tencent cloud


Smart Bitrate Reduction

Last updated: 2023-04-20 12:08:49


    You can configure smart bitrate reduction policies in the VOD console to automatically reduce the bitrate of media files that meet the specified conditions.
    Smart bitrate reduction works on a file ID level. If a media file meets the conditions of a bitrate reduction policy, the policy will be applied to all its transcoding and adaptive bitrate outputs in HLS format (which have the same file ID).
    Smart bitrate reduction (TSC transcoding) does not work on files whose bitrates have already been reduced.
    Bitrate reduction policies are not applied to transcoding and adaptive bitrate outputs generated before September 19, 2022.

    Configuring Policies

    1. Log in to the VOD console and select Media Assets > Smart Bitrate Reduction on the left sidebar.
    2. Click Create policy.
    3. Enter a policy name and specify the trigger conditions:
    Playback count: Specify the playback count threshold (how many times a file is played within a certain time period).
    Video label: Specify the video labels. The policy will only be applied to videos that have the specified labels.
    4. Return to the Smart Bitrate Reduction page and enable the policy.
    5. After the policy is enabled, VOD will execute bitrate reduction tasks automatically on files that meet the conditions of the policy.
    The ProcedureStateChanged callback notifies you about the progress of bitrate reduction tasks.
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