tencent cloud


Monitoring GooseFS Based on Prometheus

Last updated: 2024-03-25 16:04:01
    GooseFS allows you to output metrics to different monitoring systems, including Prometheus. Prometheus is an open-source monitoring framework that Tencent Cloud Observability Platform has integrated with. This document introduces GooseFS metrics and how to report them to the self-built/in-cloud Prometheus.


    Before setting up the Prometheus monitoring system, you need to:
    Configure a GooseFS cluster.
    Download the Prometheus installation package (official or Tencent Cloud version).
    Download and configure Grafana.

    Enabling GooseFS Metric Report

    1. Edit the GooseFS configuration file conf/goosefs-site.properties by adding the configuration items below. Then, use goosefs copyDir conf/ to copy all worker nodes and use ./bin/goosefs-start.sh all to restart the cluster.
    2. You can run the following command to view the Prometheus master metrics (port: 9201) and worker metrics (port: 9204):
    curl <LEADING_MASTER_HOSTNAME>:<MASTER_WEB_PORT>/metrics/prometheus/
    # HELP Master_CreateFileOps Generated from Dropwizard metric import (metric=Master.CreateFileOps, type=com.codahale.metrics.Counter)
    curl <WORKER_IP>:<WOKER_PORT>/metrics/prometheus/
    # HELP pools_Code_Cache_max Generated from Dropwizard metric import (metric=pools.Code-Cache.max, type=com.codahale.metrics.jvm.MemoryUsageGaugeSet$$Lambda$51/137460818)

    Reporting Metrics to Self-Built Prometheus

    1. Download the Prometheus installation package, decompress it, and modify promethus.yml as follows:
    # prometheus.yml
    scrape_interval: 10s
    evaluation_interval: 10s
    - job_name: 'goosefs masters'
    metrics_path: /metrics/prometheus
    - refresh_interval: 1m
    - "targets/cluster/masters/*.yml"
    - job_name: 'goosefs workers'
    metrics_path: /metrics/prometheus
    - refresh_interval: 1m
    - "targets/cluster/workers/*.yml"
    2. Create targets/cluster/masters/masters.yml and add the IP and port of the master:
    - targets:
    3. Create targets/cluster/workers/workers.yml and add the IP and port of the worker:
    - targets:
    4. Start Prometheus. --web.listen-address specifies the Prometheus listen address. The default port number is 9090.
    nohup ./prometheus --config.file=prometheus.yml --web.listen-address="<LISTEN_IP>:<LISTEN_PORT>" > prometheus.log 2>&1 &
    5. View the GUI:
    6. View the target instance:

    Reporting Metrics to Tencent Cloud Prometheus

    1. Install the Prometheus agent on the master as instructed in the installation guide.
    wget https://rig-1258344699.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/prometheus-agent/agent_install && chmod +x agent_install && ./agent_install prom-12kqy0mw agent-grt164ii ap-guangzhou <secret_id> <secret_key>
    2. Configure jobs for the master and worker:
    Method 1:
    job_name: goosefs-masters
    honor_timestamps: true
    metrics_path: /metrics/prometheus
    scheme: http
    - files:
    - /usr/local/services/prometheus/targets/cluster/masters/*.yml
    refresh_interval: 1m
    job_name: goosefs-workers
    honor_timestamps: true
    metrics_path: /metrics/prometheus
    scheme: http
    - files:
    - /usr/local/services/prometheus/targets/cluster/workers/*.yml
    refresh_interval: 1m
    Do not use spaces in the value of job_name. However, the value of job_name in single-machine Prometheus can contain spaces.
    Method 2:
    job_name: goosefs masters
    honor_timestamps: true
    metrics_path: /metrics/prometheus
    scheme: http
    - targets:
    refresh_interval: 1m
    job_name: goosefs workers
    honor_timestamps: true
    metrics_path: /metrics/prometheus
    scheme: http
    - targets:
    refresh_interval: 1m
    If you use method 2 to configure jobs, you don’t need to create the masters.yml and workers.yml files under targets/cluster/masters/.

    Using Grafana to View Metrics

    1. Start Grafana.
    nohup ./bin/grafana-server web > grafana.log 2>&1 &
    2. Open the login page http://&lt;GRAFANA_IP&gt;:&lt;GRAFANA_PORT&gt;. By default, Grafana will be listening on port 3000, and both the “username” and “password” are “admin”. You can change the password after your initial login.
    3. Create a Prometheus data source.
    4. Import Grafana dashboards for GooseFS. Select JSON import (Download JSON) and use it for the data source created above.
    You need to set the password when purchasing the in-cloud Prometheus. The configuration of the in-cloud Grafana monitoring GUI is similar to that mentioned above. Note that the configuration of job_name should be consistent.
    5. You can export a modified dashboard.
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