tencent cloud


Template Configuration

Last updated: 2024-11-04 10:50:32
    1. Log in to the VOD console and select Application Management on the left sidebar.
    2. Select the target application.
    3. You will be directed to the Service Overview page.
    4. Select Media Processing > Template Settings on the left sidebar. On this page, you can create a video transcoding template, a TSC template, an audio transcoding template, a remux template, an adaptive bitrate streaming template, a watermark template, a screenshot template, an animated image template, or a content moderation template. All templates can be added to a task flow.

    Video Transcoding Template

    Click Create a Transcoding Template under the Video Transcoding tab to create a custom video transcoding template.
    Template name: Up to 64 characters; supports Chinese characters, letters, digits, spaces, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and periods (.).
    Encapsulation format: MP4, FLV, or HLS.
    Configuration items: Video and audio parameters.
    Video parameters:
    Encoding standard: H.264, H.265, or AV1.
    Video bitrate: 128-35,000 Kbps.
    Resolution: Set the long and short sides or width and height of the video. Value range: 128-4096 px.
    Frame rate: 1-100 fps.
    Audio parameters:
    Encoding standard: AAC or MP3.
    Sample rate: 32,000 Hz, 44,100 Hz, or 48,000 Hz.
    Audio bitrate: 26-256 Kbps.
    Sound channel: Mono-channel or dual-channel.
    Common template: Whether to set the template as a common template
    The created template will be displayed in the template list. You can view, edit, or delete the template, or set it as a common template.

    Preset templates

    For information about preset templates, see Preset Templates - Preset transcoding templates.

    TSC Template

    Select the TSC Template tab and click Create a Transcoding Template to create a custom TSC transcoding template.
    Template name: Up to 64 characters; supports Chinese characters, letters, digits, spaces, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and periods (.).
    Encapsulation format: MP4, FLV, or HLS.
    Configuration items: Video and audio parameters.
    Video parameters:
    Encoding standard: H.264, H.265, or AV1.
    Average bitrate limit: If this parameter is left empty or is set to 0, there will be no upper limit for the bitrate.
    Resolution: Set the long and short sides or width and height of the video. Value range: 0 or 128-4096 px.
    Frame rate: 0-60 fps
    Audio parameters:
    Encoding standard: AAC or MP3.
    Sample rate: 32,000 Hz, 44,100 Hz, or 48,000 Hz.
    Audio bitrate: 0 or 26-256 Kbps.
    Sound channel: Mono-channel or dual-channel.
    Common template: Whether to set the template as a common template.
    The created template will be displayed in the template list. You can view, edit, or delete the template, or set it as a common template.

    Audio Transcoding Template

    Select the Audio Transcoding tab and click Create Audio Template to create a custom audio transcoding template.
    Template name: Up to 64 characters; supports Chinese characters, letters, digits, spaces, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and periods (.).
    Encapsulation format: MP3, FLAC, OGG, or M4A.
    Audio parameters:
    Encoding standard: MP3 is supported if the encapsulation format is MP3; FLAC is supported if the encapsulation format is FLAC or OGG; MP3, AAC; and AC3 are supported if the encapsulation format is M4A.
    Sample rate: 32,000 Hz, 44,100 Hz, or 48,000 Hz.
    Audio bitrate: 0 or 26-256 Kbps.
    Sound channel: Mono-channel or dual-channel.
    Common template: Whether to set the template as a common template.
    The created template will be displayed in the template list. You can view, edit, or delete the template, or set it as a common template.

    Preset templates

    For information about preset templates, see Preset Templates - Preset audio transcoding templates.

    Adaptive Bitrate Streaming Template

    You can use the preset adaptive bitrate streaming template or create custom templates.
    Basic Information
    Template name: Up to 64 characters; supports Chinese characters, letters, digits, spaces, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and periods (.).
    Encapsulation format: HLS.
    Encryption type: No encryption, SimpleAES, Widevine, or FairPlay.
    Switch from Low Resolution to High Resolution: Enable or disable.
    Substream info
    Video encoding standard: H.264 or H.265.
    Video bitrate: 0 or 128-35,000 Kbps.
    Video resolution: Set the long and short sides or width and height of the video. Value range: 0 or 128-4096 px.
    Video frame rate: 0-60 fps.
    Audio encoding standard: AAC or MP3.
    Sample rate: 32,000 Hz, 44,100 Hz, or 48,000 Hz.
    Audio bitrate: 0 or 26-256 Kbps.
    Sound channel: Mono-channel or dual-channel.
    The templates created are displayed in the template list, where you can view, edit, or delete a template.
    You need to add at least one substream to create an adaptive bitrate streaming template.

    Watermark Template

    You can create a custom watermark template to add the watermark you upload to a specific position of the video.
    Template name: Up to 64 characters; supports Chinese characters, letters, digits, spaces, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and periods (.).
    Watermark type: Image watermark, text watermark, or SVG watermark.
    Watermark image: PNG and APNG images are supported. For better visual experience, transparent images in PNG format are recommended. The image cannot exceed 200 KB in size or 200 x 200 px in dimensions.
    Watermark position: Upper left (default), upper right, lower left, or lower right.
    Horizontal offset: The percentage indicates the ratio of the horizontal distance between the watermark and the origin (top-left corner by default) to the video width.
    Vertical offset: The percentage indicates the ratio of the vertical distance between the watermark and the origin (top-left corner by default) to the video height.
    Image size: You can resize the watermark by specifying the width and height in pixels or as a percentage of the original dimensions.
    The watermark template list shows information including template name, format, type, position, and size. You can also preview watermarks or click the buttons in the operation column to view, edit, delete, or set a template as the default.
    If the horizontal offset and vertical offset are both 0%, the watermark will be in the top-left corner of the video. If the horizontal offset and vertical offset are both 99%, the watermark will be in the bottom-right corner of the video.

    Screenshot Template

    You can create screenshot templates to take different types of screenshots (time point, sampled, or image sprite) of uploaded videos.
    The screenshot template list shows information including template name, screenshot type, and image size. You can click the buttons in the operation column to view details or edit or delete a template.

    Time point screenshot

    Select time point screenshot as the screenshot type and specify the time points to take screenshots in task flow settings. For detailed directions, see Task Flow Settings.
    Template name: Up to 64 characters; supports Chinese characters, letters, digits, spaces, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and periods (.).
    Image format: JPG
    Image dimension: 0 or 128-4096 px

    Preset templates

    For information about preset templates, see Preset Templates - Preset time point screenshot templates.

    Sampled screenshot

    Select sampled screenshot as the screenshot type.
    Template name: Up to 64 characters; supports Chinese characters, letters, digits, spaces, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and periods (.).
    Image format: JPG
    Image dimension: 0 or 128-4096 px
    Sampling interval: Specify the interval as a percentage (up to 100%) of the total video duration, or specify the number of seconds between screenshots.

    Preset templates

    For information about preset templates, see Preset Templates - Preset sampled screenshot templates.

    Image sprite screenshot

    Select image sprite screenshot as the screenshot type.
    Template name: Up to 64 characters; supports Chinese characters, letters, digits, spaces, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and periods (.).
    Image format: JPG
    Image dimension: 0 or 128-4096 px
    Sampling interval: Specify the interval as a percentage (up to 100%) of the total video duration, or specify the number of seconds between screenshots.
    Rows: Enter a positive integer. The number of subimage rows multiplied by subimage columns must not exceed 100.
    Columns: Enter a positive integer. The number of subimage rows multiplied by subimage columns must not exceed 100.

    Preset templates

    For information about preset templates, see Preset Templates - Preset image sprite templates.

    Animated Image Template

    You can create an animated image template to take an animated screenshot with a specific duration. You need to specify the time period for taking the screenshot in task flow settings. For detailed directions, see Task Flow Settings.
    Image type: WEBP or GIF
    Frame rate: 1-30 fps
    Image quality: 1-100
    Image dimension: 0-1920 px

    Preset templates

    For information about preset templates, see Preset Templates - Preset animated image generation templates.

    Content Moderation Template

    Select the Content moderation tab and click Create template to create a custom moderation template.
    Template name: Up to 64 characters; supports Chinese characters, letters, digits, spaces, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and periods (.).
    Template details:
    Moderation Items: The moderation labels to use, which may include porn, terrorism, and moaning.
    Label value: The values of the labels to use, which correspond to the Label parameter in ReviewAudioVideoTaskOutput.
    Moderated content type: The type of content on which moderation will be performed. The following content types are supported:
    Images (Form in ReviewAudioVideoTaskOutput is Image)
    Text in images (Form in ReviewAudioVideoTaskOutput is OCR)
    Speech (Form in ReviewAudioVideoTaskOutput is ASR)
    Sounds (Form in ReviewAudioVideoTaskOutput is Voice)
    Moderation Item
    Label Value
    Moderated Content Type
    Images; text in images; speech.
    Images; text in images; speech.
    The templates created are displayed in the template list, where you can view, edit, or delete a template.
    A content moderation template can be used for both audio/video moderation and image moderation.
    For image moderation, the moderated content types speech and sounds are not supported. For details, see Image Processing - Template Settings - Content Moderation Template.

    Intelligent Recognition Template

    You can directly use the system's preset Intelligent Recognition Template or create your own Definition Template according to business needs.
    Template name: Up to 64 characters; supports Chinese characters, letters, digits, spaces, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and periods (.).
    Content Recognition Configuration: Speech Text Recognition, Speech Translation, other recognition items (e.g., Face Recognition) temporarily support control display only, editing is not supported.
    Speech Full Text Recognition enabled:
    Speech Source Language: Simplified Chinese, English, Japanese, Cantonese.
    Subtitle File Format: .vtt, .srt.
    Speech Translation enabled:
    Speech Source Language: Simplified Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Malay, Thai, Portuguese, Turkish, Arabic, Spanish, Hindi, French.
    Translation Target Language: Simplified Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Turkish, Russian, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Bahasa Indonesia, Thai, Malay, Arabic, Hindi.
    Subtitle File Format: .vtt, .srt.

    Preset Templates

    For detailed parameters, see the Preset Parameter Template List - Preset audio/video Content Recognition templates.
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