Parameter Item | Description |
KubeletArgs | Sets the Kubelet-related custom parameters required for business deployment. |
Nameservers | Sets the DNS server address required for the business deployment environment. |
Hosts | Sets the Hosts required for the business deployment environment. |
The business performance can be optimized by setting kernel parameters (if the parameters currently available for configuration do not meet your needs, you can submit a ticket for support). |
nameserver =
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.apiVersion: MachineSetspec:autoRepair: falsedeletePolicy: RandomdisplayName: xxxxxxhealthCheckPolicyName: ""instanceTypes:- SA2.2XLARGE8replicas: 2scaling:createPolicy: ZoneEqualitysubnetIDs:- subnet-xxxxx- subnet-xxxxxtemplate:spec:displayName: tke-np-bqclpywh-workerproviderSpec:type: Nativevalue:instanceChargeType: PostpaidByHourkeyIDs:- skey-xxxxxlifecycle: {}management:kubeletArgs:- feature-gates=EnableInPlacePodResize=true- allowed-unsafe-sysctls=net.core.somaxconn- root-dir=/var/lib/test- registry-qps=1000hosts:- Hostnames:- static.fake.comIP: kernel.pid_max=65535- fs.file-max=400000- net.ipv4.tcp_rmem="4096 12582912 16777216"- vm.max_map_count="65535"metadata:creationTimestamp: nullsecurityGroupIDs:- sg-b3a93lhvsystemDisk:diskSize: 50diskType: CloudPremiumruntimeRootDir: /var/lib/containerdtype: Native
No. | Parameter | Default Value | Allowable Values/Range | Parameter Type | Description |
1 | "net.core.somaxconn" | 32768 | 4096 - 3240000 | int | The maximum length of the listening queue for each port in the system. |
2 | "net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog" | 8096 | 1000 - 3240000 | int | The maximum length of the TCP SYN queue. |
3 | "net.core.rps_sock_flow_entries" | 8192 | 1024 - 536870912 | int | The maximum size of the hash table for RPS. |
4 | "net.core.rmem_max" | 16777216 | 212992 - 134217728 | int | The maximum size, in bytes, of the socket receiving buffer. |
5 | "net.core.wmem_max" | 16777216 | 212992 - 134217728 | int | The maximum size, in bytes, of the socket sending buffer. |
6 | "net.ipv4.tcp_rmem" | "4096 12582912 16777216" | 1024 - 2147483647 | string | The minimum/default/maximum size of TCP socket receiving buffer. |
7 | "net.ipv4.tcp_wmem" | "4096 12582912 16777216" | 1024 - 2147483647 | string | The minimum/default/maximum size of TCP socket sending buffer. |
8 | "net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh1" | 2048 | 128 - 80000 | int | The minimum number of entries that can be retained. If the number of entries is less than this value, the entries will not be recycled. |
9 | "net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh2" | 4096 | 512 - 90000 | int | When the number of entries exceeds this value, the GC will clear the entries longer than 5 seconds. |
10 | "net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh3" | 8192 | 1024 - 100000 | int | The maximum allowable number of non-permanent entries. |
11 | "net.ipv4.tcp_max_orphans" | 32768 | 4096 - 2147483647 | int | The maximum number of TCP sockets not attached to any user file handle or held by the system. Increase this parameter value properly to avoid the "Out of socket memory" error when the load is high. |
12 | "net.ipv4.tcp_max_tw_buckets" | 32768 | 4096 - 2147483647 | int | The maximum number of timewait sockets held by the system simultaneously. Increase this parameter value properly to avoid the "TCP: time wait bucket table overflow" error. |
No. | Parameter | Default Value | Allowable Values/Range | Parameter Type | Description |
1 | "fs.file-max" | 3237991 | 8192 - 12000500 | int | The limit on the total number of file descriptors (FDs), including sockets, in the entire system. |
2 | "fs.inotify.max_user_instances" | 8192 | 1024 - 2147483647 | int | The limit on the total number of inotify instances. |
3 | "fs.inotify.max_user_watches" | 524288 | 781250 - 2097152 | int | The limit on the total number of inotify watches. Increase this parameter value to avoid the "Too many open files" error. |
No. | Parameter | Default Value | Allowable Values/Range | Parameter Type | Description |
1 | "vm.max_map_count" | 262144 | 65530 - 262144 | int | The maximum number of memory map areas a process can have. |
No. | Parameter | Default Value | Allowable Values/Range | Parameter Type | Description |
1 | "kernel.threads-max" | 4194304 | 4096 - 4194304 | int | The system-wide limit on the number of threads (tasks) that can be created on the system. |
2 | "kernel.pid_max" | 4194304 | 4096 - 4194304 | int | The system-wide limit on the total number of processes and threads. PIDs greater than this value are not allocated. |