tencent cloud


Error Codes

Last updated: 2024-07-26 15:26:33

Feature Description

If there is an Error field in the response, it means that the API call failed. For example:

    "Response": {
        "Error": {
            "Code": "AuthFailure.SignatureFailure",
            "Message": "The provided credentials could not be validated. Please check your signature is correct."
        "RequestId": "ed93f3cb-f35e-473f-b9f3-0d451b8b79c6"

Code in Error indicates the error code, and Message indicates the specific information of the error.

Error Code List

Common Error Codes

Error Code Description
ActionOffline This API has been deprecated.
AuthFailure.InvalidAuthorization Authorization in the request header is invalid.
AuthFailure.InvalidSecretId Invalid key (not a TencentCloud API key type).
AuthFailure.MFAFailure MFA failed.
AuthFailure.SecretIdNotFound Key does not exist. Check if the key has been deleted or disabled in the console, and if not, check if the key is correctly entered. Note that whitespaces should not exist before or after the key.
AuthFailure.SignatureExpire Signature expired. Timestamp and server time cannot differ by more than five minutes. Please ensure your current local time matches the standard time.
AuthFailure.SignatureFailure Invalid signature. Signature calculation error. Please ensure you’ve followed the signature calculation process described in the Signature API documentation.
AuthFailure.TokenFailure Token error.
AuthFailure.UnauthorizedOperation The request is not authorized. For more information, see the CAM documentation.
DryRunOperation DryRun Operation. It means that the request would have succeeded, but the DryRun parameter was used.
FailedOperation Operation failed.
InternalError Internal error.
InvalidAction The API does not exist.
InvalidParameter Incorrect parameter.
InvalidParameterValue Invalid parameter value.
InvalidRequest The multipart format of the request body is incorrect.
IpInBlacklist Your IP is in uin IP blacklist.
IpNotInWhitelist Your IP is not in uin IP whitelist.
LimitExceeded Quota limit exceeded.
MissingParameter A parameter is missing.
NoSuchProduct The product does not exist.
NoSuchVersion The API version does not exist.
RequestLimitExceeded The number of requests exceeds the frequency limit.
RequestLimitExceeded.GlobalRegionUinLimitExceeded Uin exceeds the frequency limit.
RequestLimitExceeded.IPLimitExceeded The number of ip requests exceeds the frequency limit.
RequestLimitExceeded.UinLimitExceeded The number of uin requests exceeds the frequency limit.
RequestSizeLimitExceeded The request size exceeds the upper limit.
ResourceInUse Resource is in use.
ResourceInsufficient Insufficient resource.
ResourceNotFound The resource does not exist.
ResourceUnavailable Resource is unavailable.
ResponseSizeLimitExceeded The response size exceeds the upper limit.
ServiceUnavailable Service is unavailable now.
UnauthorizedOperation Unauthorized operation.
UnknownParameter Unknown parameter.
UnsupportedOperation Unsupported operation.
UnsupportedProtocol HTTP(S) request protocol error; only GET and POST requests are supported.
UnsupportedRegion API does not support the requested region.

Service Error Codes

Error Code Description
AuthFailure CAM signature/authentication error.
FailedOperation.DuplicateTableHeader Duplicate table headers.
FailedOperation.EmptyTableHeader Empty table header.
FailedOperation.InvalidTableHeader Incorrect table header.
FailedOperation.InvalidTableLength Incorrect number of table rows.
FailedOperation.RetryLimitExceeded Retry count exceeds the upper limit.
FailedOperation.StatusNotSupported Unsupported status.
FailedOperation.TableDataTypeMismatch Mismatch exists between table data and type.
FailedOperation.VersionNotReleased Version not released.
InvalidParameterValue.DuplicateName Duplicated name.
InvalidParameterValue.EntrypointNotSet Entry file not specified.
InvalidParameterValue.EnvironmentNotAvailable Environment not available.
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidBase64Encode Base64 encoding error.
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidCosKey Incorrect COS path.
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidCsvFormat Incorrect CSV file format.
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidDescription Incorrect description.
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidInputJsonFormat Incorrect input JSON format.
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidInputPlaceholder Incorrect input placeholder.
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidName Incorrect name.
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidRunOption Incorrect running parameters.
InvalidParameterValue.TableDataTypeLengthMismatch Length mismatch exists between table data and type.
InvalidParameterValue.UnsupportedTableDataType Unsupported table data type.
OperationDenied Operation rejected.
ResourceNotFound.ApplicationNotExist The application does not exist.
ResourceNotFound.ApplicationVersionNotExist The application version does not exist.
ResourceNotFound.CosBucketNotExist The bucket does not exist.
ResourceNotFound.CosObjectNotExist The storage object does not exist.
ResourceNotFound.EnvironmentNotExist The environment does not exist.
ResourceNotFound.ProjectNotExist The project does not exist.
ResourceNotFound.RunGroupNotExist The run group does not exist.
ResourceNotFound.RunNotExist The run does not exist.
ResourceNotFound.TableNotExist The table does not exist.
ResourceNotFound.TableRowNotExist The table row does not exist.