tencent cloud


Origin-Pull Timeout

Last updated: 2024-08-26 15:57:02


    Support EdgeOne nodes to origin-pull using HTTP/2 protocol. HTTP/2 (i.e., HTTP 2.0, Hypertext Transfer Protocol version 2) is the second major version of the HTTP protocol, which can effectively reduce network latency and improve site page loading speed.
    1. When enabled, the origin must support HTTP/2 protocol access.
    2. If you need to configure HTTP/2 access, please refer to HTTP/2.

    Use Limits

    When HTTP/2 origin-pull is enabled and the origin-pull protocol is set to Follow Protocol, if a client sends an HTTP request, the EdgeOne node will perform origin-pull using H2C. However, if the origin server does not support H2C, the origin-pull will fail.
    Therefore, if your current origin server does not support H2C and the origin-pull protocol is set to Follow Protocol, to reduce the risk of origin-pull failure, we recommend keeping HTTP/2 origin-pull disabled for the site/domain name.
    If your origin-pull protocol is HTTPS, it will not be affected.
    H2C is an unencrypted version of HTTP/2, where C stands for clear text, namely plaintext. HTTP/2 is the second major version of the HTTP protocol, with significant performance improvements including multiplexing of requests and responses, reduced latency, optimized data flow, and header compression. However, the HTTP/2 protocol is typically used over secure HTTPS, requiring encryption by TLS (Transport Layer Security Protocol), while H2C allows the use of HTTP/2 without encryption, enabling performance benefits of HTTP/2 when encryption is not needed or cannot be used. Therefore, EdgeOne uses H2C for origin-pull when HTTP/2 origin-pull is enabled and HTTP is used for origin-pull.


    If you need to enable or disable HTTP/2 origin-pull for the specified domain www.example.com, you can follow the steps below:
    1. Log in to the EdgeOne console, click Site List in the left sidebar, and then click the site you want to configure in the site list.
    2. On the site details page, click Site Acceleration to enter the global configuration page. Then click the Rule Engine tab.
    3. On the rule engine page, click Create rule and select Add blank rule.
    4. On the rule editing page, select the matching type as HOST equals www.example.com.
    5. Click the Action, and in the pop-up operation list, select the operation as HTTP/2 origin-pull.Click the switch to enable/disable HTTP/2 origin-pull.
    6. Click Save and Publish to complete the rule configuration.
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