API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
AttachDisks | Mounting Cloud Disks | 20 |
DescribeDiskOperationLogs | Querying a Cloud Disk Operation Log List | 1 |
InquirePriceModifyDiskBackupQuota | Queries the price of a cloud disk after its backup point quota is modified | 20 |
InquirePriceModifyDiskExtraPerformance | Queries the price for adjusting the cloud disk’s extra performance | 20 |
InquiryPriceCreateDisks | Queries the price of creating cloud disks | 20 |
InquiryPriceResizeDisk | Inquires the price for expanding the capacity of a cloud disk | 20 |
TerminateDisks | Returns a cloud disk | 20 |
CreateDisks | Creates cloud disks | 20 |
DescribeDiskConfigQuota | Queries cloud disk quota | 20 |
ApplyDiskBackup | Rolls back a backup point | 20 |
CreateDiskBackup | Creates a backup point for a cloud disk | 20 |
DeleteDiskBackups | Deletes the backup points of a cloud disk | 20 |
DescribeDiskBackups | Queries the list of backup points | 20 |
DescribeDisks | Queries the list of cloud disks | 100 |
DescribeInstancesDiskNum | Queries the number of cloud disks associated to an instance | 20 |
DetachDisks | Unmounts cloud disks | 20 |
InitializeDisks | Reinitializes cloud disks | 20 |
ModifyDiskAttributes | Modifies cloud disk attributes | 20 |
ModifyDiskBackupQuota | Modifies the cloud disk backup point quota | 20 |
ModifyDiskExtraPerformance | Adjusts the cloud disk’s extra performance | 20 |
ResizeDisk | Expanding Cloud Disk Capacity | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
ApplySnapshot | Rolls back a snapshot | 20 |
DescribeSnapshotOperationLogs | Querying a Snapshot Operation Log List | 20 |
GetSnapOverview | Gets snapshot overview information | 20 |
ModifySnapshotAttribute | Modifies snapshot information | 20 |
BindAutoSnapshotPolicy | Binding a Scheduled Snapshot Policy | 20 |
CopySnapshotCrossRegions | Replicates a snapshot to another region | 20 |
DeleteAutoSnapshotPolicies | Deleting a Scheduled Snapshot Policy | 20 |
DescribeDiskAssociatedAutoSnapshotPolicy | Querying a Cloud Disk Associated Scheduled Snapshot Policy | 20 |
UnbindAutoSnapshotPolicy | Unbinding a Scheduled Snapshot Policy | 20 |
CreateAutoSnapshotPolicy | Creating a Scheduled Snapshot Policy | 20 |
CreateSnapshot | Creates a snapshot | 20 |
DeleteSnapshots | Deletes a snapshot | 20 |
DescribeAutoSnapshotPolicies | Querying a Scheduled Snapshot Policy | 20 |
DescribeSnapshotSharePermission | Views snapshot sharing information | 20 |
DescribeSnapshots | Queries the list of snapshots | 20 |
ModifyAutoSnapshotPolicyAttribute | Modifying Scheduled Snapshot Policy Information | 20 |
ModifySnapshotsSharePermission | Modifies snapshot sharing information | 20 |
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