tencent cloud


API Category

Last updated: 2024-08-27 11:36:27

    Asset Management APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    DescribeAssetMachineList Obtains the list of resource monitoring 20
    DescribeAssetMachineDetail Obtains asset management host resource details 20
    DescribeAssetUserList Obtains the list of accounts 20
    DescribeAssetUserInfo Obtain host account details 20
    DescribeAssetPortInfoList Obtains the list of asset management ports 20
    DescribeAssetProcessInfoList Obtains the list of asset management processes 20
    DescribeAssetAppList Queries the application list 20
    DescribeAssetAppProcessList Obtains the list of software's associated processes 20
    DescribeAssetDatabaseList Queries the list of asset management databases 20
    DescribeAssetDatabaseInfo Obtains the asset management database details 20
    DescribeAssetWebAppList Obtains the list of asset management web applications 20
    DescribeAssetWebServiceInfoList Queries the list of asset management Web services 20
    DescribeAssetWebAppPluginList Obtains the list of asset management Web application plugins 20
    DescribeAssetWebServiceProcessList Obtains the list of processes associated with Web services 20
    DescribeAssetWebFrameList Obtains the list of asset management web frameworks 20
    DescribeAssetWebLocationList Obtains the list of Web sites 20
    DescribeAssetWebLocationInfo Obtains the Web site details 20
    DescribeAssetJarList Queries the list of Jar packages 20
    DescribeAssetJarInfo Obtains Jar package details 20
    DescribeAssetInitServiceList Queries the list of asset management start services 20
    DescribeAssetPlanTaskList Queries the list of asset management plan tasks 20
    DescribeAssetCoreModuleList Queries the list of asset management kernel modules 20
    DescribeAssetCoreModuleInfo Obtains kernel module details 20
    DescribeAssetSystemPackageList Obtains the list of system installation packages for asset management 20
    SyncAssetScan Synchronizes the asset scan information 20
    DescribeAssetRecentMachineInfo Obtains the trend of host overview 20
    DescribeAssetMachineTagTop Obtains top 5 host tags 20
    DescribeAssetLoadInfo Obtains the resource load overview 20
    DescribeAssetTypeTop Obtains Top5 resources of various types 20
    ExportAssetRecentMachineInfo Exports host trends 20
    DescribeMachineGeneral Queries the information of the host overview 20
    DescribeMachineRegions Obtains the list of machine regions 20
    DescribeMachineOsList Queries the machine operating system list 20
    DescribeMachineLicenseDetail Queries the machine authorization information 20
    DescribeMachines Obtains the list of hosts in a specific region 20
    DescribeMachinesSimple Obtains the list of hosts 20
    DescribeDirectConnectInstallCommand Obtains DC agent installation command 20
    DescribeAgentInstallationToken Obtains the token for installing the agent in a hybrid cloud environment 20
    RemoveMachine Cleans up the host information 20
    DescribeHostInfo Queries the host and tag information 20
    EditTags Adds or edits tags 20
    DescribeTags Obtains all host tags 20
    DeleteTags Deletes tags 20
    DeleteMachineTag Deletes tags associated with the server 20
    UpdateMachineTags List of tags associated with machines 20
    DescribeTagMachines Obtains the server information associated with the specified tag 20
    ExportAssetUserList Exports the account list 20
    DescribeAssetUserCount Obtains the total number of accounts 20
    ExportAssetMachineList Exports the list of resource monitoring 20
    ExportAssetMachineDetail Exports asset management host resource details 20
    DescribeAssetPortCount Obtains the total number of ports 20
    ExportAssetPortInfoList Exports the list of asset management ports 20
    DescribeAssetProcessCount Obtains the total number of processes 20
    DescribeProcessStatistics Obtains the process statistics data 20
    ExportAssetProcessInfoList Exports the asset management process list 20
    DescribeAssetAppCount Obtains the number of all software applications 20
    ExportAssetAppList Export the list of asset management applications 20
    DescribeAssetDatabaseCount Obtains the number of all databases 20
    ExportAssetDatabaseList Exports the list of asset management databases 20
    DescribeAssetWebAppCount Obtains the number of all web applications 20
    ExportAssetWebAppList Exports the list of asset management Web applications 20
    DescribeAssetWebServiceCount Obtains the number of all web services 20
    ExportAssetWebServiceInfoList Exports the list of asset management Web services 20
    DescribeAssetWebLocationCount Obtains the total number of Web sites 20
    ExportAssetWebLocationList Exports the list of Web sites 20
    DescribeAssetWebLocationPathList Obtains the list of Web sites' virtual directories 20
    DescribeAssetWebFrameCount Obtains the number of all Web frameworks 20
    ExportAssetWebFrameList Exports the list of asset management Web frameworks 20
    ExportAssetCoreModuleList Exports the list of asset management kernel modules 20
    DescribeAssetDiskList Obtains the host disk partition list 20
    DescribeFileTamperRules List of core file monitoring rules 20
    DescribeMachineFileTamperRules Queries host-related core file monitoring rules 20
    ExportAssetEnvList Exports the list of asset management environment variables 20
    DescribeAssetHostTotalCount Obtains the total number of resources of the host 20
    DescribeAssetTotalCount Obtains the number of resources 20
    ExportAssetInitServiceList Exports the list of asset management startup services 20
    ExportAssetJarList Exports the list of Jar packages 20
    ExportAssetPlanTaskList Exports the list of scheduled asset management tasks 20
    ExportAssetSystemPackageList Exports the list of system installation packages for asset management 20
    DescribeAssetUserKeyList Obtains the list of host account Keys 20
    DescribeOpenPortStatistics Obtains the list of port statistics 20
    DescribeComponentStatistics Obtains the list of component statistics 20
    DescribeHistoryAccounts Obtains the account change history list 20
    DescribeAccountStatistics Obtains the account statistics data 20
    DeleteMachineClearHistory Deletes clearing records of a machine 20
    DescribeAssetInfo Obtains the number of assets 20
    ModifyMachineAutoClearConfig Modifies the cleanup configuration of the machine 20
    DescribeExportMachines Exports the list of hosts in a specific region 20
    DescribeMachineClearHistory Queries the clearing history records of a machine 20
    DeleteMachine Uninstalls the CWPP client 20
    CreateIncidentBacktracking Triggers event investigation backtracking 20
    DescribeMachineRegionList Queries the list of host regions 20

    Virus Scanning APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    DescribeMalWareList Obtains the Trojan list 20
    DescribeMalwareInfo Views malicious file details 20
    DeleteMalwares Deletes Trojan records 20
    TrustMalwares Trusts Trojan files 20
    DescribeMalwareWhiteList Obtains the list of Trojan allowlists 20
    DescribeNetAttackWhiteList Obtains the network attack allowlist list 20
    DescribeMalwareWhiteListAffectList Obtains the list of affected Trojan allowlists 20
    UntrustMalwares Untrusts Trojan files 20
    DeleteMalwareWhiteList Deletes the Trojan whitelist 20
    DeleteNetAttackWhiteList Deletes the network attack allowlist 20
    SeparateMalwares Isolates Trojans 20
    RecoverMalwares Recovers Trojan files 20
    DescribeMalwareFile Obtains Trojan file download addresses 20
    CreateScanMalwareSetting Detects the virus scanning 20
    DeleteMalwareScanTask Terminates the scan tasks 20
    DescribeScanMalwareSchedule Queries the Trojan scan progress 20
    DescribeMalwareRiskWarning Risk warning prompt 20
    ModifyMalwareTimingScanSettings Sets scheduled scan 20
    DescribeMalwareTimingScanSetting Queries scheduled scan configuration 20
    DescribeServersAndRiskAndFirstInfo Obtains virus scanning overview information 20
    DescribeVulDefenceSetting Obtains the current vulnerability defense plugin settings 20
    DescribeVulDefencePluginExceptionCount Obtains the current number of abnormal plugins 20
    DescribeVulDefenceOverview Obtains the vulnerability defense overview information 20
    DescribeJavaMemShellList Queries the list of Java webshell events 20
    ModifyJavaMemShellsStatus Modifies the Java webshell event status 20
    DescribeJavaMemShellPluginList Queries the Java webshell plugin list 20
    DeleteAllJavaMemShells Deletes all Java webshell events 20
    DescribeJavaMemShellInfo Queries Java webshell event details 20
    DescribeJavaMemShellPluginInfo Queries the Java webshell plugin information of the given host 20
    ModifyJavaMemShellPluginSwitch Enables and disables Java webshell plugins 20
    CreateMalwareWhiteList Creates a Trojan allowlist 20
    CreateNetAttackWhiteList Creates a network attack allowlist 20
    DescribeMalwareRiskOverview Obtains the information of virus scanning overview 20
    DescribeRiskProcessEvents Obtains the list of abnormal processes 20
    ModifyMalwareWhiteList Edits the Trojan allowlist 20
    ModifyNetAttackWhiteList Edits the network attack whitelist 20
    ExportJavaMemShellPlugins Exports the Java webshell plugin information 20
    ExportJavaMemShells Exports the list of Java webshell events 20
    ExportMalwares Exports Trojan records 20
    ExportRiskProcessEvents Exports abnormal process events 20

    Abnormal Log-in APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    DeleteNonlocalLoginPlaces Deletes cross-region log-in records 20
    DescribeLoginWhiteCombinedList Obtains the list of cross-region log-in allowlists after merge 20
    ModifyLoginWhiteRecord Updates the log-in audit record information 20
    DescribeLoginWhiteList Obtains the cross-region log-in allowlist list 20
    AddLoginWhiteLists Adds cross-region log-in allowlists in batches 20
    ModifyLoginWhiteInfo Updates the log-in audit allowlist information 20
    DeleteLoginWhiteList Deletes the cross-region log-in allowlist rules 20
    DescribeLoginWhiteHostList Queries the list of allowlisted machines after merge 20
    ExportNonlocalLoginPlaces Exports cross-region log-in records 20
    DescribeHostLoginList Retrieves log-in audit list 20
    DescribeUsualLoginPlaces Queries common log-in locations 20

    Password Cracking APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    DescribeBanMode Obtains brute-force blocking mode 20
    ModifyBanMode Modifies the brute-force blocking mode 20
    DescribeBanStatus Obtains the block button status 20
    ModifyBanStatus Sets the block switch status 20
    DescribeBanWhiteList Obtains the blocking allowlist list 20
    DescribeBanRegions Obtains the block region 20
    StopNoticeBanTips Stops displaying pop-up prompts about brute force cracking blocking 20
    DeleteBruteAttacks Deletes brute force attack records 20
    CreateBanWhiteList Adds the list of block allowlists. 20
    DescribeBruteAttackRules Obtains brute force cracking rules 20
    DeleteBanWhiteList Deletes the list of blocking allowlists 20
    ModifyBruteAttackRules Modifies brute force cracking rules 20
    ModifyBanWhiteList Modifies the blocking allowlist 20
    ExportBruteAttacks Exports password cracking records 20
    DescribeBruteAttackList Obtains the list of password cracking 20

    Malicious Request APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    DescribeRiskDnsList Obtains the malicious request list 20
    DeleteMaliciousRequests Deletes malicious request records 20
    CreateMaliciousRequestWhiteList Adds malicious request allowlist 20
    ModifyMaliciousRequestWhiteList Updates the malicious request allowlist 20
    DeleteMaliciousRequestWhiteList Deletes malicious request allowlist 20
    DescribeMaliciousRequestWhiteList Queries the list of malicious request allowlists 20
    DeleteRiskDnsEvent Deletes malicious request events 20
    DeleteRiskDnsPolicy Deletes malicious request policies 20
    DescribeRiskDnsEventInfo Queries malicious request event details 20
    DescribeRiskDnsEventList Obtains the list of malicious request events 20
    DescribeRiskDnsPolicyList Obtains the list of malicious request policies 20
    ExportRiskDnsPolicyList Exports the malicious request policy list 20
    ModifyRiskDnsPolicy Modifies malicious request policies 20
    ModifyRiskDnsPolicyStatus Modifies the status of malicious request policies 20
    DescribeRiskDnsInfo Queries malicious request details 20
    ExportMaliciousRequests Exports the downloaded malicious request files 20
    ExportRiskDnsEventList Exports the malicious request event list 20

    High-Risk Command APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    DescribeBashEvents Obtains the high-risk command list 20
    DescribeBashEventsNew Obtains the list of high-risk commands (new) 20
    SetBashEventsStatus Sets high-risk command event status 20
    DeleteBashEvents Deletes high-risk command events 20
    DescribeBashPolicies Obtains the list of high-risk command policies 20
    DescribeBashRules Obtains the list of high-risk command rules 20
    EditBashRules Adds or Modifies high-risk command rules (multiple servers supported) 20
    ModifyBashPolicy Adds or Modifies high-risk command policies 20
    DeleteBashPolicies Deletes high-risk command policies 20
    DeleteBashRules Deletes high-risk command rules 20
    ModifyBashPolicyStatus Switches the statuses of high-risk command policies 20
    SwitchBashRules Switches the statuses of high-risk command rules 20
    CheckBashPolicyParams Verifies parameters for high-risk commands added by the user 20
    CheckBashRuleParams Verifies parameters for adding high-risk command user rules 20
    DescribeBashEventsInfo High-risk command details 20
    DescribeBashEventsInfoNew Obtains high-risk command details (new) 20
    ExportBashEvents Exports high-risk command events 20
    ExportBashEventsNew Exports high-risk command events (new) 20
    ExportBashPolicies Exports the high-risk command policy 20

    Local Privilege Escalation APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    DeletePrivilegeEvents Deletes local privilege escalation events 20
    DescribePrivilegeRules Obtains the list of local privilege escalation rules 20
    DeletePrivilegeRules Deletes local privilege elevation rules 20
    EditPrivilegeRules Adds or Modifies local privilege elevation rules (multiple servers supported) 20
    DescribePrivilegeEventInfo Queries local privilege escalation details 20
    ExportPrivilegeEvents Exports local privilege escalation events 20

    Reverse Shell APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    DescribeReverseShellEvents Obtains the list of Reverse Shell 20
    DeleteReverseShellEvents Deletes Reverse Shell events 20
    DescribeReverseShellRules Obtains the list of Reverse Shell rules 20
    DeleteReverseShellRules Deletes Reverse Shell rules 20
    EditReverseShellRules Edits reverse shell rules (multiple servers supported) 20
    DescribeReverseShellEventInfo Queries reverse shell details 20
    ExportReverseShellEvents Exports reverse shell events 20

    Vulnerability Management APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    ScanVul Performs one-click vulnerability scans 20
    DescribeScanSchedule Queries the detection progress 20
    ScanVulAgain Redetects the API 20
    DescribeVdbAndPocInfo Obtains virus database and POC updates 20
    DescribeVulEmergentMsg Obtains vulnerability emergency notifications 20
    DescribeVulTop Obtains statistics of top vulnerability 20
    DescribeVulHostTop Obtains the list of top server risks 20
    DescribeVulHostCountScanTime Obtains the number of vulnerabilities pending to be processed and affected hosts 20
    DescribeUndoVulCounts Obtains the number of vulnerabilities of a specified category 20
    DescribeVulCountByDates Obtains the number of vulnerabilities of specified types in recent days and the number of hosts 20
    DescribeVulLevelCount Queries the statistics of vulnerability quantity and level distribution 20
    ExportVulList Exports the vulnerability list 15
    CreateEmergencyVulScan Creates emergency vulnerability scan tasks 20
    DescribeVulCveIdInfo Queries vulnerability details by CveId 20
    DescribeVulInfoCvss Vulnerability details 20
    DescribeVulEffectHostList Obtains the list of hosts affected by vulnerabilities 10
    DescribeVulEffectModules List of components affected by vulnerabilities 20
    ExportVulEffectHostList Exports the list of hosts affected by vulnerabilities 20
    ExportVulInfo Exports the vulnerability information 20
    IgnoreImpactedHosts Ignores vulnerabilities 20
    CancelIgnoreVul Unignores the vulnerabilities 20
    ExportVulDetectionReport Exports the vulnerability detection report 20
    ModifyVulDefenceSetting Modifies vulnerability defense plugin settings 20
    ExportVulDefencePluginEvent Exports vulnerability defense plugin events 20
    DescribeVulDefencePluginDetail Obtain the vulnerability defense plugin information on a single host 20
    DescribeVulDefenceEvent Obtains the list of vulnerability defense events 20
    ExportVulDefenceEvent Exports vulnerability defense events 20
    ModifyVulDefenceEventStatus Changes the vulnerability defense event status 20
    DescribeDefenceEventDetail Obtains vulnerability defense event details 20
    CreateVulFix Submits the vulnerabilities and fixes them 20
    DescribeCanFixVulMachine Queries the fixable host information 20
    DescribeMachineSnapshot Query recent snapshots created by the host 20
    DescribeVulDefenceList Queries the vulnerability defense list 20
    DescribeVulFixStatus Checks the host vulnerability fixing progress 20
    ExportVulDefenceList Exports the list of vulnerability defenses 20
    RetryCreateSnapshot Retries to create snapshots 20
    RetryVulFix Retries to fix vulnerabilities 20
    DescribeScanVulSetting Queries the configuration for regular detection 20
    ScanVulSetting Completes regular vulnerability scan settings 20
    DescribeEmergencyVulList List of emergency vulnerabilities 20
    DescribeVulDefencePluginStatus Obtains the vulnerability defense plugin status of each host 20
    ExportVulDetectionExcel Exports the vulnerability detection Excel document. 20
    DescribeVulList List of vulnerabilities 20

    New Baseline Management APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    DeleteBaselinePolicy Deletes the baseline policy configuration 20
    DescribeBaselineHostDetectList Obtains the list of hosts for baseline detection 20
    DescribeBaselineItemDetectList Obtains the list of baseline detection items 20
    DescribeBaselineItemList Obtains the list of check results on baseline check items 20
    DescribeBaselinePolicyList Obtains the list of baseline policies 20
    DescribeBaselineWeakPasswordList Obtains the list of baseline weak passwords 20
    DescribeIgnoreHostAndItemConfig Obtains the information of affected inspection items and hosts ignored with one click. 20
    ExportBaselineFixList Exports the list of fixing baselines 20
    ExportBaselineHostDetectList Exports the baseline for host detection 20
    ExportBaselineItemDetectList Exports baseline check items 20
    StartBaselineDetect Performs baseline checks 20
    StopBaselineDetect Stops baseline check 20
    SyncBaselineDetectSummary Syncs the summary of baseline detection progress 20
    DescribeHotVulTop Obtains hot spot vulnerabilities across the entire network 20
    DescribeVulStoreList Obtains the vulnerability database list 20
    ModifyBaselinePolicy Modifies or adds baseline policy settings 20

    Baseline Management APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    DescribeBaselineTop TOP baseline detection items 20
    DescribeBaselineHostTop Top N server risk APIs 20
    DescribeBaselineDefaultStrategyList Queries the list information of default policies of the baseline 20
    CreateBaselineStrategy Creates a baseline policy 20
    DescribeStrategyExist Queries whether a policy exists by policy name 20
    UpdateBaselineStrategy Updates the baseline policy information 20
    DeleteBaselineStrategy Deletes the baseline policy 20
    DescribeBaselineStrategyList Queries the list of a user's baseline policies 20
    DescribeBaselineStrategyDetail Queries baseline policy details 20
    DescribeBaselineBasicInfo Queries the basic information of the baseline 20
    DescribeBaselineEffectHostList List of hosts affected by a baseline 20
    DescribeBaselineList Queries the baseline list 20
    DescribeBaselineDetail Queries baseline details 20
    DescribeSecurityBroadcastInfo Queries the information of security report articles 20
    ScanBaseline Baseline detection APIs 20
    DescribeBaselineScanSchedule Queries the baseline detection progress 20
    CheckFirstScanBaseline Queries whether the baseline is detected for the first time 20
    ChangeStrategyEnableStatus Changes policy availability status 20
    ChangeRuleEventsIgnoreStatus Changes the event ignoring status 20
    DescribeIgnoreBaselineRule Queries the information of ignored inspection items 20
    DescribeIgnoreRuleEffectHostList Queries the list of hosts affected by ignored detection items 20
    DescribeBaselineRule Queries the baseline check item information 20
    ExportBaselineEffectHostList Exports the list of hosts affected by baseline 20
    ExportBaselineList Exports the baseline list 20
    ExportIgnoreBaselineRule Exports ignored baseline detection items 20
    ExportIgnoreRuleEffectHostList Exports the list of hosts affected by ignored detection items 20

    Advanced Defense APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    DescribeAttackEvents List of network attack detection events 20
    DescribeAttackLogs List of network attack logs (Discarded. Use DescribeAttackEvents instead.) 20
    DescribeMachineDefenseCnt Queries the statistics of advanced defense events for hosts 20
    DescribeMachineRiskCnt Queries the statistics of host intrusion detection events 20
    ExportFileTamperEvents Exports core file events 20
    DescribeAttackVulTypeList Obtains the list of network attack threat types 20
    DescribeVulLabels Obtains the vulnerability tag list 20
    DescribeVulOverview Obtains the data of vulnerability overview 20
    CheckFileTamperRule Checks the rule parameters entered at the core file monitoring frontend 20
    DescribeRansomDefenseBackupList Queries the list of host snapshot backups 20
    DescribeRansomDefenseEventsList Queries the anti-ransomware event list 20
    DescribeRansomDefenseMachineList Queries the list of backup details 20
    DescribeRansomDefenseRollBackTaskList Queries the rollback task list 20
    DescribeRansomDefenseStrategyMachines Queries the list of machines bound to an anti-ransomware policy 20
    ModifyWebPageProtectSwitch Enables or disables website protection 20
    ModifyFileTamperEvents Updates the core file events 20
    ModifyFileTamperRuleStatus Updates the core file rule status 20
    DescribeFileTamperEventRuleInfo Views the rule details API when an event occurs 20
    DescribeFileTamperRuleCount Queries the number of rules for monitoring files associated with a host 20
    DescribeFileTamperRuleInfo Queries details of a file monitoring rule 20
    ModifyRansomDefenseEventsStatus Modifies the status of anti-ransomware events 20
    DescribeFileTamperEvents Obtains the list of core file monitoring events 20
    DescribeRansomDefenseStrategyList Queries the list of anti-ransomware policies 20
    ExportRansomDefenseBackupList Exports the list of host snapshot backups 20
    ExportRansomDefenseEventsList Exports the list of anti-ransomware events 20
    ExportRansomDefenseMachineList Exports the backup details list 20
    ExportRansomDefenseStrategyList Exports the anti-ransomware policy list 20
    ExportRansomDefenseStrategyMachines Exports the list of machines bound to ransomware defense policies 20
    ModifyFileTamperRule Edits core file monitoring rules 20
    ExportFileTamperRules Exports core file monitoring rules 20
    ModifyNetAttackSetting Modifies network attack settings 20
    DescribeAttackEventInfo Obtains network attack details 20
    DescribeAttackStatistics Network attack data statistics 20
    DescribeAttackTop List of Top network attacks 20
    DescribeAttackTrends Obtains the network attack trend data 20
    DescribeNetAttackSetting Queries network attack settings 20
    ExportAttackEvents Exports network attack events 20

    Security Operation APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    DescribeHistoryService Queries the log retrieval service information 20
    DescribeLogStorageStatistic Obtains the statistics of the used log retrieval capacity. 20
    DescribeSearchLogs Obtains historical search records 20
    CreateSearchLog Adds history search records 20
    DescribeSearchTemplates Obtains the list of quick retrievals 20
    CreateSearchTemplate Adds the retrieval template 20
    DeleteSearchTemplate Deletes the retrieval template 20
    DescribeIndexList Obtains the index list 20
    DescribeESAggregations Obtains the aggregation result of the ES field 20
    DescribeLogType Obtains log types 20

    Expert Service APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    DescribeAvailableExpertServiceDetail Available order details 20
    DescribeExpertServiceOrderList Obtains the expert service order list 20
    DescribeExpertServiceList Obtains the security manager list 20
    DescribeMonthInspectionReport Downloads the monthly inspection report of the security manager 20
    DescribeEmergencyResponseList Obtains the emergency response list 20

    Other APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    DescribeLogStorageConfig Obtains the log storage configuration 20
    DescribeLogStorageRecord Obtains the record of stored log size 20
    ModifyLogStorageConfig Modifies the log storage configuration 20
    DescribeTrialReport Queries the trial report 20
    DescribeAssetEnvList Queries the list of asset management environment variables 20
    DescribeABTestConfig Obtains the current grayscale configuration of the user 20
    DescribeRiskBatchStatus Queries whether the intrusion detection event update task is completed 20
    ExportTasks Exports tasks asynchronously 20
    DescribeGeneralStat Obtains the statistics data of hosts. 20
    DescribeScreenGeneralStat Obtains the visualized statistics data of hosts on the screen 20
    DescribeVersionStatistics Obtains the number of machines of Professional and Basic editions 20
    DescribeProVersionInfo Obtains the overview information of the Professional edition 20
    DescribeSafeInfo Queries the security notification 20
    DescribeOverviewStatistics Obtains the overview statistics 20
    DescribeSecurityDynamics Obtains the dynamic message of security events 20
    CreateRansomDefenseStrategy Creates or modifies anti-ransomware policies 20
    DescribeRansomDefenseMachineStrategyInfo Obtains the list of policies bound to a host 20
    DescribeRansomDefenseState Obtain user anti-ransomware trends 20
    DescribeRansomDefenseStrategyDetail Obtains the policy details 20
    DescribeRansomDefenseTrend Obtains the ransomware situation across the entire network 20
    DescribeSecurityEventStat Obtains the statistics of security events 20
    ModifyRansomDefenseStrategyStatus Modifies the anti-ransomware policy status in batches 20
    RansomDefenseRollback Rolls back anti-ransomware snapshots 20
    DescribeScreenAttackHotspot Obtains the attacked hot spots across the entire network through the large screen visualization 20
    DescribeScreenBroadcasts Obtains the security report on the large screen 20
    DescribeScreenDefenseTrends Obtains attack and defense trends on the large screen 20
    DescribeScreenEmergentMsg Obtains the visualized emergency notification on the large screen 20
    DescribeScreenEventsCnt Obtains the screen security event statistics data 20
    DescribeScreenHostInvasion Obtains the visualized host intrusion details on the large screen 20
    DescribeScreenMachineRegions Obtains the list of available visualized host regions on the large screen 20
    DescribeScreenMachines Obtains the visualized list of hosts on the large screen. 20
    DescribeScreenProtectionCnt Visualized introduction of CWPP engine on the large screen 20
    DescribeScreenRiskAssetsTop Top 5 risky assets (by today) on the large screen 20
    DescribeSecurityEventsCnt Obtains the statistics data of security events 20
    DescribeSecurityTrends Obtains the security event statistics data 20
    ExportSecurityTrends Exports risk trends 20
    DescribeScanTaskDetails Queries the scan task details 20
    DescribeScanState Queries the scan status 20
    DeleteScanTask Stops scan tasks 20
    DescribeScanTaskStatus Queries the list of machine scan statuses 20
    ScanTaskAgain Restarts the scan task 20
    DescribeAgentInstallCommand Obtains the agent installation command 20
    DescribePublicProxyInstallCommand Obtains the installation command of the public network access proxy 20
    DescribeVersionCompareChart Obtains the version comparison information 20
    CreateBuyBindTask Create a binding task for newly purchased authorizations 20
    SyncMachines Syncs the machine information 20
    CheckLogKafkaConnectionState Checks the connectivity for log shipping from Kafka 20
    CreateLogExport Creates log download tasks 20
    DeleteLogExport Deletes log download tasks 20
    DescribeAESKey Obtains the configured aeskey and aesiv 20
    DescribeAssetTypes Obtains the asset fingerprint type list 20
    DescribeAttackSource Backtrack attacks 20
    DescribeAttackSourceEvents Queries attack backtracking events 20
    DescribeCanNotSeparateMachine Obtains hosts where Trojans cannot be isolated 20
    DescribeClientException Obtain client exception events 20
    DescribeFastAnalysis Quick analysis and statistics of logs 20
    DescribeLogDeliveryKafkaOptions Queries the list of logs available for shipping to Kafka. 20
    DescribeLogExports Obtains the list of log download tasks 20
    DescribeLogHistogram Obtains the log histogram information 20
    DescribeLogIndex Queries the index 20
    DescribeLogKafkaDeliverInfo Obtains information of Kafka shipping 20
    DescribeScreenProtectionStat Obtains the security protection status on the large screen 20
    DescribeWarningHostConfig Queries the alarming machine scope settings 20
    ModifyLogKafkaAccess Adds or modifies the access configuration of logs shipped to Kafka 20
    ModifyLogKafkaDeliverType Modifies the shipping configuration and switch of the specified log category 20
    ModifyLogKafkaState Modifies the information of log shipping statuses 20
    ModifyEventAttackStatus Modifies the status of network attack events 20
    ModifyRiskEventsStatus Changes the status of intrusion detection events 20
    ModifyWarningHostConfig Modifies the alarming machine scope settings 20
    SearchLog Queries logs 20
    StopAssetScan Stops the asset scan task 20
    ClearLocalStorage Cleans up the locally stored data 20
    DescribeLicenseWhiteConfig Queries the configurations for authorization allowlists 20
    DescribeProductStatus Queries the product trial status 20
    GetLocalStorageItem Obtains the locally stored data 20
    KeysLocalStorage Obtains the list of locally stored key values 20
    RemoveLocalStorageItem Deletes the locally stored data 20
    SetLocalStorageExpire Sets the expiration time of the locally stored data 20
    SetLocalStorageItem Sets the locally stored data 20
    DescribeVulTrend Obtain information of the vulnerability situation 20
    ExportScanTaskDetails Exports scan task details 20
    DescribeAlarmIncidentNodes Obtains all node information on the event corresponding to an alarm 20
    DescribeAlarmVertexId Queries the list of alarm IDs 20
    DescribeEventByTable Queries alarm event details based on event table names and IDs 20
    DescribeProVersionStatus Obtains the status of Professional edition 20
    DescribeVertexDetail Obtains the attribute information of the specified point. 20
    DeleteWebHookPolicy Deletes alarm policies 20
    DeleteWebHookReceiver Deletes the alert recipient 20
    DescribeRecommendedProtectCpu Queries the recommended number of protection cores for purchase 20
    DescribeUsersConfig Queries the user's configuration 20
    DescribeWebHookPolicy Queries alarm policies 20
    DescribeWebHookReceiver Queries the list of alarm recipients 20
    DescribeWebHookReceiverUsage Queries the usage of policies associated with the specified alarm recipient 20
    ModifyUsersConfig Modifies user settings 20
    ModifyWebHookPolicy Adds or modifies alarm policies. 20
    ModifyWebHookPolicyStatus Modifies the alarm policy switch 20
    ModifyWebHookReceiver Adds or updates the alarm recipient 20

    Overview Statistics APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    DescribeSecurityProtectionStat Obtains the status of security protection 20
    DescribeSecurityBroadcasts Security report list 20

    Settings Center APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    DescribeWarningList Obtains the list of the current user's alarms 20
    ModifyWarningSetting Modifies alarm settings 20
    ModifyAutoOpenProVersionConfig Sets the configuration of automatic enabling 20
    DescribeLicenseGeneral Obtains the authorization overview information 20
    DescribeLicenseList Obtains the authorization order list 20
    DeleteLicenseRecord Deletes authorization records 20
    DescribeLicenseBindList Views the list of hosts bound to the authorization 20
    ModifyLicenseBinds Binds machines to an authorization in batches 20
    DescribeLicenseBindSchedule Queries the binding progress of the authorization 20
    CreateLicenseOrder Creates authorization orders 20
    DeleteLicenseRecordAll Deletes all authorization records 20
    DestroyOrder Terminates orders 20
    CreateWhiteListOrder Creates allowlist orders 20
    DeleteWebHookRule Deletes the rules of WeCom chatbots 20
    DescribeLicense Queries the authorization information 20
    DescribeWebHookRule Obtains the details of the WeCom chatbot rules 20
    DescribeWebHookRules Obtains the list of WeCom chatbot rules 20
    ExportLicenseDetail Exports authorization details 20
    ModifyWebHookRule Adds or modifies the rules of WeCom chatbots 20
    ModifyWebHookRuleStatus Modifies the rules of WeCom chatbots. 20
    TestWebHookRule Tests the rules of WeCom chatbots 20
    CreateCloudProtectServiceOrderRecord Confirms the receipt after using the cloud escort service 20
    DescribeCloudProtectServiceOrderList Queries the list of cloud escort service orders 20
    ModifyLicenseOrder Edits authorization orders 20