If there is an Error field in the response, it means that the API call failed. For example:
"Response": {
"Error": {
"Code": "AuthFailure.SignatureFailure",
"Message": "The provided credentials could not be validated. Please check your signature is correct."
"RequestId": "ed93f3cb-f35e-473f-b9f3-0d451b8b79c6"
Code in Error indicates the error code, and Message indicates the specific information of the error.
Error Code | Description |
ActionOffline | This API has been deprecated. |
AuthFailure.InvalidAuthorization | Authorization in the request header is invalid. |
AuthFailure.InvalidSecretId | Invalid key (not a TencentCloud API key type). |
AuthFailure.MFAFailure | MFA failed. |
AuthFailure.SecretIdNotFound | Key does not exist. Check if the key has been deleted or disabled in the console, and if not, check if the key is correctly entered. Note that whitespaces should not exist before or after the key. |
AuthFailure.SignatureExpire | Signature expired. Timestamp and server time cannot differ by more than five minutes. Please ensure your current local time matches the standard time. |
AuthFailure.SignatureFailure | Invalid signature. Signature calculation error. Please ensure you’ve followed the signature calculation process described in the Signature API documentation. |
AuthFailure.TokenFailure | Token error. |
AuthFailure.UnauthorizedOperation | The request is not authorized. For more information, see the CAM documentation. |
DryRunOperation | DryRun Operation. It means that the request would have succeeded, but the DryRun parameter was used. |
FailedOperation | Operation failed. |
InternalError | Internal error. |
InvalidAction | The API does not exist. |
InvalidParameter | Incorrect parameter. |
InvalidParameterValue | Invalid parameter value. |
InvalidRequest | The multipart format of the request body is incorrect. |
IpInBlacklist | Your IP is in uin IP blacklist. |
IpNotInWhitelist | Your IP is not in uin IP whitelist. |
LimitExceeded | Quota limit exceeded. |
MissingParameter | A parameter is missing. |
NoSuchProduct | The product does not exist. |
NoSuchVersion | The API version does not exist. |
RequestLimitExceeded | The number of requests exceeds the frequency limit. |
RequestLimitExceeded.GlobalRegionUinLimitExceeded | Uin exceeds the frequency limit. |
RequestLimitExceeded.IPLimitExceeded | The number of ip requests exceeds the frequency limit. |
RequestLimitExceeded.UinLimitExceeded | The number of uin requests exceeds the frequency limit. |
RequestSizeLimitExceeded | The request size exceeds the upper limit. |
ResourceInUse | Resource is in use. |
ResourceInsufficient | Insufficient resource. |
ResourceNotFound | The resource does not exist. |
ResourceUnavailable | Resource is unavailable. |
ResponseSizeLimitExceeded | The response size exceeds the upper limit. |
ServiceUnavailable | Service is unavailable now. |
UnauthorizedOperation | Unauthorized operation. |
UnknownParameter | Unknown parameter. |
UnsupportedOperation | Unsupported operation. |
UnsupportedProtocol | HTTP(S) request protocol error; only GET and POST requests are supported. |
UnsupportedRegion | API does not support the requested region. |
Error Code | Description |
FailedOperation.ApiGateway | Failed to create the API gateway trigger. |
FailedOperation.Apigw | Failed to create the trigger. |
FailedOperation.AsyncEventStatus | This operation is not supported by the current async event status. Please try again later. |
FailedOperation.AuthFailure | Login information verification failed and token verification failed. |
FailedOperation.CallRoleFailed | Failed to query the role information. |
FailedOperation.CopyAsyncRun | CopyAsyncRun parameter error |
FailedOperation.CopyFailed | Failed to replicate the function. |
FailedOperation.CopyFunction | Replication to this region is not supported. |
FailedOperation.Cos | Failed to operate on the COS resources. |
FailedOperation.CreateAlias | Failed to create the alias. |
FailedOperation.CreateNamespace | Failed to create the namespace. |
FailedOperation.CreateTrigger | This operation is not supported in the current function state. |
FailedOperation.DebugModeStatus | This operation cannot be performed in the current debugging status. |
FailedOperation.DeleteAlias | Failed to delete the alias. |
FailedOperation.DeleteFunction | This operation cannot be performed in the current function status. Please try again when the function is in normal status. |
FailedOperation.DeleteLayerVersion | Failed to delete the layer version. |
FailedOperation.DeleteNamespace | The default namespace cannot be deleted. |
FailedOperation.DeleteTrigger | Failed to delete the trigger. |
FailedOperation.FunctionNameStatusError | You cannot update code in the current function state. Please try again when the state is normal. |
FailedOperation.FunctionStatusError | Operation failed. The function is deploying. |
FailedOperation.FunctionVersionStatusNotActive | This operation cannot be performed in the current function version status. Please try again when the version is in normal status. |
FailedOperation.GetAlias | Failed to get the alias information. |
FailedOperation.GetFunctionAddress | Failed to get the function code address. |
FailedOperation.InsufficientBalance | The current account or namespace is in arrears. Please try again when it becomes available. |
FailedOperation.InvokeFunction | Failed to invoke the function. |
FailedOperation.OperationConflict | Operation conflict. |
FailedOperation.ProvisionCreateTimer | Failed to create the scheduled provisioned concurrency scaling action |
FailedOperation.ProvisionDeleteTimer | Failed to delete the scheduled provisioned concurrency scaling action |
FailedOperation.ProvisionedExceedAvailable | Running out of available provisioned concurrency quota |
FailedOperation.ProvisionedExceedReserved | The provisioned concurrency exceeds the limit. |
FailedOperation.ProvisionedInProgress | The function version already has a provisioned concurrency setting task in progress. Please try again later. |
FailedOperation.PublishLayerVersion | Failed to publish the layer version. |
FailedOperation.PublishVersion | You cannot publish a version in the current function state. Please try again when the state is normal. |
FailedOperation.QueryError | |
FailedOperation.ReservedExceedTotal | The value of ReservedExceedTotal exceeds the limit. |
FailedOperation.ReservedInProgress | The function already has a reserved concurrency setting task in progress. Please try again later. |
FailedOperation.ServiceClosed | ServiceClosed. Please check and try again. |
FailedOperation.TopicNotExist | This topic does not exsit. |
FailedOperation.TotalConcurrencyMemoryInProgress | The user already has a concurrency quota setting task in progress. Please try again later. |
FailedOperation.UnOpenedService | The specified service has not been activated. Please submit a ticket for activation. |
FailedOperation.UpdateAlias | Failed to update the alias. |
FailedOperation.UpdateFunctionCode | You cannot update code in the current function state. Please try again when the state is normal. |
FailedOperation.UpdateStatus | Failed to update the status |
FailedOperation.UpdateTriggerStatus | The new status is the same as the previous one. |
InternalError.ApiGateway | Internal errors occurred during the creation of the apigw trigger. |
InternalError.Ckafka | ckafka API failure. |
InternalError.Cmq | Failed to delete the cmq trigger. |
InternalError.Cos | Failed to update the trigger. |
InternalError.ES | ES error. |
InternalError.Exception | Internal service error |
InternalError.System | Internal system error. |
InvalidParameter.Cls | Log parameter error |
InvalidParameter.FunctionName | The value of FunctionName does not conform to the specification. Please fix it and try again. For more information, please visit https://tencentcs.com/5jXKFnBW. |
InvalidParameter.ParamError | Function creation parameter error. |
InvalidParameter.Payload | Invalid request parameter. |
InvalidParameter.RequestTooLarge | Request size |
InvalidParameter.RoleCheck | RoleCheck parameter error |
InvalidParameter.RoutingConfig | Incorrect RoutingConfig parameter. |
InvalidParameterValue.Action | Invalid Action value. For more information, go to https://tencentcs.com/5jXKFnBW. |
InvalidParameterValue.AdditionalVersionWeights | Incorrect AdditionalVersionWeights parameter. |
InvalidParameterValue.Alias | The default alias cannot be deleted. Please check and try again. |
InvalidParameterValue.ApiGateway | ApiGateway parameter error. |
InvalidParameterValue.Args | The value of Args is incorrect. |
InvalidParameterValue.AsyncTriggerConfig | The parameter for async retry configuration of the function is invalid. |
InvalidParameterValue.Cdn | Cdn error. |
InvalidParameterValue.Ckafka | Ckafka error. |
InvalidParameterValue.ClientContext | Function running parameter error |
InvalidParameterValue.Cmq | Cmq error. |
InvalidParameterValue.Code | Code error. |
InvalidParameterValue.CodeSecret | CodeSecret error. |
InvalidParameterValue.CodeSource | CodeSource error. |
InvalidParameterValue.Command | The value of Command[Entrypoint] is incorrect. |
InvalidParameterValue.CompatibleRuntimes | Incorrect CompatibleRuntimes parameter. |
InvalidParameterValue.Content | Incorrect Content parameter. |
InvalidParameterValue.Cos | Cos error. |
InvalidParameterValue.CosBucketName | Invalid CosBucketName. |
InvalidParameterValue.CosBucketRegion | The value of CosBucketRegion is invalid. Please modify and try again. See: https://tencentcs.com/5jXKFnBW |
InvalidParameterValue.CosNotifyRuleConflict | COS notification rule conflict |
InvalidParameterValue.CosObjectName | Invalid CosObjectName. |
InvalidParameterValue.CustomArgument | CustomArgument exceeds the length limit. |
InvalidParameterValue.DateTime | DateTime error. |
InvalidParameterValue.DefaultNamespace | Failed to create the default namespace. |
InvalidParameterValue.Demo | The code parameter of the function template corresponding with the DemoID is error. |
InvalidParameterValue.DemoId | The DemoId does not exist. |
InvalidParameterValue.Description | Description error. |
InvalidParameterValue.DnsInfo | The configuration of the environment variable DNS[OS_NAMESERVER] is incorrect. |
InvalidParameterValue.Enable | The value of Enable does not conform to the specification. Please fix it and try again. For more information, please visit https://tencentcs.com/5jXKFnBW. |
InvalidParameterValue.Environment | Environment error. |
InvalidParameterValue.Filters | Filters parameter error. |
InvalidParameterValue.Function | The value of FunctionName is incorrect. See https://tencentcs.com/5jXKFnBW |
InvalidParameterValue.FunctionName | The function does not exist. |
InvalidParameterValue.FunctionRequestId | Request ID error |
InvalidParameterValue.FunctionType | FunctionType error |
InvalidParameterValue.GitBranch | The format of GitBranch is incorrect. |
InvalidParameterValue.GitDirectory | The format of GitDirectory is incorrect. |
InvalidParameterValue.GitPassword | The format of GitPassword is incorrect. |
InvalidParameterValue.GitUrl | The format of GitUrl is incorrect. |
InvalidParameterValue.GitUserName | The format of GitUserName is incorrect. |
InvalidParameterValue.Handler | Handler error. |
InvalidParameterValue.ImageType | ImageType error |
InvalidParameterValue.ImageUri | The input of imageUri is incorrect. |
InvalidParameterValue.InlineZipFile | Invalid InlineZipFile. |
InvalidParameterValue.InvokeType | The InvokeType value does not conform to the specification. Please fix it and try again. |
InvalidParameterValue.LayerName | Incorrect LayerName parameter. |
InvalidParameterValue.Limit | Limit error. |
InvalidParameterValue.LimitExceeded | The parameter exceeds the length limit. |
InvalidParameterValue.MinCapacity | MinCapacity parameter input error. |
InvalidParameterValue.Name | Incorrect Name parameter. |
InvalidParameterValue.Namespace | Namespace error. |
InvalidParameterValue.NamespaceInvalid | Incorrect Namespace. A namespace contains up to 30 characters of letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores (_). |
InvalidParameterValue.Offset | Invalid offset. |
InvalidParameterValue.Order | Order error. |
InvalidParameterValue.OrderBy | The value of OrderBy does not conform to the specification. Please fix it and try again. For more information, please visit https://tencentcs.com/5jXKFnBW. |
InvalidParameterValue.Orderby | Orderby error. |
InvalidParameterValue.Param | The input parameter is not in the standard JSON format. |
InvalidParameterValue.ProvisionTriggerCronConfigDuplicate | Cron expression of the scheduled action already exists |
InvalidParameterValue.ProvisionTriggerName | TriggerName input parameter error |
InvalidParameterValue.ProvisionTriggerNameDuplicate | TriggerName already exists |
InvalidParameterValue.ProvisionType | ProvisionType input parameter error |
InvalidParameterValue.Qualifier | Unsupported function version. |
InvalidParameterValue.QueryVersion | Version parameter error |
InvalidParameterValue.RegistryId | The value Enterprise Edition image ID [RegistryId] is incorrect. |
InvalidParameterValue.RetCode | Invalid RetCode |
InvalidParameterValue.RoutingConfig | The value of RoutingConfig does not conform to the specification. Please fix it and try again. For more information, please visit https://tencentcs.com/5jXKFnBW. |
InvalidParameterValue.Runtime | Runtime error. |
InvalidParameterValue.SearchKey | The searchkey is not Keyword , Tag , or Runtime . |
InvalidParameterValue.SecretInfo | SecretInfo error |
InvalidParameterValue.ServiceName | Invalid ServiceName. |
InvalidParameterValue.Stamp | The value of Stamp does not meet the specification. Please fix it and try again. |
InvalidParameterValue.StartTime | The start time is incorrect. |
InvalidParameterValue.StartTimeOrEndTime | You need to specify both the start time and the end time. |
InvalidParameterValue.Status | The Status value does not conform to the specification. Please fix it and try again. |
InvalidParameterValue.TempCosObjectName | Invalid TempCosObjectName. |
InvalidParameterValue.TrackingTarget | TrackingTarget parameter error |
InvalidParameterValue.TriggerCronConfig | TriggerCronConfig input parameter error |
InvalidParameterValue.TriggerCronConfigTimeInterval | The interval of triggering specified in TriggerCronConfig is smaller than the specified value. |
InvalidParameterValue.TriggerDesc | TriggerDesc error. |
InvalidParameterValue.TriggerName | TriggerName error. |
InvalidParameterValue.TriggerProvisionedConcurrencyNum | TriggerProvisionedConcurrencyNum input parameter error |
InvalidParameterValue.Type | Type error. |
InvalidParameterValue.ZipFile | A non-standard zip file was detected. Please recompress and try again. |
InvalidParameterValue.ZipFileBase64BinasciiError | Failed to Base64-decode the compressed file: Incorrect padding . Please fix it and try again. |
LimitExceeded.Alias | The number of aliases exceeds the upper limit. |
LimitExceeded.Cdn | The Cdn usage exceeds the upper limit. |
LimitExceeded.ContainerImageAccelerate | Reached the upper limit of function versions enabling image acceleration |
LimitExceeded.ContainerImageAccelerateQuota | Reached the upper limit of function versions enabling image acceleration |
LimitExceeded.Function | If the number of functions exceeds the upper limit, you can apply for an increase by submitting a ticket. |
LimitExceeded.FunctionOnTopic | The number of functions under the same topic exceeds the upper limit. |
LimitExceeded.FunctionProvisionedConcurrencyMemory | The value of FunctionProvisionedConcurrencyMemory has reached the upper limit. You can submit a ticket to increase it at https://mc.tencent.com/dI7DzbBV. |
LimitExceeded.FunctionReservedConcurrencyMemory | The function's reserved concurrency memory has exceeded the limit. |
LimitExceeded.FunctionTotalProvisionedConcurrencyMemory | The value of FunctionTotalProvisionedConcurrencyMemory has reached the upper limit. You can submit a ticket to increase it at https://mc.tencent.com/dI7DzbBV. |
LimitExceeded.FunctionTotalProvisionedConcurrencyNum | The total amount of provisioned concurrency of the function has exceeded the limit. |
LimitExceeded.LayerVersions | The number of layer versions exceeds the upper limit. |
LimitExceeded.Layers | |
LimitExceeded.MaxCapacity | Reached the upper limit of dynamic scaling. |
LimitExceeded.Memory | The memory exceeds the upper limit. |
LimitExceeded.MsgTTL | The message retention period in the async retry configuration of the function exceeds the limit. |
LimitExceeded.Namespace | If the number of namespaces exceeds the upper limit, you can apply for an increase by submitting a ticket. |
LimitExceeded.Offset | Offset exceeds the upper limit. |
LimitExceeded.ProvisionTriggerAction | The number of provisioned concurrency specified for the scheduled action is too large. |
LimitExceeded.ProvisionTriggerInterval | The interval of triggering is too short. |
LimitExceeded.Quota | Reached the upper limit of quota |
LimitExceeded.RetryNum | The number of retry attempts in the async retry configuration of the function exceeds the limit. |
LimitExceeded.Timeout | Timeout exceeds the upper limit. |
LimitExceeded.TotalConcurrencyMemory | The account concurrency memory has exceeded the limit. |
LimitExceeded.Trigger | If the number of triggers exceeds the upper limit, you can apply for an increase by submitting a ticket. |
LimitExceeded.UserTotalConcurrencyMemory | The value of UserTotalConcurrencyMemory has reached the upper limit. You can submit a ticket to increase it at https://tencentcs.com/7Fixwt63. |
OperationDenied.AccountIsolate | This account has been isolated. |
OperationDenied.AccountNotExists | |
ResourceInUse.Alias | The alias is in use. |
ResourceInUse.Cdn | Cdn is in use. |
ResourceInUse.Cmq | Cmq is in use. |
ResourceInUse.Cos | Cos is in use. |
ResourceInUse.FunctionName | This FunctionName already exists. |
ResourceInUse.LayerVersion | The layer version is in use. |
ResourceInUse.Namespace | This Namespace already exists. |
ResourceInUse.Trigger | This TriggerName already exists. |
ResourceInUse.TriggerName | This TriggerName already exists. |
ResourceInsufficient.COS | Insufficient COS resources. |
ResourceNotFound.Alias | The alias does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.AsyncEvent | The specified AsyncEvent was not found. Please create it and try again. |
ResourceNotFound.AttachedTagKeyNotFound | The tag key does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.Cdn | Cdn does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.Ckafka | Ckafka does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.Cmq | Cmq does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.Cos | Cos does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.Function | The function does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.FunctionName | The function does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.FunctionVersion | The function version does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.ImageConfig | Failed to find the specified ImageConfig . Please create it first. |
ResourceNotFound.Layer | The layer does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.LayerVersion | The layer version does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.Namespace | Namespace does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.Qualifier | The version does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.RoleCheck | The role does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.Timer | Timer does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.TotalConcurrencyMemory | The concurrency memory quota resource was not found. |
ResourceNotFound.Trigger | The trigger does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.Version | The version does not exist. |
ResourceUnavailable.InsufficientBalance | Your balance is insufficient. Please top up first. |
UnauthorizedOperation.CAM | CAM authentication failed. |
UnauthorizedOperation.CodeSecret | You do not have permissions to access the code. |
UnauthorizedOperation.CreateTrigger | You do not have permissions. |
UnauthorizedOperation.DeleteFunction | Unauthorized operation. |
UnauthorizedOperation.DeleteTrigger | You do not have permissions. |
UnauthorizedOperation.NotMC | This API is not called from the console. |
UnauthorizedOperation.Region | Region error. |
UnauthorizedOperation.Role | Not authorized to access your COS resources. |
UnauthorizedOperation.TempCosAppid | The Appid of TempCos is not consistent with the APPID of the request account. |
UnauthorizedOperation.UpdateFunctionCode | Operation failed. |
UnauthorizedOperation.UpdateTriggerStatus | You are not authorized for the operation. |
UnsupportedOperation.AliasBind | The resource is bound to an alias, and the current operation cannot be performed. Please unbind the alias and try again. |
UnsupportedOperation.Cdn | Cdn is not supported. |
UnsupportedOperation.CopyFunction | |
UnsupportedOperation.Cos | Cos operation is not supported. |
UnsupportedOperation.EipFixed | The specified EipFixed does not exist. |
UnsupportedOperation.NotSupportRegion | Unsupported region. |
UnsupportedOperation.PublishVersion | |
UnsupportedOperation.Region | This region is not supported. |
UnsupportedOperation.Trigger | Trigger operation is not supported. |
UnsupportedOperation.UpdateFunctionEventInvokeConfig | The specified configuration is not supported. Please modify and try again. |
UnsupportedOperation.VpcConfig | The specified VpcConfig does not exist. |
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