Aggregation function
Used by actions: DescribeAvailableMetrics.
Name | Type | Description |
Aggregation | String | Aggregation functions supported by the metric. |
Legend | String | Description after the aggregation function is applied to the metric. |
Unit | String | Metric unit after aggregation. |
Alert notification channel
Used by actions: CreateScenario, UpdateScenario.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
NoticeId | String | No | Notification template ID. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
AMPConsumerId | String | No | AMP consumer ID. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Alert notification recipient group.
Used by actions: DescribeAlertChannels.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
NoticeId | String | No | Notice ID. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
AMPConsumerId | String | No | Consumer ID. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
ProjectId | String | No | Project ID. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Status | Integer | No | Status. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
CreatedAt | String | No | Create time. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
UpdatedAt | String | No | Update time. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
AppId | Integer | No | App ID. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Uin | String | No | Account uin. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
SubAccountUin | String | No | Sub account uin. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Alert history record.
Used by actions: DescribeAlertRecords.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
AlertRecordId | String | No | Alert history record ID. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
ProjectId | String | No | Project ID. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
ScenarioId | String | No | Scenario ID. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Status | AlertRecordStatus | No | Status. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
CreatedAt | String | No | Create time. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
UpdatedAt | String | No | Update time. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
JobId | String | No | Job ID. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
AppId | Integer | No | App ID. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Uin | String | No | Account uin. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
SubAccountUin | String | No | Sub account uin. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
ScenarioName | String | No | Scenario name. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Target | String | No | Alert target. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
JobSLAId | String | No | SLA ID. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
JobSLADescription | String | No | SLA description. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Status of alert history record
Used by actions: DescribeAlertRecords.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
AbortJob | Integer | No | Success or failure of stopping performance test job. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
SendNotice | Integer | No | Success or failure of sending alert notification. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Sampling log attributes
Used by actions: DescribeSampleLogs.
Name | Type | Description |
Status | String | Response status code. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Result | String | Response result code. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Service | String | Request service. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Method | String | Request method. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Duration | String | Request duration. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Checkpoint summary results
Used by actions: DescribeCheckSummary.
Name | Type | Description |
Name | String | Checkpoint name. |
Step | String | Step name of the checkpoint. |
SuccessCount | Integer | Number of successful checks. |
FailCount | Integer | Number of failed checks. |
ErrorRate | Float | Error ratio. |
Load configuration for concurrency mode
Used by actions: CreateScenario, UpdateScenario.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Stages | Array of Stage | No | Array of multi-stage configuration. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
IterationCount | Integer | No | Number of iteration. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
MaxRequestsPerSecond | Integer | No | Maximum rps. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
GracefulStopSeconds | Integer | No | Graceful termination job waiting time. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Resources | Integer | No | Number of resource. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
COS temporary credentials.
Used by actions: GenerateTmpKey.
Name | Type | Description |
TmpSecretId | String | Temporary secret ID. |
TmpSecretKey | String | Temporary secret key. |
Token | String | Temporary token. |
Cron job.
Used by actions: DescribeCronJobs.
Name | Type | Description |
CronJobId | String | Cron job ID. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Name | String | Cron job name. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
ProjectId | String | Project ID. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
ScenarioId | String | Scenario ID. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
ScenarioName | String | Scenario name. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
CronExpression | String | Cron expression. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
EndTime | Timestamp ISO8601 | End time. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
AbortReason | Integer | Abort reason. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Status | Integer | Cron job status. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
NoticeId | String | Notice ID. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
CreatedAt | Timestamp ISO8601 | Create time. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
UpdatedAt | Timestamp ISO8601 | Update time. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
FrequencyType | Integer | Execution frequency type: 1, execute once only; 2, Daily; 3, Weekly; 4, Advanced mode using cron expression. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Note | String | Note. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
JobOwner | String | Cron job initiator. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
AppId | Integer | App ID. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Uin | String | Account uin. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
SubAccountUin | String | Sub account uin. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Sample includes metric, aggregation from original metric query statement.
Used by actions: DescribeSampleBatchQuery, DescribeSampleQuery.
Name | Type | Description |
Metric | String | Metric name. |
Aggregation | String | Aggregation condition. |
Labels | Array of Label | Label filter. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Value | Float | Value obtained from the query. |
Timestamp | Integer | Time is the number of milliseconds since the epoch (1970-01-01 00:00 UTC) excluding leap seconds. |
Unit | String | Unit corresponding to the metric, including s(second), bytes, bytes/s, reqs, reqs/s, checks, checks/s, iters, iters/s, VUs, %. |
Name | String | Metric name in PTS. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Metric matrix, which contains multiple metric sequence arrays.
Used by actions: DescribeSampleMatrixBatchQuery, DescribeSampleMatrixQuery.
Name | Type | Description |
Metric | String | Metric name. |
Aggregation | String | Aggregation function. |
Unit | String | Metric unit. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Streams | Array of SampleStream | Metric sequence array. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
DNS configuration of the pressure machine.
Used by actions: CreateScenario, UpdateScenario.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Nameservers | Array of String | No | DNS IP list. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Domain resolution configuration of the pressure machine.
Used by actions: CreateScenario, DescribeFiles, DescribeJobs, DescribeScenarios, UpdateScenario.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
HostAliases | Array of HostAlias | No | Domain configuration. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
DNSConfig | DNSConfig | No | DNS configuration. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Error Summary.
Used by actions: DescribeErrorSummary.
Name | Type | Description |
Status | String | Status code. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Result | String | Result code. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Count | Integer | Number of error occurrences. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Rate | Float | Error rate. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Message | String | Error message. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Proto | String | Request protocol type. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Used by actions: DescribeFiles.
Name | Type | Description |
FileId | String | File ID. |
Kind | Integer | File type. 1 represents parameter file, 2 represents protocol file, 3 represents request file. |
Name | String | Filename. |
Size | Integer | File size. |
Type | String | File type. The 'folder' represents a folder; if not specified, it represents a normal file. |
UpdatedAt | Timestamp ISO8601 | Update time. |
LineCount | Integer | Number of file lines. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
HeadLines | Array of String | First few rows of file. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
TailLines | Array of String | Last few rows of file. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
HeaderInFile | Boolean | Whether the header is in the file. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
HeaderColumns | Array of String | Parameter name. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
FileInfos | Array of FileInfo | Files in the folder. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
ScenarioSet | Array of Scenario | Associated scenario. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Status | Integer | File status. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
CreatedAt | Timestamp ISO8601 | Create time. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
ProjectId | String | Project ID. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
AppID | Integer | Deprecated. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Uin | String | Uin. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
SubAccountUin | String | Sub account uin. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
AppId | Integer | App ID of user account. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Basic file information
Used by actions: CreateFile, CreateScenario, DescribeFiles, DescribeJobs, DescribeScenarios, UpdateScenario.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Name | String | No | Filename Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Size | Integer | No | File size Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Type | String | No | File type Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
UpdatedAt | Timestamp ISO8601 | No | Update time Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
FileId | String | No | File ID Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Metric query filter.
Used by actions: DescribeErrorSummary, DescribeSampleBatchQuery, DescribeSampleMatrixBatchQuery, DescribeSampleMatrixQuery.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Operator | Integer | Yes | Equals: 0, not equals: 1. |
LabelName | String | Yes | Tag name, optional values include: 1. method, request method name; 2. proto: protocol name; 3. service: service name; 4. status: response status code; 5.result: response details 6.check: check name. |
LabelValue | String | Yes | Tag value, optional values include: 1.method: request method name, for example, GET, POST, PUT, etc. 2.proto: protocol name, for example, HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, etc. 3.service: service name, for example, the request URL such as 4.status: response status code, for example, 200, 404, 500, etc. 5.result: response details, used to determine whether the request was successful or failed; if successful, the result Tag value is ok; if failed, the result Tag carries an error code and description. 6.check: check name, the Tag value is the checkpoint name set by the user. |
Load distribution configuration.
Used by actions: CreateScenario, UpdateScenario.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
RegionId | Integer | Yes | Region ID. |
Region | String | No | Region. |
Percentage | Integer | No | Percentage. |
Domain configuration of the pressure machine.
Used by actions: CreateScenario, UpdateScenario.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
HostNames | Array of String | No | Domain list to be bound. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
IP | String | No | IP address to be bound. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
General metric query structure.
Used by actions: DescribeSampleBatchQuery, DescribeSampleMatrixBatchQuery.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Metric | String | Yes | Metric name. |
Aggregation | String | Yes | Aggregation Function, optional value including Rate, Count, Avg, P90, P95, P99, Gauge. |
Labels | Array of Label | No | Deprecated, please use 'Filters'. |
Filters | Array of Filter | No | Use label filter rules to filter metrics. Rules include LabelName, LabelValue, and Operator (0 means equal, 1 means not equal). |
GroupBy | Array of String | No | Metric group. |
Performance test job.
Used by actions: DescribeJobs, DescribeScenarioWithJobs.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
JobId | String | No | Job ID. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
ScenarioId | String | No | Scenario ID. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Load | Load | No | Load configuration. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Configs | Array of String | No | Deprecated. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Datasets | Array of TestData | No | Test datasets. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Extensions | Array of String | No | Deprecated. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Status | Integer | No | Job status, values including: JobUnknown: 0, JobCreated: 1, JobPending: 2, JobPreparing: 3, JobSelectClustering: 4, JobCreateTasking: 5, JobSyncTasking: 6, JobRunning:11,JobFinished:12,JobPrepareException:13,JobFinishException:14,JobAborting:15,JobAborted:16,JobAbortException:17,JobDeleted:18, JobSelectClusterException:19,JobCreateTaskException:20,JobSyncTaskException:21 Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
StartTime | Timestamp ISO8601 | No | Start time. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
EndTime | Timestamp ISO8601 | No | End time. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
MaxVirtualUserCount | Integer | No | Maximum VU. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Note | String | No | Note. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
ErrorRate | Float | No | Error rate percentage. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
JobOwner | String | No | Job owner. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
LoadSources | LoadSource | No | Deprecated. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Duration | Integer | No | Job duration. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
MaxRequestsPerSecond | Integer | No | Maximum requests per second. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
RequestTotal | Float | No | Total number of requests. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
RequestsPerSecond | Float | No | Average requests per second. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
ResponseTimeAverage | Float | No | Average response time. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
ResponseTimeP99 | Float | No | 99th percentile response time. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
ResponseTimeP95 | Float | No | 95th percentile response time. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
ResponseTimeP90 | Float | No | 90th percentile response time. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Scripts | Array of String | No | Deprecated. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
ResponseTimeMax | Float | No | Maximum response time. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
ResponseTimeMin | Float | No | Minimum response time. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
LoadSourceInfos | Array of LoadSource | No | Stress machine information. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
TestScripts | Array of ScriptInfo | No | Test script information. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Protocols | Array of ProtocolInfo | No | Protocol file information. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
RequestFiles | Array of FileInfo | No | Request file information. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Plugins | Array of FileInfo | No | Extension file information. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
CronId | String | No | Cron job ID. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Type | String | No | Scenario type. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
DomainNameConfig | DomainNameConfig | No | Domain binding configuration. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Debug | Boolean | No | Whether the job is a debug job. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
AbortReason | Integer | No | Abort reason. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
CreatedAt | Timestamp ISO8601 | No | Create Time. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
ProjectId | String | No | Project ID. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
NotificationHooks | Array of NotificationHook | No | Notification event callback. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
NetworkReceiveRate | Float | No | Bytes received per second. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
NetworkSendRate | Float | No | Bytes sent per second. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Message | String | No | Job status description. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
ProjectName | String | No | Project name. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
ScenarioName | String | No | Scenario name. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
PayMode | Integer | No | Billing type. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Usage | Integer | No | Job VUM usage. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Contains label name and label value.
Used by actions: DescribeSampleBatchQuery, DescribeSampleMatrixBatchQuery, DescribeSampleMatrixQuery, DescribeSampleQuery.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
LabelName | String | Yes | Label name. |
LabelValue | String | Yes | Label value. |
Label name and value.
Used by actions: DescribeMetricLabelWithValues.
Name | Type | Description |
LabelName | String | Label Name. |
LabelValues | Array of String | Label values. |
Load configuration.
Used by actions: CreateScenario, DescribeFiles, DescribeJobs, DescribeScenarios, UpdateScenario.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
LoadSpec | LoadSpec | No | Load configuration. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
VpcLoadDistribution | VpcLoadDistribution | No | Stress source from vpc. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
GeoRegionsLoadDistribution | Array of GeoRegionsLoadItem | No | Multi-region stress distribution. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Performance test host source.
Used by actions: DescribeJobs.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
IP | String | No | Pressure machine IP. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
PodName | String | No | Pressure machine pod. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Region | String | No | Region. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Load configuration.
Used by actions: CreateScenario, UpdateScenario.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Concurrency | Concurrency | No | Configuration for concurrency mode. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
RequestsPerSecond | RequestsPerSecond | No | Configuration for RPS mode. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
ScriptOrigin | ScriptOrigin | No | Built-in script mode. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Metric structure.
Used by actions: DescribeAvailableMetrics.
Name | Type | Description |
Metric | String | Metric name in backend. |
Alias | String | Metric name displayed in frontend. |
Description | String | Metric description. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
MetricType | String | Metric type. |
Unit | String | Default metric unit. |
Aggregations | Array of AggregationLegend | Aggregation functions supported by the metric. |
InnerMetric | Boolean | Whether it is an internal metric, internal metrics cannot be freely selected by users on the frontend. |
Metric provided by PTS with labels and values.
Used by actions: DescribeMetricLabelWithValues.
Name | Type | Description |
MetricName | String | Metric name. |
LabelValuesSet | Array of LabelWithValues | Labels and values. |
General log struct.
Used by actions: DescribeNormalLogs.
Name | Type | Description |
Timestamp | String | Timestamp in milliseconds. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
SeverityText | String | Log level. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Body | String | Log output content. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Message notification before and after job.
Used by actions: UpdateScenario.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Events | Array of String | No | Event. |
URL | String | No | Webhook URL. |
Event notification callback.
Used by actions: DescribeFiles, DescribeJobs, DescribeScenarios.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Events | Array of String | No | Event. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
URL | String | No | Callback URL. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Used by actions: DescribeProjects.
Name | Type | Description |
ProjectId | String | Project ID. |
Name | String | Project name. |
Description | String | Project description. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Tags | Array of TagSpec | Tags. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Status | Integer | Project status. |
CreatedAt | Timestamp ISO8601 | Create time. |
UpdatedAt | Timestamp ISO8601 | Update time. |
AppId | Integer | App ID. |
Uin | String | Uin. |
SubAccountUin | String | Sub account uin. |
Protocol file information.
Used by actions: CreateScenario, DescribeFiles, DescribeJobs, DescribeScenarios, UpdateScenario.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Name | String | No | Name. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Size | Integer | No | File size. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Type | String | No | File type, such as 'proto'. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
UpdatedAt | Timestamp ISO8601 | No | Update time. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
FileId | String | No | File ID. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Log response time RT range.
Used by actions: DescribeSampleLogs.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Min | String | No | Minimum response time (ms). |
Max | String | No | Maximum response time (ms). |
Used by actions: DescribeRegions.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Region | String | Yes | Region code. |
RegionId | Integer | Yes | Region ID. |
Area | String | No | Area where the region is located. |
RegionName | String | No | Region name. |
RegionState | Integer | No | Region state. |
RegionShortName | String | No | Region abbreviation. |
CreatedAt | Timestamp ISO8601 | No | Create time. |
UpdatedAt | Timestamp ISO8601 | No | Update time. |
Request details in performance test.
Used by actions: DescribeRequestSummary.
Name | Type | Description |
Service | String | Request URL. |
Method | String | Request method. |
Count | Integer | Number of requests. |
Average | Float | Average request response time (seconds). |
P90 | Float | Request p90 latency (seconds). |
P95 | Float | Request p95 latency (seconds). |
Min | Float | Minimum request latency (seconds). |
Max | Float | Maximum request latency (seconds). |
ErrorPercentage | Float | Request error rate. |
P99 | Float | Request p99 latency (seconds). |
Status | String | Response status code. |
Result | String | Response details. |
RPS | Float | Request per seconds, unit req/s. |
Load configuration for RPS mode.
Used by actions: CreateScenario, UpdateScenario.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
MaxRequestsPerSecond | Integer | No | Maximum rps. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
DurationSeconds | Integer | No | Duration time. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
TargetVirtualUsers | Integer | No | Deprecated. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Resources | Integer | No | Number of resources. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
StartRequestsPerSecond | Integer | No | Initial rps. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
TargetRequestsPerSecond | Integer | No | Target rps, invalid as an input parameter. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
GracefulStopSeconds | Integer | No | Graceful shutdown waiting time. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
SLA label.
Used by actions: CreateScenario, UpdateScenario.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
LabelName | String | No | Label name. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
LabelValue | String | No | Label value. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
SLA policy.
Used by actions: CreateScenario, DescribeFiles, DescribeScenarios, UpdateScenario.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
SLARules | Array of SLARule | No | SLA rules. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
AlertChannel | AlertChannel | No | Alert notification channel. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
SLA rule.
Used by actions: CreateScenario, UpdateScenario.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Metric | String | No | Metric. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Aggregation | String | No | Metric aggregation method. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Condition | String | No | Condition, such as '==' '!=' '<' '<=' '>' '>='. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Value | Float | No | Threshold value. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
LabelFilter | Array of SLALabel | No | Label. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
AbortFlag | Boolean | No | Whether to stop performance test job. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
For | String | No | Duration. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Sampled request logs.
Used by actions: DescribeSampleLogs.
Name | Type | Description |
Timestamp | String | Millisecond timestamp. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Attributes | Attributes | Log attributes. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Body | String | Request in har format in log. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Metric sample value with timestamp.
Used by actions: DescribeSampleMatrixBatchQuery, DescribeSampleMatrixQuery.
Name | Type | Description |
Timestamp | Integer | Timestamp. It is the number of milliseconds since the epoch (1970-01-01 00:00 UTC) excluding leap seconds. |
Value | Float | Value of a given sample at a given time. |
Stream of values belonging to a metric.
Used by actions: DescribeSampleMatrixBatchQuery, DescribeSampleMatrixQuery.
Name | Type | Description |
Labels | Array of Label | Metric labels. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Values | Array of SamplePair | Array of metric values. |
Name | String | Metric name. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Performance test scenario.
Used by actions: DescribeFiles, DescribeScenarioWithJobs, DescribeScenarios.
Name | Type | Description |
ScenarioId | String | Scenario ID. |
Name | String | Scenario name. |
Description | String | Scenario description. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Type | String | Type of scenario. Valid values: 'pts-http' represents the simple mode, 'pts-js' represents the script mode, 'pts-jmeter' represents the JMeter mode. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Status | Integer | Scenario status. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Load | Load | Load configuration. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
EncodedScripts | String | Deprecated. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Configs | Array of String | Deprecated. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Extensions | Array of String | Deprecated. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Datasets | Array of TestData | Test datasets. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
SLAId | String | Deprecated. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
CronId | String | CronJob ID. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
CreatedAt | String | Create time. |
UpdatedAt | String | Update time. |
ProjectId | String | Project ID. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
AppId | Integer | App ID. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Uin | String | Uin. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
SubAccountUin | String | Sub account uin. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
TestScripts | Array of ScriptInfo | Test scripts. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Protocols | Array of ProtocolInfo | Protocol files. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
RequestFiles | Array of FileInfo | Request files. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
SLAPolicy | SLAPolicy | SLA policy. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Plugins | Array of FileInfo | Extension plugin files. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
DomainNameConfig | DomainNameConfig | Domain name resolution configuration. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
NotificationHooks | Array of NotificationHook | Notification event hooks. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Owner | String | Creator name. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
ProjectName | String | Project name. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Parameters for querying jobs associated with a specific scenario.
Used by actions: DescribeScenarioWithJobs.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Offset | Integer | No | Offset, default value is 0. |
Limit | Integer | No | Number of returns. Default value is 20, maximum is 100. |
OrderBy | String | No | Field for sorting. |
Ascend | Boolean | No | Whether in ascending order. |
Scenario with jobs.
Used by actions: DescribeScenarioWithJobs.
Name | Type | Description |
Scenario | Scenario | Scenario. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Jobs | Array of Job | Job list. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Performance test script information.
Used by actions: CreateScenario, DescribeFiles, DescribeJobs, DescribeScenarios, UpdateScenario.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Name | String | No | Filename. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Size | Integer | No | File size. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Type | String | No | File type. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
UpdatedAt | Timestamp ISO8601 | No | Update time. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
EncodedContent | String | No | Base64-encoded file content. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
EncodedHttpArchive | String | No | Base64-encoded har structure. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
LoadWeight | Integer | No | Script weight, range 1-100. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
FileId | String | No | File ID. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Built-in script load model, not supported currently.
Used by actions: CreateScenario, UpdateScenario.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
MachineNumber | Integer | Yes | Machine number. |
MachineSpecification | String | Yes | Machine specification. |
DurationSeconds | Integer | Yes | Duration. |
Load configuration for a single stage in concurrency mode
Used by actions: CreateScenario, UpdateScenario.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
DurationSeconds | Integer | No | Duration time of this stage. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
TargetVirtualUsers | Integer | No | Target number of virtual users. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Used by actions: CreateProject, DescribeProjects, UpdateProject.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
TagKey | String | No | Tag key. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
TagValue | String | No | Tag value. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Test dataset.
Used by actions: CreateScenario, DescribeFiles, DescribeJobs, DescribeScenarios, UpdateScenario.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Name | String | Yes | File name of the test dataset. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Split | Boolean | Yes | Whether the dataset is sharded. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
HeaderInFile | Boolean | Yes | Whether the first row is parameter name. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
HeaderColumns | Array of String | No | Array of parameter name. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
LineCount | Integer | No | Number of file lines. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
UpdatedAt | Timestamp ISO8601 | No | Update time. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Size | Integer | No | File size. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
HeadLines | Array of String | No | First few rows of dataset. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
TailLines | Array of String | No | Last few rows of dataset. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Type | String | No | File type. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
FileId | String | No | File ID. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
Load specification in vpc mode
Used by actions: CreateScenario, UpdateScenario.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
RegionId | Integer | Yes | Region ID. |
Region | String | No | Region. |
VpcId | String | No | VPC ID. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |
SubnetIds | Array of String | No | List of subnet IDs. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value is found. |