kubectl get pod <pod-name> -o wide
kubectl get pod <pod-name> -o yaml
kubectl describe pod <pod-name>
kubectl logs <pod-name> [-c <container-name>]
Status | Description |
Error | Error occurred during Pod launch. |
NodeLost | The node on which the Pod resides is unreachable. |
Unkown | Pod is unreachable or other unknown exception. |
Waiting | Pod is waiting to launch. |
Pending | Pod is waiting to be scheduled. |
ContainerCreating | Pod containers are being created. |
Terminating | Pod is being terminated. |
CrashLoopBackOff | Container exited. Kubelet is restarting it. |
InvalidImageName | Unable to resolve image name. |
ImageInspectError | Unable to verify image. |
ErrImageNeverPull | Policy prohibits image pull. |
ImagePullBackOff | Trying to pull the image again. |
RegistryUnavailable | Unable to connect to the image registry. |
ErrImagePull | General image pull error. |
CreateContainerConfigError | Unable to create the container configuration used by kubelet. |
CreateContainerError | Failed to create container. |
RunContainerError | Failed to launch container. |
PreStartHookError | preStart hook execution error. |
PostStartHookError | postStart hook execution error. |
ContainersNotInitialized | Container not initialized. |
ContainersNotReady | Container not ready. |
ContainerCreating | Container is being created. |
PodInitializing | Pod being initialized. |
DockerDaemonNotReady | Docker is not ready. |
NetworkPluginNotReady | Network plugin not ready. |