POST /template HTTP/1.1Host: <BucketName-APPID>.ci.<Region>.myqcloud.comDate: <GMT Date>Authorization: <Auth String>Content-Length: <length>Content-Type: application/xml<body>
<Request><Tag>Watermark</Tag><Name>TemplateName</Name><Watermark><Type>Text</Type><LocMode>Absolute</LocMode><Dx>128</Dx><Dy>128</Dy><Pos>TopRight</Pos><StartTime>0</StartTime><EndTime>100.5</EndTime><Text><Text>Watermark content</Text><FontSize>30</FontSize><FontType></FontType><FontColor>0xRRGGBB</FontColor><Transparency>30</Transparency></Text></Watermark></Request><Request><Tag>Watermark</Tag><Name>TemplateName</Name><Watermark><Type>Image</Type><LocMode>Absolute</LocMode><Dx>128</Dx><Dy>128</Dy><Pos>TopRight</Pos><StartTime>0</StartTime><EndTime>100.5</EndTime><Image><Url></Url><Mode>Proportion</Mode><Width>10</Width><Height></Height><Transparency>100</Transparency></Image></Watermark></Request>
Node Name (Keyword) | Parent Node | Description | Type |
Request | None | Request container | Container |
Node Name (Keyword) | Parent Node | Description | Type | Required |
Tag | Request | Template type: Watermark | String | Yes |
Name | Request | Template name, which can contain letters, digits, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and asterisks (*). | String | Yes |
Watermark | Request | Watermark information | Container | Yes |
Node Name (Keyword) | Parent Node | Description | Type | Required | Default Value | Constraints |
Type | Request.Watermark | Watermark type | String | Yes | None | Text: Text watermark. Image: Image watermark. |
Pos | Request.Watermark | Reference position | String | Yes | None | TopRight, TopLeft, BottomRight, BottomLeft, Left, Right, Top, Bottom, Center |
LocMode | Request.Watermark | Offset mode | String | Yes | None | Relativity: Proportionally. Absolute: Fixed position. |
Dx | Request.Watermark | Horizontal offset | String | Yes | None | 1. Image watermark with Background being true: If locMode is Relativity, the unit is %, and the value range is [-300, 0]. If locMode is Absolute, the unit is px, and the value range is [-4096, 0]. 2. Image watermark with Background being false : If locMode is Relativity , the unit is %, and the value range is [0, 100]. If locMode is Absolute , the unit is px, and the value range is [0, 4096].3. Text watermark: If locMode is Relativity , the unit is %, and the value range is [0, 100]. If locMode is Absolute , the unit is px, and the value range is [0, 4096].4. If Pos is Top , Bottom , or Center , this parameter will not take effect. |
Dy | Request.Watermark | Vertical offset | String | Yes | None | 1. Image watermark with Background being true: If locMode is Relativity, the unit is %, and the value range is [-300, 0]. If locMode is Absolute, the unit is px, and the value range is [-4096, 0]. 2. Image watermark with Background being false : If locMode is Relativity , the unit is %, and the value range is [0, 100]. If locMode is Absolute , the unit is px, and the value range is [0, 4096].3. Text watermark: If locMode is Relativity , the unit is %, and the value range is [0, 100]. If locMode is Absolute , the unit is px, and the value range is [0, 4096].4. If Pos is Left , Right , or Center , this parameter will not take effect. |
StartTime | Request.Watermark | Watermark start time | String | No | 0 | 1. Value range: [0, video duration] 2. Unit: Second 3. The float format is supported, accurate to the millisecond. |
EndTime | Request.Watermark | Watermark end time | String | No | Video end time | 1. Value range: [0, video duration] 2. Unit: Second 3. The float format is supported, accurate to the millisecond. |
SlideConfig | Request.Watermark | Watermark sliding configuration. If this parameter is configured, the watermark offset setting will not take effect. This parameter is not supported for top speed codec/H.265 transcoding. | Container | No | None | None |
Image | Request.Watermark | Image watermark node | Container | No | None | None |
Text | Request.Watermark | Text watermark node | Container | No | None | None |
has the following sub-nodes:Node Name (Keyword) | Parent Node | Description | Type | Required | Default Value | Constraints |
SlideMode | Request.Watermark. SlideConfig | Sliding mode | String | Yes | None | Default: Not enabled. ScrollFromLeft : Slides from left to right. If ScrollFromLeft is set, the Watermark.Pos parameter will not take effect. |
XSlideSpeed | Request.Watermark. SlideConfig | Horizontal sliding speed | String | Yes | None | Valid values: An integer between 0 and 10. Default value: 0 . |
YSlideSpeed | Request.Watermark. SlideConfig | Vertical sliding speed | String | Yes | None | Valid values: An integer between 0 and 10. Default value: 0 . |
has the following sub-nodes:Node Name (Keyword) | Parent Node | Description | Type | Required | Default Value | Constraints |
Url | Request.Watermark. Image | Watermark image address (which must be URL-encoded before being passed in). | String | Yes | None | Same as the watermark image address of the bucket. |
Mode | Request.Watermark. Image | Dimension mode | String | Yes | None | 1. Original: Original size 2. Proportion : Scaled proportionally 3. Fixed : Fixed size |
Width | Request.Watermark. Image | Width | String | No | None | 1. If Mode is Original, the watermark image width cannot be set. 2. If Mode is Proportion , the unit is %, and the value range is [100, 300] for the background image and [1, 100] for the foreground image. Compared with the video width, the watermark image width cannot be greater than 4096 px. 3. If Mode is Fixed , the unit is px, and the value range is [8, 4096].4. If only Width is set, Height is calculated according to the original watermark image aspect ratio. |
Height | Request.Watermark. Image | Height | String | No | None | 1. If Mode is Original, the watermark image height cannot be set. 2. If Mode is Proportion , the unit is %, and the value range is [100, 300] for the background image and [1, 100] for the foreground image. Compared with the video height, the watermark image height cannot be greater than 4096 px. 3. f Mode is Fixed , the unit is px, and the value range is [8, 4096].4. If only Height is set, Width is calculated according to the original watermark image aspect ratio. |
Transparency | Request.Watermark. Image | Transparency | String | Yes | None | Value range: [1, 100]. Unit: % |
Background | Request.Watermark.、Image | Whether it is a background image | String | No | false | Valid values: true , false . |
has the following sub-nodes:Node Name (Keyword) | Parent Node | Description | Type | Required | Default Value | Constraints |
FontSize | Request.Watermark. Text | Font size | String | Yes | None | Value range: [5, 100]. Unit: px |
FontType | Request.Watermark. Text | Font type | String | Yes | None | See the table below. |
FontColor | Request.Watermark. Text | Font color | String | Yes | None | Format: 0xRRGGBB |
Transparency | Request.Watermark. Text | Transparency | String | Yes | None | Value range: [1, 100]. Unit: % |
Text | Request.Watermark. Text | Watermark content | String | Yes | None | The value can contain up to 64 letters, digits, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and asterisks (*). |
has the following sub-nodes:Font Name | Supported Language | Description |
simfang.ttf | Chinese/English | FangSong |
simhei.ttf | Chinese/English | SimHei |
simkai.ttf | Chinese/English | KaiTi |
simsun.ttc | Chinese/English | SimSun |
STHeiti-Light.ttc | Chinese/English | STHeiti-Light |
STHeiti-Medium.ttc | Chinese/English | STHeiti-Medium |
youyuan.TTF | Chinese/English | YouYuan |
ariblk.ttf | English | None |
arial.ttf | English | None |
ahronbd.ttf | English | None |
Helvetica.dfont | English | None |
HelveticaNeue.dfont | English | None |
<Response><Template><TemplateId>t1460606b9752148c4ab182f55163ba7cd</TemplateId><Tag>Watermark</Tag><Name>TemplateName</Name><BucketId>test-1234567890</BucketId><Category>Custom</Category><Watermark><Type>Text</Type><LocMode>Absolute</LocMode><Dx>128</Dx><Dy>128</Dy><Pos>TopRight</Pos><StartTime>0</StartTime><EndTime>100.5</EndTime><Text><Text>Watermark content</Text><FontSize>30</FontSize><FontType></FontType><FontColor>0xRRGGBB</FontColor><Transparency>30</Transparency></Text></Watermark><CreateTime>2020-08-05T11:35:24+0800</CreateTime><UpdateTime>2020-08-31T16:15:20+0800</UpdateTime></Template></Response>
Node Name (Keyword) | Parent Node | Description | Type |
Response | None | Response container | Container |
Node Name (Keyword) | Parent Node | Description | Type |
TemplateId | Response.Template | Template ID | String |
Name | Response.Template | Template name | String |
BucketId | Response.Template | Template bucket | String |
Category | Response.Template | Template category: Custom or Official | String |
Tag | Response.Template | Template type: VideoProcess | String |
UpdateTime | Response.Template | Update time | String |
CreateTime | Response.Template | Creation time | String |
Watermark | Response.Template | Same as Request.Watermark in the request body. | Container |
POST /template HTTP/1.1Authorization: q-sign-algorithm=sha1&q-ak=AKIDZfbOAo7cllgPvF9cXFrJD0****&q-sign-time=1497530202;1497610202&q-key-time=1497530202;1497610202&q-header-list=&q-url-param-list=&q-signature=28e9a4986df11bed0255e97ff90500557e0e****Host: 1666Content-Type: application/xml<Request><Tag>Watermark</Tag><Name>TemplateName</Name><Watermark><Type>Text</Type><LocMode>Absolute</LocMode><Dx>128</Dx><Dy>128</Dy><Pos>TopRight</Pos><StartTime>0</StartTime><EndTime>100.5</EndTime><Text><Text>Watermark content</Text><FontSize>30</FontSize><FontType></FontType><FontColor>0xRRGGBB</FontColor><Transparency>30</Transparency></Text></Watermark></Request>
HTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-Type: application/xmlContent-Length: 100Connection: keep-aliveDate: Thu, 14 Jul 2022 12:37:29 GMTServer: tencent-cix-ci-request-id: NTk0MjdmODlfMjQ4OGY3XzYzYzhf****<Response><Template><TemplateId>t1460606b9752148c4ab182f55163ba7cd</TemplateId><Tag>Watermark</Tag><Name>TemplateName</Name><BucketId>test-1234567890</BucketId><Category>Custom</Category><Watermark><Type>Text</Type><LocMode>Absolute</LocMode><Dx>128</Dx><Dy>128</Dy><Pos>TopRight</Pos><StartTime>0</StartTime><EndTime>100.5</EndTime><Text><Text>Watermark content</Text><FontSize>30</FontSize><FontType></FontType><FontColor>0xRRGGBB</FontColor><Transparency>30</Transparency></Text></Watermark><CreateTime>2020-08-05T11:35:24+0800</CreateTime><UpdateTime>2020-08-31T16:15:20+0800</UpdateTime></Template></Response>
POST /template HTTP/1.1Authorization: q-sign-algorithm=sha1&q-ak=AKIDZfbOAo7cllgPvF9cXFrJD0****&q-sign-time=1497530202;1497610202&q-key-time=1497530202;1497610202&q-header-list=&q-url-param-list=&q-signature=28e9a4986df11bed0255e97ff90500557e0e****Host: 1666Content-Type: application/xml<Request><Tag>Watermark</Tag><Name>TemplateName</Name><Watermark><Type>Image</Type><LocMode>Absolute</LocMode><Dx>128</Dx><Dy>128</Dy><Pos>TopRight</Pos><StartTime>0</StartTime><EndTime>100.5</EndTime><Image><Url></Url><Mode>Proportion</Mode><Width>10</Width><Height>10</Height><Transparency>30</Transparency></Image></Watermark></Request>
HTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-Type: application/xmlContent-Length: 100Connection: keep-aliveDate: Thu, 14 Jul 2022 12:37:29 GMTServer: tencent-cix-ci-request-id: NTk0MjdmODlfMjQ4OGY3XzYzYzhf****<Response><Template><TemplateId>t1460606b9752148c4ab182f55163ba7cd</TemplateId><Tag>Watermark</Tag><Name>TemplateName</Name><BucketId>test-1234567890</BucketId><Category>Custom</Category><Watermark><Type>Image</Type><LocMode>Absolute</LocMode><Dx>128</Dx><Dy>128</Dy><Pos>TopRight</Pos><StartTime>0</StartTime><EndTime>100.5</EndTime><Image><Url></Url><Mode>Proportion</Mode><Width>10</Width><Height>10</Height><Transparency>30</Transparency></Image></Watermark><CreateTime>2020-08-05T11:35:24+0800</CreateTime><UpdateTime>2020-08-31T16:15:20+0800</UpdateTime></Template></Response>
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