You can directly bind an EIP to a Pod that adopts the VPC-CNI mode as instructed below.
Prerequisites and Limitations
The role policy that is used by IPAMD has been granted with EIP API permission.
The EIP feature is not available in exclusive ENI with non-static IP address of VPC-CNI mode (it is available in v3.3.9 and later versions).
The EIPs auto-created in the cluster cannot be reclaimed when the cluster is deleted.
Adding EIP API Access Permission for the IPAMD Component Role
1. Log in to the CAM console, select Roles in the left sidebar. 2. In CAM console > Roles, search for the role IPAMDofTKE_QCSRole
, and click the role name to go to the role details page. 3. Click Associate Policies.
4. In the pop-up window, search for and select the preset policy QcloudAccessForIPAMDRoleInQcloudAllocateEIP
, and click OK. This policy contains all permissions required by the IPAMD component to operate an EIP.
Auto-creating an EIP
See the following Yaml sample to associate with an EIP automatically:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
k8s-app: busybox
name: busybox
namespace: default
replicas: 1
k8s-app: busybox
qcloud-app: busybox
serviceName: ""
annotations: "tke-route-eni" '{"Bandwidth":"100","ISP":"BGP"}' "Never"
creationTimestamp: null
k8s-app: busybox
qcloud-app: busybox
- args:
- "10000000000"
- sleep
image: busybox
imagePullPolicy: Always
name: busybox
limits: "1" "1"
requests: "1" "1" '{"Bandwidth":"100","ISP":"BGP"}' indicates that the Pod for the workload needs to automatically associate with an EIP. The bandwidth of the EIP is 100 Mbps and the ISP is BGP.
spec.template.annotations: "Never" indicates that the EIP of the Pod for the workload is a static IP address, and it cannot be changed after the Pod is terminated. If it is not a static IP address, do not add the annotation.
spec.template.spec.containers.0.resources: to associate a Pod with an EIP, you need to add “requests” and “limits”, that is,
, so that the scheduler can ensure that the node to which the Pod scheduled still have EIPs available.
Key configurations
The EIPs that each node can bind to are subject to the relevant quota restrictions and the bound number of CVMs.
The maximum number of EIPs that each node can bind to is the bound number of CVMs - 1. '{"Bandwidth":"100","ISP":"BGP"}': only "bandwidth" and "ISP" can be configured for now. "ISP" can be set to BGP
, which corresponds to ordinary BGP IP and static single-line IP (China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom) respectively. If the two parameters are left empty, the default values of 100 Mbps and BGP will be used.
Fees will not be charged on IPs after an auto-created EIP is bound. The default billing method for public network access is postpaid by traffic on an hourly basis
Specifying an EIP
See the following Yaml sample to associate with a specified EIP automatically:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
k8s-app: busybox
name: busybox
namespace: default
replicas: 1
k8s-app: busybox
qcloud-app: busybox
serviceName: ""
annotations: "tke-route-eni" "eip-xxx1,eip-xxx2"
creationTimestamp: null
k8s-app: busybox
qcloud-app: busybox
- args:
- "10000000000"
- sleep
image: busybox
imagePullPolicy: Always
name: busybox
limits: "1" "1"
requests: "1" "1" "eip-xxx1,eip-xxx2" indicates that the Pod of the workload needs to be automatically associated with a specified EIP and that the first replica uses the EIP whose eipID
is eip-xxx1
and the second uses the EIP whose eipID
is eip-xxx2
. According to the current policy, Pods are associated with EIPs in the annotation based on the numbers at the end of their names. If there are no numbers (Deployment type, for example), EIPs are randomly associated with. When conflicts occur, only one Pod can be associated successfully. For Pods without numbers, we recommend you specify only one EIP.
spec.template.spec.containers.0.resources: to associate a Pod with an EIP, you need to add “requests” and “limits”, that is,
, so that the scheduler can ensure that the node to which the Pod scheduled still have EIPs available.
Making Sure That Active Outbound Traffic Passes EIPs
By default, the current cluster is deployed with the ip-masq-agent
component, which performs SNAT for node addresses of the active outbound traffic of the Pods in the cluster. In addition, if the VPC is configured with the NAT gateway, the configuration will affect the active outbound traffic of the Pods. Therefore, to let the active outbound traffic of a Pod pass its associated EIP, you need to modify the relevant configuration and routing policy.
Removing SNAT from a cluster
To prevent SNAT from being performed for the active outbound traffic of the Pod associated with the EIP, you need to modify the SNAT rules in the cluster:
kubectl -n kube-system edit cm ip-masq-agent-config
In the data.config
field, add a new field whose key is NonMasqueradeSrcCIDRs
and whose value is the private IP range list of the Pod associated with the EIP. For example, if the IP address is
, you need to enter
. Below is a sample:
apiVersion: v1
config: '{"NonMasqueradeCIDRs":["",""],"NonMasqueradeSrcCIDRs":[""],"MasqLinkLocal":true,"ResyncInterval":"1m0s","MasqLinkLocalIPv6":false}'
kind: ConfigMap
name: ip-masq-agent-config
namespace: kube-system
The saved configuration takes effect immediately after exit and will be hot updated within one minute.
This field prevents the active outbound traffic of Pods within the IP range from SNAT. If a larger IP range is entered, no SNAT will be performed for Pods within the range. Proceed with caution.
Adjusting the priority levels of NAT gateways and EIPs
If the NAT gateway is configured for the VPC of the cluster, make sure that the configurations are correct as instructed in Adjusting the Priorities of NAT Gateways and EIPs; otherwise, the active outbound traffic of the Pod may prefer NAT gateways over EIPs. Retaining and Reclaiming of an EIP
After "auto-associate with an EIP" is enabled for the Pod, the network component will create a CRD object EIPClaim
with the same name of the Pod in the same namespace. This object describes the Pod's requirements for the EIP.
For a Pod to which a non-static EIP is bound, EIPClaim
will be terminated and the EIP associated with the Pod will also be terminated and reclaimed after the Pod is terminated. For a Pod to which a static EIP is bound, EIPClaim
and the EIP will be retained after the Pod is terminated. After the Pod with the same name is enabled, it will use the EIP associated with the EIPClaim
of the same name, so as to retain the EIP.
Below are three methods for reclaiming an EIP, including reclaiming after expiration, manual reclaiming and cascade reclaiming.
Reclaiming after expiration
On Creating a Cluster page, select VPC-CNI for Container Network Add-on and check Enable Support for Static Pod IP, as shown in the figure below:
Set IP Reclaiming Policy in Advanced Settings. You can set how many seconds after the Pod is terminated to reclaim the static IP address.
You can modify the existing clusters with the following method: tke-eni-ipamd v3.5.0 or later
1. Log in to the TKE console and click Cluster in the left sidebar. 2. On the Cluster Management page, click the ID of the target cluster to go to the cluster details page.
3. On the cluster details page, select Add-On Management in the left sidebar.
4. On the Add-On Management page, click Update configuration in the Operation column of the eniipamd add-on.
5. On the Update configuration page, enter the expiration time in the static IP reclaiming policy, and click Done.
tke-eni-ipamd earlier than v3.5.0 or no eniipamd to manage
Run the command kubectl edit deploy tke-eni-ipamd -n kube-system
to modify the existing tke-eni-ipamd deployment.
Run the following command to add the launch parameter to spec.template.spec.containers[0].args
or modify the launch parameter.
--claim-expired-duration=1h # You can enter a value that is not less than 5m
Manual reclaiming
For an EIP that needs to be reclaimed urgently, you need to find the namespace and name of the corresponding Pod, and run the following command to reclaim it manually.
You must ensure the Pod corresponding to the reclaimed EIP have been terminated. Otherwise, the EIP will be associated with and bound to the Pod again.
kubectl delete eipc <podname> -n <namespace>
Cascade reclaiming
Currently, the static EIP is strongly bound to the Pod, regardless of the specific workload (e.g., deployment, statefulset). After the Pod is terminated, it is uncertain when to reclaim the static EIP. TKE has implemented that the static EIP is deleted once the workload to which the Pod belongs is deleted. The version of the IPAMD component needs to be v3.3.9 or later version (you can check the version through image tag).
You can enable cascade reclaiming by the following steps:
tke-eni-ipamd v3.5.0 or later
1. Log in to the TKE console and click Cluster in the left sidebar. 2. On the Cluster Management page, click the ID of the target cluster to go to the cluster details page.
3. On the cluster details page, select Add-On Management in the left sidebar.
4. On the Add-On Management page, click Update configuration in the Operation column of the eniipamd add-on.
5. On the Update configuration page, select Cascade reclaiming, and click Done.
tke-eni-ipamd earlier than v3.5.0 or no eniipamd to manage
1. Run the command kubectl edit deploy tke-eni-ipamd -n kube-system
to modify the existing tke-eni-ipamd deployment.
2. Run the following command to add the launch parameter to spec.template.spec.containers[0].args
After the modification, ipamd will automatically restart and take effect. At that time, a new workload can implement the cascade deletion of the static EIP, which is not supported for an existing workload.