tencent cloud


API Category

Last updated: 2024-11-20 11:12:11

    Instance APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    StopCpuExpand Disables elastic CPU expansion 20
    StartCpuExpand Enables elastic CPU expansion 20
    DescribeCpuExpandStrategy Queries the elastic expansion policy of an instance 20
    AddTimeWindow Adds a maintenance time window 100
    BalanceRoGroupLoad Rebalances the loads of instances in RO group 100
    CloseWanService Disables public network access for an instance 100
    CreateRoInstanceIp Creates a VIP exclusive to a TencentDB read-only instance 20
    DeleteTimeWindow Deletes a maintenance time window 100
    DescribeCdbZoneConfig Queries the AZ and the purchasable specifications of the database. 20
    DescribeDBFeatures Queries the version attributes of an instance 20
    DescribeDBInstanceCharset Queries the character set of a TencentDB instance 100
    DescribeDBInstanceConfig Queries the configuration information of a TencentDB instance 100
    DescribeDBInstanceGTID Queries whether GTID is activated for a TencentDB instance 100
    DescribeDBInstanceInfo Queries the basic information of instance 20
    DescribeDBInstanceRebootTime Queries the estimated restart time of a TencentDB instance 100
    DescribeDBPrice Queries the prices of TencentDB instances 20
    DescribeDBSwitchRecords Queries the instance switch records 50
    DescribeRoGroups Queries the information of all RO groups of TencentDB instance 20
    DescribeRoMinScale Queries the minimum specification of a read-only instance that can be purchased or upgraded to 20
    DescribeTagsOfInstanceIds Queries instance tags 20
    DescribeTimeWindow Queries a maintenance time window 20
    IsolateDBInstance Isolates a TencentDB instance 20
    ModifyAutoRenewFlag Modifies the auto-renewal flag of a TencentDB instance 20
    ModifyDBInstanceName Renames a TencentDB instance 100
    ModifyDBInstanceProject Modifies the project to which a TencentDB instance belongs 20
    ModifyDBInstanceVipVport Modifies the IP and port number of a TencentDB instance 20
    ModifyInstanceTag Modifies an instance tag 20
    ModifyNameOrDescByDpId Modifies the name or description of a placement group 20
    ModifyRoGroupInfo Updates RO instance group 20
    ModifyTimeWindow Updates a maintenance time window 20
    OfflineIsolatedInstances Deactivates isolated TencentDB instances 20
    OpenDBInstanceEncryption Enables data storage encryption 20
    OpenDBInstanceGTID Enables GTID for an instance 20
    OpenWanService Enables public network access for an instance 20
    ReleaseIsolatedDBInstances Deisolates TencentDB instance 20
    RenewDBInstance Renews a TencentDB instance 20
    RestartDBInstances Restarts instances 20
    StartReplication Starts replication 20
    StopReplication Stops replication 20
    SwitchDBInstanceMasterSlave Performs source-to-replica switch 20
    SwitchDrInstanceToMaster Promotes a disaster recovery instance to source instance 20
    SwitchForUpgrade Switches to a new instance 20
    UpgradeDBInstanceEngineVersion Upgrades the version of an instance 20
    CreateDBInstance Creates a monthly subscribed TencentDB instance 20
    CreateDBInstanceHour Creates pay-as-you-go TencentDB instance 20
    DescribeDBInstances Queries the list of instances 100
    UpgradeDBInstance Modifies the configurations of TencentDB instance 30

    Data Import APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    CreateDBImportJob Creates a data import task 100
    DescribeDBImportRecords Queries import task records 100
    DescribeUploadedFiles Queries the list of imported SQL files (deprecated) 1
    StopDBImportJob Stops a data import task 20

    Database Proxy APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    AdjustCdbProxy Adjusts the configuration of database proxy 20
    AdjustCdbProxyAddress Adjusts database proxy address 20
    CloseCDBProxy Disables database proxy 20
    CloseCdbProxyAddress Disables database proxy address 20
    CreateCdbProxy Creates a database proxy 20
    CreateCdbProxyAddress Creates a database proxy address 20
    DescribeCdbProxyInfo Queries the details of a database proxy 20
    DescribeProxyCustomConf Queries the proxy configuration 20
    DescribeProxySupportParam Queries the supported proxy versions and parameters for an instance 20
    ModifyCdbProxyAddressDesc Modifies the description of a proxy address 20
    ModifyCdbProxyAddressVipAndVPort Modifies the VPC of the database proxy address 20
    ModifyCdbProxyParam Configures the database proxy parameters 20
    ReloadBalanceProxyNode Rebalances the load on database proxy 20
    SwitchCDBProxy Switches database proxy 20
    UpgradeCDBProxyVersion Upgrades the version of database proxy 20

    Database Audit APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    OpenAuditService Enables the audit service 50
    DescribeAuditLogs Queries a database audit log 20
    DescribeAuditRules Queries the audit rules 20
    CreateAuditPolicy Creates an audit policy 20
    DescribeAuditPolicies Queries the audit policies 20
    AnalyzeAuditLogs Analyzes audit log 20

    Security Group APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    AssociateSecurityGroups Binds security groups in batches 100
    DescribeDBSecurityGroups Queries the security group information 100
    DescribeProjectSecurityGroups Queries the security group information of a project 100
    DisassociateSecurityGroups Unbinds security groups in batches 100
    ModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroups Modifies the security groups bound to a TencentDB instance 20

    Task APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    DescribeAsyncRequestInfo Queries the execution result of an async task 40
    DescribeTasks Queries the list of tasks for a TencentDB instance 100

    Account APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    CreateAccounts Creates a TencentDB account 10
    DeleteAccounts Deletes TencentDB accounts 10
    DescribeAccountPrivileges Queries the information of TencentDB account permissions 10
    DescribeAccounts Queries the information of all TencentDB accounts 50
    DescribeSupportedPrivileges Queries the information of TencentDB instance permissions 100
    ModifyAccountDescription Modifies the remarks of a TencentDB instance account 10
    ModifyAccountMaxUserConnections Modifies the maximum connections of one or more TencentDB instance accounts 20
    ModifyAccountPassword Modifies the password of a TencentDB instance account 10
    ModifyAccountPrivileges Modifies the permissions of a TencentDB instance account 10
    ResetRootAccount Resets the root account 20

    Backup APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    CreateBackup Creates a TencentDB instance backup 5
    DeleteBackup Deletes a TencentDB instance backup 100
    DescribeBackupDownloadRestriction Queries backup download restrictions 20
    DescribeBackupOverview Queries backup overview 20
    DescribeBackupSummaries Queries real-time backup statistics 20
    DescribeBinlogBackupOverview Queries log backup overview 20
    DescribeDataBackupOverview Queries data backup overview 20
    DescribeLocalBinlogConfig Queries the retention policy of local binlog 20
    DescribeRemoteBackupConfig Queries the configuration information of a remote TencentDB instance backup 20
    DescribeSlowLogs Queries slow logs 20
    ModifyBackupDownloadRestriction Modifies backup download restrictions 20
    ModifyLocalBinlogConfig Modifies the retention policy of local binlog 20
    ModifyRemoteBackupConfig Modifies the configuration information of a remote TencentDB instance backup 20
    DescribeBackups Queries data backup file list 10
    DescribeBackupConfig Queries the configuration information of a TencentDB instance backup 100
    DescribeBackupDecryptionKey Queries the decryption key of a backup file 20
    DescribeBackupEncryptionStatus Queries the default encryption status of an instance backup 20
    DescribeBinlogs Queries binlog backup file list 100
    ModifyBackupConfig Modifies the database backup configuration 20
    ModifyBackupEncryptionStatus Sets the default encryption status of an instance backup 20

    Rollback APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    DescribeRollbackRangeTime Queries the time range available for rollback 20
    DescribeRollbackTaskDetail Queries rollback task details 20
    StartBatchRollback Rolls back database tables 20
    StopRollback Cancels a rollback task 20
    DescribeCloneList Queries the clone task list 20
    CreateCloneInstance Clones an instance 20

    Parameter APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    CreateParamTemplate Creates a parameter template 100
    DeleteParamTemplate Deletes a parameter template 20
    DescribeInstanceParamRecords Queries the parameter modification records 20
    DescribeInstanceParams Queries the list of configurable parameters for an instance 20
    DescribeParamTemplateInfo Queries the parameter template details 20
    DescribeParamTemplates Queries the list of parameter templates 20
    ModifyInstanceParam Modifies instance parameters 20
    ModifyInstancePasswordComplexity Modifies the password complexity of a TencentDB instance 20
    ModifyParamTemplate Modifies a parameter template 20
    DescribeDefaultParams Queries the list of default configurable parameters 20

    Database APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    CreateDatabase Creates a database 20
    DescribeDatabases Queries databases 100
    DescribeTables Queries database tables 40

    Monitoring APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    DescribeDeviceMonitorInfo Queries the monitoring information of a physical machine 20

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    DescribeErrorLogData Queries instance error log details 20
    DescribeSlowLogData Queries instance slow logs 50
    DescribeDBInstanceLogToCLS Query configurations of sending instance logs to CLS 20
    ModifyDBInstanceLogToCLS Enable or disable the feature of sending CDB logs to CLS 20