API provided by SCF to run your cloud function, where the ClientContext
parameter is passed in JSON format (see Parameter Configuration Sample for details).{"bucket": "examplebucket-1250000000", // Bucket to deliver the final ZIP package"region": "ap-guangzhou", // Region where the bucket resides"key": "", // Name of the final ZIP package"flatten": false, // Whether to flatten source file paths/*** “sourceList” (a JSON array) is used to specify the list of source files that need to be zipped.* Each item includes the source file URL, “renamePath”, and more.** If the source file list is too long, you can JSON stringify the “sourceList” parameter.* Write the .json file, upload it to COS, and specify it with the “sourceConfigList” parameter.** You only need to specify either “sourceList” or “sourceConfigList”.*/"sourceList": [{"url": "","renamePath": "dir1_rename/file1.jpg"},{"url": "","renamePath": "file2.mp4"},{"url": ""}],"sourceConfigList": [{"url": ""}]}
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
bucket | Bucket to store the final ZIP package, formatted as BucketName-APPID (e.g., examplebucket-1250000000 ) | String | Yes |
region | Region where the bucket that stores the final ZIP package resides. For more information, please see Region and Access Endpoints. | String | Yes |
key | Name (i.e., object key that uniquely identifies an object in the bucket) of the final ZIP package. For more information, please see Object Overview. | String | Yes |
flatten | Whether to flatten source file paths (i.e., flatten the original directory structure). For example, if a source file’s URL is https://domain/source/test.mp4 , its path will be source/test.mp4 . If you set this parameter to true , its path in the ZIP package will be test.mp4 . If you set this parameter to false (default), its path will be source/test.mp4 . | Boolean | No |
sourceList | A list of source files. Either sourceList or sourceConfigList must be specified. | Array | Yes |
sourceList[].url | URL of a source file | String | Yes |
sourceList[].renamePath | Renames the path of a source file path in the final ZIP package. For example, you can rename dir1/file1.jpg to dir1_rename/file1.jpg .Note: renamePath has a higher priority over flatten , which means the flattening operation will not take effect to the renamed path. | String | No |
sourceConfigList | A list of sourceList configuration files. If you don’t want to include the entire sourceList in a request, you can JSON stringify the sourceList parameter to generate a JSON configuration file, upload it to COS, and specify the URL of that configuration file in sourceConfigList (multiple configuration files can be specified). Either sourceList or sourceConfigList must be specified. | Array | No |
sourceConfigList[].url | URL of a sourceList configuration file | String | No |
{code: 0,data: {Bucket: "examplebucket-1250000000",ETag: "\\"35bb5e5f050e22bed8f443d8da5dbfb8-1\\"",Key: "",Location: ""},error: null,message: "cos zip file success"}
Parameter | Description | Type |
code | Service error code. 0 indicates successful execution. Other numbers indicate failure. | Number |
message | Message for the execution results, which may be null | String |
data | Message for successful execution. If the execution is successful, this parameter includes the URL of the ZIP package. | Object |
error | Error message. If the execution is successful, the value is null . | Object/String |
{"bucket": "examplebucket-1250000000","region": "ap-guangzhou","key": "","flatten": false,"sourceList": [{"url": ""},{"url": ""},{"url": ""}]}├── dir1/file1.jpg├── dir2/file2.mp4└──
{"bucket": "examplebucket-1250000000","region": "ap-guangzhou","key": "","flatten": true, // Set “flatten” to “true” to flatten the source file paths."sourceList": [{"url": ""},{"url": ""},{"url": ""}]}├── file1.jpg├── file2.mp4└──
{"bucket": "examplebucket-1250000000","region": "ap-guangzhou","key": "","flatten": false,"sourceList": [{"url": "",// Rename “dir1/file1.jpg” to “dir1_rename/file1.jpg”."renamePath": "dir1_rename/file1.jpg"},{"url": "",// Rename “dir2/file2.mp4” to “file2.mp4”."renamePath": "file2.mp4"},{"url": ""}]}├── dir1_rename/file1.jpg├── file2.mp4└──
{"bucket": "examplebucket-1250000000","region": "ap-guangzhou","key": "","flatten": true, // Set “flatten” to “true” to flatten source file paths."sourceList": [{"url": ""},{"url": ""},{"url": "",// Rename “” to “dir3/”. As “renamePath” has a higher priority over “flatten”, the renamed path will not be flattened."renamePath": "dir3/"}]}├── file1.jpg├── file2.mp4└── dir3/