API | Operation | Description |
Extracting object content | Extracts the content of a specified object (in CSV or JSON format) |
// Create a COSClient instance, which is used to initiate requests later.COSClient createCOSClient() {// Set the user identity information.// Log in to the [CAM console](https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi) to view and manage the `SecretId` and `SecretKey` of your project.String secretId = "SECRETID";String secretKey = "SECRETKEY";COSCredentials cred = new BasicCOSCredentials(secretId, secretKey);// `ClientConfig` contains the COS client configuration for subsequent COS requests.ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig();// Set the bucket region.// For more information on COS regions, please visit https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/6224.clientConfig.setRegion(new Region("COS_REGION"));// Set the request protocol, `http` or `https`.// For 5.6.53 and earlier versions, HTTPS is recommended.// Starting from 5.6.54, HTTPS is used by default.clientConfig.setHttpProtocol(HttpProtocol.https);// The following settings are optional.// Set the read timeout period, which is 30s by default.clientConfig.setSocketTimeout(30*1000);// Set the connection timeout period, which is 30s by default.clientConfig.setConnectionTimeout(30*1000);// If necessary, set the HTTP proxy, IP, and port.clientConfig.setHttpProxyIp("httpProxyIp");clientConfig.setHttpProxyPort(80);// Generate a COS client.return new COSClient(cred, clientConfig);}
// Create a COSClient instance, which is used to initiate requests later.COSClient createCOSClient() {// Here, the temporary key information is needed.// For how to generate temporary keys, please visit https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/14048.String tmpSecretId = "TMPSECRETID";String tmpSecretKey = "TMPSECRETKEY";String sessionToken = "SESSIONTOKEN";COSCredentials cred = new BasicSessionCredentials(tmpSecretId, tmpSecretKey, sessionToken);// `ClientConfig` contains the COS client configuration for subsequent COS requests.ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig();// Set the bucket region.// For more information on COS regions, please visit https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/6224.clientConfig.setRegion(new Region("COS_REGION"));// Set the request protocol, `http` or `https`.// For 5.6.53 and earlier versions, HTTPS is recommended.// Starting from 5.6.54, HTTPS is used by default.clientConfig.setHttpProtocol(HttpProtocol.https);// The following settings are optional.// Set the read timeout period, which is 30s by default.clientConfig.setSocketTimeout(30*1000);// Set the connection timeout period, which is 30s by default.clientConfig.setConnectionTimeout(30*1000);// If necessary, set the HTTP proxy, IP, and port.clientConfig.setHttpProxyIp("httpProxyIp");clientConfig.setHttpProxyPort(80);// Generate a COS client.return new COSClient(cred, clientConfig);}
.public SelectObjectContentResult selectObjectContent(SelectObjectContentRequest selectRequest) throws CosClientException, CosServiceException {
// Before using the COS API, ensure that the process contains a COSClient instance. If such an instance does not exist, create one.// For the detailed code, see "Simple Operations -> Creating a COSClient instance" on the current page.COSClient cosClient = createCOSClient();// Enter the bucket name in the format of `BucketName-APPID`.String bucketName = "examplebucket-1250000000";// Object key, the unique ID of an object in a bucket. For more information, please see [Object Key](https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/13324).String key = "exampleobject";String query = "select s._1 from COSObject s";SelectObjectContentRequest request = new SelectObjectContentRequest();request.setBucketName(bucketName);request.setKey(key);request.setExpression(query);request.setExpressionType(ExpressionType.SQL);InputSerialization inputSerialization = new InputSerialization();CSVInput csvInput = new CSVInput();csvInput.setFieldDelimiter(",");csvInput.setRecordDelimiter("\\n");inputSerialization.setCsv(csvInput);inputSerialization.setCompressionType(CompressionType.NONE);request.setInputSerialization(inputSerialization);OutputSerialization outputSerialization = new OutputSerialization();outputSerialization.setCsv(new CSVOutput());request.setOutputSerialization(outputSerialization);final AtomicBoolean isResultComplete = new AtomicBoolean(false);SelectObjectContentResult result = cosclient.selectObjectContent(request);InputStream resultInputStream = result.getPayload().getRecordsInputStream(new SelectObjectContentEventVisitor() {@Overridepublic void visit(SelectObjectContentEvent.StatsEvent event){System.out.println("Received Stats, Bytes Scanned: " + event.getDetails().getBytesScanned()+ " Bytes Processed: " + event.getDetails().getBytesProcessed());}@Overridepublic void visit(SelectObjectContentEvent.EndEvent event){isResultComplete.set(true);System.out.println("Received End Event. Result is complete.");}});BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(resultInputStream));StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();String line;while((line = reader.readLine())!= null){stringBuffer.append(line).append("\\n");}System.out.println(stringBuffer.toString());// Check whether the result is completed obtained.if (!isResultComplete.get()) {throw new Exception("result was incomplete");}// After confirming that the process does not use the COSClient instance anymore, close it.cosClient.shutdown();
Parameter | Description | Type |
selectRequest | Request | SelectObjectContentRequest |
member description:Parameter | Setting Method | Description | Type |
bucketName | Set method | String | |
key | Set method | String | |
expression | Set method | Request expression | String |
expressionType | Set method | Request expression type | String |
inputSerialization | Set method | Format of the object to be extracted | InputSerialization |
outputSerialization | Set method | Output format of the extraction result | OutputSerialization |
or CosServiceException
exception will be thrown. For more information, please see Troubleshooting.public SelectObjectContentResult selectObjectContent(SelectObjectContentRequest selectRequest) throws CosClientException, CosServiceException {
// Before using the COS API, ensure that the process contains a COSClient instance. If such an instance does not exist, create one.// For the detailed code, see "Simple Operations -> Creating a COSClient instance" on the current page.COSClient cosClient = createCOSClient();// Enter the bucket name in the format of `BucketName-APPID`.String bucketName = "examplebucket-1250000000";// Object key, the unique ID of an object in a bucket. For more information, please see [Object Key](https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/13324).String key = "exampleobject";String query = "select * from COSObject s where mathScore > 85'";SelectObjectContentRequest request = new SelectObjectContentRequest();request.setBucketName(bucketName);request.setKey(key);request.setExpression(query);request.setExpressionType(ExpressionType.SQL);InputSerialization inputSerialization = new InputSerialization();JSONInput jsonInput = new JSONInput();jsonInput.setType(JSONType.LINES);inputSerialization.setJson(jsonInput);inputSerialization.setCompressionType(CompressionType.NONE);request.setInputSerialization(inputSerialization);OutputSerialization outputSerialization = new OutputSerialization();outputSerialization.setJson(new JSONOutput());request.setOutputSerialization(outputSerialization);final AtomicBoolean isResultComplete = new AtomicBoolean(false);SelectObjectContentResult result = cosclient.selectObjectContent(request);InputStream resultInputStream = result.getPayload().getRecordsInputStream(new SelectObjectContentEventVisitor() {@Overridepublic void visit(SelectObjectContentEvent.StatsEvent event){System.out.println("Received Stats, Bytes Scanned: " + event.getDetails().getBytesScanned()+ " Bytes Processed: " + event.getDetails().getBytesProcessed());}@Overridepublic void visit(SelectObjectContentEvent.EndEvent event){isResultComplete.set(true);System.out.println("Received End Event. Result is complete.");}});BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(resultInputStream));StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();String line;while((line = reader.readLine())!= null){stringBuffer.append(line).append("\\n");}System.out.println(stringBuffer.toString());// Check whether the result is completed obtained.if (!isResultComplete.get()) {throw new Exception("result was incomplete");}// After confirming that the process does not use the COSClient instance anymore, close it.cosClient.shutdown();
Parameter | Description | Type |
selectRequest | Request | SelectObjectContentRequest |
member description:Parameter | Setting Method | Description | Type |
bucketName | Set method | String | |
key | Set method | String | |
expression | Set method | Request expression | String |
expressionType | Set method | Request expression type | String |
inputSerialization | Set method | Format of the object to be extracted | InputSerialization |
outputSerialization | Set method | Output format of the extraction result | OutputSerialization |
or CosServiceException
exception will be thrown. For more information, please see Troubleshooting.
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