Permission granted when the credential is associated with the service
Used by actions: CreateProductSecret.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
PrivilegeName | String | Yes | Permission name. Valid values: GlobalPrivileges DatabasePrivileges TablePrivileges ColumnPrivileges When the permission is DatabasePrivileges , the database name must be specified by the Database parameter;When the permission is TablePrivileges , the database name and the table name in the database must be specified by the Database and TableName parameters;When the permission is ColumnPrivileges , the database name, table name in the database, and column name in the table must be specified by the Database , TableName , and ColumnName parameters. |
Privileges | Array of String | Yes | Permission list. For the Mysql service, optional permission values are:1. Valid values of GlobalPrivileges : "SELECT","INSERT","UPDATE","DELETE","CREATE", "PROCESS", "DROP","REFERENCES","INDEX","ALTER","SHOW DATABASES","CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES","LOCK TABLES","EXECUTE","CREATE VIEW","SHOW VIEW","CREATE ROUTINE","ALTER ROUTINE","EVENT","TRIGGER".Note: if this parameter is not passed in, it means to clear the permission. 2. Valid values of DatabasePrivileges : "SELECT","INSERT","UPDATE","DELETE","CREATE", "DROP","REFERENCES","INDEX","ALTER","CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES","LOCK TABLES","EXECUTE","CREATE VIEW","SHOW VIEW","CREATE ROUTINE","ALTER ROUTINE","EVENT","TRIGGER".Note: if this parameter is not passed in, it means to clear the permission. 3. Valid values of TablePrivileges : "SELECT","INSERT","UPDATE","DELETE","CREATE", "DROP","REFERENCES","INDEX","ALTER","CREATE VIEW","SHOW VIEW", "TRIGGER".Note: if this parameter is not passed in, it means to clear the permission. 4. Valid values of ColumnPrivileges : "SELECT","INSERT","UPDATE","REFERENCES".Note: if this parameter is not passed in, it means to clear the permission. |
Database | String | No | This value takes effect only when PrivilegeName is DatabasePrivileges . |
TableName | String | No | This value takes effect only when PrivilegeName is TablePrivileges , and the Database parameter is required in this case to explicitly indicate the database instance. |
ColumnName | String | No | This value takes effect only when PrivilegeName is ColumnPrivileges , and the following parameters are required in this case:Database: explicitly indicate the database instance. TableName: explicitly indicate the table |
Basic information of the Secret.
Used by actions: ListSecrets.
Name | Type | Description |
SecretName | String | Credential name |
Description | String | Credential description |
KmsKeyId | String | KMS KeyId used to encrypt the credential |
CreateUin | Integer | Creator UIN |
Status | String | Credential status: Enabled, Disabled, PendingDelete, Creating, Failed. |
DeleteTime | Integer | Credential deletion date, which takes effect for credentials in PendingDelete status and is in UNIX timestamp format |
CreateTime | Integer | Credential creation time in UNIX timestamp format |
KmsKeyType | String | Type of the KMS CMK used to encrypt the credential. DEFAULT represents the default key created by Secrets Manager, and CUSTOMER represents the user-specified key |
RotationStatus | Integer | 1: enable rotation; 0: disable rotation Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
NextRotationTime | Integer | Start time of the next rotation in UNIX timestamp format Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
SecretType | Integer | 0: custom secret;1: database credential;2: SSH key secret;3: cloud API key secret;4: Redis secret;Note: This field may return null , indicating no valid value can be obtained. |
ProductName | String | Tencent Cloud service name, which takes effect only when SecretType is 1 (Tencent Cloud service credential)Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
ResourceName | String | Secret name. This field is only valid when the SecretType is set to 2 (SSH key secret).Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
ProjectID | Integer | Project ID. This field is only valid when the SecretType is set to 2 (SSH key secret).Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
AssociatedInstanceIDs | Array of String | ID of the CVM instance associated with the SSH key. ID. This field is only valid when the SecretType is set to 2 (SSH key secret).Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
TargetUin | Integer | UIN of the Tencent Cloud API key. This field is valid when the secret type is Tencent Cloud API key secret. Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
RotationFrequency | Integer | Rotation frequency in days. It takes effect when the rotation feature is enabled. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
ResourceID | String | ID of Tencent Cloud resource corresponding with the Secret. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
RotationBeginTime | String | The rotation start time. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Tag key and tag value.
Used by actions: CreateProductSecret, CreateSSHKeyPairSecret, CreateSecret.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
TagKey | String | Yes | Tag key |
TagValue | String | Yes | Tag value |
Tag filter.
Used by actions: ListSecrets.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
TagKey | String | Yes | Tag key |
TagValue | Array of String | No | Tag value |
List of version ID information.
Used by actions: ListSecretVersionIds.
Name | Type | Description |
VersionId | String | Version ID. |
CreateTime | Integer | Creation time, formatted as a Unix timestamp. |
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