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Tencent Kubernetes Engine

Declarative Operation Practice

Last updated: 2024-06-27 11:09:15

Operations Supported by Kubectl

CRD Type
Creating a native node pool
kubectl create -f machineset-demo.yaml
Viewing the list of native node pools
kubectl get machineset
Viewing the YAML details of a native node pool
kubectl describe ms machineset-name
Deleting a native node pool
kubectl delete ms machineset-name
Scaling out a native node pool
kubectl scale --replicas=3 machineset/machineset-name
Viewing native nodes
kubectl get machine
Viewing the YAML details of a native node
kubectl describe ma machine-name
Deleting a native node
kubectl delete ma machine-name
Creating a fault self-healing rule
kubectl create -f demo-HealthCheckPolicy.yaml
Viewing the list of fault self-healing rules
kubectl kubectl get HealthCheckPolicy
Viewing the YAML details of a fault self-healing rule
kubectl describe HealthCheckPolicy HealthCheckPolicy-name
Deleting a fault self-healing rule
kubectl delete HealthCheckPolicy HealthCheckPolicy-name

Using CRD via YAML


For the parameter settings of a native node pool, refer to the Description of Parameters for Creating Native Nodes.
apiVersion: node.tke.cloud.tencent.com/v1beta1
kind: MachineSet
autoRepair: false #Fault self-healing switch
displayName: test
healthCheckPolicyName: #Self-healing rule name
instanceTypes: #Model specification
replicas: 1 #Node quantity
scaling: #Auto-scaling policy
createPolicy: ZonePriority
maxReplicas: 1
subnetIDs: #Node pool subnet
- subnet-nnwwb64w
node.tke.cloud.tencent.com/machine-cloud-tags: '[{"tagKey":"xxx","tagValue":"xxx"}]' #Tencent Cloud tag
displayName: tke-np-mpam3v4b-worker #Custom display name
annotation-key1: annotation-value1 #Custom annotations
label-test-key: label-test-value #Custom labels
type: Native
dataDisks: #Data disk parameters
- deleteWithInstance: true
diskID: ""
diskSize: 50
diskType: CloudPremium
fileSystem: ext4
mountTarget: /var/lib/containerd
instanceChargeType: PostpaidByHour #Node billing mode
keyIDs: #Node login SSH parameters
- skey-xxx
lifecycle: #Custom script
postInit: echo "after node init"
preInit: echo "before node init"
management: #Settings of Management parameters, including kubelet\kernel\nameserver\hostname
securityGroupIDs: #Security group configuration
- sg-xxxxx
systemDisk: #System disk configuration
diskSize: 50
diskType: CloudPremium
runtimeRootDir: /var/lib/containerd
taints: #Taints, not required
- effect: NoExecute
key: taint-key2
value: value2
type: Native

Kubectl Operation Demo


1. Run the kubectl create -f machineset-demo.yaml command to create a MachineSet based on the preceding YAML file.

2. Run the kubectl get machineset command to view the status of the MachineSet np-pjrlok3w. At this time, the corresponding node pool already exists in the console, and its node is being created.

3. Run the kubectl describe machineset np-pjrlok3w command to view the description of the MachineSet np-pjrlok3w.

4. Run the kubectl scale --replicas=2 machineset/np-pjrlok3w command to execute scaling of the node pool.

5. Run the kubectl delete ms np-pjrlok3w command to delete the node pool.


1. Run the kubectl get machine command to view the machine list. At this time, the corresponding node already exists in the console.

2. Run the kubectl describe ma np-14024r66-nv8bk command to view the description of the machine np-14024r66-nv8bk.

3. Run the kubectl delete ma np-14024r66-nv8bk command to delete the node.
If you delete the node directly without adjusting the expected number of nodes in the node pool, the node pool will detect that the actual number of nodes does not meet the declarative number of nodes, and then create a new node and add it to the node pool. It is recommended to delete a node with the method as follows:
1. Run the kubectl scale --replicas=1 machineset/np-xxxxx command to adjust the expected number of nodes.
2. Run the kubectl delete machine np-xxxxxx-dtjhd command to delete the corresponding node.
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