_io_deinitialize();return 0;}
is inconsistent with the object length, COS will return the 409 status code. If the object to append is of the "normal" type, COS will return "409 ObjectNotAppendable".cos_status_t *cos_append_object_from_file(const cos_request_options_t *options,const cos_string_t *bucket,const cos_string_t *object,int64_t position,const cos_string_t *append_file,cos_table_t *headers,cos_table_t **resp_headers);
Parameter | Description | Type |
options | COS request options | Struct |
bucket | Bucket name in the format: BucketName-APPID | String |
object | Object name | String |
position | Starting point for the append operation (in bytes). For the first append, the value of this parameter is 0. For subsequent appends, the value is the content-length of the current object. | String |
append_file | Filename of the local object before it is uploaded to COS | String |
headers | Additional headers of a COS request | Struct |
resp_headers | Returns the HTTP response headers | Struct |
Response Parameter | Description | Type |
code | Error code | Int |
error_code | Error code content | String |
error_msg | Error code description | String |
req_id | Request message ID | String |
#include "cos_http_io.h"#include "cos_api.h"#include "cos_log.h"// `endpoint` is the COS access domain name. For more information, see https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/6224.static char TEST_COS_ENDPOINT[] = "cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com";// A developer-owned secret ID/key used for the project. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.static char *TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID; // Your SecretIdstatic char *TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET; // Your SecretKey// A unique user-level resource identifier for COS access. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.static char TEST_APPID[] = "<APPID>"; // Your APPID// COS bucket name, in the format of [bucket]-[appid], for example `mybucket-1253666666`. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.static char TEST_BUCKET_NAME[] = "<bucketname-appid>";static char TEST_OBJECT_NAME3[] = "test3.dat";static char *TEST_APPEND_NAMES[] = {"test.7z.001", "test.7z.002"};void log_status(cos_status_t *s){cos_warn_log("status->code: %d", s->code);if (s->error_code) cos_warn_log("status->error_code: %s", s->error_code);if (s->error_msg) cos_warn_log("status->error_msg: %s", s->error_msg);if (s->req_id) cos_warn_log("status->req_id: %s", s->req_id);}void init_test_config(cos_config_t *config, int is_cname){cos_str_set(&config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);cos_str_set(&config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);cos_str_set(&config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);cos_str_set(&config->appid, TEST_APPID);config->is_cname = is_cname;}void init_test_request_options(cos_request_options_t *options, int is_cname){options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);}void test_append_object(){cos_pool_t *p = NULL;int is_cname = 0;cos_status_t *s = NULL;cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;cos_string_t bucket;cos_string_t object;cos_string_t file;cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;// Create a memory poolcos_pool_create(&p, NULL);// Initialize the request optionsoptions = cos_request_options_create(p);init_test_request_options(options, is_cname);cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);// Append partscos_str_set(&object, TEST_OBJECT_NAME3);int32_t count = sizeof(TEST_APPEND_NAMES)/sizeof(char*);int32_t index = 0;int64_t position = 0;s = cos_head_object(options, &bucket, &object, NULL, &resp_headers);if(s->code == 200) {char *content_length_str = (char*)apr_table_get(resp_headers, COS_CONTENT_LENGTH);if (content_length_str != NULL) {position = atol(content_length_str);}}for (; index < count; index++){cos_str_set(&file, TEST_APPEND_NAMES[index]);s = cos_append_object_from_file(options, &bucket, &object,position, &file, NULL, &resp_headers);log_status(s);s = cos_head_object(options, &bucket, &object, NULL, &resp_headers);if(s->code == 200) {char *content_length_str = (char*)apr_table_get(resp_headers, COS_CONTENT_LENGTH);if (content_length_str != NULL) {position = atol(content_length_str);}}}// Destroy the memory pool.cos_pool_destroy(p);}int main(int argc, char *argv[]){// Get SecretId and SecretKey from environment variablesTEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID = getenv("COS_SECRETID");TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET = getenv("COS_SECRETKEY");if (cos_http_io_initialize(NULL, 0) != COSE_OK) {exit(1);}// Set the log level. Default value: `COS_LOG_WARN`cos_log_set_level(COS_LOG_WARN);// Set log output. Default value: `stderr`cos_log_set_output(NULL);test_append_object();cos_http_io_deinitialize();return 0;}
cos_status_t *cos_list_multipart_upload(const cos_request_options_t *options,const cos_string_t *bucket,cos_list_multipart_upload_params_t *params,cos_table_t **resp_headers);
Parameter | Description | Type |
options | COS request options | Struct |
bucket | Bucket name in the format of BucketName-APPID | String |
params | Parameters for the List Multipart Uploads operation | Struct |
encoding_type | Specifies the encoding type of the returned value | String |
prefix | Prefix to be matched, which is used to specify the prefix address of the files to be returned | String |
delimiter | The delimiter is a symbol. If a particular prefix is specified, identical paths between the prefix and the delimiter will be grouped together and defined as a common prefix, and then all common prefixes will be listed. If no prefix is specified, the list will start from the beginning of the path. | String |
max_ret | The maximum number of returned entries per request; the default value is 1000 | String |
key_marker | Used together with upload-id-marker .If upload-id-marker is not specified, only the multipart uploads whose ObjectName is lexicographically greater than key-marker will be listed;If upload-id-marker is specified, the multipart uploads whose ObjectName is lexicographically greater than the specified key-marker will be listed, and any multipart upload whose ObjectName lexicographically equals key-marker and whose UploadID is greater than upload-id-marker will also be listed. | String |
upload_id_marker | Used together with key-marker .If key-marker is not specified, upload-id-marker will be ignored; If key-marker is specified, the multipart uploads whose ObjectName is lexicographically greater than the specified key-marker will be listed, and any multipart upload whose ObjectName lexicographically equals key-marker and whose UploadID is greater than upload-id-marker will also be listed | String |
truncated | Indicates whether the returned entry is truncated. Valid value: true or false | Boolean |
next_key_marker | If the returned list is truncated, the NextKeyMarker returned will be the starting point of the subsequent list. | String |
next_upload_id_marker | If the returned list is truncated, the UploadId returned will be the starting point of the subsequent list. | String |
upload_list | Lists all multipart uploads | Struct |
key | Object name | String |
upload_id | Identifies the ID of the current multipart upload | String |
initiated | Indicates when the current multipart upload was initiated | String |
resp_headers | Returns the HTTP response headers | Struct |
typedef struct {cos_list_t node;cos_string_t key;cos_string_t upload_id;cos_string_t initiated;} cos_list_multipart_upload_content_t;
Response Parameter | Description | Type |
code | Error code | Int |
error_code | Error code content | String |
error_msg | Error code description | String |
req_id | Request message ID | String |
#include "cos_http_io.h"#include "cos_api.h"#include "cos_log.h"// `endpoint` is the COS access domain name. For more information, see https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/6224.static char TEST_COS_ENDPOINT[] = "cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com";// A developer-owned secret ID/key used for the project. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.static char *TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID; // Your SecretIdstatic char *TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET; // Your SecretKey// A unique user-level resource identifier for COS access. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.static char TEST_APPID[] = "<APPID>"; // Your APPID// COS bucket name, in the format of [bucket]-[appid], for example `mybucket-1253666666`. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.static char TEST_BUCKET_NAME[] = "<bucketname-appid>";static char TEST_MULTIPART_OBJECT[] = "multipart.dat";void log_status(cos_status_t *s){cos_warn_log("status->code: %d", s->code);if (s->error_code) cos_warn_log("status->error_code: %s", s->error_code);if (s->error_msg) cos_warn_log("status->error_msg: %s", s->error_msg);if (s->req_id) cos_warn_log("status->req_id: %s", s->req_id);}void init_test_config(cos_config_t *config, int is_cname){cos_str_set(&config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);cos_str_set(&config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);cos_str_set(&config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);cos_str_set(&config->appid, TEST_APPID);config->is_cname = is_cname;}void init_test_request_options(cos_request_options_t *options, int is_cname){options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);}void list_multipart(){cos_pool_t *p = NULL;cos_string_t bucket;cos_string_t object;int is_cname = 0;cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;cos_status_t *s = NULL;cos_list_multipart_upload_params_t *list_multipart_params = NULL;cos_list_upload_part_params_t *list_upload_param = NULL;cos_pool_create(&p, NULL);options = cos_request_options_create(p);init_test_request_options(options, is_cname);cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);list_multipart_params = cos_create_list_multipart_upload_params(p);list_multipart_params->max_ret = 999;s = cos_list_multipart_upload(options, &bucket, list_multipart_params, &resp_headers);log_status(s);list_upload_param = cos_create_list_upload_part_params(p);list_upload_param->max_ret = 1000;cos_string_t upload_id;cos_str_set(&upload_id,"149373379126aee264fecbf5fe8ddb8b9cd23b76c73ab1af0bcfd50683cc4254f81ebe2386");cos_str_set(&object, TEST_MULTIPART_OBJECT);s = cos_list_upload_part(options, &bucket, &object, &upload_id,list_upload_param, &resp_headers);if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {printf("List upload part succeeded, upload_id::%.*s\\n",upload_id.len, upload_id.data);cos_list_part_content_t *part_content = NULL;cos_list_for_each_entry(cos_list_part_content_t, part_content, &list_upload_param->part_list, node) {printf("part_number = %s, size = %s, last_modified = %s, etag = %s\\n",part_content->part_number.data,part_content->size.data,part_content->last_modified.data,part_content->etag.data);}} else {printf("List upload part failed\\n");}cos_pool_destroy(p);}int main(int argc, char *argv[]){// Get SecretId and SecretKey from environment variablesTEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID = getenv("COS_SECRETID");TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET = getenv("COS_SECRETKEY");if (cos_http_io_initialize(NULL, 0) != COSE_OK) {exit(1);}// Set the log level. Default value: `COS_LOG_WARN`cos_log_set_level(COS_LOG_WARN);// Set log output. Default value: `stderr`cos_log_set_output(NULL);list_multipart();cos_http_io_deinitialize();return 0;}
Upload ID
is returned for the subsequent Upload Part
requests.cos_status_t *cos_init_multipart_upload(const cos_request_options_t *options,const cos_string_t *bucket,const cos_string_t *object,cos_string_t *upload_id,cos_table_t *headers,cos_table_t **resp_headers);
Parameter | Description | Type |
options | COS request options | Struct |
bucket | Bucket name in the format: BucketName-APPID | String |
object | Object name | String |
upload_id | Returns the ID of the multipart upload operation | String |
headers | Additional headers of a COS request | Struct |
resp_headers | Returns the HTTP response headers | Struct |
Response Parameter | Description | Type |
code | Error code | Int |
error_code | Error code content | String |
error_msg | Error code description | String |
req_id | Request message ID | String |
#include "cos_http_io.h"#include "cos_api.h"#include "cos_log.h"// `endpoint` is the COS access domain name. For more information, see https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/6224.static char TEST_COS_ENDPOINT[] = "cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com";// A developer-owned secret ID/key used for the project. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.static char *TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID; // Your SecretIdstatic char *TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET; // Your SecretKey// A unique user-level resource identifier for COS access. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.static char TEST_APPID[] = "<APPID>"; // Your APPID// COS bucket name, in the format of [bucket]-[appid], for example `mybucket-1253666666`. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.static char TEST_BUCKET_NAME[] = "<bucketname-appid>";static char TEST_MULTIPART_OBJECT[] = "multipart.dat";void log_status(cos_status_t *s){cos_warn_log("status->code: %d", s->code);if (s->error_code) cos_warn_log("status->error_code: %s", s->error_code);if (s->error_msg) cos_warn_log("status->error_msg: %s", s->error_msg);if (s->req_id) cos_warn_log("status->req_id: %s", s->req_id);}void init_test_config(cos_config_t *config, int is_cname){cos_str_set(&config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);cos_str_set(&config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);cos_str_set(&config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);cos_str_set(&config->appid, TEST_APPID);config->is_cname = is_cname;}void init_test_request_options(cos_request_options_t *options, int is_cname){options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);}void test_init_multipart_upload(){cos_pool_t *p = NULL;int is_cname = 0;cos_status_t *s = NULL;cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;cos_string_t bucket;cos_string_t object;cos_string_t upload_id;cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;// Create a memory poolcos_pool_create(&p, NULL);// Initialize the request optionsoptions = cos_request_options_create(p);init_test_request_options(options, is_cname);cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);// Initialize the multipart uploadcos_str_set(&object, TEST_MULTIPART_OBJECT);s = cos_init_multipart_upload(options, &bucket, &object,&upload_id, NULL, &resp_headers);if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {printf("init multipart upload succeeded\\n");} else {printf("init multipart upload failed\\n");}// Destroy the memory pool.cos_pool_destroy(p);}int main(int argc, char *argv[]){// Get SecretId and SecretKey from environment variablesTEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID = getenv("COS_SECRETID");TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET = getenv("COS_SECRETKEY");if (cos_http_io_initialize(NULL, 0) != COSE_OK) {exit(1);}// Set the log level. Default value: `COS_LOG_WARN`cos_log_set_level(COS_LOG_WARN);// Set log output. Default value: `stderr`cos_log_set_output(NULL);test_init_multipart_upload();cos_http_io_deinitialize();return 0;}
Upload Part
request should include the partNumber
and uploadID
.cos_status_t *cos_upload_part_from_file(const cos_request_options_t *options,const cos_string_t *bucket,const cos_string_t *object,const cos_string_t *upload_id,int part_num,cos_upload_file_t *upload_file,cos_table_t **resp_headers);
Parameter | Description | Type |
options | COS request options | Struct |
bucket | Bucket name in the format: BucketName-APPID | String |
object | Object name | String |
upload_id | Upload task ID | String |
part_num | Part number | Int |
upload_file | Information on the file to be uploaded | Struct |
resp_headers | Returns the HTTP response headers | Struct |
Response Parameter | Description | Type |
code | Error code | Int |
error_code | Error code content | String |
error_msg | Error code description | String |
req_id | Request message ID | String |
#include "cos_http_io.h"#include "cos_api.h"#include "cos_log.h"// `endpoint` is the COS access domain name. For more information, see https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/6224.static char TEST_COS_ENDPOINT[] = "cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com";// A developer-owned secret ID/key used for the project. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.static char *TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID; // Your SecretIdstatic char *TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET; // Your SecretKey// A unique user-level resource identifier for COS access. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.static char TEST_APPID[] = "<APPID>"; // Your APPID// COS bucket name, in the format of [bucket]-[appid], for example `mybucket-1253666666`. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.static char TEST_BUCKET_NAME[] = "<bucketname-appid>";static char TEST_MULTIPART_OBJECT[] = "multipart.dat";static char TEST_MULTIPART_FILE[] = "test.zip";void log_status(cos_status_t *s){cos_warn_log("status->code: %d", s->code);if (s->error_code) cos_warn_log("status->error_code: %s", s->error_code);if (s->error_msg) cos_warn_log("status->error_msg: %s", s->error_msg);if (s->req_id) cos_warn_log("status->req_id: %s", s->req_id);}void init_test_config(cos_config_t *config, int is_cname){cos_str_set(&config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);cos_str_set(&config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);cos_str_set(&config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);cos_str_set(&config->appid, TEST_APPID);config->is_cname = is_cname;}void init_test_request_options(cos_request_options_t *options, int is_cname){options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);}void test_upload_part(){cos_pool_t *p = NULL;int is_cname = 0;cos_status_t *s = NULL;cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;cos_string_t bucket;cos_string_t object;cos_string_t upload_id = cos_string("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"); // Use your own `uploadid`cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;int part_num = 1;int64_t pos = 0;int64_t file_length = 0;// Create a memory poolcos_pool_create(&p, NULL);// Initialize the request optionsoptions = cos_request_options_create(p);init_test_request_options(options, is_cname);cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);cos_str_set(&object, TEST_MULTIPART_OBJECT);// Upload the partsint res = COSE_OK;cos_upload_file_t *upload_file = NULL;cos_file_buf_t *fb = cos_create_file_buf(p);res = cos_open_file_for_all_read(p, TEST_MULTIPART_FILE, fb);if (res != COSE_OK) {cos_error_log("Open read file fail, filename:%s\\n", TEST_MULTIPART_FILE);return;}file_length = fb->file_last;apr_file_close(fb->file);while(pos < file_length) {upload_file = cos_create_upload_file(p);cos_str_set(&upload_file->filename, TEST_MULTIPART_FILE);upload_file->file_pos = pos;pos += 2 * 1024 * 1024;upload_file->file_last = pos < file_length ? pos : file_length; //2MBs = cos_upload_part_from_file(options, &bucket, &object, &upload_id,part_num++, upload_file, &resp_headers);if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {printf("upload part succeeded\\n");} else {printf("upload part failed\\n");}}// Destroy the memory pool.cos_pool_destroy(p);}int main(int argc, char *argv[]){// Get SecretId and SecretKey from environment variablesTEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID = getenv("COS_SECRETID");TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET = getenv("COS_SECRETKEY");if (cos_http_io_initialize(NULL, 0) != COSE_OK) {exit(1);}// Set the log level. Default value: `COS_LOG_WARN`cos_log_set_level(COS_LOG_WARN);// Set log output. Default value: `stderr`cos_log_set_output(NULL);test_upload_part();cos_http_io_deinitialize();return 0;}
cos_status_t *cos_list_upload_part(const cos_request_options_t *options,const cos_string_t *bucket,const cos_string_t *object,const cos_string_t *upload_id,cos_list_upload_part_params_t *params,cos_table_t **resp_headers);
Parameter | Description | Type |
options | COS request options | Struct |
bucket | Bucket name in the format of BucketName-APPID | String |
object | Object name | String |
upload_id | Upload task ID | String |
params | Parameters for the List Parts operation | Struct |
part_number_marker | Marks the starting point of the list of parts; by default, entries are listed in UTF-8 binary order starting from this marker | String |
encoding_type | Specifies the encoding type of the returned value | String |
max_ret | The maximum number of returned entries per request; the default value is 1000 | String |
truncated | Indicates whether the returned entry is truncated. Valid value: true or false | Boolean |
next_part_number_marker | Marks the starting point of the next entry if the returned entry is truncated | String |
part_list | Lists all uploaded parts | Struct |
part_number | Part number | String |
size | Part size in bytes | String |
etag | SHA-1 check value of the part | String |
last_modified | The time the part was last modified | String |
resp_headers | Returns the HTTP response headers | Struct |
Response Parameter | Description | Type |
code | Error code | Int |
error_code | Error code content | String |
error_msg | Error code description | String |
req_id | Request message ID | String |
#include "cos_http_io.h"#include "cos_api.h"#include "cos_log.h"// `endpoint` is the COS access domain name. For more information, see https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/6224.static char TEST_COS_ENDPOINT[] = "cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com";// A developer-owned secret ID/key used for the project. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.static char *TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID; // Your SecretIdstatic char *TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET; // Your SecretKey// A unique user-level resource identifier for COS access. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.static char TEST_APPID[] = "<APPID>"; // Your APPID// COS bucket name, in the format of [bucket]-[appid], for example `mybucket-1253666666`. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.static char TEST_BUCKET_NAME[] = "<bucketname-appid>";static char TEST_MULTIPART_OBJECT[] = "multipart.dat";void log_status(cos_status_t *s){cos_warn_log("status->code: %d", s->code);if (s->error_code) cos_warn_log("status->error_code: %s", s->error_code);if (s->error_msg) cos_warn_log("status->error_msg: %s", s->error_msg);if (s->req_id) cos_warn_log("status->req_id: %s", s->req_id);}void init_test_config(cos_config_t *config, int is_cname){cos_str_set(&config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);cos_str_set(&config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);cos_str_set(&config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);cos_str_set(&config->appid, TEST_APPID);config->is_cname = is_cname;}void init_test_request_options(cos_request_options_t *options, int is_cname){options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);}void test_list_upload_part(){cos_pool_t *p = NULL;int is_cname = 0;cos_status_t *s = NULL;cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;cos_string_t bucket;cos_string_t object;cos_list_upload_part_params_t *params = NULL;cos_list_t complete_part_list;cos_string_t upload_id = cos_string("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"); // Use your own `uploadid`cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;// Create a memory poolcos_pool_create(&p, NULL);// Initialize the request optionsoptions = cos_request_options_create(p);init_test_request_options(options, is_cname);cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);cos_str_set(&object, TEST_MULTIPART_OBJECT);// Query the uploaded partsparams = cos_create_list_upload_part_params(p);params->max_ret = 1000;cos_list_init(&complete_part_list);s = cos_list_upload_part(options, &bucket, &object, &upload_id,params, &resp_headers);if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {printf("List multipart succeeded\\n");} else {printf("List multipart failed\\n");}// Destroy the memory pool.cos_pool_destroy(p);}int main(int argc, char *argv[]){// Get SecretId and SecretKey from environment variablesTEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID = getenv("COS_SECRETID");TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET = getenv("COS_SECRETKEY");if (cos_http_io_initialize(NULL, 0) != COSE_OK) {exit(1);}// Set the log level. Default value: `COS_LOG_WARN`cos_log_set_level(COS_LOG_WARN);// Set log output. Default value: `stderr`cos_log_set_output(NULL);test_list_upload_part();cos_http_io_deinitialize();return 0;}
Upload Parts
API. When using this API, you need to provide the PartNumber
and ETag
for every part in the body to verify the accuracy of the parts.cos_status_t *cos_complete_multipart_upload(const cos_request_options_t *options,const cos_string_t *bucket,const cos_string_t *object,const cos_string_t *upload_id,cos_list_t *part_list,cos_table_t *headers,cos_table_t **resp_headers);
Parameter | Description | Type |
options | COS request options | Struct |
bucket | Bucket name in the format: BucketName-APPID | String |
object | Object name | String |
upload_id | Upload task ID | String |
part_list | Parameters for the Complete Multipart Upload operation | Struct |
part_number | Part number | String |
etag | ETag of the part, which is the sha1 checksum value. It must be enclosed in double quotes, such as: "3a0f1fd698c235af9cf098cb74aa25bc" . | String |
headers | Additional headers of a COS request | Struct |
resp_headers | Returns the HTTP response headers | Struct |
Response Parameter | Description | Type |
code | Error code | Int |
error_code | Error code content | String |
error_msg | Error code description | String |
req_id | Request message ID | String |
#include "cos_http_io.h"#include "cos_api.h"#include "cos_log.h"// `endpoint` is the COS access domain name. For more information, see https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/6224.static char TEST_COS_ENDPOINT[] = "cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com";// A developer-owned secret ID/key used for the project. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.static char *TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID; // Your SecretIdstatic char *TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET; // Your SecretKey// A unique user-level resource identifier for COS access. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.static char TEST_APPID[] = "<APPID>"; // Your APPID// COS bucket name, in the format of [bucket]-[appid], for example `mybucket-1253666666`. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.static char TEST_BUCKET_NAME[] = "<bucketname-appid>";static char TEST_MULTIPART_OBJECT[] = "multipart.dat";void log_status(cos_status_t *s){cos_warn_log("status->code: %d", s->code);if (s->error_code) cos_warn_log("status->error_code: %s", s->error_code);if (s->error_msg) cos_warn_log("status->error_msg: %s", s->error_msg);if (s->req_id) cos_warn_log("status->req_id: %s", s->req_id);}void init_test_config(cos_config_t *config, int is_cname){cos_str_set(&config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);cos_str_set(&config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);cos_str_set(&config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);cos_str_set(&config->appid, TEST_APPID);config->is_cname = is_cname;}void init_test_request_options(cos_request_options_t *options, int is_cname){options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);}void test_complete_multipart_upload(){cos_pool_t *p = NULL;int is_cname = 0;cos_status_t *s = NULL;cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;cos_string_t bucket;cos_string_t object;cos_list_upload_part_params_t *params = NULL;cos_list_t complete_part_list;cos_string_t upload_id = cos_string("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"); // Use your own `uploadid`cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;cos_list_part_content_t *part_content = NULL;cos_complete_part_content_t *complete_part_content = NULL;// Create a memory poolcos_pool_create(&p, NULL);// Initialize the request optionsoptions = cos_request_options_create(p);init_test_request_options(options, is_cname);cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);cos_str_set(&object, TEST_MULTIPART_OBJECT);// Query the uploaded partsparams = cos_create_list_upload_part_params(p);params->max_ret = 1000;cos_list_init(&complete_part_list);s = cos_list_upload_part(options, &bucket, &object, &upload_id,params, &resp_headers);if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {printf("List multipart succeeded\\n");} else {printf("List multipart failed\\n");cos_pool_destroy(p);return;}cos_list_for_each_entry(cos_list_part_content_t, part_content, ¶ms->part_list, node) {complete_part_content = cos_create_complete_part_content(p);cos_str_set(&complete_part_content->part_number, part_content->part_number.data);cos_str_set(&complete_part_content->etag, part_content->etag.data);cos_list_add_tail(&complete_part_content->node, &complete_part_list);}// Complete the multipart uploads = cos_complete_multipart_upload(options, &bucket, &object, &upload_id,&complete_part_list, NULL, &resp_headers);if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {printf("Complete multipart upload from file succeeded, upload_id:%.*s\\n",upload_id.len, upload_id.data);} else {printf("Complete multipart upload from file failed\\n");}// Destroy the memory pool.cos_pool_destroy(p);}int main(int argc, char *argv[]){// Get SecretId and SecretKey from environment variablesTEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID = getenv("COS_SECRETID");TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET = getenv("COS_SECRETKEY");if (cos_http_io_initialize(NULL, 0) != COSE_OK) {exit(1);}// Set the log level. Default value: `COS_LOG_WARN`cos_log_set_level(COS_LOG_WARN);// Set log output. Default value: `stderr`cos_log_set_output(NULL);test_complete_multipart_upload();cos_http_io_deinitialize();return 0;}
Upload Parts
API.cos_status_t *cos_abort_multipart_upload(const cos_request_options_t *options,const cos_string_t *bucket,const cos_string_t *object,cos_string_t *upload_id,cos_table_t **resp_headers);
Parameter | Description | Type |
options | COS request options | Struct |
bucket | Bucket name in the format: BucketName-APPID | String |
object | Object name | String |
upload_id | Upload task ID | String |
resp_headers | Returns the HTTP response headers | Struct |
Response Parameter | Description | Type |
code | Error code | Int |
error_code | Error code content | String |
error_msg | Error code description | String |
req_id | Request message ID | String |
#include "cos_http_io.h"#include "cos_api.h"#include "cos_log.h"// `endpoint` is the COS access domain name. For more information, see https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/6224.static char TEST_COS_ENDPOINT[] = "cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com";// A developer-owned secret ID/key used for the project. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.static char *TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID; // Your SecretIdstatic char *TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET; // Your SecretKey// A unique user-level resource identifier for COS access. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.static char TEST_APPID[] = "<APPID>"; // Your APPID// COS bucket name, in the format of [bucket]-[appid], for example `mybucket-1253666666`. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.static char TEST_BUCKET_NAME[] = "<bucketname-appid>";static char TEST_MULTIPART_OBJECT[] = "multipart.dat";void log_status(cos_status_t *s){cos_warn_log("status->code: %d", s->code);if (s->error_code) cos_warn_log("status->error_code: %s", s->error_code);if (s->error_msg) cos_warn_log("status->error_msg: %s", s->error_msg);if (s->req_id) cos_warn_log("status->req_id: %s", s->req_id);}void init_test_config(cos_config_t *config, int is_cname){cos_str_set(&config->endpoint, TEST_COS_ENDPOINT);cos_str_set(&config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);cos_str_set(&config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);cos_str_set(&config->appid, TEST_APPID);config->is_cname = is_cname;}void init_test_request_options(cos_request_options_t *options, int is_cname){options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);init_test_config(options->config, is_cname);options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);}void abort_multipart_upload(){cos_pool_t *p = NULL;cos_string_t bucket;cos_string_t object;int is_cname = 0;cos_table_t *headers = NULL;cos_table_t *resp_headers = NULL;cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;cos_string_t upload_id;cos_status_t *s = NULL;cos_pool_create(&p, NULL);options = cos_request_options_create(p);init_test_request_options(options, is_cname);headers = cos_table_make(p, 1);cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);cos_str_set(&object, TEST_MULTIPART_OBJECT);s = cos_init_multipart_upload(options, &bucket, &object,&upload_id, headers, &resp_headers);if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {printf("Init multipart upload succeeded, upload_id:%.*s\\n",upload_id.len, upload_id.data);} else {printf("Init multipart upload failed\\n");cos_pool_destroy(p);return;}s = cos_abort_multipart_upload(options, &bucket, &object, &upload_id,&resp_headers);if (cos_status_is_ok(s)) {printf("Abort multipart upload succeeded, upload_id::%.*s\\n",upload_id.len, upload_id.data);} else {printf("Abort multipart upload failed\\n");}cos_pool_destroy(p);}int main(int argc, char *argv[]){// Get SecretId and SecretKey from environment variablesTEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID = getenv("COS_SECRETID");TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET = getenv("COS_SECRETKEY");if (cos_http_io_initialize(NULL, 0) != COSE_OK) {exit(1);}// Set the log level. Default value: `COS_LOG_WARN`cos_log_set_level(COS_LOG_WARN);// Set log output. Default value: `stderr`cos_log_set_output(NULL);abort_multipart_upload();cos_http_io_deinitialize();return 0;}
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