tencent cloud


Basic Image Processing

Last updated: 2024-02-04 11:37:31


    This document provides an overview of APIs and SDK code samples for basic image processing.
    Basic image processing
    Proportional scaling, scaling image to target width and height
    Regular cropping, cropping and scaling, inscribed circle cropping, intelligent face cropping
    Adaptive rotation, regular rotation
    Format conversion, GIF format optimization, progressive display
    Quality change for JPG and WebP images
    Image blurring
    Image sharpening
    Image information acquisition
    Including EXIF information
    Quick image format conversion, scaling, and cropping for thumbnail generation

    Processing Image During Upload

    The following example shows how to automatically process an image when you upload it to COS.
    When the image is uploaded successfully, COS will save both the original and the processed images. You can later obtain the processing results by using a general download request.

    Sample code

    const filePath = "temp-file-to-upload" // Local file path
    Bucket: 'examplebucket-1250000000',
    Region: 'COS_REGION',
    Key: 'exampleobject',
    Body: fs.createReadStream(filePath), // Uploaded file object
    onProgress: function(progressData) {
    Headers: {
    // Use the `imageMogr2` API to scale the image (by specifying the width of the output image to 200, with the height scaled proportionally).
    'Pic-Operations': '{"is_pic_info": 1, "rules": [{"fileid": "desample_photo.jpg", "rule": "imageMogr2/thumbnail/200x/"}]}'
    }, function(err, data) {
    console.log(err || data);

    Processing In-Cloud Image

    The following example shows how to process an image stored in COS and save the processing result to COS.

    Sample code

    Bucket: config.Bucket,
    Region: config.Region,
    Key: 'exampleobject',
    Method: 'POST',
    Action: 'image_process',
    Headers: {
    // Use the `imageMogr2` API to scale the image (by specifying the width of the output image to 200, with the height scaled proportionally).
    'Pic-Operations': '{"is_pic_info": 1, "rules": [{"fileid": "desample_photo.jpg", "rule": "imageMogr2/thumbnail/200x/"}]}'
    }, function (err, data) {
    console.log(err || data);

    Processing Image During Download

    The following example shows how to process an image during download.

    Sample code

    Bucket: 'examplebucket-1250000000',
    Region: 'COS_REGION',
    Key: 'exampleobject',
    QueryString: `imageMogr2/thumbnail/200x/`,
    }, function (err, data) {
    console.log(err || data);
    fs.writeFileSync('filepath', data.Body); // Save the image locally

    Generating Signed URL with Image Processing Parameters

    Sample code

    // Generate a signed URL (valid for 30 minutes) with image processing parameters.
    var url1 = cos.getObjectUrl({
    Bucket: 'examplebucket-1250000000',
    Region: 'COS_REGION',
    Key: 'exampleobject',
    Query: {
    `imageMogr2/thumbnail/200x/`: ''
    Expires: 1800,
    Sign: true,
    }, function (err, data) {
    // Generate an unsigned URL with image processing parameters.
    var url2 = cos.getObjectUrl({
    Bucket: 'examplebucket-1250000000',
    Region: 'COS_REGION',
    Key: 'exampleobject',
    Query: {
    `imageMogr2/thumbnail/200x/`: ''
    Sign: false,
    }, function (err, data) {
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