tencent cloud


Preset Templates

Last updated: 2023-03-07 11:47:21

    VOD offers a series of preset templates for different image processing scenarios. Instead of setting the parameters one by one, you can use the ready-made templates to initiate image processing tasks.

    Real-Time Image Processing

    Each template represents a set of image processing operations.

    Image processing templates

    Template ID Description Parameters
    10 Crop
  • Type: Crop to rectangle
  • Width: 360 px
  • Height: 200 px
  • 20 Crop
  • Type: Crop to rectangle
  • Width: 200 px
  • Height: 400 px
  • 30 Scale
  • Type: Specify the short side and auto-scale the long side
  • Short side: 320 px
  • 40 Scale
  • Type: Specify the height and width
  • Width: 200 px
  • Height: 200 px
  • 50 Scale and crop Scale:
  • Type: Specify the short side and auto-scale the long side
  • Short side: 320 px
  • Crop:
  • Type: Crop to rectangle
  • Width: 200 px
  • Height: 200 px
  • Image Moderation

    Image moderation templates

    Template ID Porn Terror
    10 Yes Yes
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