tencent cloud



Last updated: 2024-12-11 16:07:28

    1. API Description

    Domain name for API request: mps.intl.tencentcloudapi.com.

    This API is used to get the list of workflow details by workflow ID.

    A maximum of 20 requests can be initiated per second for this API.

    We recommend you to use API Explorer
    Try it
    API Explorer provides a range of capabilities, including online call, signature authentication, SDK code generation, and API quick search. It enables you to view the request, response, and auto-generated examples.

    2. Input Parameters

    The following request parameter list only provides API request parameters and some common parameters. For the complete common parameter list, see Common Request Parameters.

    Parameter Name Required Type Description
    Action Yes String Common Params. The value used for this API: DescribeWorkflows.
    Version Yes String Common Params. The value used for this API: 2019-06-12.
    Region No String Common Params. This parameter is not required for this API.
    WorkflowIds.N No Array of Integer Workflow ID filter. Array length limit: 100.
    Status No String Workflow status. Valid values:
  • Enabled: Enabled,
  • Disabled: Disabled.

  • If this parameter is left empty, the workflow status will not be distinguished.
    Offset No Integer Paging offset. Default value: 0.
    Limit No Integer Number of returned entries. Default value: 10. Maximum value: 100.

    3. Output Parameters

    Parameter Name Type Description
    TotalCount Integer Number of eligible entries.
    WorkflowInfoSet Array of WorkflowInfo Workflow information array.
    RequestId String The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.

    4. Example

    Example1 Querying a Workflow

    This example shows you how to query the workflow with ID 78459.

    Input Example

    &<Common request parameters>

    Output Example

        "Response": {
            "TotalCount": 1,
            "WorkflowInfoSet": [
                    "WorkflowId": 0,
                    "WorkflowName": "abc",
                    "Status": "abc",
                    "Trigger": {
                        "Type": "abc",
                        "CosFileUploadTrigger": {
                            "Bucket": "abc",
                            "Region": "abc",
                            "Dir": "abc",
                            "Formats": [
                        "AwsS3FileUploadTrigger": {
                            "S3Bucket": "abc",
                            "S3Region": "abc",
                            "Dir": "abc",
                            "Formats": [
                            "S3SecretId": "abc",
                            "S3SecretKey": "abc",
                            "AwsSQS": {
                                "SQSRegion": "abc",
                                "SQSQueueName": "abc",
                                "S3SecretId": "abc",
                                "S3SecretKey": "abc"
                    "OutputStorage": {
                        "Type": "abc",
                        "CosOutputStorage": {
                            "Bucket": "abc",
                            "Region": "abc"
                        "S3OutputStorage": {
                            "S3Bucket": "abc",
                            "S3Region": "abc",
                            "S3SecretId": "abc",
                            "S3SecretKey": "abc"
                    "MediaProcessTask": {
                        "TranscodeTaskSet": [
                                "Definition": 1,
                                "RawParameter": {
                                    "Container": "abc",
                                    "RemoveVideo": 0,
                                    "RemoveAudio": 0,
                                    "VideoTemplate": {
                                        "Codec": "abc",
                                        "Fps": 0,
                                        "Bitrate": 0,
                                        "ResolutionAdaptive": "abc",
                                        "Width": 1,
                                        "Height": 1,
                                        "Gop": 1,
                                        "FillType": "abc",
                                        "Vcrf": 1,
                                        "HlsTime": 1,
                                        "SegmentType": 0
                                    "AudioTemplate": {
                                        "Codec": "abc",
                                        "Bitrate": 0,
                                        "SampleRate": 1,
                                        "AudioChannel": 0
                                    "TEHDConfig": {
                                        "Type": "abc",
                                        "MaxVideoBitrate": 0
                                "OverrideParameter": {
                                    "Container": "abc",
                                    "RemoveVideo": 1,
                                    "RemoveAudio": 1,
                                    "VideoTemplate": {
                                        "Codec": "abc",
                                        "Fps": 0,
                                        "Bitrate": 0,
                                        "ResolutionAdaptive": "abc",
                                        "Width": 1,
                                        "Height": 1,
                                        "Gop": 1,
                                        "FillType": "abc",
                                        "Vcrf": 1,
                                        "ContentAdaptStream": 1,
                                        "HlsTime": 1,
                                        "SegmentType": 0
                                    "AudioTemplate": {
                                        "Codec": "abc",
                                        "Bitrate": 0,
                                        "SampleRate": 1,
                                        "AudioChannel": 0,
                                        "StreamSelects": [
                                    "TEHDConfig": {
                                        "Type": "abc",
                                        "MaxVideoBitrate": 0
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                                        "Path": "abc",
                                        "StreamIndex": 0,
                                        "FontType": "abc",
                                        "FontSize": "abc",
                                        "FontColor": "abc",
                                        "FontAlpha": 0
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                                            "Type": "abc",
                                            "CosInputInfo": {
                                                "Bucket": "abc",
                                                "Region": "abc",
                                                "Object": "abc"
                                            "UrlInputInfo": {
                                                "Url": "abc"
                                            "S3InputInfo": {
                                                "S3Bucket": "abc",
                                                "S3Region": "abc",
                                                "S3Object": "abc",
                                                "S3SecretId": "abc",
                                                "S3SecretKey": "abc"
                                    "StdExtInfo": "abc",
                                    "AddOnSubtitles": [
                                            "Type": "abc",
                                            "Subtitle": {
                                                "Type": "abc",
                                                "CosInputInfo": {
                                                    "Bucket": "abc",
                                                    "Region": "abc",
                                                    "Object": "abc"
                                                "UrlInputInfo": {
                                                    "Url": "abc"
                                                "S3InputInfo": {
                                                    "S3Bucket": "abc",
                                                    "S3Region": "abc",
                                                    "S3Object": "abc",
                                                    "S3SecretId": "abc",
                                                    "S3SecretKey": "abc"
                                "WatermarkSet": [
                                        "Definition": 1,
                                        "RawParameter": {
                                            "Type": "abc",
                                            "CoordinateOrigin": "abc",
                                            "XPos": "abc",
                                            "YPos": "abc",
                                            "ImageTemplate": {
                                                "ImageContent": {
                                                    "Type": "abc",
                                                    "CosInputInfo": {
                                                        "Bucket": "abc",
                                                        "Region": "abc",
                                                        "Object": "abc"
                                                    "UrlInputInfo": {
                                                        "Url": "abc"
                                                    "S3InputInfo": {
                                                        "S3Bucket": "abc",
                                                        "S3Region": "abc",
                                                        "S3Object": "abc",
                                                        "S3SecretId": "abc",
                                                        "S3SecretKey": "abc"
                                                "Width": "abc",
                                                "Height": "abc",
                                                "RepeatType": "abc"
                                        "TextContent": "abc",
                                        "SvgContent": "abc",
                                        "StartTimeOffset": 0,
                                        "EndTimeOffset": 0
                                "MosaicSet": [
                                        "CoordinateOrigin": "abc",
                                        "XPos": "abc",
                                        "YPos": "abc",
                                        "Width": "abc",
                                        "Height": "abc",
                                        "StartTimeOffset": 0,
                                        "EndTimeOffset": 0
                                "StartTimeOffset": 0,
                                "EndTimeOffset": 0,
                                "OutputStorage": {
                                    "Type": "abc",
                                    "CosOutputStorage": {
                                        "Bucket": "abc",
                                        "Region": "abc"
                                    "S3OutputStorage": {
                                        "S3Bucket": "abc",
                                        "S3Region": "abc",
                                        "S3SecretId": "abc",
                                        "S3SecretKey": "abc"
                                "OutputObjectPath": "abc",
                                "SegmentObjectName": "abc",
                                "ObjectNumberFormat": {
                                    "InitialValue": 1,
                                    "Increment": 1,
                                    "MinLength": 1,
                                    "PlaceHolder": "abc"
                                "HeadTailParameter": {}
                        "AnimatedGraphicTaskSet": [
                                "Definition": 1,
                                "StartTimeOffset": 0,
                                "EndTimeOffset": 0,
                                "OutputStorage": {
                                    "Type": "abc",
                                    "CosOutputStorage": {
                                        "Bucket": "abc",
                                        "Region": "abc"
                                    "S3OutputStorage": {
                                        "S3Bucket": "abc",
                                        "S3Region": "abc",
                                        "S3SecretId": "abc",
                                        "S3SecretKey": "abc"
                                "OutputObjectPath": "abc"
                        "SnapshotByTimeOffsetTaskSet": [
                                "Definition": 1,
                                "OutputStorage": {
                                    "Type": "abc",
                                    "CosOutputStorage": {
                                        "Bucket": "abc",
                                        "Region": "abc"
                                    "S3OutputStorage": {
                                        "S3Bucket": "abc",
                                        "S3Region": "abc",
                                        "S3SecretId": "abc",
                                        "S3SecretKey": "abc"
                                "ExtTimeOffsetSet": [
                                "TimeOffsetSet": [
                                "WatermarkSet": [
                                        "Definition": 1,
                                        "RawParameter": {
                                            "Type": "abc",
                                            "CoordinateOrigin": "abc",
                                            "XPos": "abc",
                                            "YPos": "abc",
                                            "ImageTemplate": {
                                                "Width": "abc",
                                                "Height": "abc",
                                                "RepeatType": "abc"
                                        "TextContent": "abc",
                                        "SvgContent": "abc",
                                        "StartTimeOffset": 0,
                                        "EndTimeOffset": 0
                                "OutputObjectPath": "abc",
                                "ObjectNumberFormat": {
                                    "InitialValue": 1,
                                    "Increment": 1,
                                    "MinLength": 1,
                                    "PlaceHolder": "abc"
                        "SampleSnapshotTaskSet": [
                                "Definition": 1,
                                "OutputStorage": {
                                    "Type": "abc",
                                    "CosOutputStorage": {
                                        "Bucket": "abc",
                                        "Region": "abc"
                                    "S3OutputStorage": {
                                        "S3Bucket": "abc",
                                        "S3Region": "abc",
                                        "S3SecretId": "abc",
                                        "S3SecretKey": "abc"
                                "WatermarkSet": [
                                        "Definition": 1,
                                        "RawParameter": {
                                            "Type": "abc",
                                            "CoordinateOrigin": "abc",
                                            "XPos": "abc",
                                            "YPos": "abc",
                                            "ImageTemplate": {
                                                "Width": "abc",
                                                "Height": "abc",
                                                "RepeatType": "abc"
                                        "TextContent": "abc",
                                        "SvgContent": "abc",
                                        "StartTimeOffset": 0,
                                        "EndTimeOffset": 0
                                "OutputObjectPath": "abc",
                                "ObjectNumberFormat": {
                                    "InitialValue": 1,
                                    "Increment": 1,
                                    "MinLength": 1,
                                    "PlaceHolder": "abc"
                        "ImageSpriteTaskSet": [
                                "Definition": 1,
                                "OutputObjectPath": "abc",
                                "WebVttObjectName": "abc"
                        "AdaptiveDynamicStreamingTaskSet": [
                                "Definition": 1,
                                "WatermarkSet": [
                                        "Definition": 1,
                                        "RawParameter": {
                                            "Type": "abc",
                                            "CoordinateOrigin": "abc",
                                            "XPos": "abc",
                                            "YPos": "abc",
                                            "ImageTemplate": {
                                                "ImageContent": {
                                                    "Type": "abc",
                                                    "CosInputInfo": {
                                                        "Bucket": "abc",
                                                        "Region": "abc",
                                                        "Object": "abc"
                                                    "UrlInputInfo": {
                                                        "Url": "abc"
                                                    "S3InputInfo": {
                                                        "S3Bucket": "abc",
                                                        "S3Region": "abc",
                                                        "S3Object": "abc",
                                                        "S3SecretId": "abc",
                                                        "S3SecretKey": "abc"
                                                "Width": "abc",
                                                "Height": "abc",
                                                "RepeatType": "abc"
                                        "TextContent": "abc",
                                        "SvgContent": "abc",
                                        "StartTimeOffset": 0,
                                        "EndTimeOffset": 0
                                "OutputStorage": {
                                    "Type": "abc",
                                    "CosOutputStorage": {
                                        "Bucket": "abc",
                                        "Region": "abc"
                                    "S3OutputStorage": {
                                        "S3Bucket": "abc",
                                        "S3Region": "abc",
                                        "S3SecretId": "abc",
                                        "S3SecretKey": "abc"
                                "OutputObjectPath": "abc",
                                "SubStreamObjectName": "abc",
                                "SegmentObjectName": "abc",
                                "AddOnSubtitles": [
                                        "Type": "abc"
                                "DrmInfo": {
                                    "Type": "abc",
                                    "SimpleAesDrm": {
                                        "Uri": "abc",
                                        "Key": "abc",
                                        "Vector": "abc"
                                "DefinitionType": "abc"
                    "AiContentReviewTask": {
                        "Definition": 1
                    "AiAnalysisTask": {
                        "Definition": 1,
                        "ExtendedParameter": "abc"
                    "AiRecognitionTask": {
                        "Definition": 1
                    "TaskNotifyConfig": {
                        "NotifyType": "abc",
                        "NotifyMode": "abc",
                        "NotifyUrl": "abc",
                        "CmqModel": "abc",
                        "CmqRegion": "abc",
                        "TopicName": "abc",
                        "QueueName": "abc",
                        "AwsSQS": {
                            "SQSRegion": "abc",
                            "SQSQueueName": "abc",
                            "S3SecretId": "abc",
                            "S3SecretKey": "abc"
                        "NotifyKey": "abc"
                    "TaskPriority": 0,
                    "OutputDir": "abc",
                    "CreateTime": "abc",
                    "UpdateTime": "abc"
            "RequestId": "abc"

    5. Developer Resources


    TencentCloud API 3.0 integrates SDKs that support various programming languages to make it easier for you to call APIs.

    Command Line Interface

    6. Error Code

    The following only lists the error codes related to the API business logic. For other error codes, see Common Error Codes.

    Error Code Description
    FailedOperation.InvalidMpsUser Operation failed: unauthorized MPS user.
    InternalError Internal error.
    InvalidParameterValue Incorrect parameter value.