tencent cloud


Using CRD to Collect Logs to Kafka

Last updated: 2024-12-17 17:41:52
TKE Serverless not only supports uploading logs to CLS, but also supports collecting logs to self-built Kafka or CKafka.

Creating the CRD

If you want to collect logs to Kafka, you only need to define the CRD. The template is as follows:
apiVersion: cls.cloud.tencent.com/v1
kind: LogConfig ## Default value
name: test ## CRD resource name, unique in the cluster
brokers: xxxxxx # A required item, broker address, generally it is domain name:port. If there are more than one address, separate them with ",".
topic: xxxxxx # A required item, topicID
messageKey: # An optional item. You can specify the Pod field as the key to upload to the specified partition.
fieldPath: metadata.name
timestampKey: # The key of timestamp. Default value is @timestamp.
timestampFormat: # The format of timestamp. Default value is double.
type: container_stdout ## Log collection type, including container_stdout (container standard output) and container_file (container file).

containerStdout: ## Container standard output
namespace: default ## The Kubernetes namespace of the container to be collected. If this parameter is not specified, it indicates all namespaces.
allContainers: false ## Whether to collect the standard output of all containers in the specified namespace
container: xxx ## Name of the container to be collected. This item can be left empty.
includeLabels: ## Only Pods that contain the specified labels will be collected.
k8s-app: xxx ## Only the logs generated by Pods with the configuration of "k8s-app=xxx" in the Pod labels will be collected. This parameter cannot be specified at the same time as workloads and allContainers=true.
workloads: ## Kubernetes workload to which the container Pod to be collected belongs
- namespace: prod ## Workload namespace
name: sample-app ## Workload name
kind: deployment ## Workload type. Supported values include deployment, daemonset, statefulset, job, and cronjob.
container: xxx ## Name of the container to be collected. If this item is left empty, it indicates all containers in the workload Pod will be collected.

containerFile: ## File in the container
namespace: default ## The Kubernetes namespace of the container to be collected. A namespace must be specified.
container: xxx ## Name of the container to be collected. You can enter a * for this item.
includeLabels: ## Only Pods that contain the specified labels will be collected.
k8s-app: xxx ## Only the logs generated by Pods with the configuration of "k8s-app=xxx" in the Pod labels are collected. This parameter cannot be specified at the same time as workload.
workload: ## Kubernetes workload to which the container Pod to be collected belongs
name: sample-app ## Workload name
kind: deployment ## Workload type. Supported values include deployment, daemonset, statefulset, job, and cronjob.
logPath: /opt/logs ## Log folder. Wildcards are not supported.
filePattern: app_*.log ## Log file name. It supports the wildcards "*" and "?". "*" matches multiple random characters, and "?" matches a single random character.


If you are unable to collect logs, please terminate and recreate the Pod and try it again.


In The Article

Using CRD to Collect Logs to Kafka

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