API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DescribeDefenseSwitch | Queries the list of firewall toggles with Intrusion Defense enabled | 20 |
ModifyBlockIgnoreList | Manages blocked/allowed IPs and domains. | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
AddAcRule | Adds edge firewall rules | 20 |
CreateAcRules | Creates access control rules. | 10 |
DescribeAcLists | Gets the access control list | 20 |
DescribeNatFwInfoCount | Gets the number of a user's subnets connected to NAT firewall and the number of NAT firewall instances | 20 |
DescribeNatFwInstance | Gets all NAT instances of a tenant | 20 |
DescribeNatFwInstancesInfo | Gets all NAT instance card information of a tenant. | 20 |
DescribeNatFwVpcDnsLst | Gets the VPC DNS status of NAT firewall instances | 20 |
DescribeRuleOverview | Gets the rule list overview | 20 |
DescribeTableStatus | Gets the rule list status | 20 |
ExpandCfwVertical | Increases the firewall bandwidth | 20 |
ModifyAcRule | Modifies rules | 10 |
ModifyAllRuleStatus | Enables or disables all rules | 20 |
ModifySequenceRules | Modifies rule priority | 10 |
ModifyTableStatus | Modifies rule list status | 20 |
SetNatFwDnatRule | Configures firewall DNAT rules | 20 |
AddNatAcRule | Adds NAT access control rules | 20 |
DescribeNatAcRule | Gets the NAT access control list | 20 |
ModifyNatAcRule | Modifies NAT access control rules | 20 |
ModifyEnterpriseSecurityDispatchStatus | Modifies the publishing status of an enterprise security group | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DescribeBlockByIpTimesList | Gets blocked IP data | 20 |
CreateNatFwInstance | Creates a NAT firewall instance (The Region parameter is required) | 20 |
CreateNatFwInstanceWithDomain | Creates a firewall instance with domain name (The Region parameter is required) | 20 |
DeleteResourceGroup | Deletes asset groups in Asset Management | 20 |
DeleteVpcInstance | Deletes firewall instance | 20 |
DescribeBlockIgnoreList | Gets allowlists or blocklists for intrusion prevention | 20 |
DescribeBlockStaticList | Gets the most frequent attacker | 20 |
DescribeGuideScanInfo | Gets the scan interface information in Get Started. | 20 |
DescribeIPStatusList | Gets the IP protection status | 5 |
DescribeNatFwInstanceWithRegion | Gets the NAT instance that can be maintained by the tenant | 20 |
DescribeResourceGroupNew | Gets the asset tree information in Asset Management | 20 |
DescribeSourceAsset | Gets all asset information of an asset group | 20 |
DescribeTLogInfo | Gets the current alert monitoring data | 20 |
DescribeTLogIpList | Gets the most frequent attacker IP | 20 |
DescribeUnHandleEventTabList | Gets unhandled security events | 20 |
ModifyAssetScan | Modifies asset scan settings | 20 |
ModifyBlockTop | Pins or unpins a blocking log | 20 |
ModifyNatFwReSelect | Gets the VPC or NAT list for changing associated firewall instances | 20 |
ModifyNatFwSwitch | Enables or disables a NAT firewall | 20 |
ModifyResourceGroup | Modifies the asset group information in Asset Management | 20 |
ModifyStorageSetting | Modifies log storage settings | 20 |
SetNatFwEip | Sets the firewall instance EIP | 20 |
ModifyNatSequenceRules | Change the sequence number of NAT firewall rules | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
AddEnterpriseSecurityGroupRules | Creates enterprise security group rules (new) | 20 |
CreateSecurityGroupRules | Creates enterprise security group rules | 20 |
DeleteSecurityGroupRule | Deletes security group rules | 20 |
DescribeAssociatedInstanceList | Gets the list of instances associated with a security group | 20 |
DescribeEnterpriseSecurityGroupRule | Gets enterprise security group rules (new) | 20 |
DescribeSecurityGroupList | Gets the security group rule list | 20 |
ModifyEnterpriseSecurityGroupRule | Modifies a new enterprise security group rule. | 20 |
ModifySecurityGroupItemRuleStatus | Enables or disables an enterprise security group rule | 20 |
ModifySecurityGroupSequenceRules | Sorts enterprise security group rules | 20 |
RemoveEnterpriseSecurityGroupRule | Deletes enterprise security group rules (new) | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DeleteAcRule | Deletes a rule | 10 |
DeleteAllAccessControlRule | Deletes all rules | 20 |
DescribeSwitchLists | Gets the firewall status list | 20 |
ModifyAllPublicIPSwitchStatus | Enables or disables one or multiple edge firewalls | 20 |
ModifyAllVPCSwitchStatus | Enables or disables one or multiple VPC firewalls | 20 |
ModifyNatFwVpcDnsSwitch | Modifies the VPC DNS status of NAT firewall instances | 20 |
ModifyPublicIPSwitchStatus | Enables or disables an edge firewall | 20 |
ModifyRunSyncAsset | Syncs assets - Internet & VPC (new) | 20 |
RemoveAcRule | Deletes edge firewall rules | 20 |
StopSecurityGroupRuleDispatch | Stops publishing security group rules | 20 |
RemoveNatAcRule | Deletes NAT access control rules | 20 |
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