async function fetchJquery(event, request) {const cache = caches.default;// If the resource is not found in the cache, fetch the resource from the origin server and cache the resource.let response = await fetch(request);// Add the Cache-Control field to the response header and set the cache duration to 10s.response.headers.append('Cache-Control', 's-maxage=10');event.waitUntil(cache.put(request, response.clone()));// Add an identifier indicating that the resource is not found in the cache to the response header.response.headers.append('x-edgefunctions-cache', 'miss');return response;}async function handleEvent(event) {// The resource URL, which is also used as the cache key.const request = new Request('');// Obtain the default cache instance.const cache = caches.default;try {// Fetch the associated resource from the cache. If the resource is already cached, the API does not fetch the resource from the origin server, and a 504 error code is returned.let response = await cache.match(request);// If the resource is not found in the cache, re-fetch the remote resource.if (!response) {return fetchJquery(event, request);}// Add an identifier indicating that the resource is found in the cache to the response header.response.headers.append('x-edgefunctions-cache', 'hit');return response;} catch (e) {await cache.delete(request);// If the cache duration of the resource times out or another error occurs, re-fetch the remote resource.return fetchJquery(event, request);}}addEventListener('fetch', (event) => {event.respondWith(handleEvent(event));});
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