This document shows you how to start an audio/video moderation task in the console and how to view the moderation result in Task Center and Media Assets.
Step 1. Start a moderation task
1. Log in to the VOD console and select Application Management on the left sidebar. 2. Select the target application.
3. You will be directed to the Service Overview page.
4. Go to Media Assets > Video/Audio Management. Select the media files you want to moderate.
5. Click Content moderation.
6. Select Content moderation as the processing type.
7. For Moderated content, select Audio/Video or Thumbnail (you need to select at least one).
8. Click Select template. In the pop-up window, select a moderation template. For example, select Presetting Template10/10
, and click Confirm.
9. On task configuration page, click Confirm, and an audio/video moderation task is initiated.
Step 2. View the moderation result in "Task Center"
1. Select Task Management on the left sidebar. Find the moderation task you started (whose task type is "Audio/Video moderation").
2. After the task is finished, click Details.
3. About the moderation result page:
The page shows the filename, task ID, file ID, template name/ID, file URL, time used for moderation, and the moderation result.
Copy information: You can copy the task ID, file ID, and file URL.
Moderation details: Preview is only supported for videos in MP4 format. On the right, you can view the moderation result, including the violation item, the result (non-compliant or suspected), the confidence score, and the timestamp of the segment in question. You can click the timestamp to play a segment. The violation items are ranked by severity, and the page may not display all the violation items.
About post-moderation operations:
Click Moderate again to start another moderation task on the file (a new task ID will be generated).
Click Block to block the playback of the file.
Click Delete file to delete the file from VOD's media asset system.
If you delete the file, all files with the same file ID (the original file, transcoding outputs, image sprites, screenshots, etc.) will be deleted.
Step 3. View the moderation result in "Media Assets"
The results of audio/video moderation tasks are saved temporarily in Task Center. After a task expires, the result will be deleted and can no longer be found in Task Center. For details, see DescribeTaskDetail - API Description. Instead, VOD's media asset system saves the result of each file's last moderation task persistently. To view the results, follow the steps below: 1. Select Video/Audio Management on the left sidebar. Find the target file.
Moderation result shows the result from the file's latest moderation task.
2. Click the name of the file to enter the details page.
The Basic Info section shows the moderation result. On this page, you can also view the moderation details, moderate the file again, or delete the file.
If you delete the file, all files with the same file ID (the original file, transcoding outputs, image sprites, screenshots, etc.) will be deleted.
3. Click View details. The pop-up window shows the details of the file's last moderation task.
Moderation time: The time when the moderation task was started.
Template name/ID: The name/ID of the moderation template used.
Moderation result: The moderation result and the violation details.
Suggestion: The suggestion for handling the file.
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