tencent cloud


Data Types

Last updated: 2020-09-14 18:28:08


    Signature addition response

    Used by actions: AddSmsSign.

    Name Type Description
    SignId Integer Signature ID.
    SignApplyId Integer Signature application ID.


    Template parameter addition response

    Used by actions: AddSmsTemplate.

    Name Type Description
    TemplateId String Template parameter


    Receipt statistics response packet

    Used by actions: CallbackStatusStatistics.

    Name Type Description
    CallbackCount Integer SMS receipts.
    RequestSuccessCount Integer Successfully submitted SMS messages.
    CallbackFailCount Integer Failed SMS receipts.
    CallbackSuccessCount Integer Successful SMS receipts.
    InternalErrorCount Integer Internal carrier errors.
    InvalidNumberCount Integer Invalid or empty mobile numbers.
    ShutdownErrorCount Integer Errors such as out-of-service or power-off.
    BlackListCount Integer Blacklisted mobile numbers.
    FrequencyLimitCount Integer Carrier frequency limit hits.


    Signature deletion response

    Used by actions: DeleteSmsSign.

    Name Type Required Description
    DeleteStatus String Yes Deletion status information.
    DeleteTime Integer Yes Deletion time in seconds in the format of UNIX timestamp.


    Template deletion response

    Used by actions: DeleteSmsTemplate.

    Name Type Description
    DeleteStatus String Deletion status information.
    DeleteTime Integer Deletion time in seconds in the format of UNIX timestamp.


    Response for getting SMS signature information

    Used by actions: DescribeSmsSignList.

    Name Type Description
    SignId Integer Signature ID
    International Integer Whether it is Global SMS. Valid values:
    0: Mainland China SMS.
    1: Global SMS
    StatusCode Integer Signature application status. Valid values:
    0: approved.
    -1: rejected or failed.
    ReviewReply String Review reply, i.e., response given by the reviewer, which is usually the reason for rejection.
    SignName String Signature name.
    CreateTime Integer Application submission time in the format of UNIX timestamp in seconds.


    Response for getting SMS template information

    Used by actions: DescribeSmsTemplateList.

    Name Type Description
    TemplateId Integer Template ID
    International Integer Whether it is Global SMS. Valid values:
    0: Mainland China SMS.
    1: Global SMS
    StatusCode Integer Signature application status. Valid values:
    0: approved.
    -1: rejected or failed.
    ReviewReply String Review reply, i.e., response given by the reviewer, which is usually the reason for rejection.
    TemplateName String Template name.
    CreateTime Integer Application submission time in the format of UNIX timestamp in seconds.


    Signature modification response

    Used by actions: ModifySmsSign.

    Name Type Description
    SignId Integer Signature ID
    SignApplyId String Signature modification application ID


    Template parameter modification response

    Used by actions: ModifySmsTemplate.

    Name Type Description
    TemplateId Integer Template parameter


    SMS reply status

    Used by actions: PullSmsReplyStatus, PullSmsReplyStatusByPhoneNumber.

    Name Type Description
    ExtendCode String SMS code number extension, which is not activated by default. If you need to activate it, please contact SMS Helper.
    NationCode String Country (or region) code.
    PhoneNumber String Mobile number in the e.164 standard (+[country/region code][mobile number]), such as +8613711112222, which has a + sign followed by 86 (country/region code) and then by 13711112222 (mobile number).
    Sign String SMS signature.
    ReplyContent String User reply.
    ReplyTime String Reply time (e.g., 2019-10-08 17:18:37).
    ReplyUnixTime Integer Reply time in seconds in the format of UNIX timestamp.


    SMS delivery status details

    Used by actions: PullSmsSendStatus, PullSmsSendStatusByPhoneNumber.

    Name Type Description
    UserReceiveTime String Actual time of SMS receipt by user.
    UserReceiveUnixTime Integer Actual time of SMS receipt by user in seconds in the format of UNIX timestamp.
    NationCode String Country (or region) code.
    PurePhoneNumber String Mobile number in the e.164 standard (+[country/region code][mobile number]), such as +8613711112222, which has a + sign followed by 86 (country/region code) and then by 13711112222 (mobile number).
    PhoneNumber String Mobile number in a common format such as 13711112222.
    SerialNo String ID of the current delivery.
    ReportStatus String Whether the SMS message is actually received. Valid values: SUCCESS (success), FAIL (failure).
    Description String Description of SMS receipt by user.


    SMS sending status

    Used by actions: SendSms.

    Name Type Description
    SerialNo String Delivery serial number.
    PhoneNumber String Mobile number in the e.164 standard (+[country/region code][mobile number]), such as +8613711112222, which has a + sign followed by 86 (country/region code) and then by 13711112222 (mobile number).
    Fee Integer Number of billable SMS messages. For billing rules, please see Billing Policy.
    SessionContext String User session content.
    Code String SMS request error code. For specific meanings, please see Error Codes.
    Message String SMS request error message.
    IsoCode String Country code or region code, such as CN and US. If the country code or region code is not obtained, the returned value will be 'DEF' by default. For more information on the supported list, see price overview for non-Mainland China regions.


    Delivery statistics response packet

    Used by actions: SendStatusStatistics.

    Name Type Description
    FeeCount Integer Billable SMS message quantity; for example, in 100 successfully submitted SMS messages, if 20 are long messages (over 80 characters) and split into two messages each, then the billable quantity will be 80 * 1 + 20 * 2 = 120.
    RequestCount Integer Submitted SMS messages.
    RequestSuccessCount Integer Successfully submitted SMS messages.


    Package message statistics response packet

    Used by actions: SmsPackagesStatistics.

    Name Type Description
    PackageCreateTime String Package creation time in standard time format, such as 2019-10-08 17:18:37.
    PackageCreateUnixTime Integer Package creation time in seconds in the format of UNIX timestamp.
    PackageEffectiveTime String Package effective time in standard time format, such as 2019-10-08 17:18:37.
    PackageEffectiveUnixTime Integer Package effective time in seconds in the format of UNIX timestamp.
    PackageExpiredTime String Package expiration time in standard time format, such as 2019-10-08 17:18:37.
    PackageExpiredUnixTime Integer Package expiration time in seconds in the format of UNIX timestamp.
    AmountOfPackage Integer Number of SMS messages in package.
    TypeOfPackage Integer 0: gifted package. 1: purchased package.
    PackageId Integer Package ID.
    CurrentUsage Integer Current usage.