Parameter Name | Required | Type | Description |
topicName | Yes | String | Topic name. It is unique under the same account in one region. The topic name is a string of no more than 64 characters, which can contain letters, numbers, and hyphens (-) and must begin with a letter. |
maxMsgSize | No | Int | Maximum message length. Value range is 1024-65536 Bytes (1-64 K). Default is 65536. |
filterType | No | Int | It is used to specify a message matching policy for a topic: filterType = 1 or null indicates that filterTag is used to filter messages for all the subscriptions under the topic; filterType = 2 indicates that bindingKey is used for filtering. Note: This parameter cannot be changed once configured. |
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
code | Int | 0: Succeeded, others: Error. See the table below for specific errors. |
message | String | Error message. |
requestId | String | Request ID generated by server. When there is an internal error on the server, users can submit this ID to the backend to locate the problem. |
topicId | String | Unique ID of a topic. Please note that Cloud APIs are called through name instead of ID. |
Error Code | Module Error Code | Error Message | Description |
4460 | 10550 | topic is already existed | A topic with the same name exists under the same account. |
4000 | 10590 | topic name format error | The format of the topic name is incorrect. |
4450 | 10610 | number of topics has reached the limit | The number of topics has reached the limit. Currently, the limit is 1,000. |
6040 | 10660 | It will take some time to release resources of previous topic before you can create a new topic with the same name. Please try later. | Failed to create a topic with the same name. It will take some time to release resources of the previous topic with the same name. Currently, to ensure data consistency of CMQ, it is not allowed to create a new topic with the same name within ten seconds after a topic is deleted. |
https://domain/v2/index.php?Action=CreateTopic&topicName=test-topic-123&<Common Request Parameters>
{"code" : 0,"message" : "","requestId":"14534664555","topicId":"topic-ajksdfasdowe"}