tencent cloud


Single-URL Speed Limits

Last updated: 2024-02-02 14:40:45


    This document describes how to limit the speed on a single URL when calling the upload or download API.


    The speed range is 819200 to 838860800 (in bit/s), that is, 100 KB/s to 100 MB/s. If a value is not within this range, 400 will be returned. The speed is limited by the trafficLimit parameter passed in when the upload and download methods are called.

    Sample 1. Limiting single-URL speed on uploads

    // Bucket region abbreviation. For example, "ap-guangzhou" is the abbreviation of the Guangzhou region
    String region = "COS_REGION";
    // Create a `CosXmlServiceConfig` object and modify the configuration parameters as needed
    CosXmlServiceConfig serviceConfig = CosXmlServiceConfig(
    region: region,
    isDebuggable: true,
    isHttps: true,
    // Create a `TransferConfig` object and modify the configuration parameters as needed
    // You can set the object size threshold for multipart upload in `TransferConfig`. By default, the system automatically executes multipart upload for files whose sizes are greater than or equal to 2 MB. You can use the following code to change the threshold:
    TransferConfig transferConfig = TransferConfig(
    forceSimpleUpload: false,
    enableVerification: true,
    divisionForUpload: 2097152, // Set multipart upload for files whose sizes are greater than or equal to 2 MB
    sliceSizeForUpload: 1048576, // Set the default part size to 1 MB
    // Register the default COS TransferManger
    await Cos().registerDefaultTransferManger(serviceConfig, transferConfig);
    // Get the `TransferManager`
    CosTransferManger transferManager = Cos().getDefaultTransferManger();
    //CosTransferManger transferManager = Cos().getTransferManger("newRegion");
    // Bucket name in the format of `BucketName-APPID` (`APPID` is required), which can be viewed in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    String bucket = "examplebucket-1250000000";
    String cosPath = "exampleobject"; // Location identifier of the object in the bucket, i.e., the object key
    String srcPath = "Absolute path of the local file"; // Absolute path of the local file
    // If there is an uploadId for the initialized multipart upload, assign the value of uploadId here to resume the upload. Otherwise, assign null
    String? _uploadId;
    // Callback for successful upload
    successCallBack(result) {
    // TODO: Logic after successful upload
    // Callback for failed upload
    failCallBack(clientException, serviceException) {
    // TODO: Logic after failed upload
    if (clientException != null) {
    if (serviceException != null) {
    // Callback for the upload status, through which you can check the task process
    stateCallback(state) {
    // todo notify transfer state
    // Callback for the upload progress
    progressCallBack(complete, target) {
    // todo Do something to update progress...
    // Callback for the completion of multipart upload initialization
    String bucket, String cosKey, String uploadId) {
    //The uploadId required for the subsequent checkpoint restarts
    _uploadId = uploadId;
    // Set the bandwidth limit for a single URL in bit/s. In the example, the limit is set to 1 Mbit/s
    int _trafficLimit = 1024 * 1024 * 8;
    // Start the upload
    TransferTask transferTask = await transferManager.upload(bucket, cosPath,
    filePath: srcPath,
    uploadId: _uploadId,
    trafficLimit: _trafficLimit,
    resultListener: ResultListener(successCallBack, failCallBack),
    stateCallback: stateCallback,
    progressCallBack: progressCallBack,
    initMultipleUploadCallback: initMultipleUploadCallback

    Sample 2. Limiting single-URL speed on downloads

    // The advanced download API supports checkpoint restart. Therefore, a HEAD request will be sent before the download to obtain the file information.
    // If you are using a temporary key or accessing with a sub-account, ensure that your permission list includes HeadObject.
    // `TransferManager` supports checkpoint restart for download. You only need to ensure the consistency of parameters `bucket`, `cosPath`, and `savePath`.
    // Then the SDK will resume the download from where interrupted.
    // Get the `TransferManager`
    CosTransferManger transferManager = Cos().getDefaultTransferManger();
    //CosTransferManger transferManager = Cos().getTransferManger("newRegion");
    // Bucket name in the format of `BucketName-APPID` (`APPID` is required), which can be viewed in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    String bucket = "examplebucket-1250000000";
    String cosPath = "exampleobject"; // Location identifier of the object in the bucket, i.e., the object key
    String downliadPath = "Absolute path of the local file"; // Absolute path of the local file
    // Callback for successful download
    successCallBack(result) {
    // TODO: Logic after successful download
    // Callback for failed download
    failCallBack(clientException, serviceException) {
    // TODO: Logic after failed download
    if (clientException != null) {
    if (serviceException != null) {
    // Callback for the download status, through which you can check the task process
    stateCallback(state) {
    // todo notify transfer state
    // Callback for the download progress
    progressCallBack(complete, target) {
    // todo Do something to download progress...
    // Set the bandwidth limit for a single URL in bit/s. In the example, the limit is set to 1 Mbit/s
    int _trafficLimit = 1024 * 1024 * 8;
    // Start the download
    TransferTask transferTask = await transferManager.download(bucket, cosPath, downliadPath,
    trafficLimit: _trafficLimit,
    resultListener: ResultListener(successCallBack, failCallBack),
    stateCallback: stateCallback,
    progressCallBack: progressCallBack
    // Pause the task
    // Resume the task
    // Cancel the task
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