tencent cloud


Filtering and Search

Last updated: 2024-07-22 15:02:01


    VOD allows you to use media attributes as search criteria to search for media files based on exact, prefix, or fuzzy match. The list of found files can be exported as local files (currently, files can be exported in CSV and JSON Lines formats).
    You can use multiple filter fields to search for files. The table below lists the media attributes that can be used as filter fields.
    Media Attribute Category
    Basic attributes
    Mainly includes:
    FileId: The unique ID of the VOD media file.
    Media source: The source of the media file, such as recording, upload, and video processing.
    Media upload time: The upload time of the media.
    Stream ID: The stream ID if the media source is Record.
    Custom attribute
    Mainly includes:
    Media name: The name of the media file.
    Media description: The description of the media file.
    Media category: The category of the media file.
    Media tag: The tag of the media file.
    Expiration time: The expiration time of the media file. Once the file expires, it will be deleted automatically.
    Storage class: The storage class of the media file, such as STANDARD, STANDARD_IA, ARCHIVE, and DEEP ARCHIVE.

    Use Cases

    Use Case
    Online education
    Students can quickly find a video course by typing in the search box the subject name, chapter title, or course description and using categories and labels to filter the results.
    Video portal
    The staff of video platforms can first get a list of files filtered by category, label, or storage class and then perform bulk operations such as remove, move to new category, change labels, and move to new storage class. Viewers can also search for videos by title, category, and label.
    Live streaming platform
    An operator can search for VOD recording files by stream ID. For example, if a live stream is interrupted, multiple VOD files may be generated for the same stream ID, and searching by stream ID makes it easier for the operator to find and splice the files together.
    UGSV on social media platforms
    End users can use a keyword like “street dance” or “concert” to fuzzy search a list of videos.


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