tencent cloud


API Category

Last updated: 2024-12-06 16:32:08

    Other APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    DescribeSupportedProducts Queries the list of supported Tencent Cloud services 20

    Data Security APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    CreateProductSecret Creates Tencent Cloud service credential 20
    CreateSSHKeyPairSecret Creates an SSH key secret 20
    CreateSecret Creates a Secret 100
    DeleteSecret Deletes a Secret 50
    DeleteSecretVersion Deletes a Secret version 50
    DescribeAsyncRequestInfo Queries the execution result of async task 20
    DescribeRotationDetail Queries credential rotation details 20
    DescribeRotationHistory Queries the historical versions of rotated credential 20
    DescribeSecret Obtains the detailed information of a Secret 40
    DisableSecret Disables a Secret 50
    EnableSecret Enables a Secret 50
    GetRegions Obtains the list of regions displayed on Console 100
    GetSSHKeyPairValue Obtains the plaintext value of the SSH key secret 20
    GetSecretValue Obtains the plaintext of a Secret 300
    GetServiceStatus Obtains the service status of a user 50
    ListSecretVersionIds Obtains the list of versions of a Secret 40
    ListSecrets Obtains the list of Secret information 30
    PutSecretValue Adds a new Secret version 100
    RestoreSecret Restores a PendingDelete Secret 50
    RotateProductSecret Rotates Tencent Cloud service credential 20
    UpdateDescription Updates the description of a Secret 20
    UpdateRotationStatus Sets Tencent Cloud service credential rotation policy 20
    UpdateSecret Updates the content of a Secret 50