tencent cloud


Billing Usage

Last updated: 2024-07-16 17:15:30


    The Billing Usage Page of EdgeOne provides usage data for billing items, allowing you to estimate costs based on this data before actual billing. After billing, you can view the bill details in the Tencent Cloud Billing Center Console. Additionally, you can view more detailed usage reports on this page and filter by Resource Tag, Billing Region, Package, Site, Domain Name, and Fourth-layer Proxy Instance. This article explains the corresponding relationship between the component name fields in the Tencent Cloud Billing Center's detailed bill and the metric names on the EdgeOne Billing Usage Page.
    1. The data displayed on the Billing Usage Page may differ from that on other pages (Traffic Analysis, Service Overview, Site Overview). If you are concerned with cost-related issues, it is recommended to refer to the Billing Usage Page. The relationships among the various data provided by EdgeOne are as follows: Tencent Cloud Billing Usage Data = Data displayed on the Billing Usage Page ≈ Data displayed on the Traffic Analysis, Service Overview, and Site Overview Pages > Data calculated using raw logs.
    The explanation for the differences between Billing Usage Data and the data in logs can be found here: Why are the traffic data in the console different from those in the logs?
    2. Due to delays and algorithm impacts, the data on this page may have some latency and generally stabilizes after 2 hours.

    The corresponding relationship between Billing Usage Page metrics and billing items

    For Personal Edition/Basic/Standard users

    Corresponds to the Indicator Name displayed on the EdgeOne Billing Usage Page
    Billing Standards
    SCDN - Traffic - Hourly Settlement
    Corresponds to the total usage generated by the following services:
    Content acceleration traffic: L7 (Application Layer) traffic generated by all domains when Smart Acceleration is not enabled; only downstream traffic is counted
    Smart acceleration traffic: L7 (Application Layer) traffic generated by all domains when Smart Acceleration is enabled; both upstream and downstream traffic are counted.
    HTTP/HTTPS Security Requests - Hourly Settlement
    HTTP/HTTPS Requests: Application Layer requests generated by all domains, regardless of protocol or whether they are static or dynamic requests.
    Value-Added Service Usage Unit - Hourly Settlement
    Corresponds to the total value-added service usage units generated by the following value-added services:
    Smart Acceleration Requests: HTTP/HTTPS requests generated by domains with Smart Acceleration enabled;
    QUIC Requests: The number of requests using the QUIC protocol generated by domains with HTTP/3(QUIC) enabled;
    Bot Requests: The number of HTTP/HTTPS requests generated by domains with Bot Management enabled;
    Real-time Log Shipping:Real-time Log shipping entries.

    For Enterprise Edition users

    Corresponds to the Indicator Name displayed on the EdgeOne Billing Usage Page
    Billing Standards
    Seven-layer content acceleration - Traffic
    Content acceleration traffic: L7 (Application Layer) traffic generated by all domains when Smart Acceleration is not enabled; only downstream traffic is counted.
    Seven-layer intelligent acceleration - Traffic
    Smart acceleration traffic: L7 (Application Layer) traffic generated by all domains when Smart Acceleration is enabled; both upstream and downstream traffic are counted.
    Four-layer acceleration - Traffic
    Four-layer acceleration traffic: The sum of L4 (Transport Layer) upstream and downstream traffic generated by all four-layer proxy instances.
    Independent Anti-DDoS - Traffic
    Independent Protection Traffic: The business traffic generated by the domain name/four-layer proxy instance with Independent Anti-DDoS enabled.
    Chinese mainland Network Optimization - Traffic
    Mainland China Network Optimization Traffic: The business traffic generated by sites/Layer 4 proxy instances with the Mainland China Network Optimization (International Acceleration) feature enabled.
    HTTP/HTTPS Secure Request Count - Monthly Settlement
    HTTP/HTTPS Requests: Application Layer requests generated by all domains, regardless of protocol or whether they are static or dynamic requests.
    Value-Added Service Usage Unit - Monthly Settlement
    Corresponds to the total value-added service usage units generated by the following value-added services:
    Smart Acceleration Requests: HTTP/HTTPS requests generated by domains with Smart Acceleration enabled;
    QUIC Requests: The number of requests using the QUIC protocol generated by domains with HTTP/3(QUIC) enabled;
    Bot Requests: The number of HTTP/HTTPS request settlements generated by domains with Bot Management enabled;
    Real-time Log Shipping:Real-time Log shipping entries.
    Independent Anti-DDoS - Elastic Protection Bandwidth Package
    Elastic Anti-DDoS Bandwidth: The part of attack bandwidth exceeding the guaranteed protection bandwidth generated by Standalone Anti-DDoS instances within Chinese mainland.

    Supported Filtering Options

    Supports selecting the time period for data queries. This page can query data from February 9, 2022, onwards, with a maximum single filter duration of 31 days.
    Supports filtering based on the following criteria, with an "and" relationship between multiple conditions:
    Billing Region: Filter by the billing region of the traffic, based on the region of the EdgeOne node of the actual service user client. For details, see Mapping Relationship between Billing Regions and Countries.
    Site Tag: Filter by the resource tag key-value pairs bound to the site.
    EdgeOne Billing Package: Filter by all site packages included under the package.
    Site: Filter by specified sites, including sites deleted within the last 3 months.
    Accelerated Domain: Filter by specified accelerated domain, and cannot simultaneously add Layer 4 proxy instance filtering criteria.
    Layer 4 Proxy Instance: Filter by Layer 4 proxy instance, and cannot simultaneously add accelerated domain filtering criteria.

    Example: Query billing usage for sites bound with specified Tags

    Sample Scenario

    Tencent Cloud Tag feature provides a flexible resource management method. By tagging cloud resources, users can more easily organize, search, and manage their resources on Tencent Cloud. Suppose a company has deployed multiple projects on Tencent Cloud. To improve the efficiency and accuracy of resource management, the company classifies existing cloud resources. Based on dimensions such as projects, environments (e.g., development, testing, production), and cost centers, they plan a Tag system. For instance, for the project dimension, you can set the Tag key as Project and the Tag value as the specific project name; for the environment dimension, set the Tag key as Environment and the tag value as Dev, Test, or Prod, etc. According to the planned Tag system, the company tags the existing resources using the EdgeOne Console or API. For example, a site belonging to 'Project A' and in the development environment would be tagged with Project: Project A and Environment: Dev. After the current billing cycle ends and the bill is issued, the company wants to review the billing usage by Tag dimension for the previous billing cycle.

    Operation step

    1. Log in to the EdgeOne Console, in the left sidebar, click Billing Management > Billing Usage.
    2. On the Billing Usage page, click Last month, to quickly filter data from 00:00 on the 1st day of last month to 23:59 on the last day.
    3. Click Select site tags, choose the Tag Key and Tag Value you want to view, such as Project: Project A and Environment: Dev, click OK.
    4. The page will automatically populate all sites bound with the selected Tag key-value pairs, you can view or download the billing usage of these sites.

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