tencent cloud


Media File Download

Last updated: 2023-03-07 11:20:50
    You can download media files stored in VOD and save them to a local disk or elsewhere.

    Downloadable media files

    VOD offers different types of media files for download, including the original files you uploaded and the files generated as you use VOD’s services, such as transcoding files, screenshots, and thumbnails.
    Original audio/video files: The audio/video files you uploaded to VOD.
    Processed audio/video files: The audio/video files generated by media processing tasks, such as transcoding files and adaptive bitrate files.
    Original image files: The image files you uploaded to VOD.
    Processed image files: The image files generated by media processing tasks, such as screenshots, image sprites, and animated images.

    Getting download URLs from the console

    Log in to the VOD console. Select Media Assets on the left sidebar and click Video/Audio Management or Image Management. Find the target file and click Manage on the right to get the download URL of the file. For details, see Audio/Video Management or Managing Image.
    Log in to the VOD console and select Media Assets > Video/Audio Management on the left sidebar. Click the download icon in the top right corner to export the download URLs of all the files. For details, see Exporting the Audio/Video List.

    Getting download URLs using APIs

    You can also use the following APIs to get the download URLs of media files.

    Naming a downloaded file

    Normally, if you open the URL of a media file with a browser, instead of downloading the file, the browser will open the file. For example, if you open the URL of a video with a browser, the browser will start playing the video. To download the file, you can add the parameter download_name to the query string. This also allows you to name the downloaded file. Here is an example:
    If you enable hotlink protection, download may be subject to restrictions such as a referer allowlist/blocklist or URL expiration time. For details, see Hotlink Protection Settings.
    If a video is encrypted, the transcoding file you download will also be encrypted. You need to decrypt the file first in order to play the video. For details, see Play back an encrypted video.
    For HLS files, you need to download both the index file and segment files. To avoid this, you can transcode an HLS file into MP4.
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