API | Description |
Searching for a media processing queue | Searches for a media processing queue. |
Updating a media processing queue | Updates a media processing queue. |
public Guzzle\\Service\\Resource\\Model describeMediaQueues(array $args = array());
<?phprequire dirname(__FILE__, 2) . '/vendor/autoload.php';$secretId = "SECRETID"; //Replace it with the actual `SecretId`, which can be viewed and managed in the CAM console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi$secretKey = "SECRETKEY"; //Replace it with the actual `SecretKey`, which can be viewed and managed in the CAM console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi$region = "ap-beijing"; //Replace it with the actual `region`, which can be viewed in the console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.$cosClient = new Qcloud\\Cos\\Client(array('region' => $region,'schema' => 'https', // Protocol, which is `http` by default'credentials'=> array('secretId' => $secretId ,'secretKey' => $secretKey)));try {// https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/54045?from_cn_redirect=1: Searching for Media Processing Queue$result = $cosClient->describeMediaQueues(array('Bucket' => 'examplebucket-1250000000', // Bucket name in the format of `BucketName-APPID`, which can be viewed in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket// 'QueueIds' => '', // Queue ID (optional). If you enter multiple IDs, separate them by comma.// 'Category' => 'Transcoding', // Category (optional). `CateAll`: All types. `Transcoding`: Media processing queue. `SpeedTranscoding`: Media processing and accelerated transcoding queue. Default value: `Transcoding`.// 'State' => 'Paused', // Status (optional). 1. `Active`: Jobs in the queue will be scheduled and executed for transcoding by the media transcoding service. 2. `Paused`: The queue is paused, and jobs in it will no longer be scheduled and executed. All jobs in the queue will remain in the `Paused` status, while jobs being executed will continue without being affected.// 'PageNumber' => '1', // Page number (optional)// 'PageSize' => '2', // Number of entries per page (optional)));// Request succeededprint_r($result);} catch (\\Exception $e) {// Request failedecho($e);}
Parameter Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required |
QueueIds | Queue ID. If you enter multiple IDs, separate them by comma. | String | No |
State | Active: Jobs in the queue will be scheduled and executed by the media processing service. Paused: The queue is paused, and jobs in it will no longer be scheduled and executed. All jobs in the queue will remain in the Paused status, while jobs being executed will not be affected. | String | No |
Category | CateAll: All types. Transcoding: Media processing queue. SpeedTranscoding: Media processing and accelerated transcoding queue. Default value: Transcoding . | String | No |
PageNumber | Page number. Default value: 1 . | String | No |
PageSize | Number of entries per page. Default value: 10 . | String | No |
GuzzleHttp\\Command\\Result Object([RequestId] => NjNkOGM2NmVfZTYxNmY5MSAASJPOJCIANSIDNAI=[ContentType] => application/xml[ContentLength] => 751[TotalCount] => 1[PageNumber] => 1[PageSize] => 10[QueueList] => Array([0] => Array([BucketId] => examplebucket-1250000000[QueueId] => pcc3ae89sa9d807fs89dg789sdg[Name] => queue-1[State] => Active[MaxSize] => 10000[MaxConcurrent] => 10[Category] => Transcoding[UpdateTime] => 2022-07-13T10:41:34+0800[CreateTime] => 2022-07-13T10:41:34+0800[NotifyConfig] => Array([Url] =>[State] => Off[Type] =>[Event] =>[ResultFormat] => XML)))[Bucket] => examplebucket-1250000000[Location] => examplebucket-1250000000.ci.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/queue)
public Guzzle\\Service\\Resource\\Model updateMediaQueue(array $args = array());
<?phprequire dirname(__FILE__, 2) . '/vendor/autoload.php';$secretId = "SECRETID"; //Replace it with the actual `SecretId`, which can be viewed and managed in the CAM console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi$secretKey = "SECRETKEY"; //Replace it with the actual `SecretKey`, which can be viewed and managed in the CAM console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi$region = "ap-beijing"; //Replace it with the actual `region`, which can be viewed in the console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.$cosClient = new Qcloud\\Cos\\Client(array('region' => $region,'schema' => 'https', // Protocol, which is `http` by default'credentials'=> array('secretId' => $secretId ,'secretKey' => $secretKey)));try {// https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/54046?from_cn_redirect=1: Updating Media Processing Queue$result = $cosClient->updateMediaQueue(array('Bucket' => 'examplebucket-1250000000', // Bucket name in the format of `BucketName-APPID`, which can be viewed in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket'Key' => 'xxx', // queueId'Name' => '', // Template name. Length limit: 100 characters.'State' => 'Active', // Pipeline status'NotifyConfig' => array('State' => 'Off',// 'Event' => '',// 'ResultFormat' => '',// 'Type' => '',// 'Url' => '',// 'MqMode' => '',// 'MqRegion' => '',// 'MqName' => '',),));// Request succeededprint_r($result);} catch (\\Exception $e) {// Request failedecho($e);}
has the following sub-nodes:Node Name (Keyword) | Parent Node | Description | Type | Required | Default Value | Constraints |
Name | Request | Queue name, which can contain up to 128 bytes. | String | Yes | None | None |
State | Request | Active: Jobs in the queue will be scheduled and executed by the media processing service. Paused: The queue is paused, and jobs in it will no longer be scheduled and executed. All jobs in the queue will remain in the Paused status, while jobs being executed will not be affected. | String | Yes | None | None |
NotifyConfig | Request | Callback configuration | Container | Yes | None | None |
has the following sub-nodes:Node Name (Keyword) | Parent Node | Description | Type | Required | Default Value | Constraints |
State | Request.NotifyConfig | Callback status: Off or On . | String | No | Off | On/Off |
Event | Request.NotifyConfig | Callback event | String | Yes if State is On | None | Job completion: TaskFinish ; workflow completion: WorkflowFinish . |
ResultFormat | Request.NotifyConfig | Callback format | String | No | XML | JSON/XML |
Type | Request.NotifyConfig | Callback type | String | Yes if State is On | None | Url or TDMQ |
Url | Request.NotifyConfig | Callback address | String | Yes if State is On and Type is Url | None | The callback address cannot be a private network address. |
MqMode | Request.NotifyConfig | TDMQ queue mode | String | Yes if State is On and Type is TDMQ | Queue | Topic: Topic subscription. Queue: Queue service. |
MqRegion | Request.NotifyConfig | TDMQ region | String | Yes if State is On and Type is TDMQ | None | Valid values: sh (Shanghai), bj (Beijing), gz (Guangzhou), cd (Chengdu), hk (Hong Kong, China). |
MqName | Request.NotifyConfig | TDMQ topic name | String | Yes if State is On and Type is TDMQ | None | None |
GuzzleHttp\\Command\\Result Object([Body] => GuzzleHttp\\Psr7\\Stream Object([stream:GuzzleHttp\\Psr7\\Stream:private] => Resource id #88[size:GuzzleHttp\\Psr7\\Stream:private] =>[seekable:GuzzleHttp\\Psr7\\Stream:private] => 1[readable:GuzzleHttp\\Psr7\\Stream:private] => 1[writable:GuzzleHttp\\Psr7\\Stream:private] => 1[uri:GuzzleHttp\\Psr7\\Stream:private] => php://temp[customMetadata:GuzzleHttp\\Psr7\\Stream:private] => Array())[RequestId] => NjNkOGM2NmVfZTYxNmY5MSAASJPOJCIANSIDNAI=[ContentType] => application/xml[ContentLength] => 668[Key] => fcd32dbdaa13b11esa9ds8g0d98gd0h85[Bucket] => examplebucket-1250000000[Location] => examplebucket-1250000000.ci.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/queue/fcd32dbdaa13b11esa9ds8g0d98gd0h85[Response] => Array([RequestId] => NjNkOGM2NmVfZTYxNmY5MSAASJPOJCIANSIDNAI=[Queue] => Array([QueueId] => fcd32dbdaa13b11esa9ds8g0d98gd0h85[Name] => media-queue-1[State] => Active[NotifyConfig] => Array([Url] =>[Event] =>[Type] =>[State] => Off[ResultFormat] => XML[MqMode] =>[MqName] =>[MqRegion] =>)[MaxSize] => 10000[MaxConcurrent] => 10[CreateTime] => 2022-07-13T10:41:34+0800[UpdateTime] => 2023-01-31T17:32:18+0800[BucketId] => examplebucket-1250000000[Category] => Transcoding)))
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