tencent cloud


Image Layering Best Practices

Last updated: 2024-12-13 21:33:33


This document describes how to build and manage business images in layers and provides best practices for managing container images of all types using TCR.

Advantages of container image layering

Resources are shared to improve the utilization.
Image management is standardized to facilitate DevOps implementation.
TCR's Ops-free image acceleration easily makes large-scale image distribution faster by 5-10 times.
TCR Enterprise has been accessed to Tencent CloudAudit. You can check the logs of read and write operations of instances, namespaces, and image repositories in "Event History".


Before using a private image managed in TCR for application deployment, you need to complete the following preparations:
You have created a TCR Enterprise instance in the TCR console. If you haven't done so, create one first. For more information, see Creating an Enterprise Edition Instance.
If you are using a sub-account, you must have granted the sub-account operation permissions for the corresponding instance. For more information, see Example of Authorization Solution of TCR Enterprise.
This also applies to the existing TCR instances. You only need to modify the image repository address.

1. F3S Docker Files Overview

The project consists of the following parts:
$ tree -L 3 ./f3s-docker-files
├── README.md ------ README file
├── DockerBuildImages.sh ------ Image build script
├── 0.base ------ 0. Build various types of system images at the base layer
│ ├── alpine ------ Build the alpine system image at the base layer
│ │ └── Dockerfile
│ └── centos-7.8 ------ Build the CentOS 7.8 system image at the base layer
│ ├── Dockerfile
│ └── centos-7.8.2003-x86_64-docker.tar.xz
├─ 1.ops ------ 1. Build various types of images at the Ops layer
│ └── Dockerfile-alpine ------ Build the alpine image at the Ops layer
├── 2.lang ------ 2. Build various types of images at the language layer
│ └── Dockerfile-alpine-kona ------ alpine-kona image at the language layer
└── 3.app ------ 3. Build various types of images at the application layer
├── jmeter
│ ├── Dockerfile-jmeter-base ------ Build the jmeter-base image
│ ├── Dockerfile-jmeter-grafana-reporter ------ Build the jmeter-grafana-reporter image
│ ├── Dockerfile-jmeter-master ------ Build the jmeter-master image
│ └── Dockerfile-jmeter-slave ------ Build the jmeter-slave image
├── nginx
│ ├── Dockerfile-alpine-nginx ------ Build the alpine-nginx image
│ ├── default.conf
│ └── nginx.conf
└── skywalking
└── Dockerfile-alpine-kona-skywalking ------ Build the alpine-kona-skywalking image

alpine/Dockerfile: Build with the official Alpine 3.13 Docker image to support common Ops tools.
centos-7.8/Dockerfile: Build with the official CentOS 7.8 Docker image to support common Ops tools.
Dockerfile-alpine-kona: Build with the Dockerfile-alpine and TencentKona 8.0.5 binary package. The Kona is partially trimmed to control the image size.
Dockerfile-jmeter-base: Build based on the official JMeter 5.4.1 binary package.
Dockerfile-jmeter-grafana-reporter: Build based on Grafana-Reporter to generate JMeter PDF reports from Grafana dashboards.
Dockerfile-jmeter-master: Build based on Jmeter-base to implement distributed master stress test with JMeter.
Dockerfile-jmeter-slave: Build based on Jmeter-base to implement distributed slave stress test with JMeter.
Dockerfile-alpine-nginx: Build with Dockerfile-alpine to add NGINX configuration initialization and logging specifications.
Dockerfile-alpine-kona-skywalking: Build with the official Dockerfile-alpine-kona and SkyWalking 8.5 binary package.

2. Project Resource Description

2.0 Dockerfile-alpine

============ALPINE DOCKER FILE============
# build
FROM alpine:3.13

ENV FROM alpine:3.13

# The Alpine image does not contain `tzdata`, so you cannot set the time zone directly via the environment variable `TZ`. To this end, you need to install `tzdata`:
ENV TZ=Asia/Shanghai

RUN echo 'http://mirrors.tencent.com/alpine/v3.13/main/' > /etc/apk/repositories \\
&& echo 'http://mirrors.tencent.com/alpine/v3.13/community/' >> /etc/apk/repositories \\
&& apk --no-cache add apache2-utils \\
bind-tools \\
bridge-utils \\
busybox-extras \\
curl \\
ebtables \\
ethtool \\
fio \\
fping \\
iperf3 \\
iproute2 \\
iptables \\
iputils \\
ipvsadm \\
jq \\
lftp \\
lsof \\
mtr \\
netcat-openbsd \\
net-tools \\
nmap \\
procps \\
psmisc \\
rsync \\
smartmontools \\
strace \\
sysstat \\
tcpdump \\
tree \\
tzdata \\
unzip \\
util-linux \\
wget \\
zip \\
&& echo "${TZ}" > /etc/timezone \\
&& ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/${TZ} /etc/localtime \\
&& rm -rf /var/cache/apk/*

ENV BUILD f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/alpine:v3.13

# docker build -t f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/alpine:v3.13 .

============Build, tag and push the base image============
cd $pwd/0.base/alpine
docker build -t f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/alpine:v3.13 -f Dockerfile .
docker push f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/alpine:v3.13

2.1 Dockerfi̇le-CentOS-7.8

============Centos-7.8 DOCKER FILE============
# build
# CentOS 7.8 official Dockerfile: https://github.com/CentOS/sig-cloud-instance-images/blob/CentOS-7.8.2003-x86_64/docker/Dockerfile
# CentOS 7.8 official package: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CentOS/sig-cloud-instance-images/CentOS-7.8.2003-x86_64/docker/centos-7.8.2003-x86_64-docker.tar.xz

FROM scratch

ADD centos-7.8.2003-x86_64-docker.tar.xz /

LABEL name="CentOS Base Image" \\
vendor="CentOS" \\
license="GPLv2" \\

# Add some widgets and change the time zone
RUN set -ex \\
&& yum install -y wget \\
&& rm -rf /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-* \\
# Add the `Tencent yum` source
&& wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo http://mirrors.cloud.tencent.com/repo/centos7_base.repo \\
&& yum fs filter documentation \\
&& yum install -y atop \\
bind-utils \\
curl \\
dstat \\
ebtables \\
ethtool \\
fping \\
htop \\
iftop \\
iproute \\
jq \\
less \\
lsof \\
mtr \\
nc \\
net-tools \\
nmap-ncat \\
perf \\
psmisc \\
strace \\
sysstat \\
tcpdump \\
telnet \\
tree \\
unzip \\
wget \\
which \\
zip \\
ca-certificates \\
&& rm -rf /etc/localtime \\
&& ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime \\
# Install dumb-init
&& wget -O /usr/local/bin/dumb-init https://github.com/Yelp/dumb-init/releases/download/v1.2.5/dumb-init_1.2.5_x86_64 \\
&& chmod +x /usr/local/bin/dumb-init \\
# Install gosu grab gosu for easy step-down from root
# https://github.com/tianon/gosu/releases
&& wget -O /usr/local/bin/gosu "https://github.com/tianon/gosu/releases/download/1.13/gosu-amd64" \\
&& chmod +x /usr/local/bin/gosu \\
&& gosu nobody true \\
# Install the Chinese language package to solve the VI garbled text issue
&& yum -y install kde-l10n-Chinese glibc-common \\
&& localedef -c -f UTF-8 -i zh_CN zh_CN.utf8 \\
&& export LC_ALL=zh_CN.utf8 \\
&& yum clean all \\
&& rm -rf /tmp/* \\
&& rm -rf /var/lib/yum/* \\
&& rm -rf /var/cache/yum

# Solve the LESS garbled text issue

# Set language environment variables

# If this line is not added, `stdin: true` and `tty: true` in Kubernetes will not take effect
CMD ["/bin/bash"]

ENV BUILD f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/centos:v7.8

# docker build -t f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/centos:v7.8 .
============Build, tag and push the base image============
cd $pwd/0.base/centos-7.8
docker build --no-cache -t f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/centos:v7.8 -f Dockerfile .
docker push f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/centos:v7.8
# To test run: docker run --name test -it --rm f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/centos:v7.8 uname -a
# docker export <container-id> | docker import f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/centos:v7.8
# quick interative termnal: docker run -it --entrypoint=sh f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/centos:v7.8 sh

2.2 Dockerfi̇le-Ops

============Ops DOCKER FILE============
# build
FROM f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/alpine:v3.13


# Download the Ops tool
RUN apk --no-progress --purge --no-cache add --upgrade wget \\
curl \\
mysql-client \\
busybox \\
busybox-extras \\
bash \\
bash-doc \\
bash-completion \\
tzdata \\
vim \\
unzip && \\
# Download the glibc to support JDK and solve the Chinese character issue && \\
wget -q -O /etc/apk/keys/sgerrand.rsa.pub https://alpine-pkgs.sgerrand.com/sgerrand.rsa.pub && \\
wget https://github.com/sgerrand/alpine-pkg-glibc/releases/download/2.33-r0/glibc-2.33-r0.apk && \\
wget https://github.com/sgerrand/alpine-pkg-glibc/releases/download/2.33-r0/glibc-bin-2.33-r0.apk && \\
wget https://github.com/sgerrand/alpine-pkg-glibc/releases/download/2.33-r0/glibc-i18n-2.33-r0.apk && \\
apk add glibc-2.33-r0.apk glibc-bin-2.33-r0.apk glibc-i18n-2.33-r0.apk && \\
rm glibc-2.33-r0.apk glibc-bin-2.33-r0.apk glibc-i18n-2.33-r0.apk && \\
/usr/glibc-compat/bin/localedef -i en_US -f UTF-8 C.UTF-8 && \\
echo "export LANG=$LANG" > /etc/profile.d/locale.sh && \\
# Change the time zone
mkdir -p /share/zoneinfo/Asia/ && \\
mkdir -p /etc/zoneinfo/Asia/ && \\
cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime && \\
cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai && \\
cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai && \\
echo "Asia/Shanghai" > /etc/timezone && \\
apk del tzdata && \\
# Delete the APK cache && \\
rm -rf /var/cache/apk/*

============Build, tag and push the base image============
docker build --no-cache -t f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/alpine:latest -f ./1.ops/Dockerfile-alpine .
docker push f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/alpine:latest
# To test run: docker run --name test -it --rm f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/alpine:latest sh $(java -version)
# docker export <container-id> | docker import f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/alpine:latest
# quick interative termnal: docker run -it --entrypoint=sh f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/alpine:latest sh

2.3 Dockerfile-alpine-kona

============Alpine Kona DOCKER FILE============
# build
FROM f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/alpine:latest


# Download the Kona installation package via wget && \\
RUN cd /opt && \\
wget https://github.com/Tencent/TencentKona-8/releases/download/8.0.5-GA/TencentKona8.0.5.b12_jdk_linux-x86_64_8u282.tar.gz && \\
tar -xvf TencentKona8.0.5.b12_jdk_linux-x86_64_8u282.tar.gz && \\
rm TencentKona8.0.5.b12_jdk_linux-x86_64_8u282.tar.gz && \\
ln -nfs /opt/TencentKona-8.0.5-282 /opt/jdk && \\
# Trim the unused resources of the JDK && \\
rm /opt/jdk/release && \\
rm /opt/jdk/THIRD_PARTY_README && \\
rm /opt/jdk/LICENSE && \\
rm /opt/jdk/ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION && \\
rm -rf /opt/jdk/sample/ && \\
rm -rf /opt/jdk/demo/ && \\
rm -rf /opt/jdk/src.zip && \\
rm -rf /opt/jdk/man/ && \\
rm -rf /opt/jdk/lib/missioncontrol && \\
rm -rf /opt/jdk/lib/visualvm && \\
rm -rf /opt/jdk/lib/ant-javafx.jar && \\
rm -rf /opt/jdk/lib/javafx-mx.jar && \\
rm -rf /opt/jdk/lib/jconsole.jar && \\
rm -rf /opt/jdk/jre/lib/amd64/libawt_xawt.so && \\
rm -rf /opt/jdk/jre/lib/amd64/libjavafx_font_freetype.so && \\
rm -rf /opt/jdk/jre/lib/amd64/libjavafx_font_pango.so && \\
rm -rf /opt/jdk/jre/lib/amd64/libjavafx_font.so && \\
rm -rf /opt/jdk/jre/lib/amd64/libjavafx_font_t2k.so && \\
rm -rf /opt/jdk/jre/lib/amd64/libjavafx_iio.so && \\
rm -rf /opt/jdk/jre/lib/amd64/libjfxwebkit.so && \\
rm -rf /opt/jdk/jre/lib/desktop && \\
rm -rf /opt/jdk/jre/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar && \\
rm -rf /opt/jdk/jre/lib/fonts && \\
rm -rf /opt/jdk/jre/lib/locale/de && \\
rm -rf /opt/jdk/jre/lib/locale/fr && \\
rm -rf /opt/jdk/jre/lib/locale/it && \\
rm -rf /opt/jdk/jre/lib/locale/ja && \\
rm -rf /opt/jdk/jre/lib/locale/ko && \\
rm -rf /opt/jdk/jre/lib/locale/ko.UTF-8 && \\
rm -rf /opt/jdk/jre/lib/locale/pt_BR && \\
rm -rf /opt/jdk/jre/lib/locale/sv && \\
rm -rf /opt/jdk/jre/lib/locale/zh_HK.BIG5HK && \\
rm -rf /opt/jdk/jre/lib/locale/zh_TW && \\
rm -rf /opt/jdk/jre/lib/locale/zh_TW.BIG5 && \\
rm -rf /opt/jdk/jre/lib/oblique-fonts && \\
rm -rf /opt/jdk/jre/lib/deploy.jar && \\
rm -rf /opt/jdk/jre/lib/locale/

ENV JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk
============Build, tag and push the base image============
docker build --no-cache -t f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/alpine-kona:latest -f ./2.lang/Dockerfile-alpine-kona .
docker push f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/alpine-kona:latest
# To test run: docker run --name test -it --rm f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/alpine-kona:latest sh $(java -version)
# docker export <container-id> | docker import f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/alpine-kona:latest
# quick interative termnal: docker run -it --entrypoint=sh f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/alpine-kona:latest sh

2.4 Dockerfile-alpine-kona-skywalking

============Alpine Kona SkyWalking DOCKER FILE============
# build
FROM f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/alpine-kona:latest


# Download the Ops tool
RUN mkdir /3.app && \\
wget -q -O /3.app/apache-skywalking-apm-8.5.0.tar.gz https://archive.apache.org/dist/skywalking/8.5.0/apache-skywalking-apm-8.5.0.tar.gz && \\
tar zxf /3.app/apache-skywalking-apm-8.5.0.tar.gz -C /3.app && \\
mv /3.app/apache-skywalking-apm-bin/agent /3.app/skywalking && \\
rm -rf /3.app/apache-skywalking-apm-8.5.0.tar.gz && \\
rm -rf /3.app/apache-skywalking-apm-bin/

ENV JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk
============Build, tag and push the base image============
docker build --no-cache -t f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/alpine-kona-skywalking:latest -f ./3.app/skywalking/Dockerfile-alpine-kona-skywalking .
docker push f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/alpine-kona-skywalking:latest
# To test run: docker run --name test -it --rm f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/alpine-kona-skywalking:latest sh $(java -version)
# docker export <container-id> | docker import f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/alpine-kona-skywalking:latest
# quick interative termnal: docker run -it --entrypoint=sh f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/alpine-kona-skywalking:latest sh

2.5 Dockerfile-jmeter-base

============JMETER BASE DOCKER FILE============
# build
FROM f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/alpine-kona:latest


# Download JMeter
RUN mkdir /jmeter && \\
cd /jmeter && \\
wget https://archive.apache.org/dist/jmeter/binaries/apache-jmeter-$JMETER_VERSION.tgz && \\
tar -xzf apache-jmeter-$JMETER_VERSION.tgz && \\
rm apache-jmeter-$JMETER_VERSION.tgz && \\
# Download JMeterPlugins-Standard && \\
cd /jmeter/apache-jmeter-$JMETER_VERSION/ && \\
wget -q -O /tmp/JMeterPlugins-Standard-1.4.0.zip https://jmeter-plugins.org/downloads/file/JMeterPlugins-Standard-1.4.0.zip && \\
unzip -n /tmp/JMeterPlugins-Standard-1.4.0.zip && \\
rm /tmp/JMeterPlugins-Standard-1.4.0.zip && \\
# Download pepper-box && \\
wget -q -O /jmeter/apache-jmeter-$JMETER_VERSION/lib/ext/pepper-box-1.0.jar https://github.com/raladev/load/blob/master/JARs/pepper-box-1.0.jar?raw=true && \\
# Download bzm-parallel && \\
cd /jmeter/apache-jmeter-$JMETER_VERSION/ && \\
wget -q -O /tmp/bzm-parallel-0.7.zip https://jmeter-plugins.org/files/packages/bzm-parallel-0.7.zip && \\
unzip -n /tmp/bzm-parallel-0.7.zip && \\
rm /tmp/bzm-parallel-0.7.zip

ENV JMETER_HOME /jmeter/apache-jmeter-$JMETER_VERSION/

============Build, tag and push the base image============
docker build --no-cache -t f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/jmeter-base:latest -f ./3.app/jmeter/Dockerfile-jmeter-base .
docker push f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/jmeter-base:latest

2.6 Dockerfile-jmeter-master

============JMETER-MASTER DOCKER FILE============
# build
FROM f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/jmeter-base:latest

EXPOSE 60000
============Build, tag and push the base image============
docker build --no-cache -t f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/jmeter-master:latest -f ./3.app/jmeter/Dockerfile-jmeter-master .
docker push f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/jmeter-master:latest

2.7 Dockerfile-jmeter-slave

================JMETER-SLAVES DOCKER FILE=====================
# build
FROM f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/jmeter-base:latest

EXPOSE 1099 50000

ENTRYPOINT $JMETER_HOME/bin/jmeter-server \\
-Dserver.rmi.localport=50000 \\
-Dserver_port=1099 \\
============Build, tag and push the base image============
docker build --no-cache -t f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/jmeter-slave:latest -f ./3.app/jmeter/Dockerfile-jmeter-slave .
docker push f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/jmeter-slave:latest

2.8 Dockerfile-jmeter-grafana-reporter

================JMETER-GRAFANA-REPORTER DOCKER FILE=====================
# build
# Multi-stage builds
FROM golang:1.14.7-alpine3.12 AS build
# Download the Ops and compilation tools
WORKDIR /go/src/${owner:-github.com/8710925}/reporter
# ADD . .
# RUN go install -v github.com/8710925/reporter/cmd/grafana-reporter

RUN apk --no-progress --purge --no-cache add --upgrade git && \\
# Compile grafana-reporter
git clone https://${owner:-github.com/8710925}/reporter . \\
&& go install -v github.com/8710925/reporter/cmd/grafana-reporter

# create grafana reporter image
FROM alpine:3.12
COPY --from=build /go/src/${owner:-github.com/8710925}/reporter/util/texlive.profile /
COPY --from=build /go/src/${owner:-github.com/8710925}/reporter/util/SIMKAI.ttf /usr/share/fonts/west/

RUN apk --no-progress --purge --no-cache add --upgrade wget \\
curl \\
fontconfig \\
unzip \\
tzdata \\
perl-switch && \\
wget -qO- \\
"https://github.com/yihui/tinytex/raw/master/tools/install-unx.sh" | \\
sh -s - --admin --no-path \\
&& mv ~/.TinyTeX /opt/TinyTeX \\
&& /opt/TinyTeX/bin/*/tlmgr path add \\
&& tlmgr path add \\
&& chown -R root:adm /opt/TinyTeX \\
&& chmod -R g+w /opt/TinyTeX \\
&& chmod -R g+wx /opt/TinyTeX/bin \\
&& tlmgr update --self --repository http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/CTAN/systems/texlive/tlnet \\
&& tlmgr install epstopdf-pkg ctex everyshi everysel euenc \\
# Change the time zone
&& cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime \\
&& echo "Asia/Shanghai" > /etc/timezone \\
&& apk del tzdata \\
# Cleanup
&& fmtutil-sys --all \\
&& texhash \\
&& mktexlsr \\
&& apk del --purge -qq \\
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

COPY --from=build /go/bin/grafana-reporter /usr/local/bin

ENTRYPOINT [ "/usr/local/bin/grafana-reporter","-ip","jmeter-grafana:3000" ]
============Build, tag and push the base image============
docker build --no-cache -t f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/jmeter-grafana-reporter:latest -f ./3.app/jmeter/Dockerfile-jmeter-grafana-reporter .
docker push f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/jmeter-grafana-reporter:latest

2.9 Dockerfile-alpine-nginx

================Alpine Nginx DOCKER FILE=====================
# build
FROM f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/alpine-kona:latest


# Download the Ops tool
RUN apk --no-progress --purge --no-cache add --upgrade nginx && \\
# Delete the APK cache && \\
rm -rf /var/cache/apk/*

COPY ./3.app/nginx/default.conf /etc/nginx/http.d/default.conf
COPY ./3.app/nginx/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

EXPOSE 80 443

CMD ["/usr/sbin/nginx", "-g", "daemon off;", "-c", "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf"]
============Build, tag and push the base image============
docker build --no-cache -t f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/alpine-nginx:latest -f ./3.app/nginx/Dockerfile-alpine-nginx .
docker push f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/alpine-nginx:latest
# To test run: docker run --name test -it --rm -p 8888:80 f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/alpine-nginx:latest nginx -v
# docker export <container-id> | docker import f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/alpine-nginx:latest
# quick interative termnal: docker run -it --entrypoint=sh f3s-docker-file.tencentcloudcr.com/f3s-tcr/alpine-nginx:latest sh

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