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DocumentationTencent Kubernetes EngineTKE General Cluster Guide Ingress Management Nginx Type IngressUsing Nginx-ingress Object to Access External Traffic of the Cluster
DocumentationTencent Kubernetes EngineTKE General Cluster Guide Ingress Management Nginx Type IngressUsing Nginx-ingress Object to Access External Traffic of the Cluster

Using Nginx-ingress Object to Access External Traffic of the Cluster

Last updated: 2024-12-23 11:30:47


You have logged in to the TKE console.
You have deployed Nginx-ingress Addon in the cluster.
You have installed and created the Nginx-ingress instance required for the business.

How to Use

Nginx-ingress usage on console

1. Log in to the TKE console and click Cluster in the left sidebar.
2. Click the cluster ID that has installed the Nginx-ingress addon to go to the cluster details page.
3. Select Services and Route > Ingress to go to the Ingress information page.
4. Click Create to go to the Create an Ingress page.
5. Set the Ingress parameters based on actual needs, as shown in the figure below:

Ingress type: select Nginx Ingress Controller.
Forwarding configuration: configure forwarding rules as needed.
6. Click Create Ingress.

Managing Nginx-ingress using Kubectl

Before importing the IngressClass resource and the ingressClassName field in Kubernetes, the Ingress class was specified by the kubernetes.io/ingress.class annotation in Ingress. Sample:
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "nginx-pulic". ## The corresponding Nginx-ingress instance name of the Nginx-ingress addon in the TKE cluster.

Relevant Operations

You can configure annotations for Nginx Ingress objects. For details, see Official Document.

Usage model of Nginx-ingress object

When multiple Ingress objects apply to one Nginx entity:
Sort the Ingress rules by the CreationTimestamp field, that is, the previous rules shall prevail.
If the same path is defined for the same host in multiple Ingresses, the most previous rules shall prevail.
If multiple Ingresses contain the TLS part of the same host, the most previous rules shall prevail.
If multiple Ingresses define an annotation that affects the configuration of the Server block, the most previous rules shall prevail.
Create NGINX Server based on each hostname.
If multiple Ingresses define different paths for the same host, the ingress-controller merges these definitions.
Multiple Ingresses can define different annotations. These definitions are not shared among Ingresses.
Ingress annotations will be applied to all paths in Ingress.

Triggering nginx.conf update mechanism

The following describes the situation where nginx.conf needs to be reloaded:
Create an Ingress object.
Add a new TLS for Ingress.
The modification of Ingress annotation not only affects the upstream configuration, but also has a greater impact. For example, the load-balance annotation does not need to be reloaded.
Add/delete paths for Ingress.
Delete Ingress and the Service and Secret of Ingress.
The status of the object associated with the Ingress is unknown, such as Service or Secret.
Update a Secret.
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