tencent cloud


Image Moderation

Last updated: 2023-04-17 15:01:47


    Image moderation is a synchronous task. You will get the result immediately after initiating an image moderation task in the VOD console.


    Starting an image moderation task and getting the result

    1. Log in to the VOD console and select Application Management on the left sidebar.
    2. Select the target application.
    3. Select Media Assets > Image Management on the left sidebar.
    Start an image moderation task as shown below:
    The page will display the moderation result immediately.
    Moderation result: Whether the image is non-compliant.
    Moderation item: The moderated content types and the moderation labels.
    Operation: You can moderate the image again or delete the image.
    Deleting an image will delete all files associated with the file ID.

    Viewing moderation results

    The last moderation result of an image is saved to VOD's media asset system persistently. You can view the result in the console.
    1. Select Image Management on the left sidebar. Find the target image.
    Moderation result shows the result from the image's latest moderation task.
    2. Click the name of the image to enter the details page.
    The Basic Info section also shows the moderation result. On this page, you can also view the moderation details, moderate the image again, or delete the image.
    Deleting an image will delete all files associated with the file ID.
    3. Click View details. The pop-up window shows the details of the image's last moderation task.
    Moderation time: The time when the moderation task was started.
    Template name/ID: The name/ID of the moderation template used.
    Moderation result: The moderation result and the violation details.
    Suggestion: The suggestion for handling the image.
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