tencent cloud


API Category

Last updated: 2024-11-14 14:51:36

    Elastic Cluster APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    CreateEksLogConfig Creates Log Collection Configuration for Elastic Cluster 20

    Resource Reserved Coupon APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    DescribeReservedInstanceUtilizationRate Queries the usage rate of Reserved Coupons 20

    Cluster APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    AcquireClusterAdminRole Acquiring the RBAC Admin role of a cluster 20
    CreateClusterEndpoint Create a cluster access port 20
    CreateClusterEndpointVip Creates a public network access port for a managed cluster (This API will be disused soon.) 20
    DeleteCluster Deletes a cluster 50
    DeleteClusterEndpoint Delete cluster access port 20
    DeleteClusterEndpointVip Delete the external network access port of the managed cluster 20
    DescribeAvailableClusterVersion Obtains all versions that the cluster can upgrade to 20
    DescribeClusterAuthenticationOptions Queries cluster authentication configuration 20
    DescribeClusterCommonNames Obtains the CommomName for the sub-account to access the cluster 20
    DescribeClusterEndpointStatus Query cluster access port status 20
    DescribeClusterEndpointVipStatus Query the progress of enabling the public network port for a managed cluster 20
    DescribeClusterEndpoints Queries cluster access addresses 20
    DescribeClusterExtraArgs Queries custom parameters of a cluster 20
    DescribeClusterKubeconfig Obtains the cluster kubeconfig file 20
    DescribeClusterLevelAttribute Obtains the cluster model 20
    DescribeClusterLevelChangeRecords Queries the cluster model adjustment history 20
    DescribeClusterSecurity Queries the key information of a cluster. 100
    DescribeClusterStatus Queries the information of clusters under the current account 20
    DescribeClusters Queries TKE cluster list 20
    DescribeEdgeAvailableExtraArgs Queries the custom parameters available for an edge cluster 20
    DescribeEdgeClusterExtraArgs Queries custom parameters of an edge cluster 20
    DescribeResourceUsage Queries the cluster resource usage 20
    DescribeSupportedRuntime Retrieves optional runtime versions based on K8S version 20
    DisableClusterDeletionProtection Disables cluster deletion protection 20
    EnableClusterDeletionProtection Enables cluster deletion protection 20
    GetClusterLevelPrice Obtaining the price of specified cluster model 20
    GetUpgradeInstanceProgress Obtains the current progress of the node upgrade 20
    ModifyClusterAttribute Modifies cluster attributes 20
    ModifyClusterTags Modifies cluster tags. 20
    ModifyClusterAuthenticationOptions Modifies cluster authentication configuration 20
    ModifyClusterEndpointSP Modify the security policy of the external network port of the managed cluster 20
    ModifyClusterImage Modifies the cluster image 20
    ModifyClusterRuntimeConfig Modifies the cluster runtime configuration 20
    UpgradeClusterInstances Upgrades cluster nodes 20
    CreateBackupStorageLocation Creates a backup repository 20
    CreateCluster Creates a cluster 20
    DeleteBackupStorageLocation Deletes a backup repository 20
    DescribeBackupStorageLocations Queries backup repositories 20
    DescribeBatchModifyTagsStatus Queries batch modification Tag status 20
    DescribeEncryptionStatus Queries the encryption status of information 20
    DisableEncryptionProtection Disables encryption protection 20
    EnableEncryptionProtection Enables encryption protection 20
    UpdateClusterKubeconfig Updates Kubeconfig information of the cluster 20
    UpdateClusterVersion Upgrades cluster 20

    Third-party Node APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    DescribeExternalNodeSupportConfig Views third-party node pool configuration information 20

    Add-on APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    InstallAddon Installs an add-on 20
    DescribeAddon Queries the list of add-ons 20
    DescribeAddonValues Queries parameters of an add-on 20
    UpdateAddon Updates an add-on 20
    DeleteAddon Deletes an add-on 20

    Other APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    DescribeImages Gets image information 20
    DescribeRegions Queries the list of regions 20
    DescribeVersions Cluster version information 20
    CreateCLSLogConfig This API is used to create log collection configuration. 20
    DescribeLogSwitches Queries Cluster Log Switch List 20
    DeleteLogConfigs Deletes log collection rules 20
    DescribeLogConfigs Queries the log collection rules 20

    Network APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    CreateClusterRouteTable Creates a cluster route table. 20
    DeleteClusterRoute Deletes a cluster route. 20
    DeleteClusterRouteTable Deletes a cluster route table. 20
    DescribeClusterRouteTables Queries one or more cluster route tables. 50
    DescribeClusterRoutes Queries cluster routes. 50
    DescribeEnableVpcCniProgress Queries the async task progress of enabling VPC-CNI mode 20
    DescribeIPAMD Obtains eniipamd component information 20
    DescribeRouteTableConflicts Queries the list of route table conflicts. 20
    DescribeVpcCniPodLimits Queries the maximum number of Pods in the VPC-CNI mode supported by the model 20
    EnableVpcCniNetworkType Enables the VPC-CNI network mode 20
    AddVpcCniSubnets Adds the cluster subnets 20

    Node APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    CheckInstancesUpgradeAble Checks whether the nodes can be upgraded 20
    CreateClusterInstances Creates one or more cluster nodes. 20
    DeleteClusterInstances Deletes one or more nodes from a cluster. 20
    DescribeClusterInstances Queries the information of one or more nodes in a cluster. 20
    DescribeExistedInstances Queries one or more existing nodes. 20
    AddExistedInstances Adds one or more existing instances to a cluster. 20

    Node Pool APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    CreateClusterNodePool Creates a node pool 20
    DeleteClusterNodePool Deletes a node pool 20
    DescribeClusterAsGroupOption Cluster auto scaling configuration 20
    DescribeClusterNodePoolDetail Queries detailed information of a node pool 20
    DescribeClusterNodePools Queries the node pool list. 20
    ModifyClusterAsGroupOptionAttribute Modifies cluster auto scaling attributes 20
    ModifyClusterNodePool Edits a node pool 20
    RemoveNodeFromNodePool Removes a node from a node pool but retains it in the cluster. 20
    SetNodePoolNodeProtection Enabling removal protection for the nodes in a node pool 20
    AddNodeToNodePool Moves nodes in a cluster to a node pool 20
    ModifyNodePoolInstanceTypes Modify the model of instances in a node pool 20

    TKE Edge Cluster APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    CheckEdgeClusterCIDR Checks if the CIDR block of a TKE Edge cluster conflicts with other CIDR blocks 20
    DescribeAvailableTKEEdgeVersion Queries the K8s versions supported by TKE Edge. 20
    DescribeECMInstances Obtains the ECM instance information 20
    DescribeEdgeCVMInstances Obtains the edge CVM instance information 20
    DescribeEdgeClusterInstances Queries the TKE Edge cluster node information 10
    DescribeEdgeClusterUpgradeInfo Queries the upgrade information of an edge cluster 20
    DescribeTKEEdgeClusterStatus Queries the TKE Edge cluster status 20
    ForwardTKEEdgeApplicationRequestV3 Works with the add-ons of a TKE Edge cluster 20
    DescribeEdgeLogSwitches Queries TKE Edge cluster log switches 20
    CreateECMInstances Creates an ECM instance 20
    CreateEdgeCVMInstances Creates CVM instances in a TKE edge cluster 20
    CreateEdgeLogConfig Creates log collection configuration for a TKE Edge cluster 20
    DeleteECMInstances Deletes one or more ECM instances 20
    DeleteEdgeCVMInstances Deletes one or more edge CVM instances 20
    DeleteEdgeClusterInstances Deletes one or more edge compute instances 20
    DeleteTKEEdgeCluster Deletes a TKE Edge cluster 20
    DescribeTKEEdgeClusterCredential Obtains the authentication information of a TKE Edge cluster 20
    DescribeTKEEdgeExternalKubeconfig Obtains the kubeconfig for access to a TKE Edge cluster through the public network 20
    DescribeTKEEdgeScript Queries the URL of TKE edge script. 20
    InstallEdgeLogAgent Installs the log collection add-on on TKE Edge cluster nodes 20
    UninstallEdgeLogAgent Uninstalls the log collection add-on from TKE Edge cluster nodes 20
    UpdateEdgeClusterVersion Upgrades an edge cluster version 20
    DescribeTKEEdgeClusters Queries the list of TKE Edge clusters 20
    CreateTKEEdgeCluster Creates a TKE Edge cluster 20

    Cloud Native Monitoring APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    CreatePrometheusAlertRule Creates an alarm rule 20
    DeletePrometheusAlertRule Deletes an alarm rule 20
    DescribePrometheusInstance Obtains the instance details 20
    ModifyPrometheusAlertRule Modifies an alarm rule 20

    Scaling group APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    DeleteClusterAsGroups Delete a cluster scaling group 20
    DescribeClusterAsGroups Cluster-associated scaling group list 20
    ModifyClusterAsGroupAttribute Modify cluster scaling group attributes 20

    Super Node APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    DeleteClusterVirtualNode Deletes the super node 20
    DeleteClusterVirtualNodePool Deletes the Super Node Pool 20
    DescribeClusterVirtualNode Views the Super Node list 20
    DescribeClusterVirtualNodePools Views the Super Node Pool list 20
    DrainClusterVirtualNode Evicts the Super Node 20
    CreateClusterVirtualNodePool This API is used to create the Super Node Pool. 20
    ModifyClusterVirtualNodePool Modifies the Super Node Pool 20
    CreateClusterVirtualNode Creates the Pay-as-you-go Super Node 20
    DescribePodChargeInfo Queries the billing information of running Pods on Super Nodes 20