tencent cloud


EdgeOne Console Upgrade Instructions

Last updated: 2024-07-17 11:55:19
    Based on historical user behavior analytics and multi-channel feedback, as of July 15, 2024, the Tencent Cloud EdgeOne Console has been fully upgraded with a new interactive interface, featuring a complete reorganization of features and navigation hierarchy, aiming to provide you with a more convenient and efficient operational experience. This document will introduce the details of this upgrade.
    This upgrade does not affect your business configuration and data in any way, so please feel free to explore.

    Overview of Navigation Changes



    Following modules have changed in this console upgrade:

    Data Insights

    Under the primary navigation of the new console, we have re-integrated the Data Insights category to help you more quickly view business conditions.
    In the new console's primary navigation, we have introduced Metric Analysis, supporting a unified interface to centrally view multi-dimensional data like access traffic, cache, origin retrieval, security protection, and Layer 4 proxy, making it easier for you to quickly and comprehensively grasp business dynamics.
    In the new console, Web Security Analysis has been elevated to the primary navigation, supporting simultaneous query of security logs for multiple sites, helping you enhance operations security strategy.


    In the new console's primary navigation, we have added a Toolset category, integrating tool-type features into the primary navigation to improve operational efficiency for you.
    In the old console, Purge Cache and Prefetch URLs needed to be executed after entering a specific site. If multiple sites were involved, you had to switch sites multiple times in the secondary navigation to perform operations. After the update, these operations can be directly completed in the primary navigation.
    In the primary navigation, we have optimized the display of the original IP group page from the Template Management to help you quickly locate specific IP group configurations. The security policy template list displayed in the original Protection Templates has been moved to the Web Protection module under the secondary navigation, with added support for viewing the list of domains associated with security policy templates, helping you better determine the scope of the policy's effectiveness.

    Basic configuration

    In the new console's secondary navigation, we have added a Basic configuration category and included Domain Name Service and Origin Settings in this category. There are no changes to the subdirectories and features of Domain Name Service and Origin Settings.

    Performance and security

    In the new console's secondary navigation, we have reorganized the Performance and security category to help you quickly complete acceleration and security configurations.
    In the new console, we have defined Site Acceleration as the entry point for all seven-layer acceleration-related configurations. The page is divided into Global Setting and Rule Engine to facilitate easier global and differentiated acceleration configurations. Additionally, in '\\Site Global Setting,we have consolidated all the subdirectories and features under the original 'Site Acceleration' into a single screen for easier feature location, search, and configuration. Self-service Debugging has also been merged into Global Setting to help you quickly verify whether your cache configurations are effective.
    In the new version of the console, we have integrated the seven-layer security protection configuration page into the new Web Security. The new Web Security page includes all configuration items from the original Web Security, Bot Management, Custom Pages, and 'Policy Template under security protection, unifying the interaction methods of various configurations. Additionally, a Protection Business Sequence Flow is newly presented on the right side of the page, allowing you to quickly locate specific feature modules by clicking on the security feature names on the right side. The new Web Protection page better assists you in understanding the execution sequence of EdgeOne's seven-layer security configurations, quickly finding security configuration items, and improving your work efficiency in security operations and maintenance.
    L4 proxy, Log Service, and Custom response pages are included in this category with no changes to their subdirectories and features.


    The new console no longer provides the Speed Testing Tool - Performance Monitoring module. If you have already created related applications, you can continue using them in Tencent Cloud Console - RUM.
    A new category Usage Policy has been added under the secondary navigation of the new console, and Usage Capping Policy is included in this category.
    A new category Advanced features has been added to the secondary navigation of the new console, with Edge Functions and Alias Domain Name included in this category. There are no changes to the corresponding subdirectories and features.

    Transition Plan

    To prevent any disruption of your usage due to unfamiliarity with the new console, we have provided a button at the top right corner to return to the old version. You can switch back to the old version at any time without affecting your business configurations and data. Please feel free to operate.
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