Kubernetes Events contains information about the operations of Kubernetes clusters and the scheduling of various resources, which can help OPS personnel monitor daily changes in resources and locate problems. TKE Serverless cluster supports event persistence for all clusters and also supports the search of event flows by using PAAS services provided by Tencent Cloud or open-source software tools. After enabling this feature, your cluster events will be exported to the configured storage in real time. This document describes how to enable and use persistent storage of cluster events.
Enabling event storage
2. Choose OPS Feature Management in the left sidebar to go to the Feature Management page.
3. At the top of the Feature Management page, select the region and select TKE Serverless Cluster as Cluster Type. On the right side of the cluster for which you want to enable event storage, click Set, as shown in the figure below:
4. On the Configure Features page, click Edit for event storage.
5. On the Event Storage editing page, select Enable Event Storage and configure logsets and log topics, as shown in the figure below:
6. Click Confirm to enable event storage.
Updating logsets or log topics
2. Choose OPS Feature Management in the left sidebar to go to the Feature Management page.
3. At the top of the Feature Management page, select the region and select TKE Serverless Cluster as Cluster Type. On the right side of the cluster for which you want to enable event storage, click Set, as shown in the figure below:
4. On the Configure Features page, click Edit for event storage.
5. On the Event Storage editing page, reselect logsets and log topics. Then, click OK to update the logsets and log topics.
Disabling event storage
2. Choose OPS Feature Management in the left sidebar to go to the Feature Management page.
3. At the top of the Feature Management page, select the region and select TKE Serverless Cluster as Cluster Type. On the right side of the cluster for which you want to enable event storage, click Set, as shown in the figure below:
4. On the Configure Features page, click Edit for event storage.
5. On the Event Storage editing page, deselect Enable Event Storage, as shown in the figure below:
6. Click Confirm to disable event storage.
Viewing event in the CLS console
2. Select Log Search on the left side bar to go to the Search and Analysis page, as shown in the figure below:
3. Select the logset and log topic configured in Event Storage, set the Showed Field as needed, and click Search and Analysis. For more information, see Log Analysis. Note:
When you enable event storage, the index will be enabled for your Topic by default.