tencent cloud


Request Structure

Last updated: 2023-05-04 17:40:07

1. Service Address

The API supports access from either a nearby region (at cfw.tencentcloudapi.com) or a specified region (at cfw.ap-guangzhou.tencentcloudapi.com for Guangzhou, for example).

We recommend using the domain name to access the nearest server. When you call an API, the request is automatically resolved to a server in the region nearest to the location where the API is initiated. For example, when you initiate an API request in Guangzhou, this domain name is automatically resolved to a Guangzhou server, the result is the same as that of specifying the region in the domain like "cfw.ap-guangzhou.tencentcloudapi.com".

Note: For latency-sensitive businesses, we recommend that you specify the region in the domain name.

Tencent Cloud currently supports the following regions:

Hosted region Domain name
Local access region (recommended, only for non-financial availability zones) cfw.tencentcloudapi.com
South China (Guangzhou) cfw.ap-guangzhou.tencentcloudapi.com
East China (Shanghai) cfw.ap-shanghai.tencentcloudapi.com
North China (Beijing) cfw.ap-beijing.tencentcloudapi.com
Southwest China (Chengdu) cfw.ap-chengdu.tencentcloudapi.com
Southwest China (Chongqing) cfw.ap-chongqing.tencentcloudapi.com
Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan (Hong Kong, China) cfw.ap-hongkong.tencentcloudapi.com
Southeast Asia (Singapore) cfw.ap-singapore.tencentcloudapi.com
Southeast Asia (Bangkok) cfw.ap-bangkok.tencentcloudapi.com
South Asia (Mumbai) cfw.ap-mumbai.tencentcloudapi.com
Northeast Asia (Seoul) cfw.ap-seoul.tencentcloudapi.com
Northeast Asia (Tokyo) cfw.ap-tokyo.tencentcloudapi.com
U.S. East Coast (Virginia) cfw.na-ashburn.tencentcloudapi.com
U.S. West Coast (Silicon Valley) cfw.na-siliconvalley.tencentcloudapi.com
North America (Toronto) cfw.na-toronto.tencentcloudapi.com
Europe (Frankfurt) cfw.eu-frankfurt.tencentcloudapi.com

2. Communications Protocol

All the Tencent Cloud APIs communicate via HTTPS, providing highly secure communication tunnels.

3. Request Methods

Supported HTTP request methods:

  • POST (recommended)
  • GET

The Content-Type types supported by POST requests:

  • application/json (recommended). The TC3-HMAC-SHA256 signature algorithm must be used.
  • application/x-www-form-urlencoded. The HmacSHA1 or HmacSHA256 signature algorithm must be used.
  • multipart/form-data (only supported by certain APIs). You must use TC3-HMAC-SHA256 to calculate the signature.

The size of a GET request packet is up to 32 KB. The size of a POST request is up to 1 MB when the HmacSHA1 or HmacSHA256 signature algorithm is used, and up to 10 MB when TC3-HMAC-SHA256 is used.

4. Character Encoding

Only UTF-8 encoding is used.