Domain name for API request:
This API is used to start a real-time recording task.
A maximum of 20 requests can be initiated per second for this API.
The following request parameter list only provides API request parameters and some common parameters. For the complete common parameter list, see Common Request Parameters.
Parameter Name | Required | Type | Description |
Action | Yes | String | Common Params. The value used for this API: StartOnlineRecord. |
Version | Yes | String | Common Params. The value used for this API: 2019-09-19. |
Region | Yes | String | Common Params. For more information, please see the list of regions supported by the product. This API only supports: ap-singapore. |
SdkAppId | Yes | Integer | SdkAppId of the customer |
RoomId | Yes | Integer | ID of the room for recording. Value range: (1, 4294967295) |
RecordUserId | Yes | String | User ID used by the recording service for entering a room. The ID cannot exceed 60 bytes in length. Its format is tic_record_user_${RoomId}_${Random} , where ${RoomId} indicates the ID of the room for recording and ${Random} is a random string.The ID must be an unused ID in the SDK. The recording service uses the user ID to enter the room for audio, video, and whiteboard recording. If this ID is already used in the SDK, the SDK and recording service will conflict, affecting the recording operation. |
RecordUserSig | Yes | String | Signature corresponding to RecordUserId |
GroupId | No | String | (Disused) IM group ID of the whiteboard. By default, it is the same as the room ID. |
Concat | No | Concat | Real-time recording video splicing parameter |
Whiteboard | No | Whiteboard | Real-time recording whiteboard parameter, such as the whiteboard width and height |
MixStream | No | MixStream | Real-time recording stream mixing parameter Notes: 1. The stream mixing feature needs to be enabled separately. If you need the feature, contact TIW customer service. 2. To use the stream mixing feature, the Extras parameter is required and must contain "MIX_STREAM". |
Extras.N | No | Array of String | List of advanced features used List of possible values: MIX_STREAM - Stream mixing feature |
AudioFileNeeded | No | Boolean | Whether to return the audio-only recording file of different streams in the result callback. The file format is mp3. |
RecordControl | No | RecordControl | A group of real-time recording parameters. It specifies the streams to be recorded, whether to disable the audio recording, and whether to record only low-resolution videos, etc. |
RecordMode | No | String | |
ChatGroupId | No | String | |
AutoStopTimeout | No | Integer | Recording timeout. Unit: seconds. Valid range: [300,86400]. Default value: 300. If no upstream audio/video exists or no operation is performed on the whiteboard for the specified period of time, the recording service automatically stops the recording task. |
ExtraData | No | String | Internal parameter. You can ignore this parameter. |
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
TaskId | String | ID of the real-time recording task |
RequestId | String | The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem. |
&<Common request parameters>
"Response": {
"RequestId": "eac6b301-a322-493a-8e36-83b295459397",
"TaskId": "bj0mt2l23osdj300hl30"
This example shows you how to use a built-in mixed stream layout for mixed stream recording.
&<Common request parameters>
"Response": {
"RequestId": "eac6b301-a322-493a-8e36-83b295459397",
"TaskId": "bj0mt2l23osdj300hl30"
TencentCloud API 3.0 integrates SDKs that support various programming languages to make it easier for you to call APIs.
The following only lists the error codes related to the API business logic. For other error codes, see Common Error Codes.
Error Code | Description |
AuthFailure | |
InvalidParameter.BodyParameterTypeUnmatched | The parameter type does not match. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidExtra | The specified special feature does not exist. |
InvalidParameter.RecordParameter | The format of the real-time recording parameter is invalid. |
InvalidParameter.SdkAppIdNotFound | The SdkAppId does not exist or is invalid. |
LimitExceeded.TaskConcurrency | The number of concurrent transcoding or recording tasks exceeds the limit. For more information, see the error description or try again later. |
ResourceInUse.RecordUserId | The recording user account for real-time recording has started another recording task. |
ResourceUnavailable.NotRegistered | TIW is not enabled. |
ResourceUnavailable.ServiceExpired | The account is in arrears or the TIW service has expired. |
UnauthorizedOperation.SdkAppId | The SdkAppId does not exist or does not match the current Tencent Cloud account. |