In the VOD console, select Data Center > Data Analysis where IP Visit (displayed by default), Playback, and Traffic Usage tabs can be viewed. IP Visit
The time dimensions of access statistics include today, yesterday, the last 7 days, the last 30 days, and any custom time period within the last 30 days. In addition to the time dimensions, you can also filter the access statistics by domain name, region, and ISP.
The data overview metrics are total requests and total access requests from unique IPs for the specified time period.
Total access requests from unique IPs: This counts the IPs of accessing clients in the log in a deduplicated manner: if the time range is less than or equal to one day, a deduplicated IP curve at a 5-minute granularity will be provided. The domain name statistics are counted by deduplicating the daily active quantity in the full day. If there are multiple domain names, the statistics will be counted by accumulating the daily active quantity of every domain name at a 5-minute granularity.
Total requests: the total number of requests to the domain name in the specified time period.
The requests, access requests from unique IPs, requests by ISP, and top 10 districts for requests are graphically displayed.
There is a delay of around 10 minutes for access statistics.
The playback statistics page displays file playback statistics query, top 100 videos (playback), and top 100 videos (traffic).
File playback statistic query: enter a video FileId generated by VOD and click "Query" to get the number and traffic of playbacks of the video. You can query the data today, yesterday, in the last 7 days, in the last 30 days, and in any time period within the last 30 days. There is a delay of around three hours for file playback statistics.
Top 100 videos (playback): this is the statistics of the top 100 videos in terms of playbacks counted by VOD in the specified time period. You can query the data yesterday and in any time period within the last 30 days. The top 100 videos (playback) yesterday can be queried at 11:00 today.
Top 100 videos (traffic): this is the statistics of the top 100 videos in terms of traffic counted by VOD in the specified time period. You can query the data yesterday and in any time period within the last 30 days. The top 100 videos (traffic) yesterday can be queried at 11:00 today.
Traffic Usage
You can view traffic usage of Today, Yesterday, Last 7 days, Last 30 days or select a query period within last 30 days. Moreover, you can also use filters such as domain names, regions and ISPs.
You can also view graphs of ISP Comparison by Traffic Usage (B) and Top 10 Districts by Traffic Usage (B)
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