tencent cloud


Deleting a Bucket

Last updated: 2024-03-25 15:28:24
    You can delete a bucket using the console, APIs, tools, or SDKs.
    A bucket cannot be recovered once deleted.


    Only empty buckets can be deleted. If there are still objects or incomplete multipart uploads in a bucket, its deletion will fail. Make sure that there are no objects in the bucket before deleting it. For more information, see Emptying a Bucket.
    Before deleting a bucket, make sure that the current identity has been granted the permission to delete it and that the correct Bucket and Region parameters are passed in.


    Using COS console

    Delete a bucket in the COS console. For more information, see Deleting a Bucket in Console Guide.

    Using tools

    Use tools such as COSBrowser and COSCMD to delete a bucket. For more information, see Tool Overview.

    Using REST APIs

    Use the REST API to initiate a bucket deleting request. For more information, see DELETE Bucket in API documentation.

    Using SDKs

    Directly call the bucket deleting method in the SDK. For more information, see the SDK documentation for the corresponding programming language below:
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