API | Operation Name | Operation Description |
Uploading an object in whole | Uploads an object to a bucket. | |
Appending parts | Appends object parts to a bucket. | |
Uploading an object by using an HTML form | Uploads an object by using an HTML form. |
API | Operation | Description |
Querying multipart uploads | Queries ongoing multipart uploads. | |
Initializing a multipart upload operation | Initializes a multipart upload task. | |
Uploading parts | Uploads an object in parts. | |
Querying uploaded parts | Queries the uploaded parts in a multipart upload. | |
Completing a multipart upload | Completes the multipart upload of an object. | |
Aborting a multipart upload | Aborts a multipart upload and deletes the uploaded parts. |
PUT Object
) is used to upload an object to a bucket. To call this API, you must have write access to the bucket./
; otherwise, it will be identified as a folder.APPID
) can have up to 1,000 bucket ACLs and an unlimited number of object ACLs. Do not configure ACLs for an object during upload if you don't need to control the access to it, in which case the object will inherit the permissions of its bucket by default.GET
method. The detailed API description is as follows. If your file is set to private-read, note that the pre-signed URL will only be valid for a certain period of time.onProgress
depends on the native xhr.upload.onprogress
method. If you find that the upload progress is inaccurate, check whether a library (such as nuysoft/Mock) that intercepts XHR methods is referenced in your project.cos.putObject({Bucket: 'examplebucket-1250000000', /* Your bucket (required) */Region: 'COS_REGION', /* Bucket region (required), such as ap-beijing */Key: '1.jpg', /* Object key stored in the bucket (required), such as `1.jpg` and `a/b/test.txt`. */Body: fileObject, /* The file object to be uploaded (required). It can be the file object obtained after the `input[type="file"]` tag is used to select a local file. */onProgress: function(progressData) {console.log(JSON.stringify(progressData));}}, function(err, data) {console.log(err || data);});
cos.putObject({Bucket: 'examplebucket-1250000000', /* Your bucket (required) */Region: 'COS_REGION', /* Bucket region (required), such as ap-beijing */Key: '1.txt', /* Object key stored in the bucket (required), such as `1.jpg` and `a/b/test.txt`. */Body: 'hello!',}, function(err, data) {console.log(err || data);});
var base64Url = '.....';var dataURLtoBlob = function (dataurl) {var arr = dataurl.split(',');var mime = arr[0].match(/:(.*?);/)[1];var bstr = atob(arr[1]);var n = bstr.length;var u8arr = new Uint8Array(n);while (n--) {u8arr[n] = bstr.charCodeAt(n);}return new Blob([u8arr], { type: mime });};// Convert to BLOB for uploadvar body = dataURLtoBlob(base64Url);cos.putObject({Bucket: 'examplebucket-1250000000', /* Your bucket (required) */Region: 'COS_REGION', /* Bucket region (required), such as ap-beijing */Key: '1.png', /* Object key stored in the bucket, such as `1.jpg` and `a/b/test.txt` (required) */Body: body,}, function(err, data) {console.log(err || data);});
cos.putObject({Bucket: 'examplebucket-1250000000', /* Your bucket (required) */Region: 'COS_REGION', /* Bucket region (required), such as ap-beijing */Key: 'a/', /* Object key stored in the bucket, such as `1.jpg` and `a/b/test.txt` (required) */Body: '',}, function(err, data) {console.log(err || data);});
cos.putObject({Bucket: 'examplebucket-1250000000', /* Your bucket (required) */Region: 'COS_REGION', /* Bucket region (required), such as ap-beijing */Key: 'a/b/1.jpg', /* Object key stored in the bucket, such as `1.jpg` and `a/b/test.txt` (required) */Body: fileObject, /* The file object to be uploaded (required). It can be the file object obtained after the `input[type="file"]` tag is used to select a local file. */onProgress: function(progressData) {console.log(JSON.stringify(progressData));}}, function(err, data) {console.log(err || data);});
cos.putObject({Bucket: 'examplebucket-1250000000', /* Your bucket (required) */Region: 'COS_REGION', /* Bucket region (required), such as ap-beijing */Key: '1.jpg', /* Object key stored in the bucket (required), such as `1.jpg` and `a/b/test.txt`. */Body: fileObject, /* The file object to be uploaded (required). It can be the file object obtained after the `input[type="file"]` tag is used to select a local file. */Headers: {'x-cos-traffic-limit': 819200, // The speed range is 819200–838860800, i.e., 100 KB/s to 100 MB/s. If a value is not within this range, 400 will be returned.},onProgress: function(progressData) {console.log(JSON.stringify(progressData));}}, function(err, data) {console.log(err || data);});
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
Bucket | Bucket name in the format of BucketName-APPID . | String | Yes |
Region | String | Yes | |
Key | Object key (object name), which is the unique identifier of an object in a bucket. For more information, see Object Overview. | String | Yes |
Body | Content of the file to be uploaded, which can be a string, file, or BLOB object. | String/File/Blob/ArrayBuffer | Yes |
CacheControl | The cache policy as defined in RFC 2616, which is saved as part of the object metadata. | String | No |
ContentDisposition | The filename as defined in RFC 2616, which is saved as part of the object metadata. | String | No |
ContentEncoding | The encoding format as defined in RFC 2616, which is saved as part of the object metadata. | String | No |
ContentLength | The length of the content of an HTTP request in bytes as defined in RFC 2616 | String | No |
ContentType | The content type (MIME) as defined in RFC 2616, which is saved as part of the object metadata. | String | No |
Expires | The expiration time as defined in RFC 2616, which is saved as part of the object metadata. | String | No |
Expect | If Expect: 100-continue is used, the request content will be sent only after the confirmation from the server is received. | String | No |
ACL | ACL attribute of the object. For enumerated values, such as default , private , and public-read , see the Preset ACL section in ACL. Note: If you don't need access control for the object, set this parameter to default or leave it empty, in which case the object will inherit the permissions of its bucket. | String | No |
GrantRead | Grants a user read access to an object in the format of id="[OwnerUin]" . You can separate multiple users by comma.To authorize a sub-account, use id="qcs::cam::uin/<OwnerUin>:uin/<SubUin>" .To authorize a root account, use id="qcs::cam::uin/<OwnerUin>:uin/<OwnerUin>". Example: 'id="qcs::cam::uin/100000000001:uin/100000000001", id="qcs::cam::uin/100000000001:uin/100000000011"' | String | No |
GrantReadAcp | Grants a user read access to an object ACL in the format of id="[OwnerUin]" . You can separate multiple users by comma.To authorize a sub-account, use id="qcs::cam::uin/<OwnerUin>:uin/<SubUin>" To authorize a root account, use id="qcs::cam::uin/<OwnerUin>:uin/<OwnerUin>" .Example: 'id="qcs::cam::uin/100000000001:uin/100000000001", id="qcs::cam::uin/100000000001:uin/100000000011"' | String | No |
GrantWriteAcp | Grants a user write access to an object ACL in the format of id="[OwnerUin]" . You can separate multiple users by comma.To authorize a sub-account, useid="qcs::cam::uin/<OwnerUin>:uin/<SubUin>" .To authorize a root account, use id="qcs::cam::uin/<OwnerUin>:uin/<OwnerUin>" .Example: 'id="qcs::cam::uin/100000000001:uin/100000000001", id="qcs::cam::uin/100000000001:uin/100000000011"' | String | No |
GrantFullControl | Grants a user full access to an object in the format of id="[OwnerUin]" . You can separate multiple users by comma.To authorize a sub-account, use id="qcs::cam::uin/<OwnerUin>:uin/<SubUin>" .To authorize a root account, use id="qcs::cam::uin/<OwnerUin>:uin/<OwnerUin>" .Example: 'id="qcs::cam::uin/100000000001:uin/100000000001", id="qcs::cam::uin/100000000001:uin/100000000011"' | String | No |
StorageClass | Storage class of the object. Enumerated values: STANDARD , STANDARD_IA , ARCHIVE , DEEP_ARCHIVE . Default value: STANDARD . For more information, see Overview. | String | No |
x-cos-meta-* | User-defined header of up to 2 KB in size, which is saved as part of the object metadata. | String | No |
UploadAddMetaMd5 | Sets x-cos-meta-md5 as the object's MD5 checksum in the object's metadata during upload in the format of a 32-bit lowercase string, such as 4d00d79b6733c9cc066584a02ed03410 . | String | No |
onTaskReady | Callback for upload task creation. A taskId is returned, which uniquely identifies the task and can be used to cancel (cancelTask), pause (pauseTask), or restart (restartTask) the task. | Function | No |
- taskId | ID of the upload task | String | No |
onProgress | Callback for the progress. The response object is progressData . | Function | No |
- progressData.loaded | Size of the uploaded parts in bytes | Number | No |
- progressData.total | Size of the entire file in bytes | Number | No |
- progressData.speed | File upload speed in bytes/s | Number | No |
- progressData.percent | Percentage of the file upload progress in decimal form; for example, 0.5 means 50% uploaded. | Number | No |
function(err, data) { ... }
Parameter | Description | Type |
err | The object returned when an error (network error or service error) occurs. If the request is successful, this parameter is empty. For more information, see Error Codes. | Object |
- statusCode | Returned HTTP status code, such as 200 , 403 , and 404 . | Number |
- headers | Returned headers | Object |
data | The object returned when the request is successful. If an error occurs with the request, this parameter is empty. | Object |
- statusCode | Returned HTTP status code, such as 200 , 403 , and 404 . | Number |
- headers | Returned headers | Object |
- ETag | MD5 checksum of the object. The value of this parameter can be used to check whether the object was corrupted during the upload. Example: "09cba091df696af91549de27b8e7d0f6" . Note that double quotation marks are required at the beginning and the end of the value. | String |
- Location | Access address of the uploaded file | String |
- VersionId | Version ID of the uploaded object if versioning is enabled for its bucket. If versioning is not enabled, this parameter will not be returned. The VersionId field needs to be set in Expose-Headers . For more information, see Setting CORS. | String |
) is used to upload an object to a bucket by appending parts.APPEND Object
API for the first time, it will be automatically determined as "appendable".GET Object
or HEAD Object
API to get the x-cos-object-type
response header to determine the object type.cos.appendObject({Bucket: 'examplebucket-1250000000', /* Your bucket (required) */Region: 'COS_REGION', /* Bucket region (required), such as ap-beijing */Key: 'test.txt', /* Object key stored in the bucket, such as `1.jpg` and `a/b/test.txt` (required) */Body: fileObject, /* The file object to be uploaded (required). It can be the file object obtained after the `input[type="file"]` tag is used to select a local file. */Position: 0, // The value is `0` for the first upload.}, function(err, data) {console.log(err || data);});
cos.headObject({Bucket: 'examplebucket-1250000000', /* Your bucket (required) */Region: 'COS_REGION', /* Bucket region (required), such as ap-beijing */Key: 'test.txt', /* Object key stored in the bucket, such as `1.jpg` and `a/b/test.txt` (required) */}, function(err, data) {if (err) return console.log(err);// If `data.headers` does not contain the `x-cos-object-type` field, you need to configure `expose-headers`. For more information, visit https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/13318.var objectType = data.headers['x-cos-object-type'];console.log(objectType === 'appendable');});
cos.headObject({Bucket: 'examplebucket-1250000000', /* Your bucket (required) */Region: 'COS_REGION', /* Bucket region (required), such as ap-beijing */Key: 'test.txt', /* Object key stored in the bucket, such as `1.jpg` and `a/b/test.txt` (required) */}, function(err, data) {if (err) return console.log(err);// Get the current length (position for upload) of the file to be appendedvar position = data.headers['content-length'];cos.appendObject({Bucket: 'examplebucket-1250000000', /* Your bucket (required) */Region: 'COS_REGION', /* Bucket region (required), such as ap-beijing */Key: 'test.txt', /* Object key stored in the bucket, such as `1.jpg` and `a/b/test.txt` (required) */Body: '66666',Position: position,},function(err, data) {if (err) return console.log(err);// Get the position for the next upload and continue appending parts// If `data.headers` does not contain the `x-cos-next-append-position` field, you need to configure `expose-headers`. For more information, visit https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/13318.var nextPosition = data.headers['x-cos-next-append-position'];console.log(nextPosition);})});
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
Bucket | Bucket name in the format of BucketName-APPID . | String | Yes |
Region | String | Yes | |
Key | Object key (object name), which is the unique identifier of an object in a bucket. For more information, see Object Overview. | String | Yes |
Body | Content of the file to be uploaded, which can be a string, file, or BLOB object. | String/File/Blob/ArrayBuffer | Yes |
Position | Starting point for the append operation (in bytes). For the first append, the value of this parameter is 0 . For subsequent appends, the value is the content-length of the current object. | Number | Yes |
CacheControl | The cache policy as defined in RFC 2616, which is saved as part of the object metadata. | String | No |
ContentDisposition | The filename as defined in RFC 2616, which is saved as part of the object metadata. | String | No |
ContentEncoding | The encoding format as defined in RFC 2616, which is saved as part of the object metadata. | String | No |
ContentLength | The length of the content of an HTTP request in bytes as defined in RFC 2616 | String | No |
ContentType | The content type (MIME) as defined in RFC 2616, which is saved as part of the object metadata. | String | No |
Expires | The expiration time as defined in RFC 2616, which is saved as part of the object metadata. | String | No |
Expect | If Expect: 100-continue is used, the request content will be sent only after the confirmation from the server is received. | String | No |
ACL | ACL attribute of the object. For enumerated values, such as default , private , and public-read , see the Preset ACL section in ACL. Note: If you don't need access control for the object, set this parameter to default or leave it empty, in which case the object will inherit the permissions of its bucket. | String | No |
GrantRead | Grants a user read access to an object in the format of id="[OwnerUin]" . You can separate multiple users by comma.To authorize a sub-account, use id="qcs::cam::uin/<OwnerUin>:uin/<SubUin>" .To authorize a root account, use id="qcs::cam::uin/<OwnerUin>:uin/<OwnerUin" .Example: 'id="qcs::cam::uin/100000000001:uin/100000000001", id="qcs::cam::uin/100000000001:uin/100000000011"' | String | No |
GrantReadAcp | Grants a user read access to an object ACL in the format of id="[OwnerUin]" . You can separate multiple users by comma.To authorize a sub-account, use id="qcs::cam::uin/<OwnerUin>:uin/<SubUin>" .To authorize a root account, use id="qcs::cam::uin/<OwnerUin>:uin/<OwnerUin>" .Example: 'id="qcs::cam::uin/100000000001:uin/100000000001", id="qcs::cam::uin/100000000001:uin/100000000011"' | String | No |
GrantWriteAcp | Grants a user write access to an object ACL in the format of id="[OwnerUin]" . You can separate multiple users by comma.To authorize a sub-account, use id="qcs::cam::uin/<OwnerUin>:uin/<SubUin>" .To authorize a root account, use id="qcs::cam::uin/<OwnerUin>:uin/<OwnerUin>" .Example: 'id="qcs::cam::uin/100000000001:uin/100000000001", id="qcs::cam::uin/100000000001:uin/100000000011"' | String | No |
GrantFullControl | Grants a user full access to an object in the format of id="[OwnerUin]" . You can separate multiple users by comma.To authorize a sub-account, use id="qcs::cam::uin/<OwnerUin>:uin/<SubUin>". To authorize a root account, use id="qcs::cam::uin/<OwnerUin>:uin/<OwnerUin>" .Example: 'id="qcs::cam::uin/100000000001:uin/100000000001", id="qcs::cam::uin/100000000001:uin/100000000011"' | String | No |
StorageClass | Storage class of the object. Enumerated values: STANDARD , STANDARD_IA , ARCHIVE , DEEP_ARCHIVE . Default value: STANDARD . For more information, see Overview. | String | No |
x-cos-meta-* | User-defined header of up to 2 KB in size, which is saved as part of the object metadata. | String | No |
function(err, data) { ... }
Parameter | Description | Type |
err | The object returned when an error (network error or service error) occurs. If the request is successful, this parameter is empty. For more information, see Error Codes. | Object |
- statusCode | Returned HTTP status code, such as 200 , 403 , and 404 . | Number |
- headers | Returned headers | Object |
data | The object returned when the request is successful. If an error occurs with the request, this parameter is empty. | Object |
- statusCode | Returned HTTP status code, such as 200 , 403 , and 404 . | Number |
- headers | Returned headers | Object |
- RequestId | Unique ID of the request. | String |
POST Object
API. If you need to use this API, see "Solution B: Upload with a form" in Practice of Direct Transfer for Web End.sliceUploadFile
has encapsulated the following multipart operations, which can be called directly. We recommend you use the advanced upload method uploadFile
.List Multipart Uploads
) is used to query ongoing multipart uploads. Up to 1,000 multipart uploads can be listed at a time.UploadId
prefixed with a
:cos.multipartList({Bucket: 'examplebucket-1250000000', /* Required */Region: 'COS_REGION', /* Bucket region (required) */Prefix: 'a', /* Optional */}, function(err, data) {console.log(err || data);});
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
Bucket | Bucket name in the format of BucketName-APPID . | String | Yes |
Region | String | Yes | |
Prefix | The object key prefix by which uploads are queried. Note that when you query uploads with the specified prefix, the returned object keys will also contain Prefix . | String | No |
Delimiter | The separating symbol used to group object keys, which is usually / . Objects with identical paths between Prefix or the beginning of their keys if no Prefix is specified and the first delimiter are grouped together and defined as a common prefix. All common prefixes are listed. | String | No |
encodingType | Encoding type of the returned value. Valid value: url . | String | No |
- MaxUploads | Maximum number of entries to be returned. Value range: 1–1000. Default value: 1000 . | String | No |
KeyMarker | This parameter is used together with upload-id-marker : If upload-id-marker is not specified:  - Uploads with ObjectName lexicographically greater than key-marker will be listed.If upload-id-marker is specified:  - Uploads with ObjectName lexicographically greater than key-marker will be listed. - Uploads with ObjectName lexicographically equal to key-marker and UploadID greater than upload-id-marker will be listed. | string | No |
UploadIdMarker | This parameter is used together with key-marker : If key-marker is not specified:  - upload-id-marker will be ignored. If key-marker is specified:  - Uploads with ObjectName lexicographically greater than key-marker will be listed. - Uploads with ObjectName lexicographically equal to key-marker and UploadID greater than upload-id-marker will be listed. | String | No |
function(err, data) { ... }
Parameter | Description | Type |
err | The object returned when an error (network error or service error) occurs. If the request is successful, this parameter is empty. For more information, see Error Codes. | Object |
- statusCode | Returned HTTP status code, such as 200 , 403 , and 404 . | Number |
- headers | Returned headers | Object |
data | The object returned when the request is successful. If an error occurs with the request, this parameter is empty. | Object |
- statusCode | Returned HTTP status code, such as 200 , 403 , and 404 . | Number |
- headers | Returned headers | Object |
- Bucket | Destination bucket for the multipart upload | String |
- Encoding-Type | Encoding type for the returned values. Valid value: url . | String |
- KeyMarker | The key after which the returned list begins. | String |
- UploadIdMarker | The UploadId after which the returned list begins. | String |
- NextKeyMarker | The key after which the next returned list begins if the list is truncated. | String |
- NextUploadIdMarker | The UploadId after which the next returned list begins if the list is truncated. | String |
- MaxUploads | Maximum number of entries to be returned. Value range: 1–1000. | String |
- IsTruncated | Whether the returned list is truncated. Valid values: true , false . | String |
- Prefix | The object key prefix by which uploads are queried. | String |
- Delimiter | The separating symbol used to group object keys, which is usually / . Objects with identical paths between Prefix or the beginning of their keys if no Prefix is specified and the first delimiter are grouped together and defined as a common prefix. All common prefixes are listed. | String |
- CommonPrefixes | Objects with identical paths between Prefix and the delimiter are grouped together and defined as a common prefix. | ObjectArray |
- - Prefix | Specific common prefixes | String |
- Upload | Information of the multipart upload | ObjectArray |
- - Key | Object key, i.e., object name | String |
- - UploadId | ID of the multipart upload | String |
- - StorageClass | Storage class of the parts, such as STANDARD , STANDARD_IA , ARCHIVE , and DEEP_ARCHIVE . For more information, see Overview. | String |
- - Initiator | Initiator of the upload | Object |
- - - DisplayName | Name of the upload initiator | String |
- - - ID | ID of the upload initiator in the format of qcs::cam::uin/<OwnerUin>:uin/<SubUin> . For root accounts, <OwnerUin> and <SubUin> have the same value. | String |
- - Owner | Information of the part owner | Object |
- - - DisplayName | Name of the part owner | String |
- - - ID | ID of the parts owner in the format of qcs::cam::uin/<OwnerUin>:uin/<SubUin> . For root accounts, <OwnerUin> and <SubUin> have the same value. | String |
- - Initiated | Start time of the multipart upload | String |
Initiate Multipart Upload
) is used to initialize a multipart upload. After successful initialization, an upload ID will be returned, which can be used in subsequent Upload Part
requests.cos.multipartInit({Bucket: 'examplebucket-1250000000', /* Your bucket (required) */Region: 'COS_REGION', /* Bucket region (required), such as ap-beijing */Key: '1.jpg', /* Object key stored in the bucket (required), such as `1.jpg` and `a/b/test.txt`. */Body: fileObject, /* The file object to be uploaded (required). It can be the file object obtained after the `input[type="file"]` tag is used to select a local file. */}, function(err, data) {console.log(err || data);if (data) {uploadId = data.UploadId;}});
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
Bucket | Bucket name in the format of BucketName-APPID . | String | Yes |
Region | String | Yes | |
Key | Object key (object name), which is the unique identifier of an object in a bucket. For more information, see Object Overview. | String | Yes |
CacheControl | The cache policy as defined in RFC 2616, which is saved as part of the object metadata. | String | No |
ContentDisposition | The filename as defined in RFC 2616, which is saved as part of the object metadata. | String | No |
ContentEncoding | The encoding format as defined in RFC 2616, which is saved as part of the object metadata. | String | No |
ContentType | The content type (MIME) as defined in RFC 2616, which is saved as part of the object metadata. | String | No |
Expires | The expiration time as defined in RFC 2616, which is saved as part of the object metadata. | String | No |
ACL | ACL attribute of the object. For enumerated values, such as default , private , and public-read , see the Preset ACL section in ACL. Note: If you don't need access control for the object, set this parameter to default or leave it empty, in which case the object will inherit the permissions of its bucket. | String | No |
GrantRead | Grants a user read access to an object in the format of id="[OwnerUin]" . You can separate multiple users by comma.To authorize a sub-account, use id="qcs::cam::uin/<OwnerUin>:uin/<SubUin>" .To authorize a root account, use id="qcs::cam::uin/<OwnerUin>:uin/<OwnerUin>" .Example: 'id="qcs::cam::uin/100000000001:uin/100000000001", id="qcs::cam::uin/100000000001:uin/100000000011"' | String | No |
GrantFullControl | Grants a user full access to an object in the format of id="[OwnerUin]" . You can separate multiple users by comma.To authorize a sub-account, use id="qcs::cam::uin/<OwnerUin>:uin/<SubUin>" .To authorize a root account, use id="qcs::cam::uin/<OwnerUin>:uin/<OwnerUin>" .Example: 'id="qcs::cam::uin/100000000001:uin/100000000001", id="qcs::cam::uin/100000000001:uin/100000000011"' | String | No |
StorageClass | Storage class of the object. Enumerated values: STANDARD , STANDARD_IA , ARCHIVE , DEEP_ARCHIVE . Default value: STANDARD . For more information, see Overview. | String | No |
x-cos-meta-* | User-defined header of up to 2 KB in size, which is returned as part of the object metadata. | String | No |
UploadAddMetaMd5 | Sets x-cos-meta-md5 as the object's MD5 checksum in the object's metadata during upload in the format of a 32-bit lowercase string, such as 4d00d79b6733c9cc066584a02ed03410 . | String | No |
function(err, data) { ... }
Parameter | Description | Type |
err | The object returned when an error (network error or service error) occurs. If the request is successful, this parameter is empty. For more information, see Error Codes. | Object |
data | The object returned when the request is successful. If an error occurs with the request, this parameter is empty. | Object |
Bucket | Destination bucket for the multipart upload in the format of BucketName-APPID , such as examplebucket-1250000000 . | String |
Key | Object key (object name), which is the unique identifier of an object in a bucket. For more information, see Object Overview. | String |
UploadId | Upload ID, which is required for the subsequent upload. | String |
Upload Part
) is used to upload parts after a multipart upload is initialized. It can upload 1–10,000 parts of 1 MB–5 GB at a time.Initiate Multipart Upload
API to initialize a multipart upload, you will get an uploadId
. This ID uniquely identifies the part and marks its position in the object.Upload Part
API, you need to pass in partNumber
(the part number) and uploadId
. You can upload multiple parts out of order.uploadId
and partNumber
of a new part are the same as those of a previously uploaded part, the old part will be overwritten. If the uploadId
does not exist, 404
(NoSuchUpload) will be returned.cos.multipartUpload({Bucket: 'examplebucket-1250000000', /* Your bucket (required) */Region: 'COS_REGION', /* Bucket region (required), such as ap-beijing */Key: '1.jpg', /* Object key stored in the bucket (required), such as `1.jpg` and `a/b/test.txt`. */UploadId: 'exampleUploadId',PartNumber: 1,Body: fileObject, /* The file object to be uploaded (required). It can be the file object obtained after the `input[type="file"]` tag is used to select a local file. */}, function(err, data) {console.log(err || data);if (data) {eTag = data.ETag;}});
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
Bucket | Bucket name in the format of BucketName-APPID . | String | Yes |
Region | String | Yes | |
Key | Object key (object name), which is the unique identifier of an object in a bucket. For more information, see Object Overview. | String | Yes |
ContentLength | The length of the content of an HTTP request in bytes as defined in RFC 2616 | String | Yes |
PartNumber | Part number | Number | Yes |
UploadId | ID of the current multipart upload task | String | Yes |
Body | Content of the file to be uploaded, which can be a string, file, or BLOB object. | String/File/Blob/ArrayBuffer | Yes |
Expect | The length of the content of an HTTP request in bytes as defined in RFC 2616. If Expect: 100-continue is used, the request content will be sent only after the confirmation from the server is received. | String | No |
ContentMD5 | The Base64-encoded 128-bit MD5 checksum as defined in RFC 1864. This header is used to verify whether the file content has changed. | String | No |
function(err, data) { ... }
Parameter | Description | Type |
err | The object returned when an error (network error or service error) occurs. If the request is successful, this parameter is empty. For more information, see Error Codes. | Object |
- statusCode | Returned HTTP status code, such as 200 , 403 , and 404 . | Number |
- headers | Returned headers | Object |
data | The object returned when the request is successful. If an error occurs with the request, this parameter is empty. | Object |
- statusCode | Returned HTTP status code, such as 200 , 403 , and 404 . | Number |
- headers | Returned headers | Object |
List Parts
) is used to query the uploaded parts in a specified multipart upload, i.e., listing all successfully uploaded parts in a multipart upload with the specified uploadId
.cos.multipartListPart({Bucket: 'examplebucket-1250000000', /* Your bucket (required) */Region: 'COS_REGION', /* Bucket region (required), such as ap-beijing */Key: '1.jpg', /* Object key stored in the bucket (required), such as `1.jpg` and `a/b/test.txt`. */UploadId: 'exampleUploadId', /* Required */}, function(err, data) {console.log(err || data);});
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
Bucket | Bucket name in the format of BucketName-APPID . | String | Yes |
Region | String | Yes | |
Key | Object key (object name), which is the unique identifier of an object in a bucket. For more information, see Object Overview. | String | Yes |
UploadId | Multipart upload ID, which is obtained from the response of the Initiate Multipart Upload API. | String | Yes |
EncodingType | Encoding type of the returned value. | String | No |
max-parts | Maximum number of entries to be returned at a time. Default value: 1000 . | String | No |
PartNumberMarker | The marker after which the returned list begins. By default, entries are listed in UTF-8 binary order. | String | No |
function(err, data) { ... }
Parameter | Description | Type |
err | The object returned when an error (network error or service error) occurs. If the request is successful, this parameter is empty. For more information, see Error Codes. | Object |
- statusCode | Returned HTTP status code, such as 200 , 403 , and 404 . | Number |
- headers | Returned headers | Object |
data | The object returned when the request is successful. If an error occurs with the request, this parameter is empty. | Object |
- statusCode | Returned HTTP status code, such as 200 , 403 , and 404 . | Number |
- headers | Returned headers | Object |
- Bucket | Destination bucket for the multipart upload | String |
- Encoding-type | Encoding type of the returned value | String |
- Key | Object key (object name), which is the unique identifier of an object in a bucket. For more information, see Object Overview. | String |
- UploadId | ID of the multipart upload | String |
- Initiator | Initiator of the upload | Object |
- - DisplayName | Name of the upload initiator | String |
- - ID | ID of the upload initiator in the format of qcs::cam::uin/<OwnerUin>:uin/<SubUin> . For root accounts, <OwnerUin> and <SubUin> have the same value. | String |
- Owner | Information of the part owner | Object |
- - DisplayName | Name of the bucket owner | String |
- - ID | ID of the bucket owner., which is usually the UIN. | String |
- StorageClass | Storage class of the parts, such as STANDARD , STANDARD_IA , ARCHIVE , and DEEP_ARCHIVE . For more information, see Overview. | String |
- PartNumberMarker | The marker after which the returned list begins. By default, entries are listed in UTF-8 binary order. | String |
- NextPartNumberMarker | The NextMarker after which the next returned list begins if the list is truncated. | String |
- MaxParts | Maximum number of entries to be returned at a time | String |
- IsTruncated | Whether the returned list is truncated. Valid values: true , false . | String |
- Part | Part information list | ObjectArray |
- - PartNumber | Part number | String |
- - LastModified | Last modified time of a part | String |
- - ETag | MD5 checksum of a part | String |
- - Size | Part size in bytes | String |
Complete Multipart Upload
) is used to complete a multipart upload. After all parts are uploaded via the Upload Parts
API, you need to call this API to complete the multipart upload. When using this API, you need to specify the PartNumber
and ETag
of each part in the request body for the part information to be verified.
The parts need to be reassembled after they are uploaded, which takes several minutes. When the assembly starts, COS will immediately return the status code 200
and will periodically return spaces during the process to keep the connection active until the assembly is completed. After that, COS will return the assembled result in the body.400 EntityTooSmall
will be returned when this API is called.400 InvalidPart
will be returned when this API is called.400 InvalidPartOrder
will be returned when this API is called.UploadId
does not exist, 404 NoSuchUpload
will be returned when this API is called.cos.multipartComplete({Bucket: 'examplebucket-1250000000', /* Your bucket (required) */Region: 'COS_REGION', /* Bucket region (required), such as ap-beijing */Key: '1.jpg', /* Object key stored in the bucket (required), such as `1.jpg` and `a/b/test.txt`. */UploadId: 'exampleUploadId', /* Required */Parts: [{PartNumber: 1, ETag: 'exampleETag'},]}, function(err, data) {console.log(err || data);});
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
Bucket | Bucket name in the format of BucketName-APPID . | String | Yes |
Region | String | Yes | |
Key | Object key (object name), which is the unique identifier of an object in a bucket. For more information, see Object Overview. | String | Yes |
UploadId | ID of the upload | String | Yes |
Parts | The list of information of parts in the multipart upload | ObjectArray | Yes |
- PartNumber | Part number | Number | Yes |
- ETag | MD5 checksum of each part, such as "22ca88419e2ed4721c23807c678adbe4c08a7880" . Note that double quotation marks are required at the beginning and the end of the value. | String | Yes |
function(err, data) { ... }
Parameter | Description | Type |
err | The object returned when an error (network error or service error) occurs. If the request is successful, this parameter is empty. For more information, see Error Codes. | Object |
- statusCode | Returned HTTP status code, such as 200 , 403 , and 404 . | Number |
- headers | Returned headers | Object |
data | The object returned when the request is successful. If an error occurs with the request, this parameter is empty. | Object |
- statusCode | Returned HTTP status code, such as 200 , 403 , and 404 . | Number |
- headers | Returned headers | Object |
- Location | Access address of the uploaded file | String |
- Bucket | Destination bucket for the multipart upload | String |
- Key | Object key (object name), which is the unique identifier of an object in a bucket. For more information, see Object Overview. | String |
- ETag | Unique ID of the file after assembly in the format of "uuid-<part quantity>" , such as "22ca88419e2ed4721c23807c678adbe4c08a7880-3" . Note that double quotation marks are required at the beginning and the end of the value. | String |
Abort Multipart Upload
) is used to abort a multipart upload and delete the uploaded parts. If you call this API and there is an ongoing upload request with the specified UploadId
, the upload request will fail. If the uploadId
does not exist, 404
(NoSuchUpload) will be returned.cos.multipartAbort({Bucket: 'examplebucket-1250000000', /* Your bucket (required) */Region: 'COS_REGION', /* Bucket region (required), such as ap-beijing */Key: '1.jpg', /* Object key stored in the bucket (required), such as `1.jpg` and `a/b/test.txt`. */UploadId: 'exampleUploadId' /* Required */}, function(err, data) {console.log(err || data);});
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
Bucket | Bucket name in the format of BucketName-APPID . | String | Yes |
Region | String | Yes | |
Key | Object key (object name), which is the unique identifier of an object in a bucket. For more information, see Object Overview. | String | Yes |
UploadId | Multipart upload ID, which is obtained from the response of the Initiate Multipart Upload API. | String | Yes |
function(err, data) { ... }
Parameter | Description | Type |
err | The object returned when an error (network error or service error) occurs. If the request is successful, this parameter is empty. For more information, see Error Codes. | Object |
- statusCode | Returned HTTP status code, such as 200 , 403 , and 404 . | Number |
- headers | Returned headers | Object |
data | The object returned when the request is successful. If an error occurs with the request, this parameter is empty. | Object |
- statusCode | Returned HTTP status code, such as 200 , 403 , and 404 . | Number |
- headers | Returned headers | Object |
Upload File
) is used to implement an advanced upload. You can use the SliceSize
parameter to specify a file size threshold (1 MB by default). If a file is larger than this threshold, it will be uploaded in parts (sliceUploadFile); otherwise, it will be uploaded in whole (putObject).cos.uploadFile({Bucket: 'examplebucket-1250000000', /* Your bucket (required) */Region: 'COS_REGION', /* Bucket region (required), such as ap-beijing */Key: '1.jpg', /* Object key stored in the bucket (required), such as `1.jpg` and `a/b/test.txt`. */Body: fileObject, /* The file object to be uploaded (required). It can be the file object obtained after the `input[type="file"]` tag is used to select a local file. */SliceSize: 1024 * 1024 * 5, /* The threshold (5 MB in this example) to trigger multipart upload (optional) */onTaskReady: function(taskId) { /* Optional */console.log(taskId);},onProgress: function (progressData) { /* Optional */console.log(JSON.stringify(progressData));},onFileFinish: function (err, data, options) { /* Optional */console.log(options.Key + 'upload' + (err ? 'failed' : 'completed'));},}, function(err, data) {console.log(err || data);});
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
Bucket | Bucket name in the format of BucketName-APPID . | String | Yes |
Region | String | Yes | |
Key | Object key (object name), which is the unique identifier of an object in a bucket. For more information, see Object Overview. | String | Yes |
Body | Content of the file to be uploaded, which can be a file or BLOB object. | File/Blob | Yes |
SliceSize | File size threshold in bytes, which is 1048576 (1 MB) by default. If the file size is equal to or smaller than this value, the file will be uploaded through putObject ; otherwise, it will be uploaded through sliceUploadFile . | Number | No |
AsyncLimit | Maximum number of concurrently uploaded parts allowed. This parameter is valid only when a multipart upload is triggered. | Number | No |
StorageClass | Storage class of the object, such as STANDARD , STANDARD_IA , ARCHIVE , and DEEP_ARCHIVE . For more information, see Overview. | String | No |
UploadAddMetaMd5 | Sets x-cos-meta-md5 as the object's MD5 checksum in the object's metadata during upload in the format of a 32-bit lowercase string, such as 4d00d79b6733c9cc066584a02ed03410 . | String | No |
CacheControl | The cache policy as defined in RFC 2616, which is saved as part of the object metadata. | String | No |
ContentDisposition | The filename as defined in RFC 2616, which is saved as part of the object metadata. | String | No |
ContentEncoding | The encoding format as defined in RFC 2616, which is saved as part of the object metadata. | String | No |
ContentLength | The length of the content of an HTTP request in bytes as defined in RFC 2616 | String | No |
ContentType | The content type (MIME) as defined in RFC 2616, which is saved as part of the object metadata. | String | No |
Expires | The expiration time as defined in RFC 2616, which is saved as part of the object metadata. | String | No |
Expect | If Expect: 100-continue is used, the request content will be sent only after the confirmation from the server is received. | String | No |
onTaskReady | Callback for upload task creation. A taskId is returned, which uniquely identifies the task and can be used to cancel (cancelTask), pause (pauseTask), or restart (restartTask) the task. | Function | No |
- taskId | ID of the upload task | String | No |
onProgress | Callback for the upload progress. The callback parameter is progressData . | Function | No |
- progressData.loaded | Size of the uploaded parts in bytes | Number | No |
- progressData.total | Size of the entire file in bytes | Number | No |
- progressData.speed | File upload speed in bytes/s | Number | No |
- progressData.percent | Percentage of the file upload progress in decimal form; for example, 0.5 means 50% uploaded. | Number | No |
onFileFinish | Callback for file upload success or failure | Function | No |
- err | Upload error message | Object | No |
- data | Information of the completion of object upload | Object | No |
- options | Parameter information of the files that have been uploaded | Object | No |
function(err, data) { ... }
Parameter | Description | Type |
err | The object returned when an error (network error or service error) occurs. If the request is successful, this parameter is empty. For more information, see Error Codes. | Object |
- statusCode | Returned HTTP status code, such as 200 , 403 , and 404 . | Number |
- headers | Returned headers | Object |
data | The object returned when the request is successful. If an error occurs with the request, this parameter is empty. | Object |
- statusCode | Returned HTTP status code, such as 200 , 403 , and 404 . | Number |
- headers | Returned headers | Object |
- Location | Access address of the uploaded file | String |
- Bucket | Destination bucket for the multipart upload. This parameter will be returned only when a multipart upload is triggered. | String |
- Key | Object key (object name), which is the unique identifier of an object in a bucket. For more information, see Object Overview. This parameter will be returned only when a multipart upload is triggered. | String |
- ETag | Unique ID of the file after assembly in the format of "uuid-<part quantity>" , such as "22ca88419e2ed4721c23807c678adbe4c08a7880-3" . Note that double quotation marks are required at the beginning and the end of the value. | String |
- VersionId | Version ID of the uploaded object if versioning is enabled for its bucket. If versioning is not enabled, this parameter will not be returned. The VersionId field needs to be set in Expose-Headers . For more information, see Setting CORS. | String |
Slice Upload File
) is used to upload a large file in parts.UploadId
, and the upload will resume from where left off if the verification is passed.cos.sliceUploadFile({Bucket: 'examplebucket-1250000000', /* Your bucket (required) */Region: 'COS_REGION', /* Bucket region (required), such as ap-beijing */Key: '1.jpg', /* Object key stored in the bucket (required), such as `1.jpg` and `a/b/test.txt`. */Body: fileObject, /* The file object to be uploaded (required). It can be the file object obtained after the `input[type="file"]` tag is used to select a local file. */onTaskReady: function(taskId) { /* Optional */console.log(taskId);},onHashProgress: function (progressData) { /* Optional */console.log(JSON.stringify(progressData));},onProgress: function (progressData) { /* Optional */console.log(JSON.stringify(progressData));}}, function(err, data) {console.log(err || data);});
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
Bucket | Bucket name in the format of BucketName-APPID . | String | Yes |
Region | String | Yes | |
Key | Object key (object name), which is the unique identifier of an object in a bucket. For more information, see Object Overview. | String | Yes |
Body | Content of the file to be uploaded, which can be a file or BLOB object. | File/Blob | Yes |
SliceSize | Part size | Number | No |
AsyncLimit | Maximum number of concurrently uploaded parts allowed | Number | No |
StorageClass | Storage class of the object, such as STANDARD , STANDARD_IA , ARCHIVE , and DEEP_ARCHIVE . For more information, see Overview. | String | No |
UploadAddMetaMd5 | Sets x-cos-meta-md5 as the object's MD5 checksum in the object's metadata during upload in the format of a 32-bit lowercase string, such as 4d00d79b6733c9cc066584a02ed03410 . | String | No |
CacheControl | The cache policy as defined in RFC 2616, which is saved as part of the object metadata. | String | No |
ContentDisposition | The filename as defined in RFC 2616, which is saved as part of the object metadata. | String | No |
ContentEncoding | The encoding format as defined in RFC 2616, which is saved as part of the object metadata. | String | No |
ContentLength | The length of the content of an HTTP request in bytes as defined in RFC 2616 | String | No |
ContentType | The content type (MIME) as defined in RFC 2616, which is saved as part of the object metadata. | String | No |
Expires | The expiration time as defined in RFC 2616, which is saved as part of the object metadata. | String | No |
Expect | If Expect: 100-continue is used, the request content will be sent only after the confirmation from the server is received. | String | No |
onTaskReady | Callback for upload task creation. A taskId is returned, which uniquely identifies the task and can be used to cancel (cancelTask), pause (pauseTask), or restart (restartTask) the task. | Function | No |
- taskId | ID of the upload task | String | No |
onHashProgress | Callback for the progress of MD5 checksum calculation. The callback parameter is progressData . | Function | No |
- progressData.loaded | Size of the verified parts in bytes | Number | No |
- progressData.total | Size of the entire file in bytes | Number | No |
- progressData.speed | File verification speed in bytes/s | Number | No |
- progressData.percent | Percentage of the file verification progress in decimal form; for example, 0.5 means 50% verified. | Number | No |
onProgress | Callback for the upload progress. The callback parameter is progressData . | Function | No |
- progressData.loaded | Size of the uploaded parts in bytes | Number | No |
- progressData.total | Size of the entire file in bytes | Number | No |
- progressData.speed | File upload speed in bytes/s | Number | No |
- progressData.percent | Percentage of the file upload progress in decimal form; for example, 0.5 means 50% uploaded. | Number | No |
function(err, data) { ... }
Parameter | Description | Type |
err | The object returned when an error (network error or service error) occurs. If the request is successful, this parameter is empty. For more information, see Error Codes. | Object |
- statusCode | Returned HTTP status code, such as 200 , 403 , and 404 . | Number |
- headers | Returned headers | Object |
data | The object returned when the request is successful. If an error occurs with the request, this parameter is empty. | Object |
- statusCode | Returned HTTP status code, such as 200 , 403 , and 404 . | Number |
- headers | Returned headers | Object |
- Location | Access address of the uploaded file | String |
- Bucket | Destination bucket for the multipart upload | String |
- Key | Object key (object name), which is the unique identifier of an object in a bucket. For more information, see Object Overview. | String |
- ETag | Unique ID of the file after assembly in the format of "uuid-<part quantity>" , such as "22ca88419e2ed4721c23807c678adbe4c08a7880-3" . Note that double quotation marks are required at the beginning and the end of the value. | String |
- VersionId | Version ID of the uploaded object if versioning is enabled for its bucket. If versioning is not enabled, this parameter will not be returned. The VersionId field needs to be set in Expose-Headers . For more information, see Setting CORS. | String |
or sliceUploadFile
multiple times to implement batch uploads. Instantiate the FileParallelLimit
parameter to limit the maximum number of concurrently uploaded files allowed, which is 3 by default.cos.uploadFiles
to implement batch uploads. The SliceSize
parameter can be used to control the file. The following describes how to use the uploadFiles
:cos.uploadFiles({files: [{Bucket: 'examplebucket-1250000000', /* Your bucket (required) */Region: 'COS_REGION', /* Bucket region (required), such as ap-beijing */Key: '1.jpg', /* Object key stored in the bucket (required), such as `1.jpg` and `a/b/test.txt`. */Body: fileObject1, /* The file object to be uploaded (required). It can be the file object obtained after the `input[type="file"]` tag is used to select a local file. */onTaskReady: function(taskId) {/* Based on `taskId`, you can use queue operations to cancel (`cos.cancelTask(taskId)`), pause (`cos.pauseTask(taskId)`), or resume (`cos.restartTask(taskId)`) the upload. */console.log(taskId);}}, {Bucket: 'examplebucket-1250000000', /* Your bucket (required) */Region: 'COS_REGION', /* Bucket region (required), such as ap-beijing */Key: '2.jpg', /* Object key stored in the bucket (required), such as `1.jpg` and `a/b/test.txt`. */Body: fileObject2, /* The file object to be uploaded (required). It can be the file object obtained after the `input[type="file"]` tag is used to select a local file. */onTaskReady: function(taskId) {/* Based on `taskId`, you can use queue operations to cancel (`cos.cancelTask(taskId)`), pause (`cos.pauseTask(taskId)`), or resume (`cos.restartTask(taskId)`) the upload. */console.log(taskId);}}],SliceSize: 1024 * 1024 * 10, /* Set the file size threshold to trigger a multipart upload to 10 MB. */onProgress: function (info) {var percent = parseInt(info.percent * 10000) / 100;var speed = parseInt(info.speed / 1024 / 1024 * 100) / 100;console.log('progress:' + percent + '%; speed:' + speed + 'Mb/s;');},onFileFinish: function (err, data, options) {console.log(options.Key + 'upload' + (err ? 'failed' : 'completed'));},}, function (err, data) {console.log(err || data);});
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
files | File list. Each item is a parameter object to be passed to putObject and sliceUploadFile . | Object | Yes |
- Bucket | Bucket name in the format of BucketName-APPID . | String | Yes |
- Region | String | Yes | |
- Key | Object key (object name), which is the unique identifier of an object in a bucket. For more information, see Object Overview. | String | Yes |
- Body | Content of the file to be uploaded, which can be a file or BLOB object. | File/Blob | Yes |
- CacheControl | The cache policy as defined in RFC 2616, which is saved as part of the object metadata. | String | No |
- ContentDisposition | The filename as defined in RFC 2616, which is saved as part of the object metadata. | String | No |
- ContentEncoding | The encoding format as defined in RFC 2616, which is saved as part of the object metadata. | String | No |
- ContentLength | The length of the content of an HTTP request in bytes as defined in RFC 2616 | String | No |
- ContentType | The content type (MIME) as defined in RFC 2616, which is saved as part of the object metadata. | String | No |
- Expires | The expiration time as defined in RFC 2616, which is saved as part of the object metadata. | String | No |
- Expect | If Expect: 100-continue is used, the request content will be sent only after the confirmation from the server is received. | String | No |
- onTaskReady | The callback for upload task creation. A taskId is returned, which uniquely identifies the task and can be used to cancel (cancelTask), pause (pauseTask), or restart (restartTask) the task. | Function | No |
taskId | ID of the upload task | String | No |
SliceSize | File size threshold in bytes, which is 1048576 (1 MB) by default. If the file size is equal to or smaller than this value, the file will be uploaded through putObject ; otherwise, it will be uploaded through sliceUploadFile . | Number | Yes |
AsyncLimit | Maximum number of concurrently uploaded parts allowed. This parameter is valid only when a multipart upload is triggered. | Number | No |
onProgress | Upload progress calculated by aggregating the progress of all tasks | String | Yes |
- progressData.loaded | Size of the uploaded parts in bytes | Number | No |
- progressData.total | Size of the entire file in bytes | Number | No |
- progressData.speed | File upload speed in bytes/s | Number | No |
- progressData.percent | Percentage of the file upload progress in decimal form; for example, 0.5 means 50% uploaded. | Number | No |
onFileFinish | Callback for file upload success or failure | Function | No |
- err | Upload error message | Object | No |
- data | Information of the completion of object upload | Object | No |
- options | Parameter information of the files that have been uploaded | Object | No |
function(err, data) { ... }
Parameter | Description | Type |
err | The object returned when an error (network error or service error) occurs. If the request is successful, this parameter is empty. For more information, see Error Codes. | Object |
- statusCode | Returned HTTP status code, such as 200 , 403 , and 404 . | Number |
- headers | Returned headers | Object |
data | The object returned when the request is successful. If an error occurs with the request, this parameter is empty. | Object |
- files | Error or data for each file | ObjectArray |
- - error | Upload error message | Object |
- - data | Information of the completion of object upload | Object |
- - options | Parameter information of the files that have been uploaded | Object |
and sliceUploadFile
upload tasks in a queue. Relevant queue operations are as follows:var taskList = cos.getTaskList()
to get the task list.cos.pauseTask()
, cos.restartTask()
, or cos.cancelTask()
to manage the task.cos.on('list-update', callback);
to listen for list and progress changes.taskId
.var taskId = 'xxxxx'; /* Required */cos.cancelTask(taskId);
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
taskId | ID of the upload task. When sliceUploadFile is called, the taskId will be returned through the TaskReady callback. | String | Yes |
.var taskId = 'xxxxx'; /* Required */cos.pauseTask(taskId);
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
taskId | ID of the upload task. When sliceUploadFile is called, the taskId will be returned through the TaskReady callback. | String | Yes |
. You can resume tasks that have been manually paused through the pauseTask
API or automatically paused due to an upload error.var taskId = 'xxxxx'; /* Required */cos.restartTask(taskId);
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
taskId | ID of the upload task. When `sliceUploadFile` is called, the `taskId` will be returned through the `TaskReady`callback. | String | Yes |
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